sin totem

Chapter 246 The Sudden Death of Dares

On the second day, the Holy Landden Zhilun flew with the magic moon and flew into a shadow in the sky with the secluded, hidden evil, iron blood, and white-robed medicine saints.

As for Leizi and Zilan, who used the skill of blood and soul to subdue the fallen emperor, because they are both fifth-level, they have used their flight ability to return to the chaotic place under the arrangement of Youyuan before. I believe that there should be corresponding arrangements there at this time.

In more than three days and nearly four days, a group of six finally returned to the area of the North Stone Alliance in chaos.

Feeling the gradual rise of temperature, the winter chill has begun to dissipate, and the heart of Youyuan moved, which is a sign that spring is coming in a chaotic place.

Then, the construction of the City of Scars should also be put on the agenda. Youyuan clearly remembered to promise that he would restore his freedom as 10,000 slaves in the gold mine.

At that time, there will be tens of thousands of mining slaves who have restored their civilian status, coupled with the number of war-disaster exiles who have gathered at this time, as well as the power of govities and snow-tooth giants. I believe that in terms of labor, the on-time completion of the city of scars within three years will not be a problem at all.

Thinking about this, Youyuan was about to greet several people behind him back to the chaotic gold mine. Mu Ran Youyuan's face changed slightly and suddenly stopped moving forward in the sky.

When several other people saw Youyuan like this, they naturally stopped and looked at Youyuan strangely.

Iron-blooded looked down at the desolate land. Although it could be seen that it was emerging and developed, the caravans were countless, but it was still much worse than the fallen empire and frowned and looked at Youyuan.

"Is this a place of chaos?"

The magic moon wrapped in a layer of holy land fighting spirit beside Dun Zhilun saw Youyuan like this, and his beautiful eyes wrinkled, as if he had guessed something.

"Minister, is there something wrong in Beishi Town?"

Youyuan heard the two people's questions, gently rubbed his eyebrows and woke up from a trance.

What just caused the change in the face of Youyuan turned out to be the sudden and complete death of the blood demon seed king who controlled the slave trader Darus.

This also means that something should have happened in Beishi Town, and Dares still has considerable use in the original plan of Youyuan.


Now that he is dead, and the gold coins obtained by Youyuan in the fallen empire this time are beyond imagination, and it can reach tens of millions.

With such a huge investment, the construction of the City of Scars is more than enough to build another City of Scars.

But who killed Dares?

Youyuan was quite shocked by this matter. Moreover, the two fourth-order warriors around Dharai also died before and after, and the guy who has the ability to make such a thing is likely to be a holy land.

Is it a chaotic place dedicated to the Holy Land?

Demuer is the only one who can think of such hatred in the chaotic land.

Thinking of this, Youyuan no longer hesitated and looked at the magic moon that finally asked himself.

"Hmm, is it that I am the life of the scar gold mine minister in your heart? Remember, now we are working hard for the Lord of Scar City!"

Youyuan's joke made all the people present smile, and Huanyue was so happy that she turned back and forth, covering her breathless chest to a joking aristocratic etiquette in Youyuan.

"Haha, yes! I've met our future Lord of Scar City, haha."

Youyuan was also happy and did not continue this matter. He nodded slightly apologetically to everyone present.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, everyone. Something should have happened in Beishi Town, so we'd better go there to have a look first. There are a few things that may need to be dealt with there to see how the progress is.

Naturally, the people present had no objection and flew to the direction of Beishi Town at the speed of the Holy Land.

The reason why Youyuan was able to guess that there was likely to be a holy area on the other side of Beishi Town was that it was not impatient to be because the Youyuan and his party only arrived in Beishi Town only ten minutes away. In such a short time, even if there was a sanctuary there, they would definitely not be able to set off anything in Beishi Town, which has a magic tower. Waves.

Ten minutes later, several people in the sky over Beishi Town turned into a shadow.

Looking at most of Beishi Town, it is still extremely calm. Only the Dares slave market is very chaotic. Youyuan frowned. It seems that it should not be the arrival of Demuer in Youyuan's speculation.

Two figures appeared in the sky of Beishi Town one by one. It was the fifth-order sky warrior Lan Tuo sent by the fifth-order magic mentor Soloya and the Rose Xiang family.

After the two saw so many extremely strong breaths in the sky, their faces changed greatly, and even a slight paleness appeared.

But when the two saw Youyuan at a glance, they finally swallowed a shocking saliva. The huge stone in their hearts fell to the ground, and Youyuan came forward when they saw this.

"Two masters, what happened in Beishi Town? Why is the slave market on the other side of Dalles so chaotic?"

Lantuo looked at Soloya next to him, and Soloya smiled bitterly.

"Do you remember that Darus plundered more than 100 elf slaves from the Elf Empire a few years ago?"

Youyuan was stunned. Of course, I remember that even Dares was famous in the chaotic land at this time, which had a complete relationship with the elf empire's huge cost to redeem those slaves at that time.

Is it...

Is there someone over there?

Soroa nodded when he saw Youyuan, and his bitter smile was even stronger.

"Just now, the elf girl who once appeared and the fifth-level old Druid followed a male elf in the Holy Land with a short blade and an elf bow. If it hadn't been for the power of the magic tower, I would have been almost killed by the male elf in the Holy Land."

Youyuan was shocked. Is it true that someone came from there?

However, a male elf from the Holy Land came, which made Youyuan look slightly surprised and looked at Soroa again.

"So where have those three gone now?"

This time, Lan Tuo, who was beside Soloa, spoke first.

"Master Zhebo, who had just been angry, had chased him in that direction. Those elves may also be surprised that there was a holy land in Beishi Town, so they retreated."


Youyuan remembered that this Zhebo was the undead magician of the Holy Land who followed the three princes of Rose Fragrance. At this time, since Zhebo was already here, wouldn't it say that the Rose Fragrance family had made considerable progress!

Thinking of this, Youyuan was overjoyed and nodded to the two fifth-level existences in Beishi Town opposite, and flew in the direction pointed by Lan Tuo with the holy land behind him.

Later, watching Youyuan leave, Lan Tuo licked his dry lips, and a trace of shock and convulsions appeared on his face, slowly looking at Soloya next to him.

"If I didn't feel wrong just now, there are four holy places behind Minister Youyuan! If you add the holy land we already know called Sinbad and the extremely powerful bear man, there are six holy places in the scar gold mine at this time! Does Minister Youyuan intend to subvert the land of chaos?

Soya trembled slightly when he heard Lan Tuo's words around him.

"Subvert the land of chaos? No, in my opinion, this so-called chaotic land can never stop the sudden existence of this alien army. From my time in the Light Empire for more than 200 years, such an outstanding existence must be bright in the future! However... Let's not talk about this one in the future. At this time, this one is no longer at the same level as us.

Lantuo's mouth is wide open and he can't speak.

" mean... he has taken that step?"

Soroa's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Although I don't feel the breath of the Holy Land, I'm afraid it's mostly like this."

For a long time, the two of them couldn't speak in the sky.


On the other hand, Youyuan flew with many holy places behind him for more than 20 minutes, and an earth-shaking war appeared in front of everyone.

One of them is a dark cloud of death. The sky has six-headed and five-order death skulls fanning its wings, and a thick cloud of death covers the sky and the sun.

And in the middle of the six-headed keel, an undead magician with the breath of the sanctuary continues to cast some death spells. The pure power of death makes people feel extremely cold, as if it were the ruthless breath of death in the underworld.

However, it would be a big mistake to think that these are all the means of this undead magician of the Holy Land.

A stone ghost, 30 meters tall after spreading its wings, and its body is covered with gray-black death stones. What's horrible is that this stone ghost is actually a real holy place!

This stone ghost can not only use the extremely pure breath of death, but also has the power of petrochemical skin and frost. The breath does not seem to be lower than that of the demon mixed-race Molani in the fallen imperial capital.

This is not over yet. A skeleton of the dead with the breath of the Holy Land, a long dark cloak and a huge death sickle composed of an incomparable spirit of death. Isn't this the death split, one of the most powerful magics inherited by the undead magician?

However, what made the pupils of Youyuan shrink is that under the attack of the holy landstone ghost and death, the holy land elf not only took all the attacks in an orderly manner, but also posed a big threat to the holy land undead magician. Two fifth-order dragon bones had fallen to the earth before Youyuan.

Moreover, this holy land raising elves pulled their hands from time to time, waved the short blade in their hands, and suddenly fell down large skeleton archers and dead wizards on the ground, providing a quite safe environment for the elf girl and the fifth-order Druid.

On the ground, the elf girl's blue branch braided head ring exudes a strong natural atmosphere. On the head ring, the same purple gemstone left by Nika's steel bean treasure map makes the girl more elegant.

A pair of elf's typical beautiful long ears, waterfall-like green hair behind them, and a pair of jewel-like eyes look fearlessly at hundreds of low-level undead surrounded by layers.

The slender and graceful posture only covers the key parts with clothes made of a few unknown leaves, revealing a youthful vitality, but it does not mean a trace of evil.

And beside the elf girl, the fifth-order old Druid did not seem to have changed at all, but silently guarded the elf girl.

Look at this form, it only takes some time to say that Zhebo, the necromancerer of the Holy Land, will retreat in the difficult situation.

However, at this time, the distant Yuyuan came with a group of holy areas, which was enough to make the faces of the two people in the battle change greatly, and they slowed down their movements and were surprised.

This is not what Youyuan wanted to see, so a shout appeared.

"Master Zhebo, you must delay the elves over there first!"

With Youyuan's shout, Zhebo knew who the visitor was in an instant, but the male elf opposite his face changed greatly.

But the one passing by is the helper on the opposite side!

Thinking so in his heart, the elf seemed to have made some determination.

"Although... has just been promoted to the Holy Land for a few months, this move has not been proficient, and it is likely that it can only have the means of a blow! But if you cooperate with that method, it will be enough to kill this undead magician in an instant before the support of the four holy places over there!"

Looking at the elf girl who was looking at himself in a slight panic on the ground, the male elf nodded comfortingly to the other party, and then stopped hesitating.

"The ban is lifted!"


As the male elf patted his heart, countless cyan runes flashed, just in an instant, a cold breath different from the elf's original natural and peaceful breath burst out, which seemed to be close to the law of silence of the demon clan!

On one side is the natural and peaceful natural law, and on the other side is the cold and ruthless law of silence. The male elf's pupils turned into a pair of cold eagle pupils, staring at the undead magician of the Holy Land opposite, and looking at the Youyuan and others who are still in the distance.

"The time for one blow is enough!"

The necromancer of the Holy Land was slightly surprised to see that the male elves of the Holy Land opposite were strengthened by a few points because of an extra law of silence.

This elf has a backhand!

Although the undead magician has just confirmed that he is indeed not the opponent of the opposite elf, even if he is in this state, Zhebo still does not pay much attention to it. After all, he just delayed for such a moment.

As for the elves on the opposite side who can kill themselves, Zhebo, the undead magician of the Holy Land, has never even thought about it.

There was a magic spell in his mouth. As soon as he raised his hand, Zhebo seemed to be about to exert some powerful means.

On the other side, the male holy spirit suddenly sneered, as if the lifting of the ban seal was far from his last resort.