sin totem

Chapter 248 Abolition of Slavery and Nalan of the Wind and Moon Chamber of Commerce

There is no need to mention the reception dinner in the mayor's hall of Beishi Town.

At this time, a secret room and Balu sat opposite each other and discussed matters. Judging from Baru's ease at this time, many matters naturally developed smoothly.

Because the three sons of rose fragrance and the undead magician Zhebo appeared at the banquet, Youyuan naturally asked about the investment in rose fragrance.

Baru finally showed his joy when he heard Youyuan mention this matter.

"Now, I don't hide anything from you. As far as I know, the three sons of the Rose Xiang family are destined to develop in the mainland at this time. It seems that the three sons are the weakest in name, but in fact, the mothers of the three sons involve some secrets, so these three sons are the last descendants of the Rose Fragrance family.

Even if one day the royal family of the dead empire attacks the Rose Fragrant family, these three sons will never have any problems.

And the other two sons should have also gone to the other two secret places in the mainland. It is said that both places have considerable power, at least much stronger than the current North Rock Alliance.

Youyuan's heart moved.

It's much stronger than the North Rock Alliance. I don't know if there is any Star Temple of the Fury Empire?

However, since a third son has come, I believe that there will be no less investment in this side. As for whether to settle in Beishi Town or the City of Scar, it is not so important.

Since this matter has come to an end, Youyuan must take a look at how the gobron mechanical science magic apprentice trained by Tasoloa in Beishi Town, and of course, the progress of Peter of the Knight Academy.

Thinking of this, a name suddenly appeared in Youyuan's head, Xixi.

I remember that when looking for Dares, a slave trader in Beishi Town, an veteran who had fought with him begged himself to give him instructions to his son Heathie.

Although this matter is not very important, at this time, one of my instructions is a great encouragement to the other party, and I can't say that I will embark on a different path because of this encouragement.

Moreover, since it should be given, it can be regarded as a fulfillment of a vow.

Thinking of this, Youyuan was about to say goodbye to Baru, but suddenly thought of another thing.

"Beaning, Baru, what happened to his slaves after Dares' death?"

Baru lowered his head and thought for a moment.

"It seems that the Dares guy has two sons who have inherited part of Baru's property, but both of them seem to be not interested in the slave trade and are planning to transfer many slaves.

Darles's two sons, the eldest son, who is a student of the Knight's College, believed that the slave operation was contrary to the spirit of the knight's code, so he just accurately refused to inherit this part of the family property.

The second son has some magical talent, but he has no great achievements. Some time ago, under the guidance of Soloya, he was fascinated by the machinery of the Gobium clan, so he had no time to inherit the slave business.

But this guy plans to sell all the slaves and stop the slave business because he needs a lot of money.

His eyes widened, and Youyuan did not expect that a slave trader like Dalles had two such sons.

The eldest son is actually a knight academy student, but what is the knight's code?

The second son is actually infatuated with the mechanical science of the gobish, and such a talent is also the magic tutor needed for the construction of the magic college in the future.

Moreover, Youyuan has the gem given by Lilith in his hand. Youyuan suspects that this gem is the spirit of the elf girl next to the wandering elf!

With the current ability, Youyuan naturally has no idea of opening this treasure.

Because if you really fight this treasure at this time, you must go together to win over the goblin clan. Not to mention the competition that may be caused by the world's discovery of this treasure, even the human talent that can inherit the knowledge of the goblin with the goblin clan.

This is equivalent to invisibly weakening the benefits obtained by Youyuan from this treasure, so Youyuan will at least wait for the human race to have mechanical and technological talents of the same level as the goblum before considering opening the treasure there.

nodded silently, and Youyuan fell into thinking again. Baru saw Youyuan like this and didn't say anything. For a moment, the room was extremely quiet.

For a long time, Youyuan suddenly raised his head and looked at Baru.

"Is the slave business of our Northstone Alliance all occupied by Dashi alone?"

Baru nodded in surprise when he saw Youyuan's question. I don't know why Youyuan is like this. Could it be that Youyuan took a fancy to this profitable business project?

Youyuan squeezed his lips and seemed to be making the final decision.

"Baru, I have decided to abolish slavery in the North Rock Alliance area. All slaves in the North Rock Alliance area will restore their civilian status. They can have children in various towns and villages of the North Rock Alliance. In the future, their children will have equal educational rights.

If you need maids and hard labor from now on, you must get corresponding remuneration from civilians in the form of equal employment contracts.


When Baru heard this, he took a breath of cold air and his face changed greatly.


Those mayors are fine to say that the demand for those slaves is relatively low, which may be due to your majesty.

But those ministers, basically all their interests are based on many slaves. If the slavery is abolished, their losses will be immeasurable, and even with your majesty, you will never be able to stop the collapse of the North Rock Alliance.

When Youyuan heard Baru's words, his face was equally solemn.

The Northstone Alliance cannot be chaotic, at least in the past few years, otherwise many plans in Youyuan may be postponed.

Since it can't be chaotic, Youyuan is indeed determined to abolish slavery, so it must pay some corresponding benefits.

After thinking about it and weighing the pros and cons, Youyuan once again made up his mind.

"In this way, all the mayors of the Northstone Alliance have carried out this order, and I will give them some corresponding rights and interests in the Scar City in the future, and even their children can guarantee some priority treatment.

And those ministers are divided into two groups.

If someone is willing to give up his ministerial position and settle in the city of Scars, the city will be treated very high in their lifetime, so that they will no longer work for funds and some chores, and will be regularly guided by the sanctuary, but they will also be responsible for the duty of guarding.

As for their assets, they are all public assets within the alliance. They are leased to businessmen by bidding to hire their own labor, and then use the funds earned by the alliance to improve public facilities.

For example, the construction of roads within the alliance, the establishment of civilian post stations, and the popularization of village literacy...

As for those who are unwilling to give up the minister's split, if they carry out this order, the alliance can ensure that they will serve as ministers for life and will no longer be disturbed by foreign forces, and even regularly broadcast some financial subsidies within the alliance.

Finally, if someone resolutely refuses to implement it, then find some potential people within the alliance to see if they can replace it.

If anyone intends to betray the alliance, just make a list.

Baru Yiyan knew the meaning of Youyuan and saw Youyuan's determination. After thinking about the feasibility of this matter, he finally made up his mind.

"This matter should be approved for the time being, but it is a great burden on the future scar city. Is it okay on your side?"

Youyuan has a calm smile.

"Don't worry, the harvest of this trip to the fallen imperial capital is far beyond imagination, and I believe that the huge investment in Scar City is only temporary. One day, there will definitely be qualitative changes within the alliance, so the financial revenue brought has been more than imagined at this time."

Hearing Youyuan say so, Baru did not intend to discuss this matter. After all, Youyuan's power at this time has completely become the mainstay within the Northern Stone Alliance.

As for the slaves left by Dales, they are naturally all released, and how to explain to the descendants of Dales is the matter of Youyuan.

At this time, the relationship between Youyuan and Baru is just like the relationship between the petrochemical in the chaotic land and the king of chaos. On the surface, the king of chaos is in charge of everything in the chaotic land, but behind it is the will of the petrochemicals.

However, there is nothing we can do. After all, the rules formulated by many gods in the endless world are the supremacy of power, and even this small Northstone Alliance is imperceptible by this rule.

Seeing that Baru had completed this matter, Youyuan was about to see the science of the magic tower goblin and the expansion of the Knight Academy and Pitt's education system. Suddenly, Baru patted his thigh and showed a smiling expression.

"Hey, there is a person who has been distracted with you these days!"

Youyuan stopped and looked at Baru in surprise, slightly surprised.

"Are you out of your mind? What do you mean?

Baru smiled more.

"Macruton once passed by here to look at me. After all, I am also an inheritance of the former business alliance at this time. Anya is really good."

Youyuan's originally plain and doubtful face showed a little shyness, but the people next to him did not want to lose their majesty and quickly covered it up. Youyuan didn't know why Baru mentioned this matter.

Baru naturally knew the psychological dynamics of the ghost when he saw the ghost plain like this.

"And a few days after you left, Nalan of the Fengyue Chamber of Commerce went to your place to discuss cooperation. He didn't see you and came to me again. Nalan faintly revealed that De Sang of the Fengyue Chamber of Commerce has accepted her as his goddaughter and intentionally or unintentionally inquired about your information. I think you should know what it means, right?

Youyuan is stunned, his eyes are staring at the boss, Fengyue Chamber of Commerce Nalan?

Mu Ran, the shrewd and rigorous human woman appeared in Youyuan's heart. She seemed to be meticulous and spoke clearly, which made people feel very reassuring.

However, Youyuan is only a plain friendship with her, and how did this woman treat herself...

Baru smiled faintly when he saw Youyuan's meditation and embarrassment. He had to say that the older he was for this kind of man and woman, the more he was, the more he cherished the simple beauty he once had.

In addition, when it comes to Youyuan, Baru made a detailed investigation, so Baru, as an elder, walked to Youyuan and gently patted Youyuan on the shoulder to interrupt Youyuan's meditation.

Youyuan looked at Baru in surprise and didn't know why he was like this.

"Don't think about it. I have used some strength to investigate this matter in detail. There is no interest in this matter itself, and even President De Sang of the Fengyue Chamber of Commerce has been surprised for a long time. But it was even more difficult for him to marry your popular guy, so he agreed to Nalan's request.

At this point, Baru thought of some of the information he investigated and lowered his voice.

Nalan was born in an ordinary village. His father died early and his family was very poor. In order to support his family, Nalan joined the Fengyue Chamber of Commerce at a very young age. Now 26 years old, there is no indiscretion. There are indeed many such women in a chaotic place.

Maybe because of low self-esteem or other reasons, Nalan doesn't feel worthy of you, so he asked De Sang to accept her as his goddaughter. I hope you...

Ha, as you know, although this aspect is a little worse in chaotic areas, some ancient families have considerable family concepts, which may be the reason why she asked De Sang to accept her as her goddaughter.

How about it? I revealed something about Anya to her. She has been living in Beishi Town for the past few days and hasn't appeared again.

I'm thinking that maybe you already have your own love, but you should also give an explanation over there that she is a good girl.

From my age, identity may be high or low due to strength and responsibilities, but true love is not noble or low. You should cherish this selfless emotion.

When Youyuan saw that Baru said this, he suddenly smiled faintly and nodded gently.

"I know."


In a guest house, when a maid came in and reported the news of Youyuan's arrival, a surprising response came from the room. This was Nalan's room.

It took a long time for Nalan to leave the room and look at the Yuanyuan.

It can be seen that at this time, Nalan was carefully dressed and dressed in a chaotic leather coat. She used to be a little less shrewd and strong, a little more tender and obedient, and even used a light makeup base that had almost never seen from her face.

Youyuan smiled sincerely, an elegant aristocratic etiquette.

"Beautiful Ms. Nalan, do you have the honor to invite you to enjoy the sunset?"

The incomparable shyness and surprise covered the sadness for several days, and Nalan's soft little hand was placed in the palm of Youyuan's hand.

"It's a great honor."

Youyuan kissed the palm of his hand, and the etiquette was over.

With the excitement of the people around the Wind and Moon Chamber of Commerce, Youyuan and Nalan left the guest house.

The sunset is setting, and the sunset has begun to have a little warmth because the winter is about to end.

Youyuan and Nalan simply sat in a roadside teahouse. In the quiet and elegant room, only Youyuan and Nalan sat opposite each other and looked at the slowly falling sunset.

Youyuan looked at Nalan's face reflecting the beauty of the sunset and smiled again.

seemed to notice that Youyuan was looking at him. Nalan showed a shy expression and no longer had the shrewdness and strength of the past. She shyly covered everything in her heart by bowing her head and tasting tea.

For a long time, Nalan suddenly raised her head and looked at Youyuan, with a trace of expectation in her heart.

"Can you tell me about you?"

Youyuan is still that faint smile, which has not changed at all.

Youyuan wandered on the street of the fallen imperial capital from birth to meet Brother Andy and slowly. Nalan heard that Youyuan had such a tragic childhood life, and his face showed unbelievable shock.

However, Youyuan did not have any intention of avoiding anything. He directly began that day when he was a gangster, he met Modo on the street of the fallen imperial capital. From then on, he began the life of the magic academy. He did not shy away from saying that he met the beautiful Anniya in the magic college, and contained deep praise.

I obviously felt that Nalan's face had changed, but he still continued to look at Youyuan with a reluctant smile.

Youyuan is still the same leisurely, the freshman competition of the School of Magic, killing Seymour, knowing Lilith coming to the land of chaos, pseudo-famous scar, defecting to cholera, establishing a scar gold mine...

It has been said that until the first time I saw Fengyue, it was when the North Stone Alliance defeated the Milong Mine, and Nalan sent a precious Yueming crystal to Youyuan on behalf of the Fengyue Chamber of Commerce.

So tortuous and thrilling, full of inspiration and unyielding. At this time, the sunset completely fell, and Beishi Town began because of the increasingly prosperous night of lights.

Nalan has no sadness and loss at all, but his eyes are full of hope.

Gently standing up, Nalan regained his former shrewdness and strength, even more full of fighting spirit than before, and an unyielding intention arose spontaneously.

Nalan walked to the Youyuan side and gave a gentle hug in the extremely nervousness of the Youyuan.

"Thank you for saying so much to me. I wish you and Anya happiness."

Without everything behind, Nalan looked at Youyuan's body in a stiff tension, smiled gently and left the room without looking back.

It was not until then that Youyuan sighed and found that he was already in a cold sweat.


Youyuan confessed to An Liya in his heart and smiled at his childishness just now.

Originally, Youyuan thought that if the other party used a strong word, he would force him to push away, and vowed to be firm in his love for Anya.

But at that time, except for the stiffness and tension of the whole body, all that was left was cold sweat.

At this time, Youyuan suddenly felt extremely naive.

Once again, a self-entertainment giggle, Youyuan is in a good mood.

Gently put down a silver coin on the table, and Youyuan left the room.