sin totem

Chapter 281 Peace Treaty

Everyone has changed color one after another, because no one knows what the purpose of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider clan this time is, is it a war or a peace?

Only the violent bear king was slightly excited, constantly rubbing his palms unnaturally, and whispered something to Burroughs, the king of mercenaries, from time to time, which made Burles, the king of mercenaries, shake his head repeatedly and smiled bitterly.

The fire of the soul in the purple eyes of Youyuan flashed continuously. In the twilight, a soul pressure that shocked everyone present flashed away, followed by a slight smile.

"You don't have to worry about anything. The other party has only come to 15 holy places. It seems that they should only come to negotiate.

Ha ha, I just didn't expect that it was more urgent than us. It actually came first, so that we don't have to run errands. Then let's just wait here."

After saying that, Youyuan really didn't leave, and a sense of relaxation appeared on his face.

Since it is far more anxious than Youyuan imagined and has taken the initiative to come, it can't be said that the slightly conservative conditions prepared by Youyuan need to be well modified.

After all, the initiative at this time is on the side of Youyuan, and there is no need to give in any way.

Even at this time, Youyuan has been considering the lion opening its mouth to fish out all the oil and water brought by the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family.

Gradually, the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family is getting closer and closer to the city of scars, but because they also feel the many strong breaths in the city of scars at this time, the speed has slowed down a lot.

Youyuan smiled and was a little surprised to know that the other party was shocked by the strength here, for fear of any ambush.

Thinking of this, Youyuan actually waved his broad magic robe and led many holy realms to take the initiative.

And the other party also seemed to feel that the ghost side left the scar city, but did not leave in place, waiting for the arrival of the ghost field.

This is a desolate place that is no longer close to the Scar City. The Scar City and the ghost-faced Thousand-Eyed Spider clan have nearly 30 holy areas facing each other. While tightening their regiments, they carefully look at the opposite side.

On this side of the Scar City, the eyes of Youyuan narrowed slightly and carefully observed the strong existence of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family on the opposite side.

The three are also extremely powerful, among which the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider with a faint rolling poisonous cloud on its head must be the third grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family.

With the induction of the original, this ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider will never be much worse than the king of gold and Mongolia!

Although Youyuan can barely suppress it, he will never dare to use force easily. If such a domineering existence fights for his life, even Youyuan will be tired of dealing with it.

As for the action, no matter what the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family is, the city of scars will never be preserved.

Next to this third grandmother, there are also two powerful forces far beyond the ordinary ghost-faced thousand-eyed spiders. It was the sixth grandmother and ninth grandmother who came.

Among them, the six grandmothers looked at the many powerful existences in the Scar City, and a trace of fear flowed by, while the nine mothers were slightly surprised and fierce at the same time.

After a long time of speechless discussion between the two camps, the third grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider suddenly took a step forward and slowly flew to the middle of the two sides. Obviously, the third grandmother was the plenipotentiary of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family.

And on this side of the Scar City, Youyuan smiled and slowly walked out in the sky relying on the strength of the body, and slowly took it away to the middle of the two sides.

At this moment, if Youyuan fights with the third grandmother at this time, there is almost no need to think about it. An unprecedented fierce battle in many holy places will certainly be on the verge of breaking out, and its consequences and intensity will never be as fierce as the fierce battle with the Holy Empire.

In the eyes of the human race, the three grandmothers of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider are basically the same model as all the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spiders. Except for the different breath, there is nothing to introduce.

And the same is true in the eyes of the three grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider. In addition to the breath and dress that are different from other races, they are basically the same model, which is difficult to distinguish from their appearance.

However, for the powerful existence at this time, it is enough to distinguish the power and breath!

Neither side knows the etiquette of each other's race, so some etiquette on the mainland is naturally avoided, just standing and looking straight at each other. At the same time, a trace of breath continues to rise on a small scale between the two. Obviously, they both want to rely on momentum to take the initiative in this negotiation.

This small-scale momentum competition is an invisible confrontation. If outsiders are not too close, it is difficult to detect what they are interfering in.

In the middle of the secluded area and the three grandmothers of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider, layers of power of elements crackled for no reason, and the ripples scattered, and occasionally harsh noises disappeared in a flash.

Youyuan was slightly surprised. The third grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider on the opposite side is really amazing. Although the momentum is not everything that determines victory or defeat in martial arts, it is absolutely possible to estimate the general strength of this person from the momentum of a person.

And in the feeling of the three grandmothers of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider, she was shocked by the almost bottomless and endless momentum of the secluded!

At this time, although the third grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider had no performance on her face, in fact, while constantly improving her momentum, she secretly used two secret techniques to temporarily increase momentum. However, even so, the human race on the opposite side still burst out with stronger momentum to suppress it, making itself full of shock.

Is this person the one who fled back to the Three Holy Land people, the son of evil Youyuan?

With such strength, if it is combined with the containment of the human race who fled at that time, it may leave the seventh sister behind.

With such a powerful human race on this side, the three grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider also completely extinguished the idea of fighting with this side and unifying the chaotic place. It takes ten to 30 years for the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family to cultivate the first batch of young ghost-faced thousand-eyed spiders into an adult force.

For that part of the young ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider that cannot reach the first level, the way to deal with it is to eat it, which is also the tradition of ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider.

Thinking of this, the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider's eyes flashed in the eyes of the third grandmother!

Although it is not done, the later negotiations will definitely try their best to take the initiative, so as to gain more benefits for the reproduction of the ghost-faced spider family in the land of chaos.

In that case...

Mu Ran, a small poisonous cloud hovering over the head of the three grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider turned into a wisp of poison, which was sucked into her nose by the third grandmother. With thousands of bright red eye-like lines shining, a breath of nearly 50% strong rolled towards the secludedness.

Youyuan was stunned. The small poisonous cloud just now must be the sacred artifact mentioned by Master Burroughs.

The other party has such a treasure, and Youyuan has also extinguished his mind to do it.

Then, let's focus on negotiation!

Thinking of this, the fire of the unprecedentedly strong, magnificent, pure and horrible soul flashed in Youyuan's eyes, and did not use any means. The breath of power was so abruptly raised 50%, and it also turned into invisible pressure and pressed it fiercely.

With a snap!

The cracks in space flashed away, and the three grandmothers of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider saw that there was such hidden power in Youyuan, and her face turned pale.

However, as soon as the three grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider gritted her teeth, she still planned to use other powerful means.

Youyuan also sneered, and silver rough lines appeared one after another, and the bat wings and scorpion tails emerged, which was the power of the blood demon transformation!

At the same time as the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider three grandmothers, a power of original will was supported by the body, and the momentum increased fiercely pressed against the ghost field, and the two actually formed a short-term balance again.

However, this time, it is obvious that Youyuan is on the defensive.

The third grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider looked at the ghost original transformation to enhance her breath and smiled slightly. Anyway, this side is still on the offensive, which is also a slight advantage.

However, while Youyuan was surprised by the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider summoning the original means of the will of heaven and earth, he also smiled again.

Suddenly, as the golden scales grew out of the body of the secluded plain, the breath that was supposed to be on the defensive suddenly rushed and fiercely suppressed the other party's momentum, without any suspense!

The third grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider turned pale and even had hidden means. What level of power does this clan hold?

On the one hand, the third grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider speculated in surprise. On the other hand, she desperately resisted the momentum attack of the secluded plain, and her momentum had been suppressed into a small mass of tightening defense around her body.

However, this result is obviously not what Youyuan wanted. With a original will being supported by the Youyuan family, in the shocked and frightened eyes of the three grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider, there was a wave!

The third grandmother's momentum has dispersed!

His face turned pale slightly. After losing the momentum, although there would not be much damage, it was impossible for the third grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider not to compromise at this time to negotiate on the site where the momentum was absolutely suppressed.

With a sigh in her heart, the ghost-faced grandmother's thousand-eyed spider looked extremely unnatural.

There are too many strong existences in this continent...

"Cough, cough! Well, let's negotiate the affairs of our two clans in the chaotic land. I am the third grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family of the spider silk continent, and I am the plenipotentiary representative of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family of the mainland at this time.

Youyuan smiled in his heart, and the time came for the lion to open his mouth.

"My evil son, Youyuan, has the power to represent the human race in the chaotic land. Your ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider clan invaded the mainland for no reason, causing immeasurable losses to the human race in the chaotic land. Although you can't leave the mainland now, I have the right to ask your clan to compensate for your mistakes.

I want you to take out something worth 5,000 power as compensation!"

Youyuan did not mention the Holy Empire Peace Clause Agreement, but only mentioned that the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider invaded the mainland and caused damage to the human race, and only put himself in the framework of the mainland human race. Where does it still represent the human forces in the chaotic land?

However, the third grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider did not seem to notice the mystery at all.


The third grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider took a breath of cold air, but was scared by the lion of Youyuan's opening his mouth, 5,000 power! Is this race crazy?

"Your plane is so big, 5,000 power? Even conquering some low-level planes is not worth the price. Don't you want to negotiate?

And before our tribe invaded this continent, all the power of the spider silk continent belonged to the eldest grandmother alone. Although I brought some divine power from the treasure house before I left, it was impossible to reach such a large number.

If you insist, then we would rather fight with the human race here!"

Youyuan sneered, and with this tone, did he still go to war?

"Hmm! Since you can't bring out something worth 5,000 power, how much do you think the nobles can take out?

The third grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider hesitated for a moment in the range of ghosts and gritted her teeth.

"As long as you have fifty powers, it's impossible to have more!"

Youyuan Muran laughed with sarcasm in his smile.

Fifty forces? Could it be that the human race on this continent are all poor ghosts of your ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family? Just a hundred Taoist power, it can't be less! Humph! Since you can't show your magic power, let's talk about it from other aspects..."

In this way, for a full day and a night, Youyuan was absolutely shrouded in momentum and began to negotiate with the three grandmothers of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider, and the holy areas of both sides were secretly worried in the distance.

After a day and a night, Youyuan and the three grandmothers of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider returned to their respective camps, with two scrolls that reached a contract.

The third grandmother of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider gritted her teeth and almost roared angrily.

"Let's go!"

And on the other side of Youyuan, he smiled proudly and handed over the scroll to all the holy areas present to watch.

Acords for Peace in the Land of Chaos:

With the Northern Stone Alliance as the boundary, all ethnic territories are under the absolute jurisdiction of the human race. Within ten years, the human race and the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider clan shall not appear in each other's territory and have no communication.

Ten years later, the chaotic human race and the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider can achieve equal communication below the Holy Land. It is strictly forbidden to appear in the other party's territory above the Holy Land, otherwise it will be regarded as a violation of the Holy Empire Peace Clause.

The ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family compensated the human race in the scar city at the scene for the loss of 100 power.

During the effective period of the treaty, the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family collected any mineral materials worth 5 million gold coins for the people of the scar city every year.

During the effective period of the treaty, the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family pays tribute to 300 kilograms of spider silk every year to the people in the city of scars without delay.

During the effective period of the jump, the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family provides 100 ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider corpses for the human race in the Scar City every year.

The ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider family is within the entry into force of the treaty...


This treaty is valid for 50 years, 50 years to follow up the treaty.

Youyuan, the son of sin, signed with the three grandmothers of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider in the spider silk continent.

At this time, the City of Scars was stunned by the Holy Land, shocked by this simply miraculous treaty.

Even Dogo, Mulan and Yalimoland, who came as invitees of Youyuan, almost knocked off their jaws.