sin totem

Chapter 284 The murder of the son of sin

The City of Scar, as a new city, naturally has the vitality of a new city.

At the beginning of the founding of the city, the City of Scars had an extraordinary acceptance of foreign civilizations, such as gobs, snow-tooth giants, sporadic orcs, Knight Code, goblin technology civilization and the current poisonous civilization...

All of this bursts into infinite vitality of the scar city.

Although the Scar City does not have the precipitation and heritage of the old city for a long time, it is also a little less dark and rotten, which is suitable for young people to give full play to their talents**.

However, almost any emerging force is the object of being strangled by the old power, and the City of Scars is no exception. The glorious early stage of any new force will usher in a turbulence of historical law, and after the turmoil, it will be a new development.

After this year's experience, Youyuan has felt that this turmoil has begun to brew in the Scar City.

Naturally, civilians have no way to launch any turbulence. In this world of supreme force, the role of civilians is the raw material for a race to produce strong people.

It can be said that civilians are very important to a race, and they are all the original forces of this race. But civilians are not so important to some small forces. For politicians who only have interests in their eyes, civilians are just the currency in the eyes of slave owners.

Any unrest starts with those politicians.

Before the turmoil, almost all politicians wore a dazzling coat, which was indistinguishable; but when the interests were ripe, the coat became pockets for gold coins, leaving the ground full of broken pieces.

Detonio is a businessman who has traveled to the mainland. After 30 years of hard work, Detonio has changed from a downtrod man to a successful businessman and formed a successful caravan.

Detonio's greatest wish is to let his son continue to develop this hard-won capital, so as to establish a chamber of commerce, a chamber belonging to his own family.

But is it so easy to set up a chamber of commerce? Not to mention the connections needed, in terms of the amount of funds needed, Detonio's hope in this life is slim, and even his competitive son is just an extravagant hope.

However, all this has changed since he arrived at the Death Empire a few months ago.

Thinking of this person, Detonio was excited. As long as this happened, he would leave this damn place immediately. The poor people here are crazy. They hang out with the gobumps all day long, advocate the Knight's Code, respect the original city owner, and love the arrival of a new culture.

And there are few luxurious banquets, and there are no graceful and luxurious women.

In a word, everything he wants seems to be missing here. Detonio feels that he is going crazy, and this place is simply incompatible with the mainland.

This place should be destroyed by the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider, and Detonio couldn't help thinking about it.

With a brisk step, Detonio came to his study and took a closer look. There was indeed no abnormal movement in the courtyard. Several guards were still guarding the gate, and all the lights were bright. In this way, Detonio also turned on a magic switch behind the bookshelf, and then exposed an underground secret room.

As you enter the secret room, the basement gate slowly closed.

"Baron, I have learned everything clearly. The magic tower seems to be ready to be built for the graduates of gobiki technology civilization. At the same time, there have been at least seven holy places in the city. As for everything in the closed place of the city owner's son of sin, because of the name of the son of sin, he is unwilling to take risks even if he pays a high price, so..."

The man in front of Detonio raised his head, with an extremely white face, with noble movements and elegance, as if he were the most standard noble aristocrat of the human race, with an extremely calm look.

This man is the blood clan of the Death Empire!

At this time, the blood clan held a cup of bright red "wine" in his hand, but it emitted a strong fishy smell.

"Good job, more than seven holy places? No wonder the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider will compromise. However, the concession of the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider is a little too big, right?

As for the mechanical technology civilization of the gobiki, it seems that the count has said this thing. It seems that the gobiki ruled the continent a long time ago.

Forget it, the magic tower is irrelevant. You know that the count is most concerned about this evil son Youyuan. As long as you can get some information about him, I believe that the count will not be stingy, and then your family will definitely go to glory!"

Hearing the beautiful scenery depicted by the blood clan in front of him, Detonio suddenly yearned for it, and even the sound of breathing was slightly heavy and excited.

"Baron, rest assured that I also have some clues about this evil son Youyuan.

A few days ago, a dog-headed man came to the Scar City. It is said that the evil son Youyuan brought it back by himself, and gave a mysterious thing to the dog-headed man in front of many people.

According to inquire, it seems that this dog-headed man has extraordinary feelings with the evil son Youyuan. If we can start from here, hum..."

Hearing this, there was a trace of joy, but it was also a little more solemn.

"Oh? There is such a thing, well done!

However, you still have to be careful. The son of sin is famous, and even the count has considerable scruples. It is said that he killed several ghost-faced thousand-eyed spiders in a row that day, and other holy places in the Scar City were also auxiliary. Even if the count asked himself, it was impossible to do so.

So let's be careful about this old monster.

Detonio shivered and killed several holy places one after another?

Detonio is not clear about the power of the Holy Land, but Detonio is very clear about the power of the fourth-order samurai of his caravan.

Thinking of a fourth-order or even in the hands of the Holy Land, the evil son actually killed several such horrible guys one after another, and Detonio's heart suddenly trembled.

After finishing this business, leave this damn place immediately and stay away from this monster!

Thinking of this, Detonio was slightly relieved and nodded slowly.

"Your Excellency, you can rest assured that all hands have passed through intermediaries, and we will not participate in any. And the dog-headed man is always hanging out with a group of human statue masters. We can start from there, and then..."

"Hmm! Detonio? What a means! Have you found Gou Zhengzhi? This guy is too ostentatious. It's time for him to restrain him.

Dedonio listened to the sound behind him and almost peed his trousers, and his legs sat on the ground with lost their strength in an instant.

"You, you, who are you?"

trembling and trembling, Detonio pointed to the strange magician who suddenly appeared in the shadow behind him, and his dead soul was white.

Compared with Detonio, the blood clan also stood up from the chair, but although he was panicked, he was much calmer.

"The lord of the city of scars, the son of evil?"

The purple soul flame flashed in Youyuan's eyes and glanced at the blood clan. Suddenly, the blood clan only felt that it had been seen through and there was no secret to speak.

The whole body of the blood clan is soaked in cold sweat, and the power of this clan magician is more terrible than rumored...

"Ji Jie Jie, to be honest, I prefer you to call me an old monster than the name of the son of sin."

Hearing this, the blood clan looked extremely ugly.

"We can leave this scar city and promise not to invade again, but..."

Before Youyuan finished speaking, Mu Ran had a strange sneer.

"Ha, no, it happens that a blood clan has just been erased from Lu Lilong. The road of reincarnation to the Supreme Pluto is also very lonely, so I'll send you to be his companion.

As for whether your blood clan will come to invade...

Hum! If you have the ability, just come and kill them all.

The cruelty in the original words is infinite and extremely cold, as if recalling the scene of those blood-blooded beggars in the death empire once again.

However, Youyuan also knows how miserable it is for the death empire to wear the ghost-faced thousand-eyed spider territory, so it doesn't care about the possible invasion of some sporadic low-level blood clans.

When the blood clan opposite heard the words of Youyuan, his face suddenly turned pale, and his body turned into dozens of bats of different sizes, and desperately flew to the exit of the secret room behind Youyuan.

But how can Youyuan give the other party a chance?

It's just a fourth-order blood clan, but the magnificent primitive erosion law gathered and shook. Suddenly, everything in the secret room of Detonio and the blood clan was erased without any trace.

Youyuan's eyes flashed and lowered his head to remove Detonio's name from a list.

"Thirty-seven, and one is done, is it? Humph..."

In the last few days, Youyuan has already explored the locations of all the listed characters, and the coquettish Bao Gou and those human statues also took time to pick them up

Youyuan's eyes were cold, and his body slowly turned into a shadow again, which disappeared completely without a trace through the dark night.


Ten minutes later, it was also a secret place, and Youyuan appeared again, but this time Youyuan did not do it immediately, but looked at the behind-the-scenes alien with great interest.

As for this woman named Bernini, she is naturally full of fear, but she is barely calm.

And the alien youyuan looked at turned out to be a five-headed snake.

On this night, the ghost destroyed more than a dozen famous aliens, including six holy angels and light angels. There are also two, a death knight, a fifth-order skeleton, a Bimon orc, a purgatory demon, and a fourth-order hell goblin on the blood clan!

However, these aliens are represented by the invading forces of the mainland. Only this barren Hydra clan is indeed a race that has existed in this land of gods since ancient times, so Youyuan did not kill immediately.

The most important thing is that this five-headed snake is very interesting.

"Master Youyuan, the son of sin, I am ordered by the great nine emperors to investigate whether it is possible to form an alliance with the city of scars and the eastern wilderness Daze, and present the heart of a rare angel!"

Youyuan took the angel's heart handed to the five-headed snake and paused slightly.

Since there is an angel's heart, it proves that a four-winged angel or horse * who wants to advance to the four-winged angel must die under each other's hands. This angel's heart is a supreme treasure. In this way, on the one hand, it is indeed a good heart, but on the other hand, it is a deterrent of power.

Once again, Youyuan thought of the once-ependary dark seven-headed giant snake. At that time, this guy's really infinitely huge body, even if the gold was much worse than the king of Mongolia.

And the power that the other party had at that time will never go down to the current plain, because this guy itself is a mutant existence of the Hydra clan, born with a primitive dark body, and at that time he understood the original means of will.

If Youyuan is not a human race with various means, and simply relies on hard fighting, it is likely that he will not be the opponent at all.

However, in the same way, Youyuan can rely on various means to escape from those emperors, but the dark seven-headed giant snake is unlikely to do so.

Thinking of this, Youyuan quietly took the angel's heart and looked at the extremely nervous five-headed snake. The five-headed snake can't be nervous. Youyuan suddenly appeared coldly and murderous in this secret (harmonious) place. Anyone knows that there will be nothing good.

"Ha ha, I don't know what the great Arazawa nine-headed snake wants to cooperate with?"

The five-headed snake choked, but couldn't say anything. I just quickly took out the angel's heart and talked about the cooperation. Naturally, it was to save my life.

" like this, because the time when I came down to the Scar City is still a little short, and I don't know whether Master Youyuan meets the conditions of the Nine Emperors, so I can't tell you."

Did Youyuan Muran's eyes light up and send the heart of angels?

Is it that this eastern wilderness Daze is also the same as the god of stars, Trunks?

If so...

Youyuan had his own guess in his heart, and suddenly smiled. The cold breath dissipated, and a graceful smile floated on his face. Suddenly, the hanging heart of the five-headed snake was finally relieved.

"Well, I am very interested in the cooperation of the Nine Emperors. Since I have not seen whether it is qualified, I will allow you to live freely in this scar city for 50 years. It is even free to move freely with those godins and snow-tooth giants. As for the sincerity of the bottom, that's it.

After saying that, Youyuan actually took out a piece of the spirit of stars, and what was sealed inside was the remnants of the night high priest's soul collected after World War I.

This soul is extremely valuable for soul research in the fifth level of the secluded, but for the secluded soul of the Holy Land, this remnant soul is dispensable. Therefore, Youyuan is the one who returns with this object, which has the same effect as the angel's heart.

The five-headed snake felt the sealed soul in this large star spirit, especially the faint remnant of divine power in this soul, and suddenly became surprised.

Silently, the five-headed snake collected the essence of the stars and nodded to Youyuan.

Youyuan also smiled and was about to leave when he suddenly saw the woman, and naturally asked casually.

"Which empire are you from?"

Blanini was also slightly stunned, and then slowly raised her head, slightly disdainful.

"It's not the next empire, but it belongs to the Jiaoling people's tribe in the northwest of the eastern wilderness."

Youyuan Muran was shocked, took a serious look at the woman, and then left without any expression.