The strongest dung bee

Chapter 29 Footsteps outside the door

A smooth hot bath forced a trace of fatigue from Su Han's body out of her pores.

"Cool!" Su Han put on his clothes again and appeared in front of the tile head and Xiao Er again: "How's it going? Have you thought about it?"

The tile head did not respond at all, while the little two beside him kept nodding.

Su Han still untied the dumb hole of the tile head: "Told about it, if I get a satisfactory answer, I won't embarras you."

The tile cover said loudly, "Don't say anything else. If you want to kill it, you are at your convenience."

"It's a man, but I hate that my enemy is a man." Su Han slapped his backhand and slapped the face of the tile head. At the same time, he hit his dumb hole and unlocked Xiao Er's acupuncture point.

"Can you talk about it? Looking at your appearance, it seems that I really want to say it.

Xiao Er looked at the head of the tile cover with fear and hesitated: "If I... say... come, can let us go?"

"Of course, if you say it, I will definitely let you go, and... I will guarantee that you will leave intact."


Su Han continued to follow the good advice: "Of course, you can continue to show off your wealth in your QQ group, continue to pick up your sister, and continue to live your sex life. Of course, if you don't want to say anything, I will slowly torture you to death, Ling Chi, do you know?"

"Cut 3600 knives on your body continuously and separate your muscles, with only bones and internal organs all over your body. And the translucent fascia.

Xiao Er thought about that scene and felt a cold sweat on his forehead. He said without hesitation, "No, I said, I said, our employer is..."

The tile cover next to him blushed and babbling, making Xiao Er unable to continue talking.

Su Han smiled at the tile head: "Go on, this guy, leave him alone." Jump! He kicked the tile head into the bedroom with a hard kick.

"Our employer is a man in a suit. He vaguely said a person's name - Huang Song."

"Huang Song?" Su Han narrowed his eyes. It turned out to be the guy who came over with Han Ying and fell in front of him. Unexpectedly, this person's revenge was so strong? Humph, when my realm goes up, I will be the first to have an operation on you.

"Can you let us go?"

Su Han did not answer this question directly, but continued to ask his doubts: "I want to know how you know that I'm sitting here."

"Last night, we received the task, and then followed you with the boss. Knowing that you lived here, we lurked in during the day and prepared to... ambush you."

Oh! Su Han nodded. Huang Song's revenge was really not strong. That night, the contact person came to find his trouble.

"Do you know my name?"

"I don't know!"

"Very good, does Huang Song know my information?"

"I don't know." Xiao Er shook his head quickly: "We just cut off our hands, regardless of the information, and even if this information is given to that person, we can't get money. We won't be so kind."

"Very good." Su Han smiled and probed his hand, grabbed Xiao Er's head, and made a mistake and clicked hard.

Xiao Er's head hung down feebly.

Su Han can't let this kind of person leave his home alive. If many things are leaked, he will definitely die.

After dealing with Xiao Er, Su Han walked to the front of the tile cover again.

The tile head suddenly raised his chin, signaling that Su Han wanted to speak.

Su Han untied the acupuncture point of the tile cover: "What do you want to say? Don't be lonely on Huangquan Road."

"Can you give me a cigarette?"

"Sorry, I don't like smoking very much." Su Han looks like a weak scholar.

"I have it, in the left pocket of my clothes. Thank you. It's a pre-smoking."

"I admire your backbone. I can afford to wait for a cigarette." Su Han touched a box of Yellow Crane Tower for a long time, picked one out of it, stuffed it into the mouth of the tile cover, and lit a fire at the same time.

After taking a deep breath, he sighed, "When I was captured just now, I knew I couldn't run away."

"Hey, you are doing the blood licking business on the tip of the knife, and you should have been aware of death at any time."

"Yes! To be honest, I have had enough of this kind of life. As long as I close my eyes every day, many people come to me for their lives. At this time, the tile head feels a sense of relief in it.

After his life, there have been at least ten times. He has said something funny. He has believed in Buddhism in the past two years, hoping that Buddha can transform his sins.

Su Han also sighed and said, "Actually, like you, I have killed a lot of people."

Is that right? I can see it." The tile head can be seen from Su Han's neatly breaking Xiao Er's neck just now that the state of killing was much better than that of himself.

"However, the people I killed deserve to die, so I haven't had nightmares until now." Su Han pulled out the cigarette butt that was about to burn to the filter in his mouth and extinguished it: "Okay, it's almost time to go on the road, otherwise you haven't had a second child as a companion."

Wagao raised his head and looked at Su Han with scarlet eyes: "Brother, I just ask you one thing."


"Hurry up, don't make me hurt too much..." Before the tile head finished speaking, his head had fallen down.

Su Han touched the tip of his nose: "I've always done it quickly."

Suddenly, two people and two bodies were killed in the room, plus the blood stains on their heels, which had made the house a mess.

"Find a way to deal with it." Su Han added a few flavors of medicine that had not been used up in the medicine tripod and boiled it up.

After half an hour, there was only a little sticky object left in the tripod.

Continue to increase the firepower, completely control the viscous ** in the tripod, leaving some gray-black powder.

Su Han smelled it, and the taste was quite right.

"I don't have the energy to bury you two, deal with it hastily, and be a good person in the next life." With that, Su Han sprinkled the powder on the pus and blood on the ground and also on the bodies of the two people.

After the beep, there was only a black powder left on the ground, and there was no trace of corpses and blood.

Su Han swept these powders into the garbage bag and threw them into the dustbin downstairs.

"Alas! Originally, it was said that it would be convenient to live in the city, and it would take a few feet to buy medicinal materials. Now it seems that this energy can't be saved. Su Han decided to change a house.

Move to a more remote suburb.

There are single-family households, and the path is remote, which is difficult for ordinary people to find.

More importantly, the distance is longer, and Su Han has more time to pay attention to whether there is anyone behind him.

After paying attention, Su Han began to look for it.

Gradually, he found a bungalow in the suburbs with a large yard where he could grow vegetables, with a monthly rent of only 700 yuan.

"Hmm! That's it. I'll go tomorrow." Su Han secretly made up his mind to change his house.


I didn't ask the landlord to check out the money, and the other party will definitely not refund it. The contract is clearly written in black and white, and you can't check out halfway, and the deposit will not be refunded for less than half a year.

Su Han is also too lazy to trouble finding a housewife for thousands of yuan.

Although this housewife is always looking for herself.

When the owner arrived at the place, the owner made a request: "If you want to pay the rent, you have to pay for half a year, and there is another one in this house that is rented to my niece. Don't you ask her to leave, okay?"

"Look at the house first, and there is no problem if you are satisfied." Su Han frowned. Why is there still someone in it?

I walked around the house. Fortunately, it is a single-family. The owner's niece lives only in another brick house in the yard. The environment is satisfactory. The yard is relatively large. There is a place for activities, practice and meditation.

"I'm very satisfied, then pay." Su Han took out the prepared plastic bag and contained the last 8,000 yuan of cash after removing the necessary expenses.

I paid more than 5,000 yuan at once, which suddenly made his heart ache. Oh, my God! There are less than 3,000 left. How will you live in the future?

After thinking about it, I will definitely not be able to go to the night stall. Otherwise, a large group of people will ask questions, and there will be few lives, but they will be quarreled to death, which will be miserable.

For good, we now have the first batch of medicinal materials. With these, we should be able to build a foundation normally. In the future, we can reduce the amount of money as much as possible, and we can also make a living.

At noon, Su Han felt his stomach gurgling. He went to the vegetable market and bought a lively chicken.

"I guess I can have a good meal at noon." Su Han carried the chicken feet and went home anxiously.

He also went to Lingshan to catch fairy birds before, and it was naturally difficult for him to kill chickens.

With a basin of hot water, Su Han began to pluck the blooded chicken.

After quickly finishing these things, Su Han cut open the chicken's abdominal cavity with a knife: "It's better to rely on yourself. Do it yourself and have enough food and clothing."

He seems to have seen a pot of delicious chicken soup, delicious chicken wings, chewy chicken legs, and makes him salivate when he thinks about it.

There were waves of footsteps in the room.

is light, but the houses in the suburbs are very empty, and the location is large enough. The footsteps collided with the wall, making overlapping echoes, and the sound is getting louder and louder.

"Hmm?" Su Han held the kitchen knife with his backhand and hid behind the kitchen door: "Did you find me so soon? It seems that Huang Song's ability is not small.


The sound was getting closer and closer. Just outside the kitchen door, Su Han turned around and jumped. When a kitchen knife was about to cut off the intruder's head, he found a little girl in front of him.

It is said that she is a little girl, and she is not young. She is in her early 20s, and she is 1.75 meters tall, only a few centimeters shorter than Su Han. She put on a pair of casual high-sole sneakers, and her height is closer to Su Han.