The strongest dung bee

Chapter 75 Dumb Overlord

10,000 mythical beasts roared in Su Han's heart and were fooled by a person who looked retarded but actually looked like a mirror in his heart. This is simply disgusting.

"I said, buddy, you are not authentic." Although Su Han thinks this matter is quite fucking, he still thinks this nerd is very interesting.

The nerd laughed again and said, "You are not authentic. Come out to see my jokes in the middle of the night."

"Why am I not authentic? I wanted to help you." Su Han said, a run and stared at the tree fiercely.

The sparse dew came down, and the nerd's test tube was immediately full.

"Oh! So awesome?" The nerd looked at the test tube full of dew and was surprised.

Su Han couldn't tell whether this guy was real or fake, so he simply didn't say anything.

The nerd suddenly patted his head: "Oh! By the way, the reason why I stand under the tree to receive dew is that I think dew is a very holy thing. Forget it, I still have to maintain my faith.

He said to pour out all the dew in the test tube! Then he said seriously, "I can't do sacred things through speculation, otherwise, it will be worthless."

Su Han really thinks that this guy is a talent. These days, there are not many people who do stupid things, but society also needs people who do stupid things.

"You're awesome. I support you. It's too late. Next time we have a good talk." Su Han was really a little sleepy. After being tossed around for a day, he was a little tired all over. He took a shower, slept, and went to Xiaoying's birthday party at dawn.

"Alle! Brother, take your time." The nerd raised the test tube with one hand and waved to Su Han with the other hand: "My name is Dumb King, remember."

"Remember, your name is Dumb King, Dumb King like Xue Pan." Su Han smiled and walked to a guest house across the street.


Unconsciously, it was already dawn, and Su Han sat up from ** and began to meditated for a day.

Yesterday, Xiaoying told him the location of the birthday party and decided to have a banquet in the "Crystal City".

Crystal City is a very high-end clubhouse in Yanjing. It does not do business for three or four people, but only does big party business.

And the price is very high. Even so, it is often open all night, because it is so popular.

"Start at 12 o'clock at noon, I'll take a two-hour seat and go at ten o'clock." Su Han thought.

After an hour, his mobile phone rang, and Master Jiuwen called: "Xiao Han, are you still sleeping?"

"No, Uncle Jiu, what's wrong?"

"Oh! There are too many students. Since you became famous, many young men have asked me to learn tattoos.

Is that right? This is a good thing." Su Han smiled. He felt that it must be a pity that Jiuwen had taught such a disciple to tattoo the ancient method. Now I don't think it's a pity. It's a very happy thing for Jiuwen to see the ancient tattoo open branches and leaves with his own eyes.

Jiuwen is also happy at this moment: "It's a good thing. I'm overcrowded here. Fortunately, the management ability of the guys you recommended is good, otherwise I will be in a hurry."

Last time Su Han recommended black skin, bald head and Jie Ge to go there, but he didn't expect it to work.

All three have led a lot of younger brothers, and they are simply familiar with management.

Su Han was a little surprised: "Really?"

It may be that Brother Jie grabbed the phone and said very excitedly, "boss, we have come to the right position you recommended, and we can give full play to our strengths. Master Jiuwen can also enlighten us. I feel that my life is extremely fulfilling now."

"Alas! Don't keep talking, I also want to talk to the boss?" The black skin beside him is also a little anxious.

Brother Jie scolded the black skin and said, "You can't call with your mobile phone?"

"Bullshit, I have a mobile phone, but the boss only has one mobile phone."

Su Han was teased by them here.

Half an hour passed before Su Han finished greeting them, and he had a more grand vision in his heart.

But this idea will never be implemented before his strength rises.

Putting down his mobile phone, Su Han got out of bed, relaxed his waist, brought tattoo needles and blood elixir, and said to himself, "This time it should be a perfect birthday party for Xiaoying."

After getting on the subway and taking two buses, Su Han saw Crystal City, just two or three hundred meters ahead of him.

walked past the bus stop.

Su Han also looked at the hotel.

It is indeed a first-class hotel. You can see the word luxury from the outside. It is magnificent and looks like a palace.

But it is different from the beauty of the palace. The beauty of the palace lies in the taste and the thick and simple charm.

The beauty of the crystal city lies in design, modern design.

I want to come to this hotel with real money in terms of the cost of design.

Su Han went up more than 100 steps at the door, but was stopped by the security guard outside the huge linth.

"Wait a minute, invitation?"

"Do you still want an invitation?" Su Han spread out his hands, but Xiao Ying didn't give it to him either.

The security guard sneered and said, "Hmm, when I saw you get off the bus, I knew that you were a bun. Who here came here by bus? It's miserable to say that you still want to invite? What do you think this is?"

Another security guard next to him also said, "Kid, do you think this is a wedding banquet held by ordinary people? You don't need to invite or anything to get in for a meal.

Su Han patted his thigh and said in astonishment, "But Xiaoying really didn't give me an invitation. What can I bring to you?"


The older security guard was completely angry: "Don't do anything with us. You have to ask clearly enough. I know that the wedding banquet hosted by Miss Xiaoying here is quite intimate. I don't believe that they will socialize with poor people like you."

"Forget it. Just drive them away. We are all poor, and don't talk about anyone." In addition, the security guard also said that they are also poor. Why do the poor suffer for the poor?

Su Han was a little speechless. It seemed that he could only make a phone call and just took out his mobile phone.

I heard a familiar voice behind.

"Yo! Who do I think I am? Master Su, isn't this our family's once beautiful?

"Tut, do you still think you are the young master now? What are you doing at the door? Want to go in? I'll take you in."

Su Han looked back and found that he was from the Su family.

These two men are still cousins, Su Fei and Su Hu.

These two people used to be very intimate with themselves, but now they don't miss the friendship in those years, and they still play majestically in front of themselves.

Su said coldly, "Who did I think it was? It turns out that I used to have two dogs. Not to mention it, I used to think that both of you have disgraced your father's reputation as dogs. It's delicious and delicious. Sure enough, if there is nothing delicious, you will open your mouth and bite people. The quality is low enough.

Indeed, Su Fei and Su Hu used to like Su Han too much. These two were stuck to their hot faces against their cold buttocks.

But when you say this, Su Han takes yourself too seriously, right?

Su Fei and Su Hu don't look much better.

Su Hu is a little younger, only 17 years old, and a little bloodier. He took the invitation and prepared to fan Su Han's face: "Tay one more to the young master. I will kill you with this invitation. Do you believe it?"

The Ren family is a large consortium. In terms of wealth, the Su family and the Yun family may be a little incomparable, so the invitation is also made of silver, and the surface is coated with a layer of gold foil. This thing is really painful.

Su Fei pulled over Suhu: "Have you forgotten what the old man at home said? In the future, you can fight when you see Su Han, but don't fight in public, which will damage our family, you know?"

Su Hu also replied carefully, "I know, brother, let go of this bastard today and don't let me meet him another day."

Today, many people in the Su family have bought the face of the Ren family and sit in it. If the beating Su Han is spread, it is really hard to say.

"Come on, boy, I don't care about you. Our two brothers go in to see Miss Ren's beauty, and you have no chance. You can only stay at the door, but don't be afraid. I will bring you some delicious food, such as bones, meat slices and so on." Su Hu speaks as unpleasantly as he is.

Don't forget to add the sentence: "Hey hey! By the way, if I don't see your surname Su, I will really break your dog's mouth.

Su Hu vented and suddenly felt much more comfortable.

And Su Fei also waved the golden invitation in his hand arrogantly: "Su Han, didn't you like beautiful women very much back then? What about now? Are there any women around you? Stupid ×. Look at my invitation."

Su Fei opened the reverse side and asked, "Do you see it clearly? Su Han, this is the invitation from the third table. Do you know how far it is from Miss Ren? A table, that is, we can toast to Miss Ren at will.

He said so, but the system of this kind of family-style party is very strict. You are lucky enough to sit at the third table by relying on the status of the children of the Su family, but it doesn't mean that you can toast the lady's wine if you want to go down.

To put it badly, Miss Ren is the apple of the Ren family. What are you Su Fei and Su Hu? It's just two children of a non-enterous family, toast? Not qualified yet.

Su Han smiled and said, "There is still a row of seats. What's so excited about? If I go in, I guess I will sit next to Xiaoying."

"Tut, Xiaoying is still shouting so intimately that she hasn't corrected her mentality yet." Su Fei shook his head and said, "These are all your intentions**. Can you get in?"

"I'll call Xiaoying and I can get in." Su Han took out his mobile phone and really wanted to start calling Xiaoying's number.

Su Fei and Su Hu, who were beside them, simply stood aside. They insisted on making a fool of Su Han, who liked to pretend.

"Hey! Xiaoying?"

"Ah! Brother Han, are you really here? Great, by the way, where are you? Why didn't I see you?" Xiaoying has been staring at the door for more than two hours, and she can't see Su Han.

Su Han smiled dryly: "I'm at the gate. There is no invitation, so the security guard won't let me in."

Xiaoying immediately exclaimed, "Ah! Look at my head. I forgot about it yesterday. I'm going to pick you up at the door now.

"Alle!" Su Han hung up the phone and said to Su Fei and Su Hu, "What? Xiaoying is coming to pick me up. You two are reluctant to leave, right?

Su Hu spit on the ground: "Bah! What are you? Will they pick you up in person? Come on, you act like a little bit, okay?"

"Hum." Su Han is too lazy to take care of this guy and still plays a doublehuang? The two bastards moved their brains and thought about it. What's good about the double reed that is about to wear?