The strongest dung bee

Chapter 111 Totem Awakening

In the room, Su Han sat and meditated hard.

The number of teammate Tu Hao has been added, but with Tu Hao's strength... He has a fart strength.

The physical problem can be solved. At worst, it will take a little effort to refine a marrow-washing elixir for him.

There are so many medicinal materials in the Wang family's treasure house, so there is no need to use them for nothing.

Easy tendon washing elixir is a low-level elixir. Of course, it is in the fairyland. On the earth, no one can practice it except Su Han.

Its main effect is to wash the impurities inside the body and play the role of easy to wash the marrow elixir. However, it is quite troublesome to refine. There are 13 kinds of main drugs alone, and 68 kinds of auxiliary drugs.

It's too troublesome.

However, the bloody trial is about to begin. In order to improve Tu Hao's strength as soon as possible, Su Han can't take care of trouble.

At this time, he was mainly worried about what skills to practice for Tu Hao.

There are absolutely many skills that Su Han can handle, which can be called a practice library, but it is too difficult to find a suitable one.

The fairyland is full of aura, and most of the skills are also created for the environment of the fairyland and are not used much on earth.

And the skill of practicing the body is too slow to work. For example, if it hadn't been for the Dumb Overlord himself with a certain foundation, coupled with the stimulation of the evil spirit in the broken intestine sword, Su Han would not have taken it out.

"Rock skill?"

"Wild ancient boxing?"

"Ten-step kill?"


After muttering more than a dozen names in a row, Su Han just shook his head. Even though these skills are not weak in the fairyland, the speed is still slow.

Too slow.

is not suitable for Tu Hao at all.

What Su Han is looking for now is a skill that can not only work in a short time, but also will not cause harm to long-term cultivation.

"I'm starving!"

"Su Han, I'm hungry. Can you go and cook?"

"I bought you some food."

A crisp voice suddenly came into Su Han's ear, interrupting his thoughts. It was the sound of Man Man.

stood up helplessly and saw Manman holding a large basket of vegetables in her left hand and a fish in her right hand, with an expression like a greedy cat on her face.

When she saw Su Han go out, she immediately entangled and said softly, "Su Han, I'm hungry and I want to eat the delicious food you made."

"Get out!"

Su Han's whole body got goosebumps. Although Manman is beautiful and proud, she usually looks like a careless woman. Suddenly, she is coquettish and cute, and her tone is sweet. Su Han really can't accept it.

Manman was not angry and smiled, "Okay, okay, I'll get out of here. I'll wash the dishes. I'll wait for you in the kitchen. Come quickly."

After saying that, she hummed and ran to the kitchen.

Looking at her graceful back, Su Han showed an arc at the corners of his mouth.

This kind of life is actually good.

It's just that in ten days, I'm going to leave.

It doesn't matter. Let's satisfy her in the next two days.


In the kitchen, Su Han is busy, burning red oil, cutting vegetables into the pot, or stir-frying or stewing. Everything is well organized.

Every action has a familiar charm. It is simply a pleasure to watch him cook.

Manman enjoyed watching it, leaned against the kitchen door, slipped to the chopping board from time to time, stole two tomatoes, and ate happily.

Su Han was quite speechless, "I said, you are a girl who doesn't know how to cook. What should you do if you starve to death in the future?"

"Well, how can I starve to death? Let me tell you, I'm a top foodie. I eat whatever I see, and my figure will never be deformed."

Hearing this, Su Han was stunned for a moment, and there seemed to be a bright light in his mind. What did you just say?

Seeing Su Han's slightly solemn appearance, Manman was stunned for a moment and shrugged her chest. "Why, isn't it? The figure will never be deformed. The convex place should be convex, and the thin place should be thin."

Su Han was speechless for a while, "It's not this sentence, the previous sentence."

"Am I a top foodie?"

"At the end of this sentence."

"Look...what do you see and eat?" Manman said hesitantly, walked to Su Han, reached out and touched his forehead, "Do you have a fever? Burned my brain."

Su Han seemed to be in silence. After a moment, he came to his senses, threw the shovel into Manman's hand, and quickly ran to the room. You stir-fry first. I have something to do."

"Hey, hey..."

Manman stamped her feet and shouted anxiously, but Su Han closed the door with a bang. Seeing that the dishes in the pot were about to burn, she couldn't care so much and turned her hands in a hurry.


In the room, Su Han held a pen and quickly sketched on the paper.

Yes, Su Han was inspired by Manman's sentence.

What to see and eat.

Before, when he was in the fairyland, Su Han once saw a very strange mythical beast named Taoyi. There was a high-level immortal emperor named Taoyi ancestor.

To achieve the great cause of the Immortal Emperor. And his sect is called devouring heaven and earth.

Su Han vaguely remembers that his ancestor once created a set of skills based on his unique physique and combined with human physical conditions.

By eating to grow your cultivation, the more you eat, the more energy you convert, the better you eat, and the faster the energy you convert.

And no matter how many injuries you suffer, as long as there is enough food, it's OK.

After practicing this set of skills, he once became one of the most powerful immortal emperors in the fairy world. The reason is very simple. His disciples practice the fastest. As long as there is enough food, they can grow up quickly and practice far faster than others.

However, this skill was banned by the fairyland later.

Because the more you practice this skill, the more energy you need.

Although the whole fairyland is vast and can feed thousands of strong people, it can't help but consume it like this. A gluttonous ancestor is okay. If his sect continues to develop like this, the whole fairyland will be eaten up by him and his disciples.

The gluttony ancestor is also a reasonable person. After all, in the fairyland, it is everyone's responsibility to love their homeland, so this skill was abolished.

Several immortal emperors paid a lot of price and reached an agreement with the gluttonous ancestors. In the future, it is strictly forbidden to practice this skill. If they find one, kill one, and never forgive them.

Although Su Han has never practiced, he still has a little impression of this skill in his mind.

After all, at that time, he was also a moderate monk.

Swallow the sky and the earth!

That's it!

With Tu Hao's habit, it is also most suitable for practicing this skill. As for energy, it is enough to provide it to him in the early stage. When he has a certain cultivation, he can be self-sufficient.

Thinking of this, Su Han only felt relaxed, and a big stone pressed on the bottom of his heart suddenly died.

After a few noses**, Su Han suddenly asked a burning smell.

When he opened the door, Su Han was stunned.

I saw a blazing fire in the kitchen, the stove was in a mess, and the range hood was whirling around, but it didn't help at all.

And Manman stood there, like a stone sculpture, motionless.

The flame has climbed on her and wrapped her in it, but there is no pain on her face, but looks very enjoyable.

It's like taking a hot bath.

Su Han was completely stunned by such a change.

What's going on?

The reason for the fire in the kitchen is easy to explain. Probably Manman was careless, and what surprised Su Han was why she was safe and sound in the fire.


Su Han shouted tentatively, but Manman closed her eyes and did not react at all.

Su Han's voice was a little louder. She suddenly shivered and came to her senses, only to find herself standing in a fire.

subconsciously let out a scream, but as soon as the sound came out, it stopped abruptly.

"Su Han, I...what's wrong with me?"

"This fire burns me, why don't I feel pain? On the contrary, it's very comfortable?"

She asked doubtfully, with an uncontrollable panic in her voice, but also a little faint surprise.

After a moment, she jumped up. Su Han, do I have superpowers? Yeah! I'm Superman! Call me Manman Superman in the future!"

Su Han almost couldn't help laughing.

An idea also quietly came to my mind.

Is it the picture of Jiuwen that awakened on Manman?

Thinking of this, Su Han asked, "Did you feel anything strange just now?"

Manman was stunned for a moment, "It seems that there is a little bit. Just now, I seemed to see a big bird with colorful and beautiful body, and its whole body is on fire."


Su Han suddenly understood.

Is it true that the totem has awakened?

"Focus on your mind and see if the phoenix can come to your mind again."

Manman said, but closed her eyes without hesitation, looking like a student had encountered some difficult problem, and a moment later, a circle of fire slowly emerged from around her body.

The pure white flame looks like a candle that may be extinguished at any time in the strong wind, but Su Han knows in his heart that its temperature is absolutely horrible.

This is Phoenix's real fire!

Phoenix real fire is one level higher than Samadhi real fire!

Su Han never thought that at this time, Manman would awaken the phoenix real fire!

That totem scripture is really amazing.

"Yeah! I will be angry, Su Han, look at my flame meteor fist!" Manman jumped and jumped, waved her pink fist and rushed towards Su Han.

Su Han was scared into a cold sweat. Almost in an instant, he felt an extreme chill and almost lost his soul.

That's Phoenix!

When I survived the disaster in my previous life, I died in the Phoenix God Disaster. With the current weak body, if it is burned by this punch, it will definitely turn into ashes, and even the slag will not be left.



Su Han pulled out his foot and ran out of the door. Manman put his hands on his waist and laughed, "Tell you, don't mess with me in the future. Be careful that I burn you with fire."

After a moment, Su Han was stunned.

Manman also seemed to feel something wrong. She looked down. She let out a hysterical scream and ran to the room quickly.

It turned out that although she was safe and sound in the flames before, her clothes were burned badly, and now they have all turned into ashes and fallen down.

Looking at her hurried back, Su Han cleaned up the messy kitchen and thought quickly.

It seems that another teammate will be added.

However, with Manman's personality, it is estimated that it will cost a lot to convince her.