The strongest dung bee

Chapter 151 Demons

In a valley hundreds of miles away.

Yellow sand piled up, the cold wind roared, and in the valley, there were nearly a hundred flying wolves flying in mid-air, neatly arranged, like a well-trained army.

In front of the wolves, there is a man in a green robe with dense spots on his face, like a large sesame cake, which looks a little funny.

And his eyes were shining with a faint blue light, like the eyes of a wolf, which was clearly visible in the dark.

At this time, he was roaring angrily.

This person's name is the ancestor of the blood wolf. The nearly 100 flying wolves under his seat are carefully cultivated by him, which consumes countless resources, and each of them is his heart.

And the one who flew out to look for food just now was also a powerful existence among the wolves. Unexpectedly, he was killed in a while.

The blood wolf ancestor can feel that his baby is completely breathless.

Licking the scarlet lips, the blood wolf ancestor stood up and looked up in the direction of the west of the desert, revealing a cold light in his eyes, "If you dare to kill my baby, just bury it."

The ancestor of the blood wolf casually threw out a huge elephant body and landed on the ground. The elephant weighed at least tens of thousands of pounds, and where it was piled up, it was like a meat mountain.

The smell of flesh and blood suddenly attracted the eyes of the wolves.

"Children, eat, eat, eat, go and kill the enemy."

The wolves whined and immediately rushed up. They only swallowed the flesh and blood of the giant elephant, but they did not fight at all. Instead, they were in order.

With nearly a ray of incense, the wolves were full, and a huge meat mountain was eaten clean.

The blood wolf ancestor waved his hand, "Children, go!"

He took the lead in soaring into the air, and a wolf followed him quietly and flew in the direction of Su Han and others.


After burning the flying wolf to ashes, several people were completely sleepless, and their hearts trembled when they heard the roar from afar.

Oh no.

This is actually a monster raised by someone.

The strength of this person who can keep this monster as a pet can be imagined.

Su Han's eyes were unprecedentedly alert, and almost in an instant, he made a decision, "Go!"

"Where are you going?"

Looking at the surrounding environment, Su Han frowned tightly. It was the most difficult thing to retreat in this desert. There were no obstacles to hide his body, and he could be found at once.

"Get out of here first and go south." Su Hanfei said quickly and acted quickly.

Although Su Han also has a black eye on the terrain here, he must also choose a direction and go wherever he goes. Anyway, as long as the direction does not change, he can always get out of this desert.

In this completely strange world, don't stay for a while and don't want to understand its whole picture.

"Huh? What is that?"

At this time, Manman's eyes were sharp, and there was a little light flashing in the pile of ashes.

Su Han walked over, pulled it a few times, and took out an oval light stone from it. The size of an egg, but it emitted an extremely soft light. You can feel that there is a faint flow of energy.

Monster Spirit?

Su Han's eyes were stunned for a moment.

This egg-sized light stone is the spirit of monsters and the core of the whole body energy of monsters. It is rare and rare. Only pure and noble monsters with pure blood can produce this kind of spirit.

What kind of creature is the flying wolf?

What kind of composition does this world have?

Su Han has a lot of thoughts in his heart, and the spirit of monsters is also called the inner elixir of monsters. Even in the fairy world, it is a very rare existence. Even if countless monsters are killed, they may not be able to harvest a spirit.

And now, kill a flying wolf casually, since you can harvest one.

Moreover, the strength of this flying wolf is not very strong.

At best, it is equivalent to a monk in the late foundation.

Is the spirit of monsters very common in this world?

Su Han had this idea in his mind, but he didn't have time to think too much. He took the four people and walked quickly to the distance.

Let's retreat first.

The four people ran towards the south, and Su Han walked in the front, with Manman and Tu Hao in the middle. After the overlord broke off, under the inexplicable threat, all four of them burst out at the ultimate speed. In a short time, they crossed a distance of dozens of miles.

The blood wolf ancestor arrived at the place where Su Han stayed before.

Seeing a pair of ashes on the ground and the place where the crowd lived, his eyes narrowed slightly and his nose couldn't stop **. After a moment, he whispered to himself, "Four people, three men and one woman."

His nose is extremely sharp, almost more useful than a real wolf's nose. Even if Su Han walked out for a period of time, he could still catch the smell left in the air.

"It's heading south."

In the eyes of the blood wolf ancestor, there was a trace of fear, as if there was a presence in the south that made him afraid.

But when he gritted his teeth, he waved his hand fiercely and suddenly made a decision, "Children, go!"

The blood wolf quickly chased after his precious wolves.


The energy flowed, and the four people burst out at the extreme speed. Su Han occasionally looked back and saw that there seemed to be a dark cloud in the sky.

It's not a cloud, it's a wolf.

Seeing this scene, Su Han was completely stunned, and an extreme chill rose from his heart, so he burst out at a faster speed.

He ran for his life and said something without boasting. In the fairyland, he really turned left countless times and was very familiar with it.

In the situation of the crisis in the fairyland, running for life is the first means that everyone must learn, otherwise, there is only one way to die.

Su Han didn't even dare to let them turn back, for fear that they would find the crisis behind him and scare his legs to be weak. Whenever a person slowed down, Su Han pulled out with a fierce whip.

Unconsciously, he has fallen to the end of the team, with a long whip in his hand, swinging uncontrollably.

The three rarely saw Su Han's appearance. Whenever they were whipped on their bodies, they always felt a little aggrieved, but under the stimulation of pain, they burst out at a faster speed, running like three wild horses.

A long night.

Until the first ray of dawn appears in the sky.

The three of them were so tired that they finally couldn't run.

Tu Hao fell to the ground first. Ren Suhan refused to stand up no matter how he whipped. He felt that his legs were as heavy as lead, and his lungs were hot, as if he would die of suffocation the next second.

However, at the moment he lay down, he turned his head and suddenly saw the overwhelming flying wolf army behind him. Tu Hao jumped up fiercely as if he had been burned to his buttocks by a flame, and ran forward again non-stop.

Under the threat of death, he played the fastest speed, even surpassing the mangman, and there was bleeding in his nostrils, but he suddenly did not realize it.

Su Han smiled, but the smile was quite bitter.

Su Han can see that Tu Hao has basically reached the limit at this time, and Manman and the Dumb Overlord have also had considerable physical loss of physical strength. Such a state will not last long.

And the wolves are getting closer and closer.

For the first time, Su Han felt the threat of death.

At this moment, a flash of light flashed in his mind, but a plan quietly emerged.

Looking at his back, the wolves were less than a few miles away from him, and they could even clearly see that a flying wolf was drooling, and his eyes showed infinite greed.

The endurance of a creature like a wolf is the most horrible.

Even creatures in nature that are much stronger than it can't compare with it at all, let alone human beings.

gritting his teeth, Su Han's eyes quietly showed a trace of madness. He grabbed a magic weapon from the storage space and threw it backwards without looking back.


After a moment, there was a deafening sound behind him.

is the explosion of the magic weapon.

The self-explosive device is the most lethal and effective method that Su Han can take out at present.

However, Su Han also knows in his heart that such a method will not last long. After all, although he has collected a large number of magic weapons in the Yun family, one part is used to cultivate the small tripod, while the other part is delivered to the king ghost.

There is really not much left in myself.

are some more distinctive high-quality magic weapons.

Using such an explosion to delay time will not last long.

In the roar of the explosion, the flying wolves flying in the front suddenly burst and turned into a blood rain, flying flesh and blood, and the strong explosion directly disrupted the formation of the flying wolf. Even the flying wolf in the rear, there were many blood stains on its body.

The blood wolf ancestor was stunned by such a change.

He didn't fly as fast as a flying wolf. He just rode on the back of a wolf. When he saw this scene and saw the death and injury of his beloved baby, his heart was bleeding.

What shocked him more was that he never thought that the man running in front of him could throw a magic soldier!

Only a divine soldier can have a unique spirituality and be manipulated by the master to explode.

That's a magic soldier!

The blood wolf ancestor silently guessed Su Han's identity, and after a moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, as if he had thought of something, and a bright light appeared in his mind.

"Extraortial demon!"

"They are evil spirits!"

The blood wolf ancestor suddenly thought of it.

Only demons outside the world can care about the divine soldiers!

The last time the demons attacked, the blood wolf ancestor was just a teenager with low cultivation and did not witness the war with his own eyes. He only knew that those demons were average in cultivation, but they had quite powerful weapons in their hands.

And that weapon was made a magic weapon by them. On the blood moon continent, it is called a divine soldier.

On the blood moon continent, magic soldiers are extremely rare, and each of them is a rare treasure. Only the most powerful warrior can have divine soldiers.

In fact, most of the magic soldiers that are being used on the current Blood Moon Continent are obtained from those demons.

"Hey, the boy in front of you, leave a magic weapon, and I'll let you go!"

Thinking of this, the blood wolf ancestor was afraid that he would explode again and immediately made a roar through the world.

But Su Han was stunned directly.