The strongest dung bee

Chapter 189 Cold Body

Seeing Su Han's extremely cold appearance, the man clenched his teeth and hesitated with wide eyes.

He can be sure that if he doesn't say anything this time, this young teenager who looks young and quite beautiful is definitely a thunderbolt.

"I... My name is Zhan Yuan, the centurion of the Changshengwei. I was ordered to come here to protect the safety of Changsheng Valley and not be disturbed by outsiders."

Thinking about it, Zhan Yuan squeezed out a sentence from his teeth, lowered his head, and dared not look at Su Han's eyes at all.


Su coldly smiled, "It seems that you are going to lie?"

Two sharp eyes, like two sharp swords, stabbed Zhan Yuan. He felt as if he was being targeted by a fierce beast and his whole body was uncomfortable.


gritting his teeth, Zhan Yuan looked up at Linglong, "Saint, saint, say something, how can there be an outsider in the Long Life Valley?"

Linglong glanced at him, and his eyes gradually became cold, with a complex look. She came to him and whispered, "Tell me, brother... Is there something wrong with my brother?"

Although she is simple, she is not stupid.

Before, my brother was a long-term martial saint with a high status. No one dared to come here to be presumptuous, but now...

Since this group of people surrounded Changsheng Valley, what should my brother have done?

Thinking of the previous scene of Lu Xuan's divination, Linglong's whole body trembled and her face was pale.

"I..." Zhan Yuan is still holding on.


"Ter up!"

"Say it!"

He shouted hoarsely, and the spiritual power flowed, and the golden rope suddenly tightened like a living creature and strangled him to death.

Zhan Yuan could hardly breathe, and his mouth was wide open, like a captured goldfish. Such torture is much more serious than Su Han's previous useless hands and feet.

"I said... I said!"

"The saint is merciful!"

He finally collapsed and intermittently told the whole story.

It turns out that Wan Changsheng has fallen, fell on the top of the snowy mountains, and the blood rain before is the best proof.

And now the Imsonance has become a mess.

The thirteen elders are divided into two determined factions. One faction still supports ten thousand immortality and wants to invite the saint Linglong, who lives in seclusion in the Valley of Longsheng, to come out to preside over the overall situation, while the other faction disagrees.

Under the irreconcilable contradiction, there was extremely serious civil strife in Changshengtian.

The opposition temporarily has the upper hand, trapping the supporters in Wanshou City, and sending Changshengwei to come here to catch Linglong.

However, the defense of the array outside the Changsheng Valley is extremely fierce. These Changsheng guards did not dare to act rashly at all, but strictly guarded and waited for the orders from their superiors.

But I didn't expect to be found so early and caught.

After listening to these words, Linglong fell into a state of trance. Her body trembled a few times, bit her lips, and there was a trace of red blood at the corners of her mouth.

My brother has fallen!

The grief in her heart can't be described in words.

It's like the sky has collapsed.

There is no doubt that the elder brother Wan Changsheng is a well-deserved genius. It took less than 50 years to grow from the most ordinary disciple to Wu Sheng, which can be regarded as the first person in the history of the Blood Moon Continent.

And as one of his distant cousins, his parents died when he was a child and was raised by his brother, treating him as both an elder brother and a father.

was even brought to Changshengtian by him to treat his stubborn diseases and practice. Although his life was plain, he was carefree.

And now, my brother is dead!

Linglong stood in place like a wooden pile, his body trembling like an electric shock, and a chill on his body became stronger and stronger.

Almost in an instant, the cold air on her body broke out, forming a thick layer of ice, almost freezing the whole person tightly.

"Oh no!"


Seeing this scene, the three old men's faces changed greatly and suddenly surrounded them.

Linglong has a chronic disease, which has been known by the three people for a long time. Since childhood, as long as it is slightly affected by the wind and cold, or the mood swing is too strong, the body will produce a powerful chill, which will freeze the whole body function.

After so many years of treatment, it has gradually recovered and has not relapsed for a long time.

However, the root of the cold has not been eliminated, but it is sealed in the depths of the body and may break out at any time.

It is because of this that several people were worried about letting Linglong out, but kept her stay in this almost isolated Long Life Valley.

In order to protect his sister as much as possible, Wan Changsheng even ordered that no one should be allowed to enter the forbidden area of Changshengtian from thousands of miles near Daxue Mountain.

If there is any disobey, kill him!

What's the situation?

Seeing this scene, Su Han was also stunned and never expected such a change.

At a glance, Su Han's eyebrows frowned tightly.

With his knowledge and experience, he can vaguely recognize that this... seems to be a physique that has not appeared for a long time and only exists in legend.

Ice and cold body.

Rumor has it that a woman with a cold body is born with an extremely strong cold air in her body, and her growth experience is extremely painful. She must often be tortured by cold air, and life is worse than death.

However, once you can get through it, it will be bitter and sweet.

Su Han vaguely remembers that in the history of the fairyland, there seemed to be three cold women, two of whom died early, but the one who survived became the famous immortal emperor. At that time, the first immortal emperor was extremely lethal.

Among the commanders, a planet can be turned into a frozen place.

Linglong, is it actually a cold body?

When he saw this sudden change, Zhan Yuan's eyes showed an inexplicable look.

I didn't expect that I would receive such an effect in my words.

There is no doubt that the main purpose of this group of Changshengwei came here is to control several people in the Changsheng Valley and even kill them when necessary.

Especial exquisite.

As a saint of the long life, she is the biggest threat.


At this time, the three old men's eyebrows were tightly frowned, and there was incomparable worry in their eyes.

At this time, the ice was already tightly covered and almost became a beautiful statue, but the exquisite was completely sealed in it.

Several people dare not act rashly.

"Get out!"

Lu Xuan was so angry that he was angry with Zhan Yuan and kicked him in the chest fiercely. This man flew out like a broken kite, and he sprayed blood in mid-air. He didn't know whether to live or die.

"Ead Elder Lu, don't be impatient. The most urgent thing is to find a way to find a cure first." Su Han took a deep breath and calmed down in his eyes.

Lu Xuan sighed long and his eyes were extremely dim, "If there was a solution, would I look like this?"

"This cold poison was okay when I was a child. Although the frequency of attacks is high, the power is not so strong. The older you are, although the frequency of attacks is small, every time, it is frightening."

"This child..."

There is a very strong worry in Lu Xuan's tone.

And he was worried not only about Linglong's condition, but also about the situation at this time.

The fall of Wan Changsheng is equivalent to the complete disappearance of the * covering the Changsheng Valley. From then on, it must be endless harassment.

After that, life will be difficult.

Not only is it difficult to live in the Long Life Valley, but also the whole life is not very easy.

With no Wusheng as the pillar, the status of Changsheng will definitely fall sharply, and other martial arts sects are likely to take advantage of it.

"Why don't I try it?" After thinking about it, Su Han said.

To be honest, Su Han is not very sure, but at this time, he has to give it a try first.

In the suspicious eyes of several people, Su Han walked to Linglong and looked carefully. At this time, Linglong seemed to be asleep. The sun shone on her body and looked extremely beautiful under the refraction of the ice.

As soon as he approached, Su Han felt a chill deep into the bone marrow.

Although Su Han's physique, he couldn't help shivering.

The spiritual power flowed in his body and endured the chill. Su Han stretched out his hand and gently touched the ice.


Almost in an instant, the cold became violent and surged towards Su Han. After a moment, one of his arms was tightly blocked by the ice.

Prepared, Su Han took a step back and left the area covered by the cold. The spiritual power flowed in the meridians of his arm, and the ice fell to the ground.

At this time, Su Han felt that his arm was completely unconscious, as if he was half dead.

There was a lot of shock in his eyes.

Although he has long known that the power of the cold body is extremely horrible, Su Han really came into contact with this physique for the first time. He accidentally suffered a lot of losses.

"Kid, don't mess around!"

"Are you able to do it or not!"

"Get out of here if you can't!"

At the same time, Chu Feng cursed grumpily.

He was originally a violent man, and because he cared about Linglong's body, his mind was already confused. When he saw Su Han's appearance, he immediately cursed.

"Can you do it? You go!"

"No, just shut up!"

Su Han looked at him and said coldly.

Although Su Han respects these two people, he respects them. At this time, he will not save them any face.

"What did you say?" Chu Feng suddenly exploded like a bucket of explosives, suddenly bursting and roaring at Su Han angrily.

"Get out!"

"Relying on the old and selling the old, what are you!"

After Su Leng shouted a word coldly, he ignored him again, and Chu Feng still wanted to be angry, but was pulled by Lu Xuan's hand, "Lao San, don't mess around."

At this time, Lu Xuan was quite trusted by Su Han.

Other than that, the thunderbolt arrow developed is also trustworthy.

On this bloody moon continent, it is not possible for ordinary people to develop such artifacts.

Taking a deep breath, Su Han's spiritual power ran again, slowly sensing the remaining chill in his arm. As a trace of extremely pure active energy in the plough comb entered the arm, the dead skin gradually fell off.

After a moment, a surprise appeared in Su Han's eyes.

This plow comb seems to... seem to purify the cold air!