The strongest dung bee

Chapter 206 Monster

Thinking about it, Su Han figured it out.

I think that the reason why this woman has such a powerful ability is that she is not a person, but a monster.

After the monster becomes sanctified, it is no different from human beings, but has a certain advantage.

That is the talent of monsters.

The scorpion is originally a highly poisonous thing, and the poison needle at the tail is a point of the concentration of toxins in the whole body. Probably, the black light just now is her poison needle.

At this time, the battle has come to an end.

The seven kills in mid-air, the whole person was as black as ink, and the poison completely corroded his body. The huge body gradually turned into black blood and flowed into a river.

And his body is shrinking rapidly, like a piece of ice thrown into hot water, melting at a very rapid speed.

Under such pain, the seven kills can't even make a sound.

In fact, at this moment, he is dead.

Just because the toxins of fire and scorpions are mainly aimed at not the body, but the soul.

When the toxin first invaded his body, when the seven kills screamed, the fire of his soul quickly disappeared.

What is left now is just a pile of useless energy.

And the fire dance, at this time, he was also gasping, his chest could not help up and down, and he could not even stand up. He sat on his knees cross-legged on the ground and slowly recovered.

That black light is indeed her poison needle, her most powerful means, and a desperate trick.

The reason why Fire Scorpion Valley can be a forbidden place in the wilderness mountains. Humans dare not enter and monsters cannot invade is because of their talent.

There is no solution to the poison of the soul.

Once the toxin is released, the fire scorpion will die immediately.

The reason why the fire dance is still alive at this time is just because of her profound cultivation and unusual encounters.

Even so, she also suffered immeasurable damage and temporarily lost her whole body.

If you want to recover, it is not something that can be done overnight.


At this moment, a slight voice sounded quietly.

is the little beast hatched by the fire dance.

Su Han vaguely remembered that seven kills called it nothing.

No beast.

Su Han racked his brains, but he couldn't find the name in his memory, and Su Han had never seen its appearance.

This turned beast was very anxious at this time. A pair of small eyes dripped and stared straight at the "ink pool" in mid-air, and the saliva flowed all over the ground.

It seems to be eager.

Struggle fiercely in place and keep jumping, like a dog that is extremely hungry but can't eat bones.

Su Han's heart moved and just wanted to walk towards it. He didn't walk a few steps, but his feet suddenly stagnated.

I saw that this little beast's whole body was quietly undergoing extremely subtle changes.

Under its ribs, there seem to be two bulges, flesh and blood squirming and slowly bulging, as if some wonderful energy is brewing.

It jumped more cheerfully, and its long pointed mouth actually pecked on itself without hesitation, and its flesh and blood were blurred.

Then, two bloody wings came out.

This scene is extremely disgusting, and it is also a little unacceptable with Su Han's ability to bear it.

Su Han couldn't help thinking of a creature, a bat.

This scene is very similar to a bat, like a fat mouse, which gives birth to wings under its ribs and turns into a completely different creature.

As time went by, the size of the beast has shrunk a lot, and its eyes are also dim. It seems that it has consumed a lot of energy to grow these wings.

But the wings are slowly formed, perfectly streamlined, not large, dark as ink, and dazzling.

waving its wings, it fluttered like a eagle that learned to fly for the first time. However, without flying for a long distance, it could not control the balance of wings and fell down.


It let out a cry of chagrin, and its long mouth pecked under the ribs again. After a moment, it pecked out two huge blood holes.

The flesh and blood were blurred, and it didn't take long for another pair of wings to grow.

Four wings.

After completing its transformation, it shouted with satisfaction and rose to the sky, like a shell, shooting fiercely at the ink pool.

This scene stunned Su Han.

The whole body is cold, and the lips are also trembling.

Su Han did not recognize it before, and Su Han remembered the scene of its wings growing.

This is a creature that has been extinct for a long time.

It is called Wanhua Beast.

The formation conditions of Wanhua Beast are extremely harsh. From the land of evil to evil, it has been brewing for thousands of years and may produce one, and its ability is also against the extreme.

Transform yourself.

You can transform yourself as you like, as long as you have enough energy and flesh and blood.

This is like a creature made of plasticine. Although it has a real shape, its shape is not fixed at all.

For example, as long as it wants and has enough energy, it can become a beast, a bird and a human at any time.

Of course, in essence, it is still a ten thousand beasts.

Moreover, the most terrible thing about the beast is that it can be devouring.

Swallow all energy.

In the fairyland, there are many monsters born with devouring magic powers, such as gluttons, ancestral birds, and Kunpeng, which are extremely ferocious things. With a big mouth, they can swallow mountains and seas.

But their devouring is limited, and they also need to be digested. If they forcibly devove what they can't digest, they will definitely seek their own way to die and will be held to death.

And the Wanhua beast does not need to be digested at all.

Inside its body, there is an extremely wonderful structure, like a space similar to a black hole, which is the place where it stores energy and the source of its whole body energy.

With this space, Wanhua beasts can devour everything they want to swallow, especially energy.

In a sense, adult beasts are almost invincible.

Any planet with abable beast will basically be desolate in the end, and even the planet itself will be swallowed up.

The only weakness of the beast may be that it grows too slowly.

Its growth has nothing to do with energy, but depends on its own life.

Every year, the body size can grow by about an inch, which is already the limit.

Moreover, its infancy is a thousand years. During this thousand years, it is quite fragile. As long as it breaks its long mouth with powerful energy, it will die.

Thinking of this, Su Han looked up at the sky.

Sure enough, as expected, the Wanhua beast at this time has been crazily devouring the highly poisonous ink pool, and the blood in the ink pool is rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It didn't take long for it to dry up quickly.

After all this, it seemed to be full, flapping its wings and falling down, curling aside, and snoring happily.

Su Han crept towards it, quietly, with thousands of thoughts in his heart.

To be fair, when he met such a fierce beast, Su Han's first reaction was to completely kill it before it fully grew up.

To avoid immeasurable consequences in the future.

After all, this creature is absolutely impossible to be tamed. Even if it temporarily succumbs to the strong, it is impossible to recognize the Lord.

When the strength becomes strong, the world will be free.


Su Han also had a different idea in his heart.

Not to mention that it is not easy to cultivate all beasts, it is undoubtedly quite difficult to do something in this bloody moon continent with your current cultivation.

Moreover, I still have a long way to go from Wu Sheng.

In this process, in case of encountering a martial saint, as in the previous situation, he is likely to be killed on the spot.

If this Wanhua beast can be used well, it will definitely be a considerable help.

Su Han fell into a deep entanglement.

Turning her head and looked at the fire dance, she was still sitting cross-legged, with an extremely pale face.

At this time, he became the biggest winner.

Su Han's unspeakable feeling in his heart.

"Come here and help me up."

At this moment, a voice quietly sounded in Su Han's ear.

is the sound of fire dance.

As soon as she finished speaking, the corners of her mouth overflowed with a trace of blood. She slowly took out a white handkerchief from her arms. She just wanted to wipe it, but as if she thought of something. She folded the handkerchief again, put it back in her arms, and wiped it with her cuffs.

Su Han was stunned, walked over, grabbed her arm, and gently helped her up.

She is as light as a feather.

Su Han knew very well that if he wanted to kill her at this time, it would be absolutely easy.

But... somehow, Su Han felt that this idea did not come to his mind at all.

It's not because she is beautiful or because she has profound cultivation. I'm afraid she has any means to save her life, but... Su Han feels that this woman is very... very pitiful.

Su Han doesn't know why he has such an idea, but at this moment, he feels like this.

Helping up the fire dance, she grinned gently, and a trace of sadness appeared on her face. Her mouth was close to Su Han, exhaling like an orchid. She whispered in Su Han's ear, "Someone came here. After ten breaths, he will arrive here."


Hearing this, Su Han's body suddenly stiffened.

Someone is coming?

Who is it?

"I protected you just now, and now it's your turn to protect me." Huo Wu stared into Su Han's eyes and said as a matter of course.

Her eyes are clear and pure, like two good gems, none of which are impurities.

And the divine light in his eyes, in his perseverance, faintly revealed a trace of pity.

Subconsciously nodded, and Su Han whispered, "Okay."

The fire dance smiled like a child and smiled happily, "You are very similar to him, but you are not as beautiful as him."

Su Han's head is full of black lines.

You can also get it with your toes. Naturally, he will live a long life.

Su Han is not the one who is more handsome than others. He just hears a beautiful woman say such words in front of him, but there is an indescribable depression in his heart.

"He's dead, and I'm still alive."

Su Han was angry and subconsciously retorted, and as soon as he said the words, he had some regret in his heart.

He doesn't know why he would argue with her like a child at this time.

The eyes of the fire dance were gloomy.

There is no doubt that Su Han's words, like a sharp steel needle, penetrated deeply into her heart.


The wind blew violently. Just then, a tall figure, like a god of war, came quickly from a distance.