The strongest dung bee

Chapter 231 Change the world

Aware that his split was destroyed, almost in an instant, Fang Wuji's face changed greatly. Without saying a word, he fled to the distance.

I never thought that the strong man in the valley was so powerful that such power would burst out in one breath.

Even Fang Wuji did not see the existence of the butcher's arrow.


At this moment, a very domineering voice suddenly sounded in the valley.

As soon as the sound fell, countless flames rose to the sky, and there were thousands of illusions in the blazing firelight.

Thousands of worlds, all things in heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, birds and beasts.

It seems that... is a real world.

Su Han was stunned when he saw this scene.

At this time, the fire baby is really powerful, making people's whole body cold and limbs numb.

Su Han can be sure that his cultivation has definitely far exceeded the realm of immortals and is a field that he has touched.

I haven't seen it.


Endless flames burned in mid-air. In the blink of an eye, Fang Wuji's body turned into ashes, and two flames appeared in his body.

That's the spiritual fire he bred.

However, in the sea of fire, the flame melted and absorbed at a rapid speed, like ice in boiling water, and quickly disappeared.

Fang Wuji completely disappeared in mid-air.

Another martial saint has fallen!

Under Huoying, the strong man at the level of martial arts is simply unspeakable, just like killing chickens and dogs.

Everyone on the field was stunned, their mouths wide open, their eyes dulled, and stood still like wooden piles.

Unexpectedly, Fang Wuji would appear here.

And the combat effectiveness shown by Huoying is really too tough.

That is a strong man at the level of martial arts, a master who plays with fire, and he can't hold his breath in his hands.

At this time, the sky is slowly nurturing visions, Wusheng's fall, and he is born with visions.

Thunder clouds gradually converged, and in a large area of bloody clouds, the electric current is winding, like silver snakes.

It seems that it won't take long for the blood rain to fall.

The fire baby frowned slightly and suddenly jumped into the air.

"Did this little man let you rain?"

"Get out!"

He stretched out a white and delicate finger, a baby-like finger, but with the huge power to control the world.

A pure to extreme flame floated out of his fingertips, trembling, rising into the sky like light smoke.

Then, the bloody clouds dissipated rapidly and turned into nothingness.

The sun covers the earth again.

This scene is like a miracle.

Su Han and others' lips trembled and felt a great horror.

If it was shocking before, then now it is completely scared.

Once you point down, even the vision of heaven and earth will retreat. What kind of cultivation can this do?

Su Han can't even think about it?

Is it the Immortal Emperor?

This old monster who looks kindly actually has a fairy emperor-level cultivation?

After doing all this, Huo Ying smiled and said, "That's right. I don't like rain the most. It's good to have the sun."

While speaking, he opened his mouth and sucked, countless flames were sucked into his mouth, and his small belly was round. After burping, he curled his lips with satisfaction and looked at Su Han.

"The arrow just now was used. Give me another one."

Su Han's pupils shrank and subconsciously took out a butcher arrow.

Huoying grabbed it and couldn't put it down and played with it. "It's good, it's good. It's good. It can also break the spirit. It's a good thing."

The arrow just now made him realize the power of the butcher's arrow.

Generally speaking, a form composed of pure spiritual power is the most difficult and ordinary physical attack, which has no effect at all.

But the butcher arrow can make it collapse in an instant.

"Su Han, tell me the truth, how many of this thing do you have? I'm not that unreasonable person. I'll exchange something with you.

Hearing this, Su Han was silent.

To be fair, Huoying's proposal is still very powerful.

After all, what such a strong man carries with him is definitely not ordinary.

But the butcher's arrow can be created again. If it is really changed, you can't lose yourself.

his mind flew around, but Su Han shook his head, "No more, absolutely no more. Even if there is in the future, there is no now.

Huoying's eyes were stunned and asked slightly doubtfully, "What do you mean?"

Su Han was secretly happy and said seriously, "I can make this kind of arrow, but its forging process is very complicated, it requires a lot of rare materials, and it is too difficult to control with the power of the soul."

Huoying couldn't put it down and played with the butcher arrow in his hand and casually asked, "What materials do you need?"

"The stone of the void, the meteorite iron, the essence of the five elements, the spiritual crystal, the seven orifice stone..."

Su Hanfei quickly reported a large list of names.

In this moment, he has already paid attention.

In the face of such an opportunity, it is a bastard not to take advantage of it.

Obviously, this fire baby is definitely an old monster that has gone through a long time. He is rich and takes this opportunity to beat him hard.

Some of these things mentioned by Su Han are materials for building butcher arrows, while the other part is necessary for refining flying magic weapons.

Su Han wanted to refine a flying magic weapon when he was on earth, but he didn't have enough materials to get what he wanted.

Now he is also in the mood of giving it a try.

The stone of the void?

The essence of the five elements?

The fire baby frowned and thought for a moment, reached out and stroked in mid-air, which pulled out a black hole space, which seemed to be an independent time and space.

Su Han's pupils shrank again.

This is storage space.

Monks who have reached a certain level of cultivation can understand the world with their minds and open up their own small worlds in the world.

Such a small world is absolutely safe and outsiders can't enter at all.

And when the cultivation reaches a certain level, such a small world may even derive spirituality and life and become a real plane.

The fire baby pulled a few times and threw out a lot of things.

There is a sudden rise in the ground.

The pearly hills are colorful, and rare genius treasures are piled up casually like pebbles, and Su Han's eyes are straight.

"Is these enough?"

The fire baby asked casually.

For him, these things are just a small collection in his long life. There are countless things in the storage space and are not eye-catching at all.


Su Han's drool was about to flow out. Just as he wanted to speak enough, he turned his mind and swallowed a word at his mouth again.

frowning, Su Han said, "These materials are enough, but I still need two more things."

The fire baby looked at him with a smile, "What?"

After being looked at by him, Su Han felt a little worried and felt that his whole body had been seen through.

Although this old monster looks like a child, if you really want to treat him as a child, it is definitely a way to die.

If you live for tens of thousands of years and be easily fooled by yourself, that's the damn thing.

"I also need a skill to cultivate the power of the soul and an armor." Su Han gritted his teeth and said.

The second of these two conditions is negotiable. Su Han took a fancy to the bloody wolf fur in his hand.

And the first condition, Su Han is determined to get it.

The power of the soul is already a vast ocean, and even condensed into the tower of the soul, but it suffers from not practicing skills and can't cultivate the power of the soul at all, let alone control the power of the soul to attack and defense.

This is equivalent to a beggar who guards Jinshan but can't develop at all.


Hearing Su Han's words, Huo Ying immediately laughed and stamped his feet in place, looking very happy.

"You finally exposed the fox's tail. I thought you really wouldn't say it."

Su Han's face turned slightly red, but his eyes did not show any embarrasment. He said solemnly, "Refining the butcher's arrow requires exquisite control of the power of the soul. Once there is a half a difference pool, the huge spiritual power will collapse in an instant and produce a cracking explosion, which is for my safety. Can you do it, one word?

"If you can provide me with these two things, I will give you as many arrows as you want from now on."

Huoying stared at Su Han with a smile, looked at it for a long time, and nodded, "Okay, I can give you what you want, but I want a million."

Su Han's eyes fainted, the corners of his mouth twitched weakly, his head was full of black lines, and he almost collapsed.

Isn't this too cruel?

One million...

Even if this bloody moon continent is destroyed, it won't take a million, right?

"What the hell are you going to do?"

"I like this planet. I want to transform it well and become my territory. A ten thousand arrows are arranged outside, and one million pieces are just right. From now on, I will be the boss of this planet. Even if I want to fly, I will listen to me.

"When I break through the realm of creation and even create another fairyland, what kind of birds are they?"

"Well, this plan is great enough. I've been thinking about it for tens of thousands of years. Follow me. I can't treat you."

At this time, the fire baby showed an extremely fanatical spirit in his eyes, just like the most pious believer who saw the god of crazy worship.

Su Han couldn't help taking a cold breath, and his whole body seemed to have been splashed with cold water in the cold winter.


This is simply a madman!

He wants to change the world!

He actually wants to change the world!

You should know that this cosmic world has gone through countless eras. Every era is a destruction, a new life, and a shuffle.

There will always be some strong people who can survive the destruction of the era and become the king of the new era.

The current fairyland is an example.

The nine strongest immortal emperors are all strong people who survived the last era to establish hegemony in the fairyland.

And this fire baby...

I didn't even have such an idea.

To be fair, it is too difficult to change the world.

The fairyland will never allow the existence of such a plane.

"Have you really thought about it?" Su Han asked tentatively.

"Of course. This villain's journey is the whole universe, and this planet is just my starting point. When this villain is finished, he will kill the fairyland and make those old guys look good.

The fire baby continued to say with a smile.