The strongest dung bee

Chapter 259 Drink and Break the Thunder Robbery

The two shadows suddenly landed without causing a sound, like two lifeless souls, and even the few people present did not find it at all.

After all, Fang Chunyang and Feng Wuji are great masters who have reached a certain level of cultivation. On this blood moon continent, they are also a number of strong men. Under Wu Sheng, they have a great prestige.

Except for Su Han, several people on the field could not be found at all.

However, almost in an instant, Su Han opened his eyes.

At this moment, Su Han's whole body is quite sensitive. Not to mention two big living people, even two mosquitoes can clearly feel it.

Everything around the body can be clearly perceived. Within dozens of feet around the body, all the movement can't escape Su Han's perception.

Even Su Han can faintly feel the soul of the two people.

One is ethereal, like a free wind, unpredictable and mysterious.

And the other is a violent flame, burning, as if to burn out everything in the world.

"The Lord of the Wind City is coming, and he will not be welcomed from afar."

Su Han suddenly opened his mouth and said, with a clear voice, with an indescribable charm. It seemed to be welcome, but it didn't seem to be welcome.

Feng Wuji burst into a cold sweat in an instant, and his mind appeared from mid-air.

Seeing Feng Wuji, Lao Jin was shocked and didn't expect that there would be people here.

"Wind City Lord, you are here, and I don't know if you will know that the old man will definitely welcome you for ten miles." Yi Ya said with a trace of sarcasm in his voice.

The meaning of this sentence is naturally clear to Feng Wuji. This means that he came uninvited. For a moment, Feng Wuji was a little embarrassed.

He ran all the way here from the city and saw that it was Su Han. When he moved his mind, he hid his body and restrained his soul. It was not malicious. He just wanted to know more about Su Han.

I don't know why Fang Chunyang took the same approach.

But Feng Wuji didn't expect it at all, and it was suddenly discovered by Su Han.

At this moment, Su Han's position in his mind can be described as unfathomable.

At least he is a strong man who has a deep study of soul power, and even Feng Wuji is confident. Under this long life and martial arts, his research on the soul can definitely be among the top five.

The more powerful the soul is, the more unique it is in the art of concealment.

He practiced the hidden method, called the same dust with light, which is a unique secret method created by the combination of many soul techniques and his own dedicated research.

It is not a soul skill, but it is a more practical method of using soul power than soul skill.

Even in a meeting a few years ago, Feng Wuji cheated Wan Changsheng.

But he didn't expect to be found by Su Han.

Since he was found, although Feng Wuji seemed a little embarrassed in his heart, he immediately stood up and smiled, "Congratulations, Mr. Su. It is definitely the greatest honor for me to be a master at such an age. I have been living for nearly a hundred years. I just saw that you were feeling and didn't dare to speak out. Disturbing, stand still to protect the law.

Wan Changsheng explained that his voice was extremely humble.

If his respect for Su Han before was due to Su Han's exposure*, then now, he is really convinced.

Such a young master!

You can imagine what a strong shock it will cause on the blood moon continent if this news spreads!

This is definitely a blessing for living a long life.

The status of the master on the blood moon continent is absolutely unimaginable to ordinary people.

Especially for the strong who have achieved practice, countless people dream of meeting masters and being able to communicate and learn from each other.

Monks practice magic, magic, various means of attack or defense, body or soul, but masters practice Taoism.

Only with extraordinary understanding and understanding of sanctification on the one hand can he be honored as a master, and if a master practices, he can definitely achieve the position of martial arts saint.

This is because anyone who can reach the realm of a master may not be able to practice. His cultivation is so weak that he is scum, but his soul power is absolutely rare in the world. Even a master who specializes in practicing soul power is incomparable.

For example, the ten-year-old unparalleled chess saint, he became a master by relying on an exquisite chess game and became a master. After that, he made great progress and directly survived the disaster, becoming a legendary figure who makes people dare not even dare to be jealous.

At this time, although Su Han only wrote a master-level calligraphy, to be fair, he has a great chance of truly becoming a master.

At that time, he will definitely become a hot figure on this bloody moon continent.

Hearing Feng Wuji's explanation, Su Han smiled. Su Han naturally had a clear understanding of some of his thoughts, but this was not the time to expose him.

"Lord of the Wind City, please wait for a moment and let me finish what I have at hand."

Su Han said lightly, looking up at the thunderstorm in mid-air.


Su Han's head was full of green silk, suddenly windless and flying behind his head. At the same time, he looked up at the sky and stretched out a middle finger.


A loud syllable suddenly burst out from Su Han's mouth and teeth, like a thunder in spring, and the whole world echoed with this sound.

The powerful soul power escaped from Su Han, almost forming earth-shaking shock waves, revealing ripple-like sound waves visible to the naked eye in mid-air, attacking the thunder clouds in the air.

This sound wave is so powerful that Feng Wuji's whole body seems to have been struck by lightning. His face suddenly turned pale, and there is no blood color. Even his breathing is a little uncomfortable, and his mind is tingling like a needle.

I didn't expect it to kill you. With just one sound, it has such a powerful power. Fortunately, the power of Feng Wuji's soul is not weak, so that it can barely resist this attack.

This Mr. Su is really unfathomable...

This idea came to Feng Wuji's mind. For a moment, he had thousands of thoughts in his heart, and his lips moved, but he didn't know where to speak.


There was a roaring sound in the sky, lightning and thunder, like the public anger. Countless silver snakes shuttled through the air. The power was not huge, but the momentum was terrible.

Thunderstorm represents the will of God, the punishment and rebirth of all things, and the dignity of God.

But at this time, it has received a great challenge.

Countless thunder clouds rage, forming a sea of thunder and lightning in the sky. In such a momentum, several people on the field changed their faces and looked at the changes in the air in disbelief.

In countless thunder and lightning, there suddenly gave birth to small black thunder, a bottomless color, but it has an extremely palpitated power, like a wild beast with only the power of horrible devouring, devouring the thunder and lightning crazily.

At the same time, there seems to be a fire in the depths of the thunder clouds, which are brewing.

That was the disaster of natural fire.

Practice is against the sky. There are three kinds of disasters from heaven. One is the thunderstorm. Although the thunderstorm looks horrible, it is the least powerful of the three disasters.

The power of thunder and lightning represents the majesty and destruction of justice, but it also contains unparalleled vitality, washing the body and consolidating the soul, which is a particularly rare opportunity for monks.

And in the thunderstorm, it is the firestorm.

Skyfire has the power of infinite destruction. It burns everything and burns everything in the world, whether it is energy or flesh. This is the real disaster.

Since ancient times, there have been countless monks who can survive the thunderstorm, but there are very few who can survive the thunderstorm, and they have never even been heard.

Of course, the greater the effort, the more you receive. Once you can successfully get through the natural fire disaster, it is almost 100% of King Kong's unbad body. From then on, all evils will not be invaded, and everything will be easy.

In the fire disaster, it is a more powerful wind disaster. The natural wind goes from the outside to the inside, while the wind disaster is from the inside out. Once the evil wind blows from the bottom of the heart, the body will die and the soul will disappear.

This kind of thing is absolutely rare. Even in the fairyland, Su Han has never heard of it. Who has gone through the wind to become a fairy.

So the fire disaster at this time is already quite difficult for Su Han.

This is the punishment of God's dignity after being provoked.

If you can't get through it, not only will this calligraphy and painting be destroyed, but even Su Han, as the author, will be seriously affected.

"I told you to break up!"

Standing still with his head held high, Su Han stared straight at the fire disaster in mid-air, and shouted again.

The pure soul power, like shells, condenses into the most pure energy in mid-air and shoots towards the clouds.

This is a scene of Mars hitting the earth.

The power of the soul and the power of the heavenly disaster hit each other fiercely, but they did not make a sound and were silent, but after a moment, the sky was brilliant, like countless stars falling in an instant.

Just now, it was still aggressive and can be called a vast disaster cloud. In an instant, it turned into the purest aura of heaven and earth and dispersed in the air.


"How can this... be..."

"Mine miracle... It's simply a miracle!"

Seeing this scene, the people present were stunned and stared at the image in mid-air, as if they had hit the method of setting themselves, and they didn't even dare to blink their eyes for fear of missing such a spectacle.

"What you say!"

"What you say!"

Feng Wuji muttered to himself, standing in place like a clay sculpture, and his whole body did not move except for his lips.

This is almost the highest level of soul monks. In a word, all laws follow, and even heaven and earth will be manipulated.

Seeing Feng Wuji's appearance, Su Han grinned. He did drink away the disaster cloud, but he did not follow his words.

The realm of following words is far from itself. What you rely on is nothing more than unparalleled soul power.

What you say is, and what you master is the rules. The most fundamental rules between heaven and earth, and now you can't reach this level at all.

staring at Su Han quietly, a bright color quietly appeared in Fang Chunyang's eyes.