The strongest dung bee

Chapter 266 Want to be the first

The obscene uncle will not be the former who suffers from the delicate and cute girl, regardless of his strength or experience.

As soon as the two horses made a mistake, only one shine, and the firelight burst out on the stage. The gorgeous picture made the dull bully and Tu Hao watching the battle tremble. Yaya, the action is the real fire of the Phoenix. This is going against the sky!

When the firelight faded and the smoke dissipated, the dull king and Tu Hao subconsciously rubbed their eyes almost at the same time, which was unbelievable.

"It's not a hang-up, is it?" For a long time, the two looked at each other and complained with one voice.

Manman's strength is unquestionable. Even if it is a master of the Jihuo sect like Fang Chunyang, she can't avoid the end of a second kill in front of her. It seems that Wu Liang, who is nothing but obscene, took a phoenix fire and stood firmly.

In an hour, there was only the sound of inhaling cool air in this area. Others did not know the bottom of the vine, but they could also feel the doomsday crisis that the firelight that covered the sky. Wu Liang is a horn.

Wu Liang enjoyed the admiration and surprise of the onlookers. He narrowed his eyes slightly, with an unchanging obscene smile on his face, and raised his eyebrows at Manman.

"Hmm!" Manman snorted coldly, bit her teeth tightly, and subconsciously looked at her waist. Most of the black fingerprints were printed on the red robe.

Others don't know the reason, but Manman is very clear that the two black palms of this obscene uncle are strange! In addition, he went to the ring for any elixir or immortality guard. At least in this scene, his purpose was only to play hooligans, and Manman also panicked in a hurry, which led to the unfavorable Phoenix Fire to lose his aim.

"Come again, little lady." Wu Liang's laughter became more and more obscene, trying his best to challenge the bottom line of Manman. If you don't do it, you won't die. Wu Liang is going to use his life to interpret what "death under the peony flower is also romantic". His frivolous and obscene smile directly annoyed the dumb bully and Tu Hao. The two shouted and were about to rush up to beat her into a pig's head, but they were stopped by Manman's eyes.

The next second, the corners of Manman's mouth raised a beautiful curvature, which was beautiful and thorny, just like herself. Uncle, I'll thank you on behalf of my boss. Manman laughed.

"What?" Wu Liang is puzzled. Manman answered him directly with action, and a small fire bomb came out of thin air and flew towards Wu Liang with a long tail flame.

Simple and unpretentious, the small fire bomb is not as gorgeous as the phoenix fire, and even the color is the same as the flame in the ordinary stove. It can't cause any fatal damage to people other than the power of the chicken, let alone the monk.

But the speed of the fire bomb was extremely fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, no one reacted. The fire bomb exploded on Wu Liang's buttocks, followed by a painful cry.

It's good to have no fatal damage, but it's still painful. The burning of ordinary flames is still unbearable, not to mention this small fire bomb mixed with fire poison. Raise your hand, raise your hand, and then raise your hand.

One, two, three or four. Wu Liang howled and raised his hand to block it. His dark hands were really strange. Before joining Qihuangwei, Wu Liang was a craftsman. He often came into contact with the relationship of tree paint, resulting in his hands being thick and extremely dark, and his skin and thick knives and guns were invulnerable. It was also based on this that he forced him to eat a phoenix fire.

But Wu Liang's body is only those hands. How smart Man Man is, he understands the mystery at a glance and no longer focuses on the strength of the attack. With so many fire bombs, there is always one that you can't stop it. In addition to this factor, bad taste also accounts for a large proportion, and then builds momentum for Su Han.

For various reasons, Manman vowed to torture Wu Liang, and the worst was also insane. In the blink of an eye, Manman had fired hundreds of fire bullets in a row. Except for a few that were forcibly extinguished by Wu Liang with his palm, the rest were hit on Wu Liang's buttocks, so everyone saw a dark uncle constantly slapping the flames on his buttocks and running around.

This scene is really sad for those who hear it, and those who see it cry! Huh, bye-bye!" Manman shouted softly, raised his hand, and a small fire bomb came out, ending most of Wu Liang's obscene life.

Seeing that Wu Liang, whose buttocks were still smoking, was carried away, the dumb bully and Tu Hao swallowed their saliva together and turned their heads to look at the wind Wuji watching the battle. Feng Wuji was bitten by a snake and shivered violently. He said, "It's not a pity to die if you dare to be so rude to Miss Manman."

In the blood moon continent, the strong are respected. From these words, it can be seen that Manman has really stepped out of Su Han's wings and truly become a strong man who can be alone.

Hearing this, the dull king and Tu Hao clenched their fists, which was also the goal of their efforts. After winning a game, there was some rest time. Manman pulled the two aside very seriously and said bluntly, "You should also learn from me when you play martial arts later. If you can't make a big move, don't let them go."

For a long time, under Su Han's plump wings, the three of them have developed a bad habit, but if Su Han orders them to take action, it is a fatigue bombing of a big move. In fact, Manman has realized that this is not a good habit before.

At the critical moment of life and death, no one waits for you to recover. At that time, every energy value is crucial and determines life and death.

"Good!" The two nodded immediately without thinking about it.

"What a fart!" Manman rolled her eyes angrily, wanted to speak, and stopped. In the end, Manman did not say the rest of the content. She was afraid that the two would not understand one, and she was afraid that they would deliberately play when they knew the details. At that time, they would be seen by a well-sighted person, so it was better not to do it.

In the next competition, the Dumb Overlord and Tu Hao obeyed Manyi's decree. The whole process was to deal with their opponents on a less solid foundation. The time of each competition was delayed to a long time, but compared with other ring, it was also faster. Whether it was the King of the Dumb Overlord or Tu Hao's devouring world, it was at the starting line. It is a wonderful skill that is hundreds or thousands of years ahead of others.

A day passed in a blink of an eye, and there were only more than 5,000 monks left to participate in the audition. These are all elites among the elites, and almost every one of them has performed well in the audition.

Manman, 33 wins in a row, 33 opponents are carried away without exception, and another thing these people have in common is that they can't sit in a chair for at least half a year.

Tu Hao, 24 consecutive victories, is the only one among hundreds of thousands of applicants who does not use spells in the whole process. He really regards Manman's confession as the imperial edict, eating while beating, eating the whole world.

Dumb Overlord, 13 consecutive wins, this number is much less than the previous two, but every opponent of the Dumb Overlord is exhausted, and even two of them were beaten on the spot.

Among the remaining contestants, except for Xiong Haiwei's disciple Fu Su, there are good and bad, and the upper limit is too far from the lower limit. There are also some goods that have been killed head-on, and there are also seed players like Manman and others who have won the gods with a high winning streak.

Finally, according to the statistics of Wuji, there are less than 40 dark horses who have a chance to win the championship, and of course, there are some players who have potential to be unpopular, adding up to a total of more than 100. These people's materials have been collected and handed over to Xiong Haiwei. The first day is so.

According to the schedule, tomorrow will still be a free fight or refuse to defend the ring, and 5,000 people will be greatly reduced to 512 before the preliminaries can begin. While eating, Tu Hao finally raised the question that Man Man wanted to stop talking during the day. "I always feel that you have other purposes."

Manman cried and really cried. She thought that after working hard all day, you finally realized the importance of the problem.

"Yes, naturally there is another purpose." Manman explained, "Don't look at the boss showing a few hands to scare these people one after another. He guessed with his toes that there was still a voice of opposition, such as Fusu."

"Shameless villain, how can it be?" The dumb bully shook his head and said something.

"Shut up!" Manman, who was forcibly interrupted, looked a little angry and paused and said, "Before, we were not low-key, but it was always a small range of high-profile. This time, it can be said that everyone in Qihuang City gathered together. We deliberately suppressed our strength first and killed it when necessary.

If it doesn't sound, it will be amazing; if you want to suppress it first, you will be surprised!" Hearing this, the dull king and Tu Hao agreed with both hands and were amazed. There is still a long way to go between such literary talent and delicate thoughts!