The strongest dung bee

Chapter 275 The Power of Soul

The soul!

These are the two words that appeared after collecting the second purple inscription. Just like the original soul explosion and soul nourishment, they are part of the content that is gradually opened with the soul decision.

The difference is that Su Han failed to understand it in the middle of the night, and he didn't even know the content of the soul.

I thought I had to wait until a large number of inscriptions could be collected to open these contents, but I didn't expect that the hope burst out in adversity, the last glimmer of dawn in the darkness, and Su Han's epiphany actually opened the transformation of the soul.

Su Han watched two increasingly big words rush towards him, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to stop him, but the next second he felt warm all over, and a strong white light burst out in front of his eyes.

When Su Han opened his eyes, his eyes were no longer the war-torn Qihuang City. He arrived at a strange place.

From the perspective of the environment, this is a wilderness, full of loess hills, several simple thatched huts in the distance, some beast skins hanging on the shelf in front of the grass house, and rough weapons are neatly placed in the corners of the wall, mostly spears.

"Primitive society?" Su Han was shocked.

Is't the scene in front of us just emerging from the era of drinking blood?

Before Su Han thought about it, a noisy sound came from afar and hammered on the ground. The grass house also trembled with the vibration, and there was a possibility of collapse at any time.

In the yellow dust, Su Han saw the wild beasts coming wildly. He didn't know any of Su Han's two generations, but he saw some familiar outlines.

However, after a wave in the sea of souls, Su Han had something more in his mind. When he looked at the beasts coming, he could pronounce their names one by one.

"Fire feather, six-eyed civet, viper, horned soul snake..."

Su Han recited the names of these beasts, and suddenly his pupils tightened, "Honghuang beasts!"

That's right! This is the era of famine! And these strange beasts like waves are the legendary wild beasts!

In addition to the shock, Su Han was not surprised. The re-cultivation of the two generations made his knowledge much higher than that of ordinary monks. He had heard and experienced this kind of thing in his previous life. When some things with the power of time and space are opened, it will indeed cause a pseudo-shutling effect of time and space.

Why should we add a fake word in front of it, because this is not really shuttle time and space. At least in Su Han's cognition, there is nothing that can make people shuttle through time and space. This effect is only generated for the parties to witness history.

Su Han's existence is just a microcosm in the sky of this era of famine, or he is just feeling a real 3D projection picture.

The result depends on the feelings of the parties, either relying on this opportunity to ascend to the sky step by step, or abandoning all previous achievements.

One thought to become a Buddha, one thought to become a demon, that is also the truth.

Thinking of this, Su Han looked up and saw that the wild beast had invaded this simple stockade, and the people living in the thatched hut ran out to take up arms to guard their homes, which was the most primitive struggle.

Isn't human beings slowly evolving in the struggle?

Humans in ancient times were not the hegemon of the earth. Simple weapons were not enough to resist the attack of floods and beasts. Su Han saw a bloody massacre.

After the strong men of the nearby tribe joined the battle, Su Han saw a more tragic massacre.

People rely on making rough spears, which may be the scales of fire feathers.

People may be able to resist the attack of six-eyed civets with simple leather armor.

People may be able to resolve the poison of vipers with their unskilled pharmaceutical experience.

These are not force majeure.

The partial-angled soul snake is an exception, which is also the top existence in the strong wild beast group, not because it is only as long as the adult forearm, nor because of its fine black scales, but because of its attack.

This is a real soul attack. As the horned snake twists its body, the black lightning on the surface of the scales condenses, and snake-shaped lightning attacks at a speed that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and the recruiter is without exception destroyed on the spot.

The black snake-shaped lightning contains an extremely sharp soul attack. Su Han only touched the edge of the soul decision and could already feel this devastating power.

It is no exaggeration to say that even Su Han, who has a vast sea of souls, is not confident to stand in front of the horned soul snake and bear an attack.

The extra information in the soul sea tells Su Han that this horned snake belongs to the upper pyramid of the soul law, and now you can see the beasts related to soul attack, even Su Han's most familiar soul beast, also stepping on the edge of the soul law with a thin trace of horned soul snake blood.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people died under the attack of the Horned Snake. Su Han wanted to help these people, but the situation was really not allowed.

With the power of time and space, Su Han was just a bystander. Ten thousand steps back, even if Su Han can really intervene in this battle, what he can do is only a little more time than these poorly equipped warriors.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the men in strong costumes fell down one by one. The old and weak women and children knelt on the ground. They did not cry, but prayed.

"Almighty God, your people are suffering. If you haven't given up on these people, show your miracles!"

With the prayers of these people, Su Han felt that indescribable energy was gathered in the sky beyond a sense of cognition. This energy exceeded all Su Han's cognition, and even the immortal emperor could not control this energy in Su Han's memory.

The power of faith!

Another strange word appeared in Su Han's mind.

These forces of faith were released from devout believers, gathered in the air, and became bigger and bigger. Finally, they formed a black cloud.

Lightning and thunder, dark clouds covered the sun, and a strong man broke out of the air and fell into the battlefield.

His dress is no different from these people. He is also wearing leather armor made of animal skin and rough weapons in his hand, but it exudes a strong atmosphere, and there is an irresistible pressure between his hands and feet.

Even bystanders like Su Han couldn't help lowering their heads in front of this pressure.

The strong man is like an unattainable mountain, standing in front of a wild beast a hundred times bigger than him, fearless.

Turn your hand into the cloud, turn your hand into rain, spit lightning in your mouth, and step on fire with your feet.

In the blink of an eye, the strong man killed a powerful wild beast, and in the end, there was only a strange soul snake specializing in the law of soul.

Su Han was sure that the horned soul snake also felt the pressure of the strong, and its body curled up to escape.

In Su Han's view, the speed of the horned soul snake is already very fast, but he doesn't want the strong to be faster. He crossed dozens of miles in just one step and grabbed the horned soul snake in his hand.

The hundred-legged insect died but did not stiff, not mention that the horned soul snake was not dead yet. The little snake standing at the top of the food chain of the wild beast tried its best to twist its body and emitted black snake-shaped lightning in an attempt to defeat the soul of the strong.

"The soul!"

This is the first sentence said by the strong man. The momentum is like a rainbow, deafening, and even the thunder clouds in the sky are suppressed.

With the voice of the strong, the black snake-shaped lightning that was still in the air was forcibly dispersed without leaving a trace. The attack of the horned soul snake walking alone in the world was easily resolved in this way.

As the strong man cut the body of the horned soul snake into two, the fierce beasts attacking the cottage were completely annihilated. The strong man stood proudly between heaven and earth, and those believers who belonged to him crawled on the ground and prayed devoutly.

A wisp of faith was released from the believers. The strong man took a deep breath, stamped his feet flat, flew into the dark clouds and disappeared.

In a familiar white light, Su Han closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he returned to Qihuang City, a war-torn Qihuang City.

In the air, there is a huge bloody lotus platform.

The ground is the two sides in the fierce battle.

In the distance, the fire baby floated in the air, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth.

Everything is so strange and everything is so familiar. For Su Han, he watched a battle, and for the Blood Moon Continent, time has only passed.

"Soul, soul..."

Su Han grasped the word, the sea of soul drumed, and a strong soul power was released. Unlike the violent soul explosion, this is the power of the soft soul.

Su Han recalled the strong man who defended his people and his actions. Little by little, Su Han's mouth also smiled.

"I understand! I understand! This is the transformation of the soul!" Su Han shouted loudly.

The power of the previously released soul boiled in an instant, and both sides stopped. They looked up at Su Han floating in the air. Some people were relieved and some people were cold.

In the distance, the fire baby's face was stern, revealing an obvious grin, indicating pain.

He felt that the soul shield he released was instantly cracked, and the power of counter-eating stirred up the sea of fire baby's soul.

"Hmm." Huoying curled her lips, but was not angry. "It seems that you have understood the transformation of the soul. It seems that you are still underestimated."

After a pause, Huo Ying said again, "However, it must be you who will be sad in the end. With such an original soul power, you broke my soul shield, but you can also attract those soul beasts in the depths of the fog forest.

There is a thin bloodline in the soul beast's body. Perhaps what happened in the flood era has not been passed down with the bloodline, but in the depths of the soul, they are repulsive and full of hostility to the power of the soul.

Thinking of this, the smile at the corners of the fire baby's mouth became stronger. With a wave of his small hand, the bloody lotus platform was shining brightly. The remaining disciples of the polar fire sect in the battlefield were all included in the lotus platform, with those ferocious fire beasts.

In the next second, the fire baby also disappeared.

The masters who participated in the war were relieved, and the weapons in their hands were released one after another. The fire in Qihuang City was overflowing and in a mess.

At this point, the war is over. Although the Jihuo Sect was defeated, Qihuang City was also devastated, and no one benefited.

People looked up at Su Han and looked at Su Han, who was the savior. They knew that if Su Han had not burst out the power of soul in the end, Huoying would not have withdrawn the array and fled in a hurry.

And Su Han, who is the only one who has benefited from this war, has already realized that the power of transforming the soul has already been integrated into the blood, helping Su Han really step into the edge of the soul law.

But Su Han is not happy. He can't be happy, because he can feel the ** of the fog forest in the distance, and he can feel a pure soul power moving rapidly towards Qihuang City.

"Be careful, soul..." Su Han just said a sentence to remind the fact that the soul beast was besieged the city.

But at this time, Su Han's eyes darkened, lost consciousness and fell from the sky.

This is a sequela of the power of the soul.