The strongest dung bee

Chapter 278 Afei's Secret

The soul beasts make a living by sucking their souls, and their talents can make them condense the power of the soul they absorb into a fog, that is, their bodies.

This is similar to Su Han's soul nourishment method, but the talent of soul beasts can only make them stay in the stage of qi, while Su Han can condense into ** and even condense a physical soul crystal in the depths of the soul sea.

Therefore, just like judging whether a person is strong, body size is the only way to judge whether the soul beast is strong or not. The larger the body, the stronger the soul beast, just like the soul beast king blocking the way.

It is ten times the size of an ordinary soul beast. It blocked the south gate behind it. Just by looking at the churning gray and white fog, you can feel a hidden and powerful power. In terms of strength, this soul beast is at least the late spiritual god of the monk.

Even enough to be comparable to the half-step martial arts saint!

Everyone panicked. Even A Fei, who had been dealing with the soul beast all year round, had no confidence. He had never seen such a big soul beast.

In A Fei's memory, he bumped into a soul beast the size of a grinding disc on the edge of the fog forest three years ago. Even if A Fei was experienced, he almost died, and the head in front of him was the size of a city gate, which was completely beyond A Fei's understanding.

"The person who handed it over, spare you not to die!"

This is the message conveyed to everyone by the soul beast king through soul transmission. It is not surprising that the soul power has condensed to this extent that it can perform soul transmission.

With the order of the soul beast king, the soul beasts in the city came from all directions at the fastest speed, and soon surrounded this place. At first glance, it was white and made people's scalp numb.

Manman and Tu Hao and Dumb Overlord were just in a trance for a moment. They had already set up a battle, but there was a discordant voice at this time.

"Why don't... let's hand over Mr. Su." Fei rubbed his hands and raised some funds.

"What did you say?" The three Manman turned their heads and shouted in unison.

Although they have no blood relationship with Su Han, they know that without Su Han, they would not be who they are now.

If they are not led into the door by Su Han, maybe they are still ordinary people on earth. How can they have a chance to step into the gate of cultivation and walk all the way to now?

Along the way, they depended on each other as companions. The four people can be said to be firmly tied together. No blood relationship is better than relatives. At this time, A Fei said that he wanted to hand over Su Han out. Man Man, Tu Hao and Dumb King seemed to be a cat stepped on its tail, and exploded in an instant.

This time, without waiting for Manman to take action, Tu Hao was the first to rush up and swept with Jiangshan swords, forcing A Fei to retreat step by step.

After retreating more than ten steps, A Fei also pulled out the tiger-headed knife and cut it together with the Jiangshan sword, forcing Tu Hao back a distance.

"Damn!" A Fei scolded fiercely, "I want to live! You pat your chest and ask yourself which one can live and want to die? Now hand over one person can keep seven names! That is to say, it's your friends. If he names other people, will you resist so much?"

I don't know whether A Fei was intentional or unintentional, this sentence instantly caused great waves.

Lao Jin and Yi Ya are moved for a moment.

Indeed, aside from anything else, it is very cost-effective to exchange one human life for seven lives.

Morality, ethics and morality seem to become less important at this moment. Lao Jin tried to swallow a mouthful of saliva and asked tentatively, "Miss Manman..."

"Shut up!" Manman raised her hand and shouted, "Lao Jin, I respect you as an old man. You still have a good friendship with us. Now even you want to say such a thing? Then I want to ask you, if the boss doesn't die today, will you still have the face to face him?

Manman didn't exaggerate anything. Su Han and Lao Jin's friendship is indeed not shallow, not only because of the past, but also because of Su Han promised to give all the thousands of soul bones to Lao Jin after he expanded those inscriptions yesterday!

Thousands of soul bones, there are many advanced goods with more than seven stars, and millions of elixir things are given free of charge. It is no wonder that Su Han's handwriting was angry when Lao Jin opened his mouth.

"Miss Manman, if you don't do it for yourself, heaven and earth will be destroyed!" A Fei was happy to see Lao Jin wavering and said, "You can die for your son. We don't want to. In a word, hand it over or not!"

"Death!" This face, even the most determined dull overlord, can't help it.

With a flash of gold light, the stupid overlord Super A Fei attacked, which was not a fatal move, but his strength was not small. He fought hard with A Fei's tiger-headed knife with his bare hands, and he could also fight back step by step.

In terms of cultivation, the dull overlord in the middle of Jindan is one level lower than Afei; in terms of equipment, one is a hand-held magic weapon and the other is bare-handed.

The result was nothing more than that the dull overlord was too angry, and unprecedented combat effectiveness broke out in anger, and he abruptly suppressed A Fei.

With the addition of Tu Hao, A Fei completely fell into a disadvantage.

The Soul Beast King did not seem to be in a hurry. After A Fei jumped back, he had not moved. He quietly blocked the city gate and enjoyed the intrigue on this bright side.

It's just that Yiya, who hasn't opened his mouth, frowned and stopped talking, as if he was thinking about something.

"This is what you forced me to do!" A Fei gritted his teeth, swept the two of them away, and took out a soul bone from his arms.

A Fei's lips muttered and didn't know what he read. The soul bone in his hand was red. A Fei threw it hard, and the shining soul bone was thrown at the feet of the dull king and Tu Hao.

The next second, the thunder sounded and the soul bone exploded.

There is not only the attack of fire spells, but also a powerful soul attack at the moment of the explosion of the soul bone, and the power is only slightly weaker than the soul explosion used by Su Han.

Dumb Overlord and Tu Hao were caught off guard and both of them were caught. They flew out more than ten meters away, spit blood and fainted.

"Hm?" Manman frowned.

Originally, Manman thought that Tu Hao and the dull king could definitely clean up this Afei, but she seized the time to restore some aura and would not be helpless in the face of the soul beast king.

but she never thought that A Fei would suddenly use such a strange move and defeat Tu Hao and the dumb bully in an instant, and the aftermath of the soul attack even affected her. It seemed that A Fei was not simple.

"Haha, do you think I've been on the edge of the fog forest for more than ten years?" A Fei laughed proudly.

People only know that Afei is a green forest master who occupies the mountain on the edge of the fog forest, but they don't know why Afei chose to be on the edge of the fog forest. Although the soul bone is precious, the income of robbing the caravan on the traffic lane will be 100 times higher.

In fact, A Fei accidentally got a note. After studying, he learned that there is a way to turn the soul bone into a disposable weapon, just like the soul bone, mixed with fire spell attack and soul attack, which is the content recorded in the hand note.

There are too many secrets hidden in the soul bone. The original owner of the handwriting recorded the results of this research in detail, and also mixed with some new research, involving the soul bone array. Because the incomplete record, A Fei did not care about it and turned to specialize in the research of "soul bone bomb".

It took three years to test thousands of times. A Fei completely mastered this technology before he went to the fog forest.

At first, A Fei only hunted soul beasts by himself. Later, he found that this method was not only dangerous but also had low returns. Compared with mysterious soul beasts, monks were a better choice. After all, he did not have to bear the risk of being defeated by his soul. If he really couldn't beat it, he could also throw out a "soul bone bomb".

In this way, A Fei stayed on the edge of the fog forest for more than ten years. His strange way of doing things made him famous, but no one knew the details. The person who had tried the "soul bone bomb" either died or was defeated and turned into an idiot, so no one lived to see this scene until today.

"The soul bone... can still explode?" Lao Jin was also shocked.

At a distance of more than 20 meters, the aftershocks of the explosion have already caused damage. Thanks to Lao Jin and Yiya's slight achievements in soul, Manman barely survived the aftershocks by relying on the phoenix real fire body, which made them live to witness this scene.

"The world is so big that there are all odds." A Fei laughed wildly, "Two old guys, now you can choose the camp, right? Kindly remind me that the power of these things is very great. A dead bone can burst out the power of the early monk's full blow. I have two three-star soul bones and an eleven-star soul bone in my hand. I don't want to learn from them. Get out of here quickly!"

With that, A Fei took out seven or eight soul bones, which was the reason why Ah Fei came thousands of miles to participate in the trial and carried the soul bones with him.

Lao Jin was moved and was about to walk towards Afei, but he was held by Yiya.

Looking at this long-old friend, Lao Jin pondered for a moment and shook off Yiya's hand, "Old friend, this time, let me choose..."

After saying that, Lao Jin quickly walked to A Fei's side.

"What about you?" A Fei raised his eyebrows and looked at Yi Ya.

Yiya's face was tense and said slowly, "I have been studying the number of skills all my life. I think I have stood at the peak of the blood moon continent in terms of the number of skills, and I have no worries about it. If you want to force me to give me a concern, it is Mr. Su's skill attainments to the top of the clouds!"

Yi Ya didn't finish his words, but he also expressed his meaning.

After Su Han's appearance, Yi Ya, who was originally loveless, has a new goal and is determined to ask for deeper and more mysterious skills on Su Han. Now Su Han is doomed. Even if Yi Ya lives with A Fei for Wu Gou, it is meaningless. It's better to go with Su Han.

Some people are alive, and he is dead; some people are dead and he is still alive.

There is no doubt that Yiya wants to be the latter.

"What about you? Little girl. Either you are blown up by me, or go back to the cottage with me to be a suppressing lady, and you can eat delicious and drink spicy food!" A Fei looked at Manman again, and his name became extremely frivolous.

Previously, A Fei had been patient and did not break out, thinking that this matter could be done. He didn't want to reveal the secret in his hand.

In the blood moon continent, the strong are like clouds. A Fei is just a late Jindan monk. If this secret is exposed, the ten martial arts will definitely come crazily. At that time, even if A Fei has a secret method in his hand, he will not protect himself.

And now that his face has been torn, A Fei's true colors have been revealed, and he must not reveal the big secret of this day at this moment!

"Of course I am..." Manman lowered her head, but a trace of cunning flashed in her eyes.

Yiya is close to each other, and he is lucky to capture it in his eyesight. He knows that he is at ease and knows that there is still a turning point in this matter.