The strongest dung bee

Chapter 300 Treasure Appraisal

It was already midnight when he sent Sunday away, and both of them were a little drunk, but Su Han was not sleepy yet. He gently closed the door and put the three treasures in the tray on the table that had just been cleaned up.

From the beginning to now, there have been outsiders, so Su Han can't take a good look at these three babies, and now he has got what he wanted.

I have to say that the price offered by the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce is too big this time! This price is enough to hire two martial arts strong men to work for it.

In fact, Su Han can see the deep meaning of the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce. Whether Su Han can take away these three treasures smoothly depends on the situation.

The only situation is to enter the Gold Coast ruins with the team to explore and bring Dong Guoren out alive. While completing the task, it is proved to belong to a big family. Then the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce will let Su Han take away the baby.

In addition, Su Han can't take these three treasures away except for mistakes.

If Dong Guoren, president of the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce, died in the ruins of the Gold Coast, and Su Han came out alive, the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce would probably regard Su Han as a sworn enemy and issue a pursuit order. At that time, even if Su Han really has a big family behind him, it will not stop the master of money accumulation.

If the mission fails and fails to bring out the inheritance of Purple Day, the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce will take the opportunity to take back three treasures and give Su Han some compensation at most, and the price of this compensation is absolutely no more than 100,000.

If the first three are achieved, it is impossible to confirm that Su Han is from a big family. The Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce may want to leave Su Han in Jinge City forever. It is just an exploration mission that is not worth such a high price.

In addition, there are many possibilities, many variables and many results.

But no matter how many results there are, nothing can be changed. The banker of this game is the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce, and as businessmen, they will never lose money!

Thinking about these stakes, Su Han sighed, picked up the blue sky token and looked at it carefully.

The forging level of the Blood Moon Continent is extremely low, even not as good as that of the earth. At least several families on the earth can beat low-level magic weapons with ores, but few of the Blood Moon Continent can systematically forge except the Sword Sect.

And this Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce is probably one of the few.

Judging from Zhou Tian's tone, the blue sky token must be mass-produced. Although it can be built by Jianzong, which has a good relationship, the value of the blue sky token is too large. If Jianzong is not clean enough to produce counterfeit tokens in large quantities, and the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce cannot distinguish it, a token will lose 5 million yuan. Spirit Stone!

So, this token must come from within the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce!

"It's a little interesting to completely resist the three attacks of the monks in the Jindan period." Su Han touched the warm jade face and smiled.

In his previous life, Su Han also saw many body protection weapons, most of which are made of the body parts of the spirit beast as raw materials. It is also good to achieve the effect of protecting the body with the help of the remaining spiritual thoughts of the spirit beast.

For example, the amulet made with the tortoise shell of the black turtle will resist damage when fighting, and the mammoth ivory is used to counterattack with accessories made of mammoth ivory.

and so on, countless.

Although the effect of the body protector made of gold, jade and ore is not as good as those mentioned above, it is better to have specific data for reference.

No one knows that the turtle tiger charm will collapse after several uses, and no one knows that the ivory pendant will dissipate when how many mammoths are summoned, but this blue sky token can really resist three attacks.

is not much, but it is not much.

It seems that there are still many secrets of the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce. However, now, this token is still very helpful to Su Han. Before departure, you can use the overdraft function of the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce. When you arrive at the Gold Coast, it is a body protector.

Looking at the elixir tiger roaring tripod, its appearance was completely beyond Su Han's expectation. The hidden strength of the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce has reached an incredible level, and it takes more than money to receive this artifact!

The value of the elixir is no longer need to say. This elixir is not only introduced by Zhou Tian, but also seems to be stable in the top ten of the Blood Moon Continent.

As for its effectiveness, Su Han estimated that anyone who uses this elixir to refine the elixir will be at the level of Lu Tu, and if Lu Tu uses this elixir, the efficacy of the refined elixir is at least 50% higher than that of the elixir of the same name!

That is to say, the monks in the early stage of the golden elixir can use ten ordinary elixirs to restore all their spiritual power, and if it is the elixir refined by this tiger roaring tripod, six pills are enough.

This is not only for saving money! It saves more time for digestion, allows monks to rely more than the other party when fighting, and indirectly improves their combat effectiveness!

At the same time, this elixir can also greatly improve the yield of elixir.

Take Su Han as an example, if it is a first-order elixir, he will refine three times of the finished elixir; but if it is changed to a third-order elixir, there will be at least 70% of the finished product!

Lu Tu must have used the fifth-order elixir to reverse the universe tripod before he was lucky enough to refine two Taiyi Xuanhuang Dan!

After seeing the aura contained in this elixir, Su Han can't even imagine that the five-order elixir in the hands of the owner of Yaowang Valley can be used as an attack magic weapon.

"Even if you tear your face with the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce, this elixir will be in your pocket!" Su Han swore so.

And the third treasure, a fairy elixir Taiyi Xuanhuang Dan. Su Han has heard of this elixir in his previous life, but he has never seen it. This is the best one with a high status in the elixir!

Legend has it that this is the elixir created by Taiyi Zhenren. The reason why the gods were able to suppress the demon clan to win in the war and forever reject the demon clan outside Wanyin Mountain was to take Taiyi Xuanhuang Dan.

Every heavenly soldier and general took this elixir, and his strength improved to the third level. At that time, although the demon clan barely made up for the first level by relying on the self-explosive internal elixir, the remaining two levels were still insurmountable mountains!

And the other of the only two grains in the blood moon continent, I heard that after the half-step martial arts saint of Jianzong hated the sky at that time, although there was no breakthrough in strength, the combat effectiveness that broke out in the drug time was even comparable to that of the Piaoxue Jiansheng, and even joined hands with the Piaoxue Jiansheng to repel the three martial arts saints!

That's right! Taiyi Xuanhuangdan has no level limit. After taking it in the early stage, the monk instantly became the early stage of the spirit god. After taking it in the early stage of the spirit god, Su Han can immediately step into the situation of half-step martial arts saint!

Moreover, due to the wonderful effect of Taiyi Xuanhuang Dan, it will directly become the peak of the half-step martial arts saint! There is also the power to fight with Wusheng!

It's just a pity that the law of heaven and earth in the Blood Moon Continent stipulates that there is only a martial saint above the half-step martial arts saint, so no matter who takes this elixir in the Blood Moon Continent, the peak of the half-step martial arts saint is full value, which is probably one of the reasons why they found Su Han. Su Han's hidden cultivation hand Duan also did not hide it from the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce.

With three treasures, Su Han's mood is extremely happy, and the treasures in the small tripod can rarely find such treasures.

Speaking of Xiaoding, Su Han hasn't gone back to see it for a long time. This time, when he finds Tu Hao and Dumb King, he must go in and find a few more treasures, so that he is more sure to enter the ruins of the Gold Coast.

With a longing for the future, Su Han finally fell asleep.


In the east of the blood moon continent, there is a big mountain, and there is a fine steel stone tablet next to the only entrance, with two blood-red cinnabar characters on it.


Only Jianzong can have such a large piece of fine steel stone and carved into a monument, and is not afraid of stealing and put it at the foot of the mountain.

You should know that the refined steel stone is one of the hardest ores in the world of cultivation. Don't want to leave a white mark on the refined steel stone at all. This is a fine steel stone brought back by the moon shadow's self-cultivation spirit into the depths of the endless sea, and the handwriting on it is also from the ancient strong moon shadow.

Bai Chunni, Bai Xiayan and Bai Qiushui entered the mountain in a carriage, galloped on the wide mountain road for several hours, and finally returned to Xuanfeng, where Jianzong was located.

After receiving the investigation, they could not take the carriage further. The two disciples of the gatekeeper saw the injured and hurried up to lift Bai Xiayan.

"Let's go to the pharmacy first." Bai Chunni waved his hand, and he picked up Bai Qiushui.

The Yaotang is the only place where Jianzong heals its wounds. There are three senior pharmacists, known as the flesh and bones of the dead. This is also one of the depende of Jianzong standing at the peak of the ten martial arts sects.

Entering the pharmacy, a pharmacist came face to face, only a glance, and frowned.

"It's very serious. How could Xia Yan be burned by his own fire sword?" The pharmacist frowned as if he saw his wife lying with Lao Wang next door.

As a high-level magic weapon, the fire tattoo sword has long been recognized by Bai Xiayan, which basically put an end to the occurrence of this incident, but the fact is that Bai Xiayan's situation was indeed injured by the fire tattoo sword.

"He forcibly took action against a monk in the early stage of Jindan and hurt himself." Bai Chunni also frowned, "It is reasonable to say that even if Xia Yan's cultivation is injured by the fire-print sword, he will not be like this. He has been in a coma for half a month! I also showed him a few pharmacists in his spare time, but there was no result.

Because of the secret mission, although Bai Xiayan and Bai Qiushui were injured, Bai Chunni did not dare to take them back to the sect without authorization. He could only grit his teeth to complete the task before rushing back.

"That boy is a scoundrel! I don't know what means he used to hurt my second brother, but he still took action against me!" Bai Qiu Shuiyin clenched his teeth, clenched his small fist, and couldn't wait to smash Su Han's body.

"Shut up!" Bai Chunni drank, "I took it by coincidence and took action against the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce. Let me see if I don't report it to my master this time!"

"Brother..." Bai Qiushui's momentum weakened, and a pair of water-blind eyes carried a lot of innocence and fear.

"Hum!" Bai Chunni hummed coldly and stopped talking.

The three brothers and sisters of the Bai family have always had a good relationship. Bai Chunni and Bai Xiayan even treated their baby sister like a princess. They are really afraid of melting in their mouths and flying in their palms.

But this time Bai Qiushui took action against the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce, and the other party is still Zhou Tian, who is still in the position of the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce. Bai Chunni really regrets that he did not tell his brother and sister Zhou Tian's identity for a moment. If this matter is passed up, I'm afraid that Bai Qiushui's best end will also be scattered.

For female disciples, scattering their cultivation is equivalent to ruining their whole life! At that time, the beautiful Bai Qiushui will be accepted as his own or his son's maid's concubine.

Bai Chunni doesn't want to do this, but the paper can't wrap the fire. Sooner or later, this matter will be known by the suzerain.

For today's plan, the only way is to cure Bai Xiayan and Bai Qiushui quickly, and then take the two to Jingge City to plead guilty.

"How's it going, Brother Liu Sheng?" Bai Chunni asked eagerly when he saw the pharmacist for a long time.

"I dare not decide the situation of Xia Yan. Let's talk about it when they come back." Liu Sheng shook his head and said, "But Qiu Shui's situation is easy to deal with. Skin trauma, and it won't be a big deal if you apply some medicine for three or five days. The person who hurt her didn't exert much strength."

"Ye." Bai Chunni breathed a little relief.

"As for you, you'd better go back quickly and discuss with your master how to reconcile this matter." Liu Sheng looked up at Bai Chunni, paused, and his eyebrows relaxed a little. "Chunni, we have been friends for more than ten years. I have always regarded you as my own brother. Now I don't want to see your three brothers and sisters punished for this. Let me show you a clear way."

"Brother Liu Sheng, say it quickly." Bai Chunni nodded repeatedly.

"Recently, the ruins of the Gold Coast have been making a lot of noise. You go to your master and work on this matter. I don't think the suzerain will punish you again for this little thing." Liu Sheng covered half of his mouth and said mysteriously, "This is internal news. The suzerain firmly believes that there is an artifact in the inheritance of the Purple Sun that is not inferior to Haoyue!"

"Thank you, Brother Liu Sheng." Bai Chunni's head was very messy. He thought for a moment and turned around and left.