The strongest dung bee

Chapter 329 The Legend of Dog Blood

The bloodthirsty bat in the flame struggled while making a sharp cry, whether it conveys the effect of danger and friends, or scares Xiaoqing half to death.

Xiaoqing, who had been under the protection of Master Butcher, had never seen such a scene. For a moment, he also forgot the pain and staggered down in the corner of the carriage, shouting a louder and sharper voice than a bloodthirsty bat.

"Ah! Ah!"

On a quiet night, Xiaoqing's voice was particularly loud.

"Shut up!" Su drank coldly, picked up the sword on Xiaoqing's package and threw it heavily to her, saying, "Aren't you going to go into the ruins of the Gold Coast with me? Now the opportunity has come. Let me see how brave you are!"

"Big boss..." Tu Hao wanted to ask for a favor for Xiaoqing.

Although no one in this carriage has a good impression on Xiaoqing, after all, she is a girl, and it can be heard that Su Han has a great friendship with her master. Tu Hao thinks that he must remind Su Han's hot-headedness.

Of course, this is just his opinion.

Almost at the same time as Su Han's roar fell, there was a "clattering" sound in the woods, like a strong wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, but everyone in the carriage knew that this was not a strong wind, but a group of things that were thousands of times more horrible than the strong wind!

The dull bully took off the Buddha bone reli on his neck and was about to jump off the carriage. Su Han stretched out his hand and stopped him.

"Wait, let's see the situation." Su Han hesitated for a moment before saying.

The reason why hesitating is that Su Han is not sure whether the strength of this expedition is enough to deal with bloodthirsty bats. In contrast, the three-eyed devil wolf looks much cuter.

is also a warcraft, the three-eyed magic wolf is the fourth level, and the bloodthirsty bat area is the third level. The strength of the single body may be very different, but if people choose the most horrible Warcraft list, it is believed that nine and a half of them will put the latter ranking higher.

There are two reasons.

As mentioned in the first point, bloodthirsty bats are real gregarious monsters, and this kind of beast avoids most natural enemies with their small size and flying talents, and perch in a cool and humid place where the sun is not seen. The breeding speed is very fast, and it only takes a short time to form a number of groups.

The second point is a headache. The three-eyed wolf attacks humans for food. They make all meat food like most beasts, which is natural. And bloodthirsty bats attack living creatures just to suck blood. Ghosts know whether these blood will help them, but if they are stabbed by the "blood vessels" of bloodthirsty bats, the monks below the spiritual realm will be sucked dry before they react, and there is no way to save them!

This creature seems to be born to suck blood. Whether it is the perception ability in the night, the ultra-fast flight speed, or the sharp and slender "blood vessel", they are natural hunters.

If it hadn't been for Su Han's decision, and if it hadn't been for the powerful power of the seven treasures to break the sky, I'm afraid Xiaoqing would have become a red bone at this moment! No, the beauty has gone, leaving only dead bones.

When Su Han hesitated, a large group of bloodthirsty bats had been killed from the night. They felt keenly locked the monks and guards outside the carriage, and dived neatly, just like locusts covering the sky during the locust plague. When they dispersed, there were only a pile of white bones left.

One breath? Or two breaths?

No one is sure, no one is sure, no one is sure how much time these horrible things have taken to turn a living person into a white bone, because this answer will chill people.

Finally, everyone realized that they were facing the horrible bloodthirsty bats. They picked up their weapons, raised torches, and began a new round of self-defense counterattack.

"Big boss!" Tu Hao looked at Su Han anxiously.

On the one hand, Tu Hao's mind is not tough enough. Even if Su Han explained in advance that the relationship with the three chambers of commerce and even the lord of Jinge City are only using each other, Tu Hao still can't watch these people die in front of him.

On the other hand, Tu Hao is also worried about the situation of his people. If everyone outside dies, sooner or later the bloodthirsty bat will find the living people in the carriage, just five people, and throw away Xiaoqing and the people dragged down by her. How can they rush out of the bloodthirsty bats?

"No worries." Su Han waved his hand and motioned Tu Hao to calm down. "They are not stupid. They know how to take the torch."

Bloodthirsty bats have almost no natural enemies, but they are afraid of light and fire. In addition to the habits of bats, they are also related to an ancient legend. Su Han is also aware of this legend.

The ancient war between gods and demons ended with a tragic victory in the divine world. Hundreds of demon kings and tens of thousands of monsters fled everywhere and fled to the nine worlds and eight wildernesses. Before they could take a breath, the divine world had no choice but to organize a team of elites to follow and kill.

Because the cunning demons were soon hidden in the corners of the nine worlds, and the divine world was waiting to be abandoned, this matter was not completed after the first round of search. It was not until thousands of years later that the protoon recovered their vitality that they sent forces to kill the surviving demons of the war.

Unexpectedly, they slowed down, and the demons proliferated quickly after integrating into their chosen world. Although the elite forces of the divine world killed all the demons who escaped in the year, they left a considerable number of descendants before they died.

After discussing again, the head of the divine world decided not to leave these hidden dangers and issued an order to "continue to pursue and kill, never die".

At that time, Riyan Shenjun, as the leader of the new generation of gods, was put on a plane as the main force of the search and arrest group. The task carried out was to clean up all the descendants of the demon clan as soon as possible.

Riyan Shenjun also did it. He spent hundreds of years killing thousands of descendants of the demon clan with his own hands, including powerful trolls and cunning and cunning monsters. No matter how vicious the enemy was, he did not retreat.

But in the end, in the face of the last descendant of the demon clan, he put down the Yangyan sword in his hand.

This is a girl, a beautiful girl. If it hadn't been for the deep color in her pupils, no one could have linked this weak and kind girl with the demon clan.

After a touch, just like the plot in all the dog blood stories, the two fell in love, left a shadow in the beautiful forest, left footprints on the holy snowy mountains, and made a vow to never be separated in the vast sea.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Soon, the love between Riyan Shenjun and the descendants of the demon clan spread to the divine world. The divine world could not tolerate such a shame and sent three masters to kill Riyan Shenjun and the girl.

After a fierce battle, Riyan Shenjun died and died with three masters. In the devastation, the girl looked at the sky alone. She looked at the smiling face of Riyan Shenjun on the edge of the sky, and a silly smile appeared on her face.

Smiling, she picked up the Yangyan sword and ended her life with beautiful emotions and curses.

Since then, there has been a bloodthirsty bat, which exists in almost every plane. People say that bloodthirsty bats are girls with cursed resentment. Weak resentment choose to live in this world in an endless way, trying to avenge the dictator of the divine world!

The bloodthirsty bat is only a third-order warcraft. Legend has it that when a bloodthirsty bat exceeds the law of heaven and earth and reaches the super-order warcraft, the girl's resentment will gather on it. The purest blood of the ancient demon king will help this bloodthirsty bat reach the peak of the warcraft and lead the remaining demon clan and innocent girl's resentment to God. Revenge!

Maybe this is just an unverified legend, but no matter where it is, bloodthirsty bats are an ominous thing, which is why Su Han did not flinch in the face of the three-eyed demon wolf, but chose to hesitate at this time.

Outside, the three chambers of commerce and the Jinge escort have launched a fierce battle with the bloodthirsty bat group. The human monks are strong and have rich adaptability. While waving torches to drive away bloodthirsty bats, they gather spiritual power and launch powerful attacks.

On the other side, the bloodthirsty bats take the sea of people tactics with the advantage of quantity, rushing to a figure one after another without fear of death. Often after sacrificing hundreds or even thousands of companions, the remaining bloodthirsty bats can look at the sky and insert sharp "stors" into people's necks.

The blood-red color is sucked into the bat's body along the straw, and the skin quickly dries and sticks to the bones. When the last trace of water is sucked dry, the mummified body will gently fall to the ground and be blown by the evening wind, it will become a white skeleton.

In the last forest before entering the ruins of the Gold Coast, no one expected that there would be such a horrible enemy waiting for them again. The night wind and the howling of bats and the roar of human beings are integrated. It is bleak, which is the cold of the heart.

"Ah! Kill! Kill me!"

"Damn, why are there so many!"

Agu, my brother. Ah! I'm going to kill you..."


Hundreds of bats were shot down at every moment, and people fell at every moment. Bloodthirsty bats were still overwhelming, even covering the blood moon in the air.

"Blash the wind! Kill!"

A voice sounded nearby. After a gust of wind, one of Li Feng's two guards came to the edge of Su Han's carriage, opened the wooden door with one punch and roared, "Mr. Su, please go out quickly to set your mind!"

It can be heard from the anxious voice that Li Feng was helpless this time. Under the sudden attack of the bloodthirsty bat, even if it was Li Jiangang, he didn't have time to use his crooked brain.

"Good!" Su Han hesitated for a moment, jumped out of the carriage with the blade of Qibao, turned around and shouted, "It's all down! Follow me within ten steps!"

In a row, Tu Hao, Dumb King and Yiya jumped out of the carriage, but Xiaoqing shrank in the corner and refused to come down. It is estimated that he has not recovered from the shock.

"Hey...the woman who pulls her legs!" Su Han sighed and turned his head to look at Yi Ya, "Yi Lao, please arrange a formation with Xuantian Gua. If you just protect this carriage, Xuantian Gua is definitely enough!"

"Ye." Yi Ya nodded, made a few fingerprints, and threw a few pieces of gossip into the air.

The hexagram is shining brightly, and the wind grows, turning into four adult-high wooden boards directly into the ground, instantly connecting like a signal receiver to form a protective cover, firmly protecting the carriage.

After seeing this scene, Su Han was relieved and entered the battlefield with seven treasures.