The strongest dung bee

Chapter 336 The Power of the Sea

"According to the map, the boundary marker can be seen in 20 miles, and then..."

Feng Shenbao, a guard who practiced the wind system, held a map and reported respectfully.

As soon as a sentence was half said, there was a thunderous sound of footsteps in the distance. With the roar of the earth.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound is getting closer and clearer, and the ground trembles like the roar of the earth.

The faces of the people who sensed the movement were shocked. Hearing this movement, even the Sharoman snake, one of the largest monsters on land, could not be found out, as if...

It seems that a kilometer-long whale is churning.

"Is it? Is it a sea patrol?" A possibility appeared in Su Han's mind.

Su Han did not know what the sea patriarch was like. He only knew that this was a natural fighting race, but in history, in addition to almost occupying the Blood Moon Continent, there were only a variety of horrible legends left.

However, Su Han still quickly pulled out the seven treasures to break the blade and separated a soul force to control it. Such a shocking scale, even if it is not a sea patrol, it must be a big trouble!

"It should... I don't know either." Tu Xingsun, another guard who practices earthen skills, said to himself and shook his head helplessly. "In fact, the sea warriors are at best a little bigger than strong adults when they are on land. Only the sea patrols can never make such a big noise."

With the voice, there was a shocking roar in the sky. After that, a line of dark shadow appeared in the sky, covering the earth, sweeping like a tide, and the torrent of steel was unstoppable. There are dark, hill-sized subway rhinoceros; there are fear beasts hundreds of meters long and full of thorns on their backs; thunderbirds wrapped in lightning; ice tigers with a hidden ice smell...

Spirit beasts, monsters, and warcrafts are all kinds of together. I just feel that I can still find that powerful power fluctuation. Such a strong group of beasts rushed to flee. I don't know what horrible things are behind them.

The wave of beasts was fast and fierce, and the convoy evacuated urgently, but it was still a step slower. Several unlucky people in the Jindan period were trampled into meat sauce by the violent beasts. At the moment of death, they didn't even have time to take weapons.

"Damn it!"

Su Han cursed secretly, but he didn't expect that such a group of terrible things appeared in the blink of an eye.

However, it was too early for Su Han to scold his mother. Behind the wave of beasts, a group of more horrible things were rushing to come. From afar, he could only see a few black spots, and his size was not as good as any of the beast waves.

But their speed was really fast, and they almost caught up with them in the blink of an eye. Su Han also saw this group of guys clearly. They were a group of human monsters slightly larger than adults, but they had ferocious faces.

Shrimp soldiers, crab generals, tiger shark warriors, and human monsters with tentacles and unknown species. Su Han ran as fast as any spiritual monk, and soon caught up with the wave of beasts.

"Wow! Wake up Ba Long, the greatest tiger shark warrior of the sea clan, to sleep, and you will die here!" The tiger shark warrior who rushed to the front held a three-halberd fork and stepped up with an arrow and raised his hand.

seems to be an understated attack, but it contains incomparable power, which easily penetrates the back of an armored rhinoceros that fell behind and nailed it to the ground.

The armored rhinoceros struggled painfully, but could not break free. This horrible scene stunned everyone!

You know, although the armored rhinoceros is a fifth-order monster, this monster itself does not have demon spirit. It can be included in the fifth-order only because of its hard skin and natural magic power. General magic weapons can no longer leave traces on its body. Close hand-to-hand combat can even force the sixth-level or even seventh-order monsters.

is such a existence. What a powerful force it is to be penetrated by the tiger shark warrior like a window paper and nailed to the ground!

The fall of the first armored rhinoceros was just the beginning, followed by the remaining sea warriors. A crab cut the wings of the thunderbird with pliers the size of an adult's head. The thunderbird's proud thunder and lightning power seemed to have become a decoration that could not hurt anything.

Almost at the same time, a sea snake warrior turned into a body, and his hundred-meter-long body entangled a fear beast. He firmly controlled this explosive hand-to-hand combat beast, and his sharp teeth bit his throat and injected paralyzed venom.

Similar pictures happen one after another. In a short time, more than a dozen beasts were poisoned, all of which were killed in one move. This team of only ten sea warriors lightningly showed the tip of the iceberg of the amazing strength of the sea clan!

"Hold your breath, restrain your breath, and wait for us to get out when they leave." Su Han held his breath.

Human monks looked extremely cold. At this moment, a few rational people retreated. Li Feng, who had never lost his composure along the way, also lost his mind for a moment and had no choice but to issue an order.

"Quiet, lie down!"

When everyone heard the words, they subconsciously covered their mouths and noses, and did not dare to come out, for fear that a breath would attract horrible sea warriors.

On the battlefield, an iron-clad rhinoceros found that its companion had been nailed to the ground by the tiger shark warrior. It was furious and raised a piece of wind and sand on its feet. With all its strength, it hit the tiger shark warrior.

The tiger shark warrior did not dodge and smiled strangely, "Come on, let me try how strong the iron armored rhinoceros, which is claimed to be invincible below the sixth level!"

When the words fell, the armored rhinoceros collided fiercely with the tiger shark warrior, as if Mars had hit the earth. The tiger shark warrior did not move, but the armored rhinoceros flew dozens of meters away.

"Huh, it's vulnerable!"

Before the armored rhinoceros struggled to get up, the tiger shark warrior killed it, held the armored rhinoceros's hind legs in both hands and tried to tear it up!

In the bloody rain, the hill-like iron-clad rhinoceros was easily torn in half, and the blood fell, dyeing the square a hundred steps red.

" hiss..."

The people who saw this scene all took a cold breath. The invincible armored rhinoceros below the sixth level were simply vulnerable in front of the tiger shark warriors, and everyone felt that the world view had been completely subverted.

The power of the sea clan has exceeded expectations!

Now, all everyone wants to do is try not to make any noise, wait for the seas to leave here after slaughtering the herd, and then wait for the opportunity to escape from this bloody hell on earth.

However, such an idea is too beautiful. After swallowing the inner elixir of the armored rhinoceros, the tiger shark warrior gently pricked his nose and his eyes immediately glowed.

"Huh? The smell of human beings. The tiger shark warrior said to himself and looked around. For a moment, he had locked the convoy's hiding place.

Pulling out the halberd fork inserted into the iron armored rhinoceros, the tiger shark warrior raised his arm and roared, "Sea warriors! Humans have stepped into our shelter, and what we have to do is..."




The rest of the sea warriors raised their arms and shouted loudly, which was undoubtedly a life-threatening charm to human monks.

Once again gave full play to the advantage of speed, ten sea warriors surrounded the convoy in an instant. Hundreds of monks in the convoy did not resist. All of them looked at the sky helplessly and prayed for the protection of the gods.

"Done!" Li Feng gritted his teeth and pulled out a handful*.

Behind him, Fengshenbao and Tu Xingsun also sacrificed their own weapons. Although more than a hundred people of the Jinge Guard were extremely afraid, they still showed their blades and set up a formation.

The people of the three chambers of commerce were originally scared out, but after seeing the action of the Jin Ge escort, they also had some vague fighting spirit in their hearts. Everyone who can come here knows a truth.

If you want to live, you can only eliminate those who want you to die!

Under the infection of this fighting spirit, Su Han, who originally wanted to retreat, also picked up the seven treasures to break the blade, but was caught by Dong Guoren's arm.

"Su Han, you take the elite of Da Ren and the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce and escape from the chaos later. We can't lose too much strength here. Since Zhou Tian believes you, I will give you the capital of the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce!" Dong Guoren was impassioned and impassioned.

This is also a helpless move.

As the president of the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce, whether facing each other or against each other, Dong Guoren can't escape the fate of taking the lead. If he wants to win the "Purple Day Inheritance Battle", he can only protect the capital of the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce as much as possible.

Li Daren is loyal and brave. Unfortunately, he can't lead the team. The only choice and the best choice is Su Han. In addition, Zhou Tian's trust in Su Han, Dong Guoren simply handed over these capital to Su Han.

"President Dongguo, I choose to refuse." Su Han looked cold and looked up at the fierce tiger shark warrior and said in a low voice, "I don't know how many sea teams like this in the ruins of the Gold Coast. If you escape every time, it's better not to come in early!"

After a pause, Su Han smiled at Dong Guoren, who was stunned, and said, "What's more, I didn't eat at noon today. I killed this big shark, and we can eat grilled sharks in the evening!"

I don't know whether Su Han's lame cold joke worked or Dong Guoren thought of something. The president of the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce laughed, gently punched Su Han on the shoulder and said, "Okay, one word, do it!"

"These are two words." Su Han left this sentence, and he had rushed more than a dozen steps away.

The so-called first is stronger. In the face of powerful and unreliable sea warriors, the latter can never control the situation. Su Han, who has been repaired in two generations, knows this very well.

The seven treasures broke the sky quickly, and Su Han was faster. One by one knife brought a streamer, almost instantly in front of the tiger shark warrior.

It seems that the message transmitted by Su Han has been received, which has driven almost everyone. Regardless of their strength, regardless of the depth of cultivation, the first time they reacted, the human monk launched a fierce attack on the sea warriors.

The setting sun is slanting in the west, and the outline of the bloody full moon is exposed in the sky. Before the dark cloudy Gold Coast, human beings fought with the sea people.

This is not the first battle between the two races, and it will never be the last.