Final Demon King

Chapter 21 Insult..... Danger?!

"What? An ordinary student gets a learning machine and brain-strengthening agent! And beat your nose like this! Useless little rabbit!"

Gao Yong was close to the window and listened carefully to the dialogue inside. There was no noise interference, which was clearly visible. Hearing a more frivolous voice, Gao Yong smiled.

(Sure enough, it's a complaint...)

"Dad! The other party is like a different person, and the fight is fierce! That's a learning machine and brain-strengthening agent, which can turn people into martial arts masters at once. In Zhang Junwei's words, he seemed extremely wronged.

"Hmm, it's just growing with the help of foreign objects! Such a person can be solved at will! Although you don't have it yourself! But can our Zhang family teach us a lesson?!"

The high declaration of the red snake made Gao Yong frown, not to say that it was the threat of the red snake. Originally, he thought that Zhang Junwei was just a gangster. If he learned a lesson, he would teach him a lesson. The world is unpredictable. Zhang Junwei actually had something to do with that organization. Although it was only that, he also let himself enter that organization in advance. Look at it.

(Be more careful in the future...)

After listening to two sentences, it was just some complaints. There was nothing practical and useful. Gao Yong frowned slightly, but he didn't want to waste it tonight. Feel the air and carefully explore the manpower inside. I found that there was another person hidden in the dark outside Zhang Junwei and his son! This person brings a strange feeling to Gao Yong!

(Superpower!? This is terrible. With superpowers, even if I break in, I may not be able to defeat the other party, let alone quietly subdue the red snake to obtain information. Fortunately, there is a ring, otherwise the ability to use it rashly will be discovered by the other party...)

Gao Yong is once again happy for the existence of the ring, but he is also slightly disappointed. It seems that he is doomed not to gain much tonight. Gao Yong silently picked up his power and was ready to leave quietly. He just turned around! But a delicate face looks at myself!

If Gao Yong is standing on a nail in the high wall of the third floor, clinging to the wall, then the girl in front of Gao Yong is lying on the wall on the third floor!! Yes, just like the earth's gravity changing direction, the girl stuck to the wall, like lying on the ground, and even her calves swayed, like a naughty little girl.

The characteristic military hat and dress, who is not the mysterious girl!?

Gao Yong and the girl's delicate little face are no more than ten centimeters apart. The girl's hand is made into a pistol, as if to kill Gao Yong!

"Bum!" It was still the cute and sweet imitation sound, but this time it did not fascinate Gao Yong, but woke up.

The brain that was shocked by the sudden ** situation was suddenly awakened, and the pupil shrank into a needle! After saying that, Gao Yong suddenly retreated! But there is no way out! It's just an empty air conditioner!

Dang! Gao Yong suddenly retreated and suddenly made a sound!

"Who!" The people in the room immediately shouted. Gao Yongyi is anxious. It would be bad if he was found by the other party! I hurried to see the girl again, but there was no ghost on the wall. How could there be that girl? But Gao Yong can't control so much at this time! The wind is flashing on the wall!

As soon as Gao Yong left, the window came out and poked out a head! Gao Yong was shocked when he found that he was walking on the wall with flying eaves, but he reacted quickly! Open your mouth, as if shouting, and there is no sound, but starting from this head, the visible walls, air conditioners and windows crack extremely quickly in the direction of Gao Yong, which is actually a means of energy attack!

Gao Yong uses air radar to observe the other party's actions at any time. A violent energy comes from the air, and Gao Yong, who is very ** to the air, can naturally detect it.

(Is that the capable person?! The position is calculated 10 centimeters behind.. The strength calculation is the highest, and the shape calculation spiral!)

Gao Yong completed the calculation in a blink of an eye! A whirlwind suddenly formed behind him! The intention is to block the energy flow with a cyclone. The invisible energy hit the airflow, but I didn't want to break through the cyclone in a blink of an eye!

When he hit Gao Yong, he felt that his body was full of blood, and his skin was cracked and spewing out a little blood mist. Of course, this is not the most important thing. Most importantly, Gao Yong only felt that his brain seemed to have been hit by a sledgehammer, and even his ears had a steady blind sound! Slightly deaf.

The brain was hit hard, and all the calculations were interrupted. The originally orderly air flow suddenly collapsed. Without the borrowing of air, Gao Yong suddenly fell to the ground. Fortunately, Gao Yong ran fast and flew to the first floor, but only two or three meters high. Although it hurt a little, he was not hurt much.

However, the brain is buzzing, making Gao Yong unable to calculate together! That is to say, power cannot be used!

(Daw! It's a miscalculation! It turned out to be a sound wave attack. Just now, you can isolate the attack as long as the air pressure is reduced!)

In addition to the distortion brought by pain, Gao Yong's face was annoyed. Sure enough, he was just a newcomer in the power world. The situation just now did not recognize the sound wave!

" hiss!" After moving, the body has a great sense of pain. Not only the cracked small wound, Gao Yong feels that his internal organs have also been impacted. However, Gao Yong still resisted taking out a mask from his arms and wearing it on his head. This was prepared by Gao Yong for the raid, but he didn't expect it to be used in this situation.

After a few minutes, Gao Yong felt much better, but he still couldn't use the operation. Once he performed high-intensity calculations, his brain felt tingling!

Du Du Du! A group of hoodlums came out from behind and surrounded Gao Yong lying on the ground.

(Sure enough! I don't think I can be good tonight. I can only endure the pain and use my ability to rush out?!)

Gao Yong smiled bitterly! Today, even if you are stabbed and made an idiot, you have to rush out, otherwise your family will be involved! Even if that organization doesn't care, my sister will definitely be affected.

"It's ridiculous. A newly awakened hidden ability person comes to explore the secret?! Rookie, where are you from? A relatively young but arrogant voice came. Gao Yong glanced at it and found that it was a gangster dressed as a yellow-haired young man, but arrogant. It seemed that the sound wave attack just now was what this person called.

(hidden? It seems that there was no mental fluctuation just now, which was mistaken for a hidden type by him, which is a good situation...)

Gao Yong carefully analyzed the current situation, but he lay there like a dead fish, without saying a word or moving. The yellow-haired young man sneered.

"Children's mask? At first glance, he is a rookie! Do you think a rookie like you can carry out torture to force confessions!? Haha!"

Huang Mao's words shocked Gao Yong, thinking that the other party was going to remove his mask, but unexpectedly, a huge force came from his mind!

(Da Damn!!!)

Gao Yong's pupil is extremely shrinking! This sense of touch tells Gao Yong that the other party is actually stepping on his head with his feet!!!

"Haha! I haven't seen such an interesting rookie for a long time!!" While stepping on Huang Mao, he also pressed it a few times, which made Gao Yong's anger burst out! The body was struggling, trying to get out of Huang Mao's feet, but he didn't think of his own struggle, which made Huang Mao more excited! There were many operations in my mind, but I was scattered by the tingling at the critical moment! Try again and again!

The sharp pain in the brain is getting worse! Gao Yong even felt that his mind was about to crack!

But Gao Yong still gathered his mind once again! Expand the calculation! Wind whirlwind!? Compression?! Singing?! Reduce air pressure?! Calculations in various forms have been tried! You can't gather effective strength!

(Re unwilling! Why did you step on my head!!)

"What's going on? Is it a superpower?" The voice of Zhang's father and son came from behind.

"Yes, it's just a rookie." The yellow-haired young man said and stepped on it again! Gao Yong struggled toughly!

"Yo, rookie, quite proud! Let me take off your mask and see what you look like! Haha!" The yellow-haired young man laughed wildly and stretched out his hand to the broken mask!

Gao Yong approached with that hand, and his heart trembled violently!

(No! You can't let him take it off! Absolutely not!! If you take it off, it will definitely be recognized by Zhang Junwei! Home, freedom! It's all gone! Absolutely not!!)

Just when the yellow-haired young man's hand touched Gao Yong's mask!

Gao Yong feels that the world is at a standstill!

(Hand stopped? Don't you plan to take the mask?)

(No, even many hoodlums, Zhang Junwei and his son seem to have been pressed the pause button!)

(The air has also stopped?! What the hell is this?.)

Gao Yong's thoughts were not yet straightened out, and he heard a clear sound....

Dang! The mind was actually gathered on the mysterious ring in his hand!

It was sucked again!

Silver! It's that vast silver space again! On top of the head, it is still the quaint and elegant door!

(What? I'm here again?! Oh, I didn't expect to take refuge here at this moment of life and death?)

Consciousness turned into a human, and Gao Yong smiled slightly.

Looking left and right, I found that all the physical laws are invalid, and there is no gravity repulsion, no air and many other things, that is, a vast piece of silver and that door!

(Can we only detect that door again?)

In this space, nothing can be done. The only curiosity is the door!

Do it when you think of it! Gao Yong thought again and wanted to get close to the door!

(I couldn't move forward after flying for 11 seconds last time! Seven seconds, six seconds...)

Gao Yong counted silently and immediately arrived at the place where he was last time.

(three seconds, two seconds, one second! Hey!)

After arriving at the place where he was last time, Gao Yong felt that he still had the strength to surge up again!

(Can you open that door this time?!)

Gao Yong was slightly excited and tried his best to go there again, but Gao Yong was disappointed again. He only moved forward for two seconds and could no longer walk!

(Can you go further next time you come in?! Er! This feeling? Are you going out again?...)

Gao Yong hasn't completely figured it out, so he feels a blur around him.