Final Demon King

Chapter 31 Planting! In the middle!

"Your name is Gao Yong. You are suspected of intentional injury in the morning! Come with us." When the policeman said this to Gao Yong, Gao Yong was completely stunned. He didn't expect that the policeman would come to find him. Even Zhang Jingqi, the classmates around him, looked at him curiously.

Although I don't know what's going on, under the influence of ten years of compulsory ideological education, Gao Yong obediently followed the policeman out of school. It was not until I got on the car that I realized that there was no intentional injury case!

(morning? Huh? By the way, is it that guy named Wang Jun? Can't the school call the police? Are you kidding? This evidence is almost valid in both schools and police stations. He still suffers even more in the police station. Is there any way for him to deal with me?)

Regardless of Gao Yong's doubts, the police car drove straight to the police station. Among them, Gao Yong tried to talk to him several times but was coldly stared back by the police, which made Gao Yong depressed. If he can say the identity of a superpower, not to mention these little policemen, even their director has to flatter him obediently. Unfortunately, not to mention the identity of superpowers, even if you use power secretly, you should be cautious. In the police station, there is a special power detector!

And because in the police, once their identity is exposed, although ordinary people may not know it, they can't hide it from the eyes of the Black Dragon Club. Every capable person is very precious, and the power organization is very ** in this regard.

In less than half an hour, Gao Yong finally went to the police station for tea for the first time.

As soon as he got out of the car, Gao Yong was pulled into a relatively sealed room before he could take a closer look at the police station. It seemed that this was the so-called interrogation room. Two policemen brought Gao Yong here and were about to go out. Gao Yong finally couldn't help asking:

"Did I commit any law? Why did you arrest me in?"

"Well, we'll know later." The policeman gave Gao Yong a cold look.

Bum! With the sound of closing the door, the room fell into silence. Gao Yong frowned. Although he was not familiar with the process of handling cases in the police station, he also knew that the police station was not so rude and that he was not a felon. However, it is already here, and it is too late to resist. Even if you resist, there is a way to resist.

Gao Yong had to wait quietly on the stool in the room.

But after more than half an hour, no one took care of himself, and his patience was almost worn out!

(Since you don't care about me! Then I'll make trouble for you!)

Gao Yong sneered, closed his eyes, and felt the air! Suddenly, I felt that the space with a radius of more than 30 meters could be included in my sensing range compared with a large football field, in which countless human figures walked around. Just as Gao Yong decided to mobilize the airflow, he found that a human figure seemed to be coming to his room.

(Are you looking for yourself?)

Since someone came, Gao Yong did not panic to make trouble. He wanted to see why he was detained here for more than half an hour for no reason.

In a minute, the door opened with a click, and a chubby middle-aged policeman came in. The policeman sat at the interrogation table with a portable projection computer in his hand and looked at Gao Yong in front of him, showing obvious hatred in his eyes.

(What's going on? Did I offend him?)

Gao Yong thought to himself, but when he looked at this face, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that his eyes were alive. I had to hide this doubt and ask:

"What law did I break? Why did you bring me here?"

The middle-aged policeman didn't care about Gao Yong's questioning, but just took a picture of the projection computer external camera to Gao Yong. In a while, Gao Yong's information appeared on the reverse screen of the projection computer.

Name: Gao Yong.

Gender: Male.

Age: 17

.... A series of files registered in the police station have come out. The middle-aged policeman looked at this information and felt that there was nothing special, so he finally opened his mouth.

"Did you hurt a group of students in the school canteen this morning?! And several students were seriously injured. The middle-aged policeman's voice was very cold, as if talking to a prisoner, which made Gao Yong very uncomfortable and slightly understood in his heart.

(Is it really Wang Jun's group in the morning? Did they really call the police? Is it naive to think that I deleted the recording?)

"This morning, I did have a fight with some classmates, but I want to correct that the other party attacked me first, and there were several people on the other side, and I was only one." Gao Yong frowned and explained that I really don't know what Wang Jun's group said. Obviously, several people bullied one person and said it was their own fault.

"Hone with me! Several of the other party were seriously injured, but you are fine! Is there anything wrong with this!!" As soon as the middle-aged policeman heard Gao Yong's defense, he immediately raised his volume and shouted harshly in an attempt to shock Gao Yong.

I want to say, this policeman, please lower your voice. I'm a suspect, not a prisoner! In addition, what I said just now has evidence! The other party committed the crime first! And make a threat!" The scolding of the middle-aged policeman was of no use to Gao Yong, but his heart was full of anger. The policeman really didn't know what was right or wrong and didn't listen to his own defense at all.

"Oh, evidence? What evidence?" Hearing Gao Yong say, the middle-aged policeman raised his eyebrows and asked.

"The recording of their speech threatening me!" Gao Yong took out his mobile phone and pointed to it.

The middle-aged policeman didn't say anything, just stretched out his hand and seemed to be asking Gao Yong for mobile phone verification. Gao Yong was angry about this attitude, but he still handed over his mobile phone. As long as he could test his innocence, he could still endure this anger. As soon as he had a match, Gao Yongyin felt something wrong, but he still returned to his position and planned to see how the other party verified it.

Unexpectedly, Gao Yong just sat down, and a small strand of electric current came from the stool! Suddenly, Gao Yong's body was numb!

"You!" Gao Yong leaned against the chair weakly and stared at the middle-aged policeman, but saw the other party smiling proudly! Throw the evidence mobile phone in his hand and throw it into the hands of a policeman outside the window, and the policeman disappeared for a while!

Seeing this scene, Gao Yong was furious! I finally understood that the policeman intended to convict him from the beginning! This policeman has something to do with Wang Jun!

(no wonder! No wonder you dare to call the police. No wonder you have been imprisoned for more than half an hour! I thought those scum policemen were just rumors on TV! I didn't expect that there would be such a policeman!)

"What do you have to do with Wang Jun!" Gao Yonghan, staring at such a middle-aged policeman, must have a close relationship with Wang Jun. Otherwise, ordinary people dare not dare to design themselves like this.

You should know that the inspection is also very strong in the police station now. Just now, the policeman just reached out for his hand and asked for his mobile phone, instead of opening his mouth, but he was worried about leaving a truth. Just now, Gao Yong vaguely felt something wrong in his heart, which was also this.

"My surname is Wang, and I am the deputy director of this branch! As for the Wang Jun you mentioned, he is my son. My son is lying in the hospital now, and you still say you didn't commit violence!?" The deputy director thought that the general situation had been settled, showing the disgusting expression of the winner and staring at Gao Yong's eyes, as if he were looking at a flying insect falling into the cobweb.

(Deputy Director! No wonder so many police can be mobilized! And looking at this picture, the camera should have been cancelled, and there is only recording here. Today is really not good!)

Gao Yong's face is pale. This time, he really fell! Unexpectedly, he was tricked! The evidence was cheated, and the law enforcement officers were the other party's people. The current situation can be described as a dead end! Do you really want to expose the power?! Gao Yong asked himself this.

"This morning, you flirted with a female classmate in the school canteen. Several boys came to stop you. You were unconvinced and suddenly hurt people. You raided several students and seriously injured several students. Did you say, is that true?"

The general trend is in hand, and even the confession has been changed a lot, which is completely aggravating Gao Yong's guilt. Gao Yong's head appeared with bean-sized sweat, and there was a fierce ideological conflict in his mind. After all, he admitted his guilt! Or expose the power and rush out?! With the fierce ideological struggle, Gao Yong gradually gasped! Intellectually, the best choice is to confess guilt! Although it suffers a little, it does not affect the overall situation!

But this breath is really difficult to swallow! The middle-aged policeman looked at Gao Yong's expression change and seemed to feel very happy. Looking at his expression, he seemed to have enough time and Gao Yongmo.

(Sister! Mom and Dad!!)

Thinking of his family, Gao Yong suppressed the impulse to use power several times! But the trembling on his body still proved that he was extremely angry at this time!

"Me! I plead guilty!!"

Gao Yong's eyes are red, almost squeezing these words from between his teeth. It doesn't matter what he feels. The important thing is that if he exposes himself, his family will be affected! He will be bound in the shadow of the Black Dragon Club for the rest of his life. Compared with these, the humiliation at this time is nothing! Gao Yong told himself this.

When Gao Yong said 'apclaim', the director's face suddenly burst into a very bright smile, but against the background of his fat face, it was extremely disgusting. Gao Yong couldn't wait to delay him with the wind!

"Very good, then this case is settled!" As soon as the words fell, Gao Yong could see the ecstasy in his eyes.

Papa! A crisp applause.

Time seemed to freeze, and the joy on the face of the middle-aged policeman froze. From the perspective of the middle-aged police, a girl in school uniform suddenly appeared next to Gao Yong, holding a small mobile phone and clapping her hands. Gao Yong was also shocked and looked aside. Who was Zhang Jingqi in this dress and face?

Deputy Director Wang didn't even have the mood to appreciate it, and suddenly a person appeared! What is this? What the hell? In this era, ghosts and other things have long been annihilated in the trend of history. Such a strange way of appearing can only be... Deputy Director Wang dared not imagine it.

"What a frame-up, stealing beams and changing columns! You deputy director, you did a good job! It's time to eat a gun, bang!" The girl narrowed her smile, and the other free little hand made a small pistol posture and fired a 'gun' at Deputy Director Wang.