Final Demon King

Chapter 71 Going Home

In southern China, July is already extremely hot, and the quiet summer night is also a little hot. The empty sky hung with a bright moon and stars, which slightly comforted the people outside the house to enjoy the cool.

After seven or eight o'clock, in the alley of FJ City, a bicycle shuttled. The boy in the front seat struggled to step on the pedal, and the beautiful girl sat horizontally in the back seat.

Although the bicycle was very fast, Zhang Jingqi in the back seat rarely felt bumpy. An unexpected smile floated on her cheeks and gently leaned against the boy in front of her.

"Are you tired?" Gentle greetings, with a little affection and faint concern.

"I'm tired. There's a big mountain in the back seat."

It was a beautiful atmosphere, but the boy in front of him grinned and said something to destroy the scenery.

"Wh! No, Kiki, don't tickle me. I'm wrong. I'm going to hit it!" The shy girl was so angry that her little hand climbed up the boy's waist and scratched it at this high speed. Suddenly, the bicycle was crooked. Strange to say, ordinary people riding like this may have fallen dizzy for a long time.

The car shook violently, but the men and women in the car seemed to stick to the car. No matter how much they dumped, they were firmly fixed on the seat.

A big stone finally appeared in front of me.

"Ah, I'm going to hit it." Naturally, the girl behind her also saw it and was shocked and screamed.

But the bicycle strangely moved to the right and flashed past the boulder like lightning.

"Hahahaha." The boy in front of him seemed to be very happy to scare the girl. After a little shock, the girl did not tickle him anymore.

"How dare you scare me." Zhang Jingqi stared, and her pink face pouted her little mouth, as if to say, you're done!

"Ah, Qiqi, good Qiqi, it was an accident just now. Er, you tickled me. Of course, I can't control the car." Seeing that the girl was angry, Gao Yong quickly stopped smiling and comforted her.

"Hmm." The girl snorted, but did not dare to tickle as she did just now. Although the two of them would be fine when they hit the stone, they flew out like an angry bird, which was not elegant.

Seeing that the girl ignored himself, Gao Yong could only laugh twice and concentrate on cycling.

In a few minutes, after a few curves, there is a long alley. Compared with the bustling city center, it looks extremely dilapidated. The houses are all old houses 20 or 30 years ago, and all kinds of lower-class employees live here.

"Xiaoyong, are you back?"

"How's class today?"

"Give your father a message and ask him to come out to play cards at night."

Gao Yong grew up on this street. Naturally, he is very familiar with uncles and aunts. The weather is hot, and everyone is enjoying the cool at the door or enjoying the summer breeze at the entrance of the alley. Gao Yong naturally said hello when he rode by, but the strange thing is that Gao Yong sat such a very beautiful girl in the back seat. No matter where she is, she is the focus of sight.

That's where the weirdness is, and everyone doesn't seem to see the girl.

"Ah, it's a good thing that they are all elders. If any naughty child uses a mobile phone to take a picture, it will be bad." Facing the wind, Gao Yong muttered like a whisper.

"Yes, it's really bad. Isn't it like a ghost?" Zhang Jingqi covered her mouth and smiled secretly. Her ignoring ability can interfere with biological brain waves to deceive her senses, but it has no effect on electronic products. People around her do completely ignore Zhang Jingqi's existence, but if someone takes a picture of Gao Yong's cycling appearance, Zhang Jingqi is 100% shot.

However, in this case, I'm afraid it's really going to scare many people.

In the afternoon, after receiving a phone call from his father, Gao Yong took Zhang Jingqi around and went back to school again. He had asked for a day off. In fact, he did not need to go back to school. However, in order to solve the problem of the stalker, he naturally returned to school and attracted the attention of the other party, but he did not want to throw himself into the empty school, and I don't feel a special sight.

(Is it possible that they couldn't find me and went to my house?)

This speculation made Gao Yong panic. He planned to say goodbye to Zhang Jingqi and go back to solve it alone, but he didn't expect that Zhang Jingqi quietly followed. If Gao Yong hadn't felt that the bicycle was much heavier and hadn't noticed that there was a person sitting behind him, Zhang Jingqi's ability to ignore was really wonderful.

So she had to take Zhang Jingqi home. Of course, she also told Zhang Jingqi to pay attention to it secretly. Walking to the door, Gao Yong was a little nervous. He grew so old that he took a girl home for the first time. Although Zhang Jingqi ignored her and her parents could not detect her existence, it did not affect this feeling.

Zhang Jingqi looked at Gao Yong's home. Although she had shaken a few times before, she had swept a few times. This was the first time to look carefully.

Gao Yongjia is not big. The store, the third floor, the store is divided into outside, inside, and balcony corridor. There are many shelves on the outside wall, which sell some common household appliances, such as a full-function rice cooker that can cook all kinds of meals, an intelligent electric frying pan that can automatically mix seasonings, water pumps for agricultural use, small batteries, computer remote remote controls, etc.

The interior is the place where Gao Fu repairs various household appliances. There are only two work tables, which are connected to various maintenance instruments. There is also a wooden attic above the head, a narrow rest room. Gao's father has the habit of taking a nap at noon, and the wooden building is convenient for Gao's father to sleep.

And the corridor also serves as a kitchen. In order to facilitate meals, the kitchen is also located in the corridor.

Gao Yong motioned to Zhang Jingqi, who obediently got out of the car and followed Gao Yong. Gao Yong led the car and passed through the interior, but unexpectedly, Gao's father did not work in it. A mother's small hoarse sound came from the corridor.

I led the car and walked into the corridor, but I saw my mother's face full of excitement, where she smiled very happily. My father also sat next to the balcony of the corridor with a comfortable look on his face. Seeing this, Gao Yong naturally smiled. When he was a child, his father was the only financial pillar in the family, and his father was disabled. He worked very hard for this family and pulled Gao Yong and Gao Xuan up. It was not until his sister grew up and had a job that the situation gradually eased.

But this also makes the father very depressed, making his daughter stay at home and running around all year round, which makes his father feel guilty all the time. Now there are more than two million, and the depression is completely released, and Gao's father is very happy.

"Dad, what's the good thing that happened? The teeth are about to laugh off. Although he knew why his father was happy, Gao Yong still pretended to be surprised and asked in a half-joking tone.

"Well, Xiaoyong, I won the first prize. Our family's hard life is over. Haha, when this time has passed, you will immediately turn to the good Pu Gao, and your sister doesn't have to go out to make a living." There are tears in Gao's father's eyes. In fact, Gao Yong's previous grades are not bad. If his English can be better, he can be regarded as a top student, but that's all, he still goes to a vocational school. A large part of the reason is that his family can't bear the financial burden of general high school and college.

For vocational schools, you only need to pay the tuition and living expenses of the previous period, and there are many government subsidies because of the family's parents. But Pu Gao is different. Because he is not an only child, Pu Gao has no government subsidy. In addition to tuition and living expenses, there are also various cost of learning materials. This is not yet. After high school, there are more expensive universities. In short, if Gao Yong goes to Pu Gao at that time, I'm afraid that Gao's income will be reduced to food and clothing. Wandering online.

"Really, that's really great." Gao Yong couldn't help feeling sad. How simple is it to ask for his parents? Isn't this simple parent in front of you exactly what you have always wanted to protect?

(Be sure to help your sister get out of the Black Dragon Club!)

"Really, I'm so happy." Suddenly, a small murmur came from his ear. Gao Yong turned his head in astonishment, but saw Zhang Jingqi staring at her family. The girl stood far away in the corner, like an abandoned kitten, ignored and with inexplicable sadness.

The soft place in Gao Yong's heart was knocked fiercely. How much he wanted to pull Zhang Jingqi out of the dark corner and announce to his parents that she was also a member of the family, but the uneasiness in his heart told Gao Yong that the superpower may be watching secretly. If Zhang Jingqi was pulled out, he would be shocked. .

Maybe she noticed Gao Yong's eyes. Zhang Jingqi didn't seem to want to embarras Gao Yong. Her figure gradually blurred and ignored Gao Yong.

But he didn't expect that the moment he was about to disappear, his little hand was held by Gao Yong.

"Is my happiness yours? Don't forget, I sold myself to you. When this incident is over, I will let my parents move to the villa and our family will live together. He pulled Zhang Jingqi into his arms, hugged her, and whispered.

Gao Yong's soft voice made Zhang Jingqi tremble and buried her head in Gao Yong's chest.

Huh? What are you talking about? Affected by neglect, the parents did not notice Zhang Jingqi, but saw Gao Yong wave his hand and whispered there.

"Ah, Dad, since we are rich, let's just go out for a good meal and celebrate." Gao Yong forcibly suppressed the sentimental emotions in his heart and looked up and said.

"Well, okay, but be careful, don't spill the beans." Gao's father naturally agreed, and he is also a millionaire. How can he be reluctant to eat a little? Of course, he also understands the principle that wealth is not white. Although there are neighbors with excellent relationships around, the amount of money is too large and there are many people. Although he believes that the people around him will not do anything, it will be bad if it gets peeped at by people in society.

"Oh, it's a pity that Gao Xuan hasn't come back yet, otherwise, she would be happier." When he went out, Gao's father still had a little regret.

Gao Yong can only be silent about this.