Final Demon King

Chapter 167 Destroy! ( I sent it wrong before, sorry)

L City is a city along the river, and the Yangtze River runs through, bringing prosperity to L City.

People in L City are also very attached to this mother river, because it gives birth to this person and brings happiness to this person. However, today, the mother river is extremely irritable, and the water flow is rapid and uneasy, as if it has reached the high tide...

If you go down more than ten kilometers down the river from L City, you will find that dozens of water columns, like the angry dragon king, rise up, surround and extend in the sky. Under this heavenly power, how small human beings look?

And in the middle of dozens of water columns, folded crystals are released, which is even more fragile!

All the things that hinder the Dragon King will be destroyed by its anger, even if it is a crystal spike with gem-like hardness. There is no suspense at all, and it is easily turned into powder by the terrible physical impact.

Perhaps the short man was lucky. When the Dragon King angrily hit the crystal cage, the underwater crystal pillar supporting the weight of the crystal cage could not withstand the impact of the water dragon. Unexpectedly, it broke before the crystal cage broke. The crystal cage without support points was like a small sailboat in the sea, which was swept up by the dragon king's anger. Tao swallowed it easily!

It was also the same that saved his life, because there was no support point, the crystal cage could drift in the water. In this way, most of the impact of the dragon king's anger was removed, and the short man repaired the crystal wall all the time, so that the crystal cage survived. However, the people inside also because It was washed away by the current and shaken, dizzy and upside down.

The short man was fine. He fixed himself on the crystal through crystal control, and the plum needle did not have this luck. It was not that the short man didn't care about her, but that the situation was too urgent at that time. He was lucky to take care of himself, and he didn't have the energy to take care of others. When the crystal cage rolled in the waves, the plum needle was also rolling in the crystal cage. You should know that the hardness of the crystal is unquestionable. In the roll, the plum needle hit the crystal wall countless times. When it calmed down slightly, the plum needle was already seriously injured and was unbearable.

"Bang." Wang Yan couldn't help but hate and failed. The hardness of the crystal represents a very high density, that is to say, it is very heavy. Such a large crystal naturally sank to the bottom of the river after the water flow calms down. If the Dragon King's anger bombards the Yangtze River, although it can still be attacked, the force will undoubtedly be reduced by half by the water flow, and the dragon Wang's anger's strength is horrible. If it is vented in the Yangtze River, I'm afraid it will cause a high tide in this river. It is certain that the nearby L city will be affected. Of course, this is not what the Qianlong team wants to see.

Therefore, Wang Yan had no choice but to relieve the dragon king's anger.

However, it is precisely this time that gives a short man time to breathe!

The crystal cage has been completely repaired, and the short man now knows that today may be the last battle, and his heart has thrown away life and death. All the drugs that can stimulate the spirit and increase mental strength are wildly injected!

In the case of great mental strength, crystals are spreading crazily at the bottom of the river!

In less than ten seconds, the crystal appeared on the water again.

It's just different from before. Previously, his morale was low and he was weaker in momentum!

And now, the short man doesn't care about life and death at all. He is reckless and tries his best! Although the short man is old, he still has the background of level B. In the eyes of Gao Yong and Wang Yan, a crystal lotus blooms on the river!

In the moonlight, this crystal lotus looks secluded and beautiful. After the flowers bloom, countless branches extend from the huge petals, like spiny rose vines, beautiful, but with chilling murder!

"It seems to be troublesome." Gao Yong sighed slightly. Such a huge crystal gathering, even if the Dragon King bombarded with all his strength, it may not be completely broken.

Looking at the extended branches, Gao Yong's hand grasped!

Wind God Control - Fang Tian Painting halberd!

Different from the limitations of ancient weapons, Fengshen controls the existing weapons without weight limit, so this square halberd is completely three or five times the size of the original! It's so huge and as light as a feather. Gao Yong bent his legs and suddenly flew in mid-air!

Gao Yong will not use halberd, but to deal with such branches like thorns, you just need to dance around without skill! The huge square painting halberd wheel is like a full moon. Gao Yong is like a crystal lotus sprint, and countless amazingly hard crystal thorns on the roadside are as fragile as glass under the chaotic dance of the halberd! Often a sweep will break countless pieces, and for a while, it is unstoppable!

The short man may know that the fragmentary crystal thorns can't stop Gao Yong. Compared with the first larger crystal waves, it is a crystal wave formed by countless crystal thorns. It can be expected that it may not have been swallowed up, and it will be stabbed into a hornet's nest by these thorns.

Naturally, such an attack cannot be blocked by a huge halberd. Between Gao Yong's thoughts, a round dance sweeps away the surrounding thorns! Raise the rising airflow and rush straight up!

But the speed is still not as fast as the crystal wave spreading speed of more than ten meters high. Before reaching a safe height, it will be swallowed up by the crystal wave. Gao Yong got this budget!

So, you can only resist!

The crystal waves and dark shadows covering the sky are surging!

"Wind God Control - Wind God Right Hand!"

With Gao Yong's big drink, the translucent giant hand reappeared! However, unlike ordinary times, now under the full operation of Gao Yong, it is more than 20 meters in size!

The huge palm slapped heavily on the crystal wave!


How to describe this sound? Throwing thousands of pieces of glass and tens of thousands of glass from a hundred-story dangerous building and falling heavily to the ground may describe this sound!

The place where it enters the ear is completely the sound of glass cracking, as if the eardrum will be penetrated!

In the sight of others, a translucent giant hand pushed a gem-like crystal peak!

Like a Buddha pushing sand!

The huge palm is like the hand of the Buddha of Leshan Buddha, which is easily pushed to a peak!

The crystal lotus behind the crystal wave is submerged by a large number of crystal fragments!

"It's time to finish!"

Gao Yong's pale face muttered that the crystals are hindering the flow of the Yangtze River. If it is dragging down, I'm afraid the upstream will flood!

"Drink! Ah ah!!"

In Gao Yong's shouting, Qingtian's giant hand grabbed the lower edge of the crystal lotus in an attempt to overturn it!

Naturally, it is impossible for Wang Yan behind Gao Yong to stand and watch. Blocked by crystal love, a large amount of water was accumulated in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Under Wang Yan's full operation, countless angry roars of the Dragon King appeared!

However, instead of rising to the sky, he chose to coil around the bottom plate of crystallized love and work with the giant!

If the giant hand of Optimus Prime alone can't set off crystal love, then with the anger of more than a dozen dragon kings, no matter how dense the crystal is, it will obediently submit!

The crystal love is separated from the river, and the height rises again!

Ten meters!

20 meters!

50 meters!

100 meters!

Finally, it rose to a height beyond the reach of the Dragon King's anger, leaving only Fengshen's right hand barely relying on it!

"Liberation!" Gao Yong's silent thoughts.

The wind god's right hand disappeared invisibly, and the crystallized love fell!

At this time, Gao Yong and Wang Yan were extremely tired, pale and sweaty, but both of them were very excited!

Of course, it will not let such a big crystalline love fall. Even if a short man falls to death, it will cause a huge shock. If it hits the Yangtze River, the effect will be more terrible than Wang Yan's Dragon King's anger!

The purpose of Gao Yong and Wang Yan is to use the impact of the crystal falling down, supplemented by the strongest attack of the two, and bombard the crystal love into powder in mid-air!

"Wind God Control - Ancient Battlefield!"

Where do you have the most weapons? Arsenal? Military camp?

No, it's a battlefield! When the two armies fought, tens of thousands of deadly weapons gathered!

And Gao Yong is like simulating an ancient battlefield, collecting weapons!

Sword, gun, halberd and hammer!

Countless ancient weapons that Gao Yong can imagine are gathering! Hundreds? Thousands?

No, countless, Gao Yong turned all his remaining spiritual power into a wind god control simulation weapon!

"Hum, sea anger - Dragon King cannon array!"

Wang Yan also used her strongest destructive means, so that it can only be used based on B-order computing power!

The Yangtze River, the amount of water in this section of the Yangtze River, turns into seven whirlpools!

In the center of the vortex, countless moisture is compressing!

Even in this dark night, the reflection after the extreme compression of water also blooms extremely dazzling blue light!

Here, every hair is comparable to the air group formed by thousands of compressed air!

And now, there are seven rounds here!

There is no doubt about the destructive power brought by the two B-level humanoid weapons!

Today, the world's hardest gemstone material will witness this!

By the time the attack of the two was ready, the crystal lotus had fallen below 100 meters.

80 meters.

50 meters.

30 meters!

That's enough!

"launch!" Gao Yong and Wang Yan shouted at the same time!

Countless air collection weapons turned into white meteor showers and rose to the sky! Lock in the crystallization love from all directions!

The seven whirlpools in the river are like a fort, and the blue light blooms! Seven high-pressure moisture, after compression, erupted, and seven light columns locked the crystalline lotus!



The shocking noise, even L city, dozens of kilometers away from here, felt deafening, and the huge force vented into the air, as if the air had also launched an earthquake! Countless people woke up in the dark!

After that, it rained in mid-air, mixed with crystal powder!

Gao Yong and Wang Yan lay on the bank of the river and had no strength anymore!

"Is it cool?"

"Super cool."


Gao Yong and Wang Yan laughed at the same time and said that since they became B-level strong men, they have never released the destructive power of their bodies like this.

The laughter didn't last long, because both of them were very tired.

Gao Yong dialed Zhang Jingqi's phone number.

"Idiot!! Didn't I ask you to solve it quietly!!!"

Gao Yong felt that his ears were not broken by the sound waves just now, and he would also be shocked by his wife's voice.

"Sorry, sorry, I can't control it for a while..."