Final Demon King

Chapter 190 Bluebird

Gao Yong and the three of them chased all the way and finally locked the direction of mental fluctuations. It was the roof of a building!

Gao Yong, Zhang Jingqi and Gao Xuan reported that the other party was not good, which made a provocative spiritual fluctuation and fixed the location early. It was in an environment like the roof, that is to say, this is a challenge launched by the other party. According to the rules between superpowers, try not to have conflicts between superpowers in densely populated places, so as to avoid stray bullets and accidentally hurt ordinary people.

If you dare to ignore this rule and conflict, the consequence is that the dispute will be intervened by the palace.

It seems to feel the approach of the three people, and the frequency of mental fluctuations suddenly decreases, but it is looming, as if it is announcing what you mean.

The three sat on the elevator of the building and went straight to the roof. Among them, Gao Yong carried an air radar and sensed it on the roof. In fact, there was only one person. It was this person who exuded spiritual fluctuations without any hiding, just waiting for Gao Yong's arrival.

Soon, Gao Yong and the other three came to the roof.

Seeing upstairs, the familiar figure, the same handsome young man, was just a little more mature and stable than two years ago, but he couldn't hide the deep fatigue in his eyes.

It's the blue bird.

At this time, several people did not make a move to hide their identity, because two years ago, Gao Yong's details were known by the blue bird, and the blue bird was also seen by Gao Yong two years ago, and there was no need to cover it at all.

"In the past two years, you will laugh." The blue bird did not look at Gao Yong, but at Gao Xuan.

In the past, when he was in the southern Sichuan branch, Bluebird loved Qianxuan. He was attracted by the cold temperament and was beterred by the powerful strength. He was intoxicated by the shadow and tried his best to catch up with it.

At that time, Bluebird believed that as long as he worked hard, even if he could not be surpassed, he would not be left behind by the other party. As long as he insisted, he would be able to get her smile one day. This dream woke up two years ago. He did not understand, did not understand the other party's pain, and could not give help. Help, unable to understand the most important thing of the other party, everything made him farther and farther away from Qianxuan until Qianxuan suddenly left. At that time, in addition to anger, the blue bird was still confused.

This confusion took him two years to come true. It was precisely because he figured it out that Bluebird came to Qianxuan.

Gao Xuan's eyes were indifferent. The man in front of him was the only person in the southern Sichuan branch that made him quite appreciate. Gao Xuan also knew the other party's feelings for him. Unfortunately, Gao Xuan could not respond to this. Two years ago, he was burdened and could not respond, and now the two of them can't respond.

"What are you coming to me for?" The cold words, just like two years ago, the cold temperament came to his face, as if Qianxuan had never changed, but still Qianxuan in the past.

"Nothing, just have a look." The blue bird shook its head, and an obsession appeared in its eyes.

Although Gao Yong appreciated the blue bird, he still felt a little uncomfortable when he saw his sister like this and couldn't help saying.

"You are the vice president of the Chuannan branch. It's not good to be known by the new branch president when you come to see my sister."

"Yes, it's really bad, but I really have something to do with you."


Gao Xuan raised her eyebrows and said one word, as if she didn't want to say one more word.

Bluebird sighed, and then his face was straight, and his eyes were obsessed and immersed. Although the two-year acting president of the southern Sichuan branch was already half disabled, it still added a bit of majesty to the bluebird out of thin air.

"Member of the former Chuannan Branch, Qianxuan!"

Suddenly, the blue bird shouted, mixed with murderous momentum, which immediately made Gao Yong and the three of them nervous.

"You, as a member of the South Sichuan Branch, left the Association for no reason two years ago and entered the country for rebellion. Today, as the vice president of the South Sichuan Branch, I will clean the door and kill you here!"

After saying the last word, the cold around the bluebird expanded. For a while, the temperature around it dropped several degrees, and the white fog suddenly formed ice-blue wings behind the blue bird!

The dazzling wings composed of thin diamond-shaped ice wafers shine in the sun, reflecting colorful light!

Gao Yong did not respond to the action of the bluebird, but waited for the other party to complete the battle state. Gao Yong could easily feel that although the current bluebird is stronger than two years ago, it still did not break the limit of double C and become a B-level strongman. Gao Yong was expressionless and raised his spirit to the best state. Although his opponent was weaker than himself, it was just an insult to an opponent like Bluebird.

But at this time, Gao Xuan's slender hand pressed Gao Yong's shoulder.

"I'll do it!"

"After this war, whether you win or lose, you are no longer a member of the South Sichuan Branch, and the South Sichuan Branch will always regard you as a deadly enemy! The southern Sichuan branch has never had a member named Qianxuan!"

After that, the blue bird turned into a blue light and went straight into the sky!

Gao Yong was stunned when he heard this, and then realized that Qingniao did not come to find trouble today, but cut off the relationship between Gao Xuan and the southern Sichuan branch! Especially the last sentence, 'The South Sichuan Branch has never had a member named Qianxuan!' If you want an organization without a member, it is natural to eliminate the files, which means that after the war, all the information sealed by Qianxuan in the South Sichuan Branch will be destroyed! This is undoubtedly a great good thing for Gao Xuan.

"Sister, be careful." Gao Yong pulled Zhang Jingqi, wrapped in the rising airflow, and flew to the high altitude to watch the battle.

And Gao Xuan lowered his head slightly, and his body rose and suspended without wind. It seemed that at this time, the earth's gravity turned into repulsion, and Gao Xuan crossed straight into the void and above the clouds.

And there, the blue figure protected by the color aperture is already waiting.

Gao Xuan's head of green silk flew in the wind, and his eyes were not sad or happy. He ignored the figure and did not move like a mountain. His posture did not have any flaws, nor did he have any sharpness, waiting for the other party to take action.

In fact, with the current strength of the bluebird, compared with the strength of Qianxuan two years ago, Qianxuan two years ago can easily defeat the bluebird two years ago, but it cannot defeat the current bluebird.

In the past two years, Qianxuan has not shown his strength once. In the evaluation, Qianxuan's strength has not increased once, as if the original genius no longer exists. Is this really the case?

Bluebird is naturally not polite! On the back, two blue wings burst, and countless cold air burst like water lines. The surrounding clouds seemed to be frozen into ice crystals. In addition, it was already cold in the sky. At this time, the temperature was below minus 20 degrees Celsius at a height of thousands of meters!

The blue bird smiled softly. The reason why he chose the high-altitude battlefield was beneficial to himself. First, the high air was very cold, and secondly, in the high altitude, Qianxuan could not use iron sand!

And the blue bird, in this high altitude, complements each other. The high-altitude clouds are thick, the water is sufficient, and the low temperature increases the cold air!

Naturally, this is the blue bird's further strengthening of its own environment, and to a certain extent using cold to restrict the opponent's mobility and consume physical strength. Unfortunately, this move is meaningless to Gao Xuan. Two years ago, Gao Xuan was able to compress the air group into a semi-energy body with gravity and increase adhesion with gravity. The air density of the piece is naturally easy to achieve the effect of thermal insulation.

"Let's do it." Gao Xuan coldly spit out three words.

As soon as the words fell, the blue bird turned into a blue light!

did not rush to Gao Xuan, because Bluebird knew very well that in close combat, there is absolutely no chance of winning against Gao Xuan. Once in close combat, the hegemonic control starts, and there is no chance of resistance at all.

I saw the blue bird holding his hands, and in this high-altitude cold air, it condensed into two cold swords in a blink of an eye!

Every cold sword is an ultra-low temperature of 200 degrees Celsius. Once ordinary people touch a small point, it will instantly turn into ice slag. This hand suddenly made Gao Xuan's pupils shrink, and even Gao Yong was a little surprised. You know, two years ago, it was not easy and unsustainable to master a blue bird. Now both of them can be easy at the same time. Handheld!

The blue bird pulls the blue light tail, like a blue comet, calculates the distance and revolves around Gao Xuan, which is measuring the effective distance of the hegemonic force control!

Finally, I stopped and approached 150 meters away from Gao Xuan!

When the blue bird waved his hands, the blue cold sword suddenly burst out countless swords! With the extremely cold sword spirit, it seems to slow down the disease and progress layer by layer! Where I passed by, it seemed that even the air was frozen! After the outbreak of sword spirit, the two cold swords seemed to dissipate and suddenly turned into ice slag.

Every sword spirit turns into a rainbow, locking Gao Xuan's escape space.

Bluebird's calculation is extremely accurate. Gao Xuan's ability is gravity and repulsion. These two forces are the most terrible of all forces, because they are aimed at the most basic structure of matter, the power of atomic nuclei! Therefore, the hegemonic force control exerted by gravity and repulsion can perfectly control all the forces in the field. However, the first defect of hegemonic force control is that it cannot block things that cannot be accurately locked. Bluebird does not have the ability to distort light and cannot do it, but there is another defect that is not a disadvantage.

It is true that when gravity and repulsion develop to the limit, the energy body will also be affected by gravity and repulsion, but the energy body is extremely inefficient compared with solid matter! That is to say, the energy body has great resistance to gravity and repulsion!

Because of the overbearing field control, Bluebird can't get close to Gao Xuan and can't fight close. Even using ice long-range attacks is also invalid. The only effective way to attack is energy attack! With the high mobility of wings, combined with energy long-range attack, this is the only chance for the blue bird to win against the thousand spin without high defense of iron sand!


Gao Xuan stretched out his slender hand, looked at the fast-growing sword, and gently spit out a word.