Final Demon King

Chapter 211 Gao Yong's Decision

Gao Yong couldn't help but be in a trance when he heard this!

Wang Dian came to arrest Nini, and Nini is absolutely impossible to give it to Wang Dian!

The conflict between the two can no longer be slowed down; the research institute taken over by the Qianlong team, that is to say, every member of the Qianlong team has a great suspicion, and suddenly there is a little girl in Gao Yong's family. Such a thing can't be concealed at all, coupled with the testimony of Nini's uncle, the head of the research institute!

It can be said that even if Nini is hidden, Gao Yong is bound to be implicated. Of course, Gao Yong is not afraid of death, but that Gao Yong's identity will be hostile to the king's palace, because Gao Yong also represents the family behind him. Gao Yong's space ability is indeed no one can be captured. Even if he can take his sister away, but I can't take Gao's father and mother away, and the identity of Gao Yong, which is hostile to the royal palace, means that 'Gao Yong' is a wanted criminal in the world. The world is so big that there will be nowhere to go!

Home and Nini, choose one of the two!

Now, this choice has appeared in front of Gao Yong.

Gao Yong's face was pale, and he completely missed one thing. He thought that since the person in charge of the research institute had set up an opportunity game, it was impossible to tell Nini's story, but he didn't want to leak the secret!

After listening to Gao Yong's paraphrase, Zhang Jingqi also turned pale, but she was still thinking about ways to avoid disasters.

"Can you ask Lin Haoxuan to clear your information about the national soul? Anyway, you are also a space ability person. If you come and go mysterious, let the national soul say that they don't know your identity." If Gao Yong's file is eliminated from the internal information of the national soul, the royal palace will have no way to find the things behind Gao Yong, and naturally will not find Nini's affairs. Although this will only increase Gao Yong's suspicion, it is undoubtedly much better than the above choice.

"No! Many people know my identity!

Gao Yong's face showed anxiety. Although his identity was classified as confidential, many people still saw Gao Yong's true face when he was in the FJ city branch of the national soul. What's more, even if there is no information in the file, it must be in the hands of the senior officials of the national soul. Even if those people are asked to keep it secret, Gao Yong's enemies are absolutely impossible to keep secrets, such as the current deacon of FJ City.

What's more, asking the senior management is tantamount to informing the senior officials of the national soul of Nini's existence, so that tigers and wolves can cure the symptoms but not the root causes.

"Ah Yong, don't panic first. Even if they want to investigate, with the degree of confidentiality of your identity, it will take them at least a few days to get permission. Maybe there are other ideas. At worst, in the end, just run away with your family!" Zhang Jingqi frowned gently.

Gao Yong also sighed. If he had known this, he would have left the national soul with Zhang Jingqi and went to other parts of the world to practice.

Even if it is a pair against the king's hall, Gao Yong has no fear in his heart. Because at worst, he has enjoyed the warmth of home and stayed with his beloved when he died. But now Gao Yong is afraid. If the king's hall really targets his family, it is tantamount to letting him abandon his family with his own hands. Cool facts.

Anyway, listen to more information first!

Gao Yong condensed again and listened carefully to the words of the private room where Yan Yun was located.

"I haven't been notified in advance. Can you two have a document?" Yanyun frowned. Generally, tasks like this generally only need to be handed over to local supervisors, but this time the palace did not do so, but sent people to come, which also means that this task is extremely important.

"This thing doesn't need paperwork; we just need to find something and hand it in." A man said bluntly, and his tone was very rude.

"Sorry, I can't recognize your mission behavior, but you and I can't govern it. I won't interfere with you, but I won't provide you with any degree of cooperation!" Yan Yun sneered and said that she was extremely evil to the two people in front of her. As soon as she came in, she looked at her like a hooligan, trying to swallow her up. Naturally, she heard that the other party had no documents and naturally did not want to say anything to him.

"You! There are situations between the members of the royal palace that must assist each other. Have you forgotten the rules of supervisors? Another man spoke coldly. Any organization, any force, will have a rule, that is, members of the same organization must assist as long as they are in trouble.

"This rule is only effective when encountering circumstances! That is to say, unless you face a life-and-death crisis, it has nothing to do with me. Naturally, Yanyun is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She knows the rules of the supervisor better.

Huh? Are you, are you unwilling to cooperate? A man narrowed his eyes and exuded dangerous eyes.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the private room is getting hotter and hotter, Yan Yun has no worries at all.

Not to mention the two men in front of us, only one is a supervisor, and the other is just an assistant, that is, there are two orthodox supervisors in front of us. What are you afraid of? Gao Yong is watching and watching. When the real fight is started, the two space-capable people joined hands and won completely and steadily.

"What, do you want to do it?" Yan Yun said coldly.

As soon as Yan Yun said this, the murderous spirit of the other party suddenly disintegrated. Because of a coldness permeated the whole room, the two men were suddenly shocked.

"Colleagues, how can you take action? Sir, I'm willing to support you in the crisis. I'm satisfied. Yanyun showed his strength, and the two men suddenly changed their expressions.

"That's all for today. I wish you two success." After Yan Yun sneered, he disappeared. Obviously, it was the space ability, which shifted instantly.

Yanyun naturally went looking for Gao Yong.

Relying on Gao Yong's ability to ignore the dimension of distance, the three met and went straight to Yanyun's villa without saying anything. It was extremely secluded and a good place for three people to meet.

"To what extent do they have the information?"

As soon as he arrived, Gao Yong couldn't wait to ask. If Wang Dian knew the detailed characteristics of Nini, it would be bad, because in this way, even superpowers could not find Gao Yong's files. As long as the government ordered a search in FJ City, Nini would never avoid it.

"Reassuring this, they only seem to know that the target is a little girl. I don't even know the specific characteristics of the little girl. Yanyun naturally knew what Gao Yong was worried about and couldn't help comforting him.

"Do you only know that it's a little girl?" Zhang Jingqi was surprised. You know, it is obvious that the head of the research institute, Nini's uncle, fell into the hands of Wang Dian, otherwise Wang Dian could not have known Nini's existence. Nini's uncle undoubtedly knew Nini's appearance.

"Well, according to their testimony, it's like this." Yan Yun frowned and carefully recalled what the two said in the private room just now. If Yan Yun wanted to cooperate in the search, they would naturally tell her the characteristics of the target person.

"Let's prepare first, but don't act rashly. Wait for a few days and wait and see what happens. If things are really not good, I will die in battle, and I will also secretly take Nini away. On the surface, I will ask senior sister to secretly protect my parents. If it really doesn't work, I will take my parents away." Gao Yong gritted his teeth, and so far, there is only one feasible solution.

As long as Gao Yong's 'death' Nini is nowhere to be found, the royal palace will also lose clues, and they will never be able to embarrass ordinary people. However, because of the tight time, the national soul was killed strangely, which is bound to attract the attention of many people, and there is very likely to be loopholes in a hurry.

"At present, this is the only way, but today is the day of the trial meeting. What is the opening time of the trial meeting?" Zhang Jingqi shook her head, seemed to intend to get rid of all the troubles, and mentioned again the purpose of the two coming here today.

Because of Nini's matter, both of them are about to forget the trial.

"You came too early. I got the news last night that the trial meeting will start at 9:12 p.m. Because of the time difference, it was dawn at the royal palace at that time." Yanyun Road.

Gao never frowned.

"It's time, are you still in the mood to pay attention to this?"

"It's useless to be in a hurry, isn't it?" Zhang Jingqi shrugged her shoulders. At this time, the more she couldn't worry.

"Wait, there will be a secret decree on the national soul, asking you and me to carry out a mission and disappear for a few days. If something goes wrong, just take advantage of this task to die."

Zhang Jingqi said that naturally, she used her relationship in the national soul and secretly found someone to control it.

Gao Yong nodded.

After that, Gao Yong naturally said hello to Lin Haoxuan. Naturally, there was no need to hide too much for Lin Haoxuan. Generally speaking, because Nini's matter caused trouble, his identity may turn dark in the future.

Lin Haoxuan was not too surprised. From the beginning, when he found Nini's strange talent, he vaguely expected such a day.

"Don't worry, I will take care of your family's affairs, but if I protect your family, I will not be strong enough." Lin Haoxuan told the truth that he could explain to his family, but after hearing that Gao Yong caused trouble, he simply admitted that he did not have the ability to protect Gao Yong's family. Although he was unparalleled in wisdom, any concealment was useless in the face of absolute power.

"You don't have to worry about this. I have my own way." Gao Yong smiled faintly, and Lin Haoxuan was still the same as before.

"Wait for you to come back." Lin Haoxuan only said this and hung up the phone.

"Next, we will investigate the identities of the two royal palaces." Gao Yong muttered.

After that, Gao Yong naturally asked Yan Yun. After all, it was Yan Yun who came into contact with the two.

"I don't know their specific identity, but one thing is that they are Yamato people, island people."

"Yamato people?!"

Gao Yong was surprised. No wonder he was so stiff when he listened to his speech in the private room just now. If it was Yamato, everything would be understood.

When it comes to Yamato, Gao Yong naturally thinks of the cherry blossom group.