Final Demon King

Chapter 245 Lin Haoxuan's strength!

What is Lin Haoxuan's strength evaluation?

At the peak of Double C, Lin Haoxuan's ability to react in front of everyone is only flame, that is to say, Lin Haoxuan passed the flame test; it is just an expansion ability, not to mention that Lin Haoxuan only knows that his ability can create flames. Is such a thing possible?! When you become a superpower, it is the existence of a firm heart and absolute confidence in your own existence. If you don't even know what your ability is, how can you know your heart? Be firm, even if you don't talk about these, with Lin Haoxuan's wisdom, may you ignore these things?

Under certain circumstances, the power of the expansion ability should exceed the main ability, but this is also at a weak moment, the growth potential of the expansion ability is extremely low. The higher the level, the power of the main ability will appear. At this time, Lin Haoxuan's strength will be ambiguous.

And the protagonist that Gao Yong and Li Xiaoyao are talking about, Lin Haoxuan, has come to the stronghold of the broken army organization in Xueshan City!

The broken military stronghold in Xueshan City is disguised as a large martial arts hall. There is a large martial arts arena in the martial arts hall, which is very suitable for hiding a large number of good fighters. If you use some means to strengthen sound insulation in building materials, unless you put * in it, otherwise, even if it is in the military exercises, the outside world will not want to know.

Unlike Gao Yong's rude means, Lin Haoxuan came forward and knocked on the door politely.

Unfortunately, Lin Haoxuan's knock on the door did not receive any response.

However, Lin Haoxuan's patience is undoubtedly strong. Although no one responded, Lin Haoxuan is still happy about it, knocking on a mechanical and accurate rhythm, as if it were a machine with minimal error. Listening to this rhythmic knock on the door, it brings people a kind of rigid and plainness, as if there is no one. The feeling of someone's emotions.

Finally, maybe it was because I couldn't stand it and finally opened the door.

Kuch, it's an old man who opens the door.

"What are you going to do!"

The old man looked at Lin Haoxuan warily. If an old man who opened the door was so cautious at ordinary times, it must be suspicious, but at this time, it was not surprising that the situation in Tibet Province was turbulent and there was turmoil. The old man's eyes were much more normal.

"First priority goal, eradicate the rebels in Xueshan City, second priority goal, ensure your own safety, third priority goal, try to obtain valuable weapons and equipment without violating the first priority goal and the second priority goal; the final task needs quickly!" Lin Haoxuan said something strange to the old man and took action directly!

A knife stunned the old man. With Lin Haoxuan's eyesight, it can naturally be seen that this is just an ordinary person who watches the door. Through the old man's door, Lin Haoxuan entered the door. At the moment of entering, several black holes were aimed at Lin Haoxuan.

Unfortunately, Lin Haoxuan was not moved at all.

The vigilant soldiers were about to shoot, but they found that the Gauss semi-automatic rifle in their hands suddenly became hot! The temperature is unbearable, as if there is a flame under the gun! When the human body touches hot things, it will reflexively let go of harmful objects. This group of soldiers have been strictly trained and know that letting go of weapons is equivalent to giving up their lives, forcibly enduring pain, holding guns in their hands, but they can no longer shoot.

When several soldiers looked up, they had been submerged by the blue flames!

Lin Haoxuan is not Gao Yong and will leave the lives of these people! These people are all soldiers, and they are well-trained and elite soldiers. Even if they don't have powerful Gaussian weapons, it's easy to cause trouble if they don't die, and it's naturally Lin Haoxuan's habit to root trouble from the source.

Lin Haoxuan did a very good job. Although he cooked people, although the high-tech weapons on his body were hot, they were not damaged.

Although Lin Haoxuan's attack killed the soldiers in front of him, the harsh warning horn also remembered! Soon, there were dense footsteps around.

Lin Haoxuan snorted coldly and snapmed his fingers. Several important passages from the martial arts hall to the front hall suddenly had a big explosion!

Although the martial arts hall is large, it can't withstand the explosion. Soon, the explosion produced smoke and dust, which has enveloped the whole front hall. Although it has not hurt several enemies, it has successfully hidden his figure. Lin Haoxuan is not confident enough to avoid or resist Gaussian bullets!

Countless well-equipped soldiers rushed to the lobby!

"Come on, use a fire hose! The rest of the people are vigilant, find the enemy, and kill them!"

Among the soldiers, there are still smart people. As soon as they look at the smoke in the front hall, they know that this is *. Suddenly, they ask people to lift the fire water gun. When they come, they can quickly settle the smoke and dust all over the sky with water. In this way, the enemy will be clear at a glance and there is no place to hide.

If the enemies of this group of soldiers are ordinary people, such a method naturally works. Unfortunately, they meet superpowers!

In the smoke, there was another ringing finger!

The fire box that was supposed to be quietly hanging on the wall suddenly had a big explosion! More than a dozen soldiers around the fire box were suddenly blown away, or swallowed up by violent fire tongues, and the hot flames even melted the weapons of these soldiers.

"Although it is better to take back the Gaussian armed forces on them in order to ensure the maximization of interests, this is also under the protection of life!"

Unlike Gao Yong and others, Lin Haoxuan uses flames, which represents aggression and destruction. Naturally, it is extremely difficult to control. Although Lin Haoxuan insists on trying not to damage their weapons, under special circumstances, such as fire water guns, if you don't use too strong explosions, It can't be blown up. Maybe it just blew up the mouth and burst out of water, which is not in line with Lin Haoxuan's battle.

In the smoke and dust! Lin Haoxuan seemed to be a killer with a blade of fire, wandering around and taking the lives of these elite soldiers! Those flames also seemed to be spiritual, dancing around him, turning into a scar with his fingertips!

On the other side.

"Emperor Dilong, is this the municipal official of Xueshan City that we need to kill?"

A young man wearing a mask, holding a dark and shiny, streamlined gun, can be seen from the blocking scope that this is an blocking rifle, and it is Gauss.

"It should be said that we brought out the people of the Qianlong team through the lives of these people, and then blocked them one by one." The old man was the one who had been talking to the president of the Black Dragon Society. At this time, he was not humble in front of the president of the Black Dragon Society, but with dignity.

"Yes, the people of the Qianlong team are roughly hidden in this area of Xueshan City. It is the first choice to block the officials here. However, elder, do you think it's a little difficult for us to kill the members of the Qianlong team? You know, a while ago, there were nearly ten of us The main battle personnel of the brake dragon group, because when monitoring the phantom, had bad luck and met the evil star of the Qianlong team, and they were all killed. Can we fight against such a team? This young man, who seems to be the leader of the last four young people, is naturally responsible for negotiating with his superiors.

"Don't worry about this, you are blocking, not fighting head-on! In addition, when the situation is special, I will also take action, so that you cunning boy will not have any complaints. Elder Dilong smiled as if he were looking at the younger generation.

"Hey, I knew that Elder Dilong, you are a good man." If it weren't for the young man wearing a mask, I believe he could see the grin under the young man's mask.

However, at this time, there were bursts of roars not far away from this group of people.

Huh? What's going on? Is it an explosion?!" Elder Dilong naturally felt the vision for the first time.

The young man didn't care and said casually, "Well, maybe these fools are doing some anti-riot (harmonious) political activities."

The old man was unmoved and stared at the direction of the roar! It seems to be sensing something.

"It's not wrong. I remember that the stronghold of the broken army in Xueshan City is a martial arts hall there, where someone is breaking through the stronghold of the army! And he is a superpower with subtle mental fluctuations!" The old man is powerful, his senses are naturally much stronger, and he clearly senses the truth.

"Wh! Let me see." Only then did the young man be alert. He took out the blocking gun he was carrying and observed with the blocking mirror.

"It's indeed a martial arts school, but now it is covered by the smoke from the explosion, and I can't see it clearly." Young people.

"Kands, be vigilant, I'll take a look." With the old man's words, the old man soon disappeared.

The smoke and dust in the martial arts hall are very thick. Originally, with the passage of time and the gradually rising temperature, the smoke and dust should have dissipated, but the explosions that occur from time to time made the smoke and dust not fall down at all.

And the soldiers in this martial arts school also found that this is simply a killing game, and the number of companions in the army is decreasing! The air is filled with the smell of roasted human meat, and the temperature continues to rise!

However, in such a chaotic situation, coupled with the smoke, the commander can't preside over the overall situation at all. As for the soldiers, in this thick smoke, the distance can be less than half a meter. As soon as they see a strange enemy appear, they will be swallowed up by the hot demon before they have time to shoot!

And Lin Haoxuan's murder was naturally not aimless. Less than a minute after the chaos unfolded, Lin Haoxuan paid attention to the sound of the voice and command, and the killing steps were also approaching the sound. Now, he finally came to the sound!

"Who are you! You are alone!!"

In the commander's stunned eyes, Lin Haoxuan inserted the hot flame sword in his hand into the other party's chest. The individual magnetic shield can block a certain Gaussian bullet, but it has no effect on these energy defense.