Final Demon King

Chapter 289 Begins the Battle

Bart is a bishop of St. Archangel Church, and another person is naturally a C-level person in the superpower world. Following the guidance of the Lord, the responsibility of teaching 20,000 sinners falls on the Church of St. Archangel Church! But from the first day, those evil sinners actually came to attack the church of the Lord and bombarded the wall that recorded the glory of the Lord!

But the Lord is kind, and the Lord does not care about the heretics and concentrates on teaching these confused lambs! The Lord was so kind that Bart was moved from the bottom of his heart. In the teaching of the Archbishop in White, Bart came to his senses. It should be time for him to patrol. He reluctantly recovered from the holy words of the Archbishop in White, got up and walked out of the cathedral to inspect the side hall where other sinners were imprisoned.

In fact, Bart believes that there is no need for inspection at all. These hereses should have suffered a lot after last night. How can he have the courage to come again?

Bart walked to the side hall step by step, and the resentment in his heart had disappeared just now, because he felt a bad breath! Obviously, the church is a sacred place and should feel the glory of the Lord, but Bart feels dark in front of him, as if it were giving birth to a monster of death and chaos! In fear, Bart pushed open the door of the side hall.

A burst of coldness came!

Bart raised the candle, the orange light swept by, and the ground was bloody...

"Ah!! This is!!"

Bart roared in fear. None of the sinners was gone, and the ground was full of palace knights with shining armor. The shocking blood on the ground heralded that they were dead!

Ji chat! A nightmare-like whisper came, and Bart felt a bitter chill! Bart couldn't help looking up! It was dozens of blood-red eyes like bats, and now they are looking at themselves like a nightmare...


A scream sounded all over St. Archangel's Church! The faces of the people in the cathedral are different. Gao Yong raised the corners of his mouth. In his induction, the people who destroyed the parliament were ready to complete.

"No, do they still dare to come?" The Phantom shouted in astonishment. Everyone who is used to command knows that they should avoid the same trick again after a sneak attack, because it is undoubtedly very stupid. With the same trick, how can the other party succeed if he has defense, and this scream is telling everyone that the destruction of the parliament has attacked again at night!

The white archbishops frowned, but Gao Yong saw a sneer and suddenly felt a little uneasy.

The Knight of Glory is planning to send people to explore, but the gate of the cathedral is loud! The ancient European aristocratic gate flew in an instant and hit the holy four-winged angel bathed in the moonlight! Breaking into the field of angel holy light! But I saw the four-winged angel flap slightly, and a milky white flame-like halo appeared, and the metal gate was burned into a gas state in an instant! Obviously, the temperature is terrible! At the same time, countless shadows filed in, very fast, like small fish shuttling through the bottom of the sea.


In the light, countless capable people in black medieval dresses occupied the highlands in all corners of the cathedral, and the bright red pupils exuded extreme murder and ridicule.

We are back again."

The speaker was the handsome son of Cain, with a terrible bloodthirsty on his face.

"Impossible!! What about the knights of the side temple? The Cross Glory Knight looks unbelievable. Now that the church is on guard, the outside defense layer is almost a trap, and even a fly can't be put in. Even if the Cross Church sends several times the troops, it is absolutely impossible to kill so many knights silently!

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect such an obvious defense loophole! Hahahaha, do you want to know? OK, just send you to heaven!" Cain's son said wildly, but it aroused Gao Yong's dissatisfaction. According to the agreement, the destruction of the parliament cannot touch the high-level figures of the church, because this is the key to Gao Yong and others's mission. If they die, no one guides Gao Yong into the ruins of Atlantis!

"Son of Cain, our task is to these sinners!" The saint frowned and reminded.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Anyway, there are so many magic sticks. It won't be a problem to kill one or two!"

The son of Cain didn't care, but sneered. He didn't look at Gao Yong at all. Today he came to kill these priests! He just wants Gao Yong's mission to fail!

With that, the son of Cain shot like a black light at the Cross Glory Knight! With the action of Cain's son, the vampires also killed the guard knights, which did not seem to be abducting the sinners at all, but chose to kill all the clergy in the church!

"Son of Cain!" The saint screamed angrily, but after gritting her teeth, she looked at Gao Yong apologetically and ordered her subordinates to take the capture of the sinners as the first priority! Gao Yong sneered. He had expected the variable of Cain's son. Although he knew that Cain's son might cheat him, he didn't expect that he was so bold. At this time, the advance and retreat of destroying the parliament depends on his own space ability. That is to say, if Gao Yong thinks, he can leave Cain's son in the church, if Gao Yong is helping him. Tang can completely kill Cain's son.

It can be said that in Gao Yong's plan, Cain's son had been angry, breached the contract, and then killed him, but he did not expect him to take the initiative to send it to the door.

"Holy daughter, it's not my fault! I can also provide a way out for you and the sinners, but these dirty vampires, then stay." Gao Yong said in a cold voice without mercy.

"Wait!" The saint shouted nervously, but in any case, Gao Yong ignored her. At this time, the saint panicked. If Cain's son really died here, even if she completed this task, she would be in big trouble. After several calls and no response, the saint's beautiful eyes overflowed with fog, and one by one was like this, so impulsive. , so capricious, completely ignoring others!

After a while, the son of Cain fought with the three glory knights. For a moment, the holy halo and the dazzling blood flashed. Suddenly, the three glory knights were ready to join hands to suppress the son of Cain.

"The heresy! We have the blessing of the Lord, and we can't compare with such dirty creatures! In the glory of the Lord, disappear!" The golden sword of the Knight of Glory was like a layer of milky flame, cutting the son of Cain. Cain's son was accidentally hit! Suddenly, he was swept away, and he squeaked in pain. It was a flame condensed after the mutation of the holy light, which has a high degree of ability. Even if the vampire's high recovery power, it is difficult to recover the wound of the inflammation burn.

Three glory knights took advantage of the victory and pursued, and the four wings behind them were enveloping the son of Cain in three directions. The strong power of the holy light shot at the son of Cain! However, Cain's son was naturally not a sitting and beaten figure. His ferocious teeth appeared, and a burst of blood light broke out, forming countless snake-like blood. Unexpectedly, he wrapped three angels from the cracks of the knight's attack and fixed them firmly in the air!

"Holy lady, kill them quickly!" Cain's son roared at the saint. Although his blood can haunt them, the holy light is not jealous. Under the burning of the holy light, the blood is melting. According to this progress, it will not be entangled in another ten seconds. At this time, if there is the saint's twisting ability, it is naturally easy to kill these three glorious knights.

However, the saint did not hesitate to look in the direction of Cain's son and became spiritual.

Suddenly, Gao Yong frowned. Is this woman going to completely rebel? However, in this case, she has only one way to die! The two white archbishops also panicked. If the guard knights in charge of the battle were defeated, they would naturally not last long.

When Gao Yongzheng was about to rescue, he noticed the flow of mental strength and immediately put up with it! At the same time, he also resisted the phantom and others who were also planning to do it.

"Ji!! Stupid woman! What are you doing? I want you to kill them!!"

Cain's son suddenly screamed, and the space around him was distorted. Under this unexpected attack, Cain's son fell into the center of the twist, and his body twisted in a strange posture, and his bones shattered and blood splashed out! The body of Gaia's son was distorted into a strange angle that human beings could not have. If it were an ordinary human, he would have died long ago! If Cain's son hadn't supported his body with blood without further distortion, he would have become meat sauce now!

Even so, the blood of Cain's son has lost its effect. The three glorious knights suddenly broke free and looked at the scene in front of them with surprise. In their opinion, they are all heretics. How can they get inside?

"If you violate the battle plan, you will be executed! Execution!" The saint said in an extremely cold voice.

Even so, the saint still did not kill Cain's son. Perhaps, he was really an important task to destroy the parliament. Of course, what surprised Gao Yong was that the son of Cain had not died yet. How hard his life was.

Visible to the naked eye, the wound on Cain's son's body was recovering, and even the chilling sound of countless ants crawling bones. Unexpectedly, in ten seconds, Cain's son stood up again and recovered from the broken bones all over his body! This terrible resilience is simply terrible.

At the same time, Cain's son looked at the saint with a murderous face.

"Stupid woman! You are looking for death!! Burner, catch this damn woman!"

Under the saint's stunned face, she was surrounded by flames! This is the mysterious bone-eroding flame, and she also knows that this is the famous flame ability in the organization! The flame of the burner!