Final Demon King

Chapter 295 The winner has been divided

Space maze!

Gao Yong finally launched his final killing move and mystery! The secret method of attacking, defending and trapping the enemy is also the killing field of Gao Yong Jedi, strictly controlling every inch of space covered by the maze! In the face of the unparalleled fast speed of Cain's son, the only way to restrict it is the maze!

However, there is always no disadvantage. Even the A-level strong can bind the space maze, but the effect is not obvious at this time! It's not that Gao Yong has become weaker, or the space maze is incomplete, but because the speed of Cain's son is too fast! As mentioned before, because there are too many dimensional doors in the space maze, even the creator of the space maze, Gao Yong cannot immediately control the changes of all the dimensional gate entrances and exits of the maze, and the maze will change almost once in a few seconds. Even Gao Yong can only subjectively understand the information of a pair of dimensional doors. After a few seconds, this message will become a past tense.

However, even so, the moment the space maze appears, it is as fast as the son of Cain, and he can't get close to Gao Yong at all. It's just like a lost trapped beast. Although it collides around, it can't find the right way.

However, Gao Yong can't launch some effective attacks, because the speed is too fast. At the moment when Gao Yong judges the direction of the Dimension Gate, Cain's son has passed through the Dimension Gate, and in three seconds, the Dimension Gate of the space maze will be reset once. If the reset is canceled, by recording all the Dimensional Gate of the maze In terms of the way, I'm afraid it hasn't been fully recorded. Cain's son has penetrated the dimensional door of the whole maze.

It may be said that someone can connect the door of the space maze dimension to the dangerous space. It is indeed a good idea that once the son of Cain breaks in, he will die. However, the premise is that it works, and the strong above level B has a strong sixth sense. If the next dimension door is dangerous, they will take the initiative to change it. Dao, even if this is not mentioned; where is the so-called dangerous space? Outer space? Crater? Under the sea? Connecting outer space will produce the effect of the door of dimension, followed by a series of changes that Gao Yong can't control. In the crater, there is hot internal energy. Even if it is the energy contained in the crater, it cannot easily open the door of dimension, and the hot temperature of the crater spreads from the gate of dimension. And everyone will feel something wrong. As for the seabed, it is a complete material space. Indeed, in the face of non-solid **, it can also open the door of dimension, but once opened, countless sea waters will burst out!

can be said to be completely negative.

While the space maze breaks the whole space, it also turns the whole space point into a 0 distance between the space point. In a sense, the space maze also adds speed to the extremely fast speed of the hidden son.

The battle seems to have fallen into a hard battle again.

In terms of the situation, Cain's son can't hurt Gao Yong. He can only consume the outbreak at full speed, like an injured beast, struggling in the cage, as if Gao Yong has taken advantage of the profits. In fact, Gao Yong is also a huge consumption at this time. Before Cain's son consumes physical strength, Gao Yong may be exhausted first.

And Gao Yong is obviously not a person who is willing to wait. Not to mention the consumption degree of Cain's son and the physical strength of Cain's son at this time, the Cain son who has absorbed the blood of countless people may not be able to beat him; moreover, Gao Yong does not want to gamble his future in this illusory. Above the luck of the human character;

Gao Yong thinks it's better to put it in his own hands than to give fate to luck!

Gao Yong's mind moved and opened the king's ring. In an instant, the whole space maze lost its space fluctuation. The ubiquitous spiritual fluctuations that were originally attached to this broken space disappeared. In an instant, the son of Cain thought that Gao Yong could not withstand the consumption, and his ability was automatically canceled. He was overjoyed and immediately sprinted in the direction of Gao Yong. But I didn't want to shake my eyes and change the environment without preparation in my heart.

Even the son of Cain, at that moment, his brain was short-circuited and there was a little confusion.

What Gao Yong wants is this moment!

Space Maze · Heavenly Prison!

In an instant, countless wind god control chains spread throughout the maze! The chain does not cross the door of dimension, because in this way, the door of dimension will be unable or converted. In each space, there will be six dimensional doors, which is the most basic unit of the space maze, and the heavenly prison is the focus point in the corner of these cube space units, extending the air chain and sealing it. Biology.

The son of Cain, who hit his head in an instant, was naturally arrested.

"Heared! Wind and thunder control!"

Gao Yong's eyes lit up and decisively released his strongest trick, wind and thunder control, which contained the power of thunder to inculcate the chain and attack the son of Cain!


Cain's son screamed in pain, but the strength on the chain has also become stronger. Gao Yong also understands that this chain will not be trapped for a long time! So in an instant, the space maze was reduced. Taking this time, while deleting the space maze in other places and reducing consumption, change the direction of the space maze where the son of Cain is located and turn it into a complete cage!

While Gao Yong streamlined the space maze, Cain's son also burst out a burst of blood. All the chains broke free, lost the conductor, and the thunder and lightning gradually dissipated. However, the liberated Cain's son suddenly found that he was trapped in a narrower but more dangerous cage than before!

He can only bump into it!

Now Gao Yong is the dimension door that changes this small maze every second, because because the range is less, the channel of the whole maze will be recorded successfully in less than three seconds at the speed of the son of Cain.

Fortunately, this prison is not a real material cage, but a space. If it is material, at the speed of the son of Cain, I'm afraid that even the hardest object will be knocked out of the hole.

Even so, the whole prison has become a blood cell! That's because the speed of Cain's son is too fast!

Gao Yong raised the corners of his mouth. In this way, Cain's son has been completely in his own hands. It's only a matter of time to kill him. Although the prison is also a space maze, the volume is small and the consumption is much smaller. In this way, Gao Yong also has extra energy to operate other abilities!

I didn't dare to use exile because I was not sure to control all the changes after use, because even Gao Yong could not predict that there was no access to the outside world in the largest space maze in the endless dimensional gate. If there is, opening banishment is extremely terrible.

And at this time, the space maze has been narrowed and become the present. Gao Yongneng is 100% sure that there is no gap in the heavenly prison. In such a place, there is no problem to open the exile again! And because of the lack of air in the prison, the power of exile will not be too powerful, but the air will still dry quickly, that is to say, a vacuum environment will be formed in the prison at that moment!

In this way, even if the son of Cain can control his blood pressure in his body without explosion, he will soon die of hypoxia!

This is Gao Yong's final killing move!

On the other hand, outside the church, the battle between the two A-level strongmen has gradually come to an end!

Although the Knight of the Great Light has been poisoned, after all, he is an A-level strong man with an unparalleled state of mind. Even if it is so poisonous, it also has great combat power in a long time. During this period, the success or failure of the six-winged blazing angel who suppresses the ability is still unknown.

As an A-level strongman, Abu naturally can't die easily. Even if he wants to die, he will try his best to fight temporarily!

Although old George has always despised Abu verbally, he also keeps an eye on it at this time, because the beast is not terrible. What is terrible is the desperate blow of the beast before he dies! At that moment, it may not be his most powerful time, but it is also his most desperate and dangerous time!

George, he absolutely doesn't want to capp in the sewer at this time.

Although countless poisons that have been repeatedly chemically synthesized through the air reaction through the most basic poison gas, which have nothing to do with his spiritual power, that is to say, the poison gas that cannot be expelled by the Holy Light, George is still not sure to survive, because the Holy Light is also a light with hot and high temperature, and those synthesized poisons While not affected by the characteristics of the holy light, George can't fully control the highly toxic attributes. Maybe those highly toxic are also afraid of high temperatures.

"My Lord, we will win!"

Ab's pious talk, and the three pairs of wings behind him bloomed dazzlingly!

The rhythm of the battle in the corner of the partial hall of St. Archangel Church has also become fierce!

At this time, the short and capable person suddenly released a ferocious smile on his face.

"So that's it, I finally found it!"

The little man stared fiercely at the countless colorful painted windows of the side hall and said, fighting for so long that he also found clues! That is, there are so many people in black here, but there is no reflection of these people in black in these mirrors!

That is to say, these shadows are fake?! Naturally, it is impossible. The short man can also see the entity of these people in black. It can't be an illusion, but there is no illusion in this world. Only overhead elements can explain it. The short man really can't judge the ability of the mirror person. Maybe if he has heard the real name of the mirror person, he will guess the ability of the mirror person. ;

At this time, although the short man did not understand, it did not prevent him from thinking that the ability of mirror people has a lot to do with these mirrors!

"What do you think will happen if I destroy all the lenses here?!" The gloomy voice of the Yamato people spread throughout the side hall, and suddenly mirrored the people's subconscious shock! After a pause, if there is only a mirror human body, fortunately, there are so many people in black that Yamato people can't find it.

But these splits are actually all mirrors, and some subtle activities of the body will also be faithfully reflected!

Although there was a very slight pause, a look appeared on the faces of so many people in black at the same time.