
Full Novel Website

Rebirth Ace Agent

Rebirth Ace Agent

author: Sea of Pens

Chu Yunxuan, one of the all-round ace agents of the "Dr...

Fu Yao becomes a concubine

Fu Yao becomes a concubine

author: Mu Qianxue

Luo Chufu has been a maidservant for three years. She has a...

Princess Wanya

Princess Wanya

author: Apple Girl

The most beautiful princess of the Xia nationality was dedic...

Say goodbye to my dead love

Say goodbye to my dead love

author: The sky of the dream night

It's that I love it so much yesterday I vow to cut you...

Two small guesses

Two small guesses

author: squid

Thinking of his handsome wolf prince, he was reduced to the...

Blessings of Heavenly Officials

Blessings of Heavenly Officials

author: Yu Qing

Fate is determined... Death together? Did she die with her ...

After love

After love

author: wen xin

When she was ten years old, she walked in the September sun ...

Waiting for you to fall in love with me

Waiting for you to fall in love with me

author: Sanrera

"Slightly, stand upright, and align to the right."...

 inkstone pressure Qunfang

inkstone pressure Qunfang

author: Lan Xiyue

Content introduction: Tao Ye's parents died, and her fa...

I don't want to be an emperor

I don't want to be an emperor

author: The charm of the wind

Fu is still a extremely smart woman, but her life is chaotic...



author: Sunset and moon

With a second life, the past love and hatred were like bubbl...

shuai shang

shuai shang

author: Wei Yumin

A young businessman struggling in love, in the business, in...

The Jeet Punch Master

The Jeet Punch Master

author: Lonely light at night

A martial artist who is called a master by the world is boun...

Cinnabar mole in the palm

Cinnabar mole in the palm

author: freezingstone

The reincarnation of fate, who and who, a dynasty that has n...

Love you unconsciously

Love you unconsciously

author: The wandering soul

A lively and lovely girl was pushed into the sea on the day...

If you fall in love, you won't let you run

If you fall in love, you won't let you run

author: Lv Dan

This work consists of several short stories, but the storyli...

Say it's not sad

Say it's not sad

author: Night Spirit Grass

You will be moved when you see it.

Angel, vampire, but I'm a human

Angel, vampire, but I'm a human

author: Meier

Whoever says angels must be full of God's love for the...

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