1875 I come from the future

Chapter 8 Third Sister

[8] Third Sister

The third sister said, "The governor is not so easy to coax. After meeting, he saw that Lord Liu's actions, kneeling and bowing were all wrong. His every move was unobtrusive. He immediately knew that there must be a pickle on the table, so he did not arrange an errand with him. He sent him to the Laizhou Prefecture and asked Lord Tai to deal with it. He."

Yao Fan smiled and said, "Then did the prince come forward to speak?"

The third sister said, "The prince of Beijing, how can you come to Shandong? Instead, the magistrate often said that he had a headache. Lord Liu said that his wife Guihua would cure the headache, so he took Mrs. Liu Guihua to the magistrate's mansion. At that time, he said that he needed to screen everyone to massage the elder. The wife and the second room of the mansion felt strange and clicked on the broken window paper outside to have a look, but they saw the two people fighting naked inside.

Yao Fan sneered and asked, "So Lord Liu can still be an official?"

The third sister also smiled: "The lady and the second grandmother were anxious and rushed in to beat Mrs. Liu out of the second door with her bare buttocks, and asked the rough servant to beat her out of the door.

As a result, I don't know what happened later. After a few days, Lord Liu made a difference and came to Jimo County as the county magistrate.

Yao Fan smiled and said, "This really echoes the sentence 'I'm not afraid of the hood being dyed green, just to wear it red'. So, this pheasant platform really lives up to its name.

The third sister said, "The conclusion of the prince is wonderful. This official of the Qing Dynasty is so pickled."

Yao Fan planned to open the way with money, thinking that the Qing Dynasty was so rotten that he could open the way with money. In the future, if you have money, you will donate an official first. Next, whether you want to get rich or rebel, in short, it will be better to have an official to cover everything.

Yao Fan then chatted with the third sister about some local anecdotes, and the third sister gave her a generous and reasonable answer. Yao Fan saw that the third sister was smart and seemed to be a person who had read books, so he asked her, "Third sister, I see that you know a lot, as if you can read a book, but how can you fall here?"

The third sister lowered her head and sat there without saying anything, holding a veil in her hand. She seemed to be entangled. Suddenly, she burst into tears. Although she did not make a sound, the crystal clear tears rolled down.

Although Yao Fan didn't know the reason, he also guessed that the third sister must have a bumpy life. He quickly comforted her and said, "In this world, black and white are reversed. Good people have no good retribution, and evil people do whatever they want. It's not your fault that you are blindfolded at this time. It's this society that eats people.

The third sister listened to Yao Fan's intimate words, with a just and sincere expression, so she raised her head and said to Yao Fan with tears, "You're right. This society is just a human-eating person."

So the third sister began to talk about her background like gossip. It was the speaker who didn't mean to listen, and the third sister's words made Yao Fan shocked:

It turned out that the third sister was from Gaoyou County, Jiangsu Province. She was born in a landlord family surnamed Su and had a rich family. In addition to the third sister Su and the second sister, there is also an 18-year-old brother at home.

The third sister's father has always been doing business abroad and earns a lot of income from buying and selling raw silk in Hangzhou. One day, her father suddenly fell seriously ill, and he probably felt that he couldn't stand it, so he wrote to his family to go to Hangzhou to explain the after-face. So the eldest brother of the third sister found a eloquence and went to Hangzhou to visit him. He never thought that as soon as they arrived in Hangzhou, the third sister's father went there.

The third sister's eldest brother entrusted this fellow villager and took more than 500 taels of cash left by her father back to her mother. He stayed in Hangzhou to sell her father's shops, inventory and other business assets, selling a total of more than 20,000 taels of silver.

In a few days, his uncle came to Hangzhou from his hometown to help his eldest brother take care of the afterthought. His uncle proposed that he was worried that the third sister's eldest brother was not safe on the path, so the third sister's eldest brother agreed with his uncle's suggestion and asked his uncle to take money back to his hometown with his mother.

But who expected that when her eldest brother returned from Hangzhou to his hometown, he knew that the hometown had not brought silver back, and he had already disappeared, and his uncle did not know where he was going.

Her mother told the third sister's eldest brother that her uncle ran back to her from Henan to come to her. She said that she heard the news of his father's death and went to Hangzhou to help take care of his brother's funeral. Before leaving, she was in urgent need of silver on the pretext for the funeral and asked her mother to mortgage all the family's land and take 5,000 taels of silver to Hangzhou. His mother, a woman, didn't understand this, so everything was arranged by his uncle.

The eldest brother of the third sister was immediately dumbfounded. If he couldn't get the silver back, a rich family would go bankrupt in a blink of an eye. Isn't the family going to live on the street immediately?

So his eldest brother went to Henan to find his uncle, but his uncle donated the county magistrate of Puyang County, Henan Province. This time, his nephew not only did not admit to taking the silver, but also falsely accused his nephew of spitting people, extorting money, framed the elder father, and stood alive for three days in a row.

The mother of the third sister vomited blood and died on the day she heard the news of her son's death. His uncle ordered the third sister and the second sister to sell the human trafficker on the pretext that he needed money to sell the third sister and the second sister to the human trafficker. The human trafficker took the two sisters to Shandong and sold them into the hook bar.

Su Sanjie's life made Yao Fan feel cold and straight, and his hair was extremely creepy.

For the first time, Yao Fan felt a deep fear from the bottom of his heart in this time and space, which was much more terrible than his previous trial.

It turns out that this Qing Dynasty is a man-eating living hell!

Before, Yao Fan thought that he was a strong man from later generations. He wanted to use his ability in this foolish dynasty to make money brilliant, and call for wind and rain in politics. Even if he wanted to expose the pole and rebel, it was not a problem. But tonight, when I heard what happened to Third Sister Su, it was really like Hong Zhong Dalu woke up Yao Fan on the spot.

Yao Fan frowned and pondered, "I must be careful when I move in this Qing Dynasty in the future!" Otherwise, he will be sold. I guess he is still helping to count the money. This rotten dynasty is simply black and can't see five fingers!"

But as a modern man, Yao Fan was hard-tempered and nosy. He understood the horrors of the Qing Dynasty more and more, but he made more determined that he must let this cannibalism end in his own hands. Free China from the living hell of feudal society.

"Even if it's a day earlier! I really can't watch these kind compatriots die slowly in this thick and almost suffocating darkness!"

Seeing Yao Fan's meditation, the third sister quickly wiped the tears on her face and forced a smile, "The third sister is really sorry for the prince. I said many of my family's troubles for no reason, which must have made him upset."

Yao Fan raised his eyebrows, looked at the third sister's eyes and said sincerely, "It's not annoying... not annoying."

With that, Yao Fan stretched out his hand and clenched his third sister's hand with pity.

The third sister did not avoid Yao Fan, and her identity did not allow her to refuse her guests.

But she suddenly found that Yao Fan's big hand of the male bone joint* was tight! It hurts so much! But it brought a hot warm current, which flowed from her hand to her heart in an instant, and immediately broke through the sad cloud of pain in her heart. A strong sense of dependence and security burst on the third sister like a spark, almost making her tremble happily. The third sister saw love and pity in Yao Fan's eyes. She Her eyes turned open and her face suddenly turned red. She felt her heart beating like never before, banging, making her almost breathless.

Yao Fan did not notice the change of the third sister and continued to say, "What you said is a wake-up call for me. If you don't say it, I will still be muddle-headed. I want to thank you, third sister."

The third sister moved her nose slightly and gasped hard and asked herself in her heart, "What's wrong with you, third sister? Are you sick? Why do you feel so uncomfortable?

Yao Fan held the third sister's hand and continued to say from the bottom of his heart: "Third sister, I sincerely thank you, so I think I want to redeem you. Well, you can guess how much it will cost? I can talk to the oldam."

The third sister looked at Yao Fan in a blank way and said with a red face, "What? Son, do you...do you really want to redeem me?"

Yao Fan said firmly: "Yes! I want to give you freedom. After that, you can come to my business to help. Since you are literate, you can help me settle accounts or something on weekdays, which should not be difficult for you. If you have other trusted relatives, you can also go there, and I can take you there. By the way, where is your second sister? I also want to redeem your second sister! In the future, when you sisters have freedom and rely on each other, they can live together.

After listening to Yao Fan's heartfelt words, the tears flowed like rain and couldn't stop. She got upright and knelt down in front of Yao Fan with a plop. She kowtowed and said, "If you can take the third sister out of here, the third sister can't repay such a big kindness. The third sister only wants to have an afterlife, and the third sister is willing to be a cow and a horse for the prince in her lifetime to repay his great kindness. When the third sister returned to the prince, the price of the third sister who sold this Chunmian Hall was 17 taels of silver. There are also thirty or fifty taels of ordinary redemption, and there are also one or two hundred taels. You have to ask your mother about this.

Yao Fan quickly pulled her up and said, "You have been here for five years, and you can't spend much no matter how much you eat. I can afford this money. Well, just do it. I'm going to find a ransom now.

Yao Fan made up his mind, walked over and opened the door, and shouted outside the door, "The mame, the mame, come here. I have something to say."

Yao Fan is 26 years old this year. After graduating from the industrial automation major, he joined Qingdao Iron and Steel Group and is responsible for the technical work of production control of automated production lines. This work depends not only on knowledge, but also deals with a lot of people at ordinary times. Whether it is foreign engineers or local workshop workers, after several years of contact, Yao Fan He also has the ability of a good match. Besides, people who learn automation have developed a good ability to be soft and hard. There is a jingle in college, "If you marry a man, you will marry automation, and you are not afraid of software and hardware", which is Yao Fan's character.