1875 I come from the future

Chapter 13 Yao Zaofan

[13]Yao Zaofan

He Wannian looked at Yao Fan for a long time and stammered, "Van, quiet, quiet, Zhiyuan, hang the early sail and go to the sea, and get quiet Zhiyuan, which is really a good word. But... the trade name takes this name..."

Yao Fan waved his hand and said lightly, "Brother He, we don't have to flatter our family. Anyway, it's either called Wannian Company or Zaofan Company."

He Wannian said in a dilemma: "Brother, I'm a minority shareholder, and I dare not occupy the name of the company, but I think the name Zaofan is a little..."

Yao Fan has no good impression of the Qing Dynasty at all: "Why don't we use the word Zaofan first? If not, we can change it later."

He Wannian saw that Yao Fan, a major shareholder, was stunned and had no choice but to agree with a bitter face. He said that the name was ambiguous, but Yao Fangang took a word for himself and estimated that he was in the mood. It would be better to persuade him in a few days.

After Yao Fan calculated that his goods were worth such a huge amount of silver, his ambition had swelled.

He casually patted his thigh with the silver ticket in his hand: "Brother Wannian, you also saw it when you opened the box yesterday. Thanks to Lord Liu's concealment, this foreign watch was able to discuss the price with the iron walnut of foreigners."

He Wannian said, "I can see that if Lord Liu presses his hand and re-negotiates the price according to the new goods, it will be the expenditure of two or three thousand taels of silver. As soon as Lord Liu lifts his hand, you will pay two or three thousand taels less."

Yao Fan said, "You order 3583 taels from me and ask two useful guys to send the 3,583 taels of tax money calculated yesterday to the customs. In addition, I still have 1,000 taels of silver notes here. You send it to Lord Liu's home at the customs, just saying that it's my filial piety."

He Wannian nodded and said, "This is the best. I will order someone to do it immediately. In the days you have been away, how do you look at the three guys I hired in your store?

Yao Fan said, "What are the details?"

He Wannian said, "All three are locals in Jiaozhou. Luo Guanqun, a scholar who was originally taught in the Wang family here, was driven out of the fourth aunt who was drunk and scolded the owner. This person can calculate and write, and I think he can make an accounting room. Of course, if Brother Yao has confidential accounts, he must not do it for these people who are not mature.

Seeing Yao Fan nodding, He Wannian continued: "The other two are the children of my He family, one is He Shicheng and the other is Wang Chuannian. He Shicheng's ancestor and my grandfather are cousins, and Wang Chuannian's mother is my grandmother's goddaughter. Anyway, they are all distant relatives who can't be beaten.

Brother Yao must not care about my face. If he should be beaten, he should be punished. It is always good to deal with them decently. As for Luo Guanqun as a scholar, he still needs to give some face.

Yao Fan felt that He Wannian was considerate of him and smiled and said, "Op, I wrote it down. I'm just about to go out now, so I asked He Shicheng to follow me."

He Wannian said, "Okay, it's time for me to go back to the pawnshop."

So Yao Fan said goodbye and asked He Shicheng to go straight to Chunmian Hall with him.

He Shicheng is just a half-old child, with a black and thin face and thin braids around his neck, looking very clever.

He Shicheng drove out a carriage from the narrow carriage alley on the edge of the yard. The carriage of the wooden carriage was a square wooden cage with a wooden spire on it. The front beam of the car was polished and shiny, which seemed to be often used by the He family.

Yao Fan did not get into it. He sat leaning in front of the cage like the Qing Dynasty on TV and ordered, "Shicheng, go! Let's go to Chunmian Hall.

He Shicheng bowed slightly to Yao Fan and said, "Yes! The host."

With that, he led the short cart horse all the way to Chunmian Hall.

Yao Fan estimated that He Shicheng was absolutely no more than 15 years old. Although his hands and feet looked as if he were used to doing things, his hair was tender.

"Shicheng, how old are you this year? Have you read the book? Are your parents at home?

He Shicheng took a big step and skillfully whistled on the edge of the horse's head with braids, but he was reluctant to hit the horse. Obviously, he was a good driver.

"If I go back to my home, I will be thirteen years old this year. I have studied at home for a year, and I can read hundreds of surnames and three-character classics. My father said that I can understand half a basket of big characters."

Yao Fan listened to his playfulness and said with a smile, "Your He Wannian told me that you would like to follow me in the future. Would you like it?"

He Shicheng strode and looked back half of his face. He giggled and said, "There's nothing to be unhappy about this. As soon as the second master came to my house, my father was happy at that time. The work in this city is much lighter than my farming in the countryside. Who doesn't want to come to the city?

Yao Fan said, "How much is the monthly payment you told by Second Master He?"

He Shicheng said, "If you go back to your home, aren't I an apprentice? The apprentice doesn't need wages. If you provide food and accommodation here, I think it's strange to take advantage of the owner. The second master told me that when the apprentices are full for three years, if they do a good job, he will calculate the wages of one or two a month. Don't worry, the owner, I will learn quickly and I must do a good job.

Yao Fan didn't say anything. He, who had planned to set the money for the clerk, was a little hesitant at this moment.

"He Wannian helped me carry out the exploitation thoroughly... But He Shicheng is from his old He family. No matter how far away his relatives are, he is closer than me... I still have to buy people's hearts."

Since he has made the idea of buying people's hearts, Yao Fan smiled and said to He Shicheng, who led the horse, "I think you are very clever. Well, from today, you can be an apprentice while being my follower. If I go out, you will give you ten taels of silver a month."

Hearing Yao Fan say this, He Wannian almost tripped himself and pulled the horse's head. He stopped and said to Yao Fan, "Dear owner, don't make fun of me. The best old accountant in my second uncle's pawnshop is only eight taels of silver a month!"

Yao Fan said quietly, "Hurry up and don't talk on the street. You are about the same age as my brother. I feel close. Besides, can a close attendant be the same as an accountant? In the future, if you meet a ruffian on the street, you have to go up.

Hearing this, He Shicheng quickly turned his head and continued to pull the car. He said excitedly, "Don't worry, I will serve you well, just like my own father. Although I'm still young, I'm quite good at fighting in the countryside. The black eggs and dogs at the entrance of the village can't beat me."

Yao Fan smiled and said, "Don't brag. If you really encounter something in the future, let's see if you have this ability. When I go back to the store, I will pay you 302 for the first three months. You can send it home, honor your parents, and let them live a good life.

He Shicheng was wronged when he heard Yao Fan say that he could fight. He was wronged. He just lowered his head and pulled the horse away. He said to himself, "This Dong family is really authentic. The second uncle helped me find a good job and a good owner. Look at it. One day I will let you know that I'm not afraid of fighting. I'm powerful.

Yao Fan knows that the people who buy money will be separated because of money, but now he has only this way.

Jiaozhou City is not big. Except for the main road paved with stone strips, the rest are dirt roads.

In just a while, the squeaky wooden carriage came to Chunmian Hall through the paved pavement of loess. As soon as Yao Fan stood up and jumped out of the car, flattened the folds on his robe, pushed open the two veiled black doors and walked in.

"Third sister~~~! Where's the third sister?" Yao Fan stood in the front yard behind the door and said loudly.

Seeing that Yao Fan was coming, the old lady's mother came forward with a smiling face and took a strange blessing: "Oh, isn't this Master Yao? Please come and sit in the elegant room."

He turned his head and told the turtle around her, "hook, why don't you look at the tea?"

Yao Fan waved his hand impatiently and said, "No, tell the third sister to pack it out and I'll take her away."

With that, Yao Fan took out the 1,000 taels of silver ticket that had been prepared for a long time from his sleeve pocket.

Wang's mother's face was full of smiles, and the fat on her face trembled unnaturally, as if even * was about to tremble.

"Master Yao, don't worry, sit down and have a cup of tea first."

Yao Fan felt something was wrong, raised his head and squinted at Wang Ma.

Seeing that she looked unnatural, Yao Fan's heart skipped inexplicably.

"Wang Ma, what kind of medicine do you sell in this gourd? Have something to say! What's the matter? White and black, are you going to go back on your word?

Seeing that she couldn't hide it, Wang's mother changed into a face like a bereaved family who couldn't pass the New Year's year and said, "Master Yao, to be honest, third sister... She is not here now."

Yao Fan's heart sank and he didn't know it was good.

"Are you kidding me? Ah? Playing with me? Believe it or not, sir, I will burn your dirty kiln now.

Mother Wang quickly said, "Master Yao is angry. My old lady can't run away from the temple. Is it brave to eat the bear heart and leopard? Why do you want to lie to Mr. Yao? This is really an inaccessible obstacle, and there's nothing I can do!"

With that, the mother-in-law howled hypocritically, one by one! My life!

Yao Fan was angry and angry when he met such a bitch. He knew that this must be a pit.

He forcibly suppressed his heart and raised his hand to threaten, "Shut up!? No more fucking howling, believe it or not, I will slap you with big ears! Say it! What the hell is going on!"

Seeing that Yao Fan's eyes began to get angry, his face looked ferocious like a gambler, and the turtle named hook on the side quickly handed over the tea.

Yao Fan raised his hand and smashed the tea bowl and splashed it all over the ground.

The hook trembling and stepped back two steps.

When Wang's mother saw Yao Fan's murderous face, she was also afraid and immediately began to talk about what was going on.

He Shicheng, who was waiting outside the door, heard Yao Fan roar inside and rushed in with a hand-on stick from the carriage cage. Seeing Yao Fan standing there well, he held the stick and stood on the edge of Yao Fan and listened together.

It turned out that the day after Yao Fan left, Guo Jixiu, the uncle of the Guo family in Jimo County, known as the five families of Zhou, Huang, Lan, Yang and Guo, came to Chunmian Hall and named him to sleep with the third sister.

According to Wang's mother's words, she told her that the third sister had been redeemed, but the uncle of the Guo family did not listen.

Wang's mother said, "Guo Jixiu, the uncle of the Guo family, said, 'Since Lan Shunzheng is budging for the third sister, why can't I sleep? This time, I will definitely share the good boots with the knowledgeable third sister and the uncle of the Lan family while the flowers are still fresh and not rotten.