1875 I come from the future

Chapter 26 Sleepless all night for rebellion

[26] stayed up all night for rebellion

Yao Fan lay there and thought about it, and his body was numb. He had to turn over and continue to think: "If you want to change a country and make progress, you need to improve its social practice. The Qing Dynasty was an agricultural society, and the main social practice is also four points:

The first is farming, which is the most basic and almost only production method in ancient society and the most basic social practice;

The second is fertility, which is the basis for social continuity, which involves marriage and other aspects;

The third is education. The foundation of ancient education is to serve domination and the foolish people. It is not so much education as education. The Qing Dynasty took slavery education as the fundamental guiding ideology, and Western-style modern scientific knowledge education does not exist at all;

Fourth, religious activities are important means of rule of the ruling class. Through a series of hierarchical rituals, there are very strict regulations on how to worship and how to sacrifice. In the process of seeking God's instructions and seeking protection and benefits from God, we can strengthen the strict hierarchy of class rule and impose spiritual prohibitions on the people. And repeatedly strengthen the idea of slavery.

How can Yao Fan completely transform the social practice of the Qing Dynasty, so as to establish a more advanced production method and establish a new and more advanced production relationship on this basis?

Well, let me smash all this and reshape it!"

The more Yao Fan thought about it, the more irritable he became, and the more he couldn't sleep: "Finally, I have to solve a problem of social logic and national logic.

To put it bluntly, the national logic of the feudal dynasty is blood relationship. All purposes are motivated by maintaining royal rule, but because blood relationship is so complicated that it cannot be effectively amplified. If it is forcibly amplified, there will be expansion of the ambitions and rebellion of family members to seize power, so it is necessary to be rooted in the family model of blood relationship. It is impossible to transform relations into a feudal regime with an extremely vast territory and a large population.

Therefore, the rural areas of the Qing Dynasty mainly adhered to social logic and did not care about national logic. The focus of social logic was on agricultural production, commodity trading, good public facilities such as local roads and bridges, family population reproduction and other social interests closely related to life. The concept of the state is too far away from the peasants and gentry to think in the logic of the state.

National logic in the modern sense is basically divided into nationalist logic and ideological logic. These two logics are divided into two types: moderate and radical. The moderate advocates coexistence, and the radical advocates that there is you and me.

However, the Manchu Qing Dynasty belonged to the majority of ethnic groups ruled by ethnic minorities, with the first priority to consolidate the regime and the stupidization of the people in order to maintain this enslaved and authoritarian rule. Therefore, its national logic is extremely distorted, ignorant and backward compared with the various decivilized powers in the 19th century. In essence, it is the product of the hybridization of hierarchical bureaucratic rule and the rule of the Manchu aristocracy, with Confucian loyal monarch thought as a tool of ideological control.

A thorough analysis of reality does not mean that it can solve the problem. Yao Fan simply sat up from ** and saw the darkness in the room with ambitious eyes.

"In 2011, the revolutionary martyrs in China did great things and lost their lives at a young age, created a modern state regime with a highly unified national logic and social logic, and initially completed the integration of the social logic of the people's democratic form and the logic of national capital, but in 18 75, how can I transform social logic? Or should I use this inherent old logic to first realize the control of social structure and the transformation of social practice? Then go back to improve social logic?"

For a highly educated person, thinking about society is a pleasure. But if you think about rebellion as the starting point, it is a kind of torture.

At this moment, Yao Fan finally felt the trembling suffering of the cattle who studied dragon slaughter in all dynasties. However, those ancient cattle people could not jump out of the historical cycle law, so that their research direction in dragon slaughtering basically took the path of coup and served high officials and dignitaries. It was not until the October Revolution sounded that sent Marxism to China that the Chinese found the real dragon-killing technique for the first time.

If he is not guided by a clear theory, Yao Fan is really not sure of rebelling like a headless fly. Is it enough to just have an armed uprising? Is it enough to just shake the hegemony all over his body?

Yao Fan really can't smell any special smell like a domineering spirit.

So Yao Fan stayed up all night and theoretically deduced the steps, focuses and main grasp of the rebellion step by step, the guiding ideology and program of each step, and the destruction and construction. Early the next morning, he jumped out of bed with red eyes. After studying ink, he wrote "On the Historical Inevitability of the Victory of the Chinese Revolution" with a brush as the result of this night's plan.

In the face of the imminent natural disaster, Yao Fan had to make a plan to rebel in advance. He was completely unsure about the system project he was going to store.

The third sister saw Yao Fan getting up and hurried out to prepare breakfast, but she didn't know that Yao Fan was also preparing breakfast... No, rebellion!

From this day on, Yao Fan acted quickly and began to embark on the road of rebellion step by step. He is completely uncertain about success, but he knows he must do so.

Because of Yao Fan's instructions before leaving last time, He Wannian has helped Yao Fan find a big house. Although it has not reached Yao Fan's palace-like left, middle and right four entrances in Beijing plus more than 20 yards in the back alley, there are also nine courtyards connected vertically and horizontally, and there is a barn against the backyard wall. For foster animals, this livestock shed is very large, and it is not a problem to raise five or six horses.

"Brother Yao, this house is the property of the Jimo Yang family. Previously, it has been sublet to small workers and hawkers in the city. Although this house is big, the house is very simple, and the price of 280 yuan is really high. He Wannian was moved to see Yao Fan and persuaded reluctantly.

"I think it's okay. Just buy it and find a worker to renovate it."

He Wannian shook his head slightly. Obviously, he didn't feel any benefit of this business. He added, "Brother Yao asked me to buy land outside the city to build a warehouse. I have already found it clearly. The stone beach in the north of the city and the Beiling Mountain behind there are 5660 mu. These saline land and sandy land, including Beiling Shandu belongs to the Zhou family. Last time I went to visit the Zhou family, I said that I was interested in this useless wasteland and asked the Zhou family if they were interested in taking action. Zhou Xiusong, the uncle of the Zhou family, was happy. He said that as long as it was a salt and alkaline wasteland in Shitan, he would pay as much as we wanted, but we had to pay the deed tax to pay by ourselves. Zhou There is no one-fed article at home.

Yao Fan said, "There is too much sand and gravel in that field, and it is also a saline and alkaline land. The Zhou family can't grow grain, so they usually have to release livestock, but since it is not counted as arable land, there is no need to pay taxes. It is best to build a warehouse. Go and tell the Zhou family, I want it all!"

"All!? 5660 mu! This is 56 hectares of useless wasteland! Brother Zaofan wants so much wasteland to do! Why do you need so much land to build a warehouse?"

Yao Fan said, "I want to build a private manor."

He Wannian smacked his tongue and said, "Brother Yao, I want to take a good look at how to use this much land."

Yao Fan smiled and said nothing, but he was looking forward to the early completion of his rebel base.

In Yao Fan's mind, this land is only more than 8,000 taels of silver, but in the future, he can build a warehouse and base here, which is completely independent of Qingdao City, allowing Yao Fan to do some shady things.

So He Wannian went to help Yao Fan buy a house.

Luo Guanqun and Wang Chuanian were sent to Tai'an by Yao Fan to ask who was willing to help Yao Fan enter the genealogy and the specific price. Before leaving, Yao Fan told the two that as long as the other party was willing to naturalize, the price was negotiable and there was no need to be stingy.

For the next three or five days, Yao Fan, with his newly bought hooded fake braids on his head, carefully observed the operation of the business in the main store of Zaofan Company. From the government to the government, he arranged for staff to establish a half-colons, contact merchants from all over the world, and deal with the merchants who came to place orders. He was very busy and happy to observe it. Come on, I also roughly figured out the commercial operation of the Qing Dynasty.

In a few days, the land and house Yao Fan wanted to buy also completed the transaction and completed the deed tax.

The Zhou family sold many wastelands and was very happy. They felt that the gifts Yao Fan sent when he visited last time were very rich and worth dating. Therefore, they intended to make friends, so they asked his servants to invite Yao Fan to go to the Zhou family to attend the church next day.

Yao Fan was waiting to refuse, but Sun Maowen said that this was a great opportunity to make friends with local gentry. Yao Fan must go in person, and Yao Fan had to agree.

This day, the cicadas are singing and the willows are moving, and the breeze is refreshing.

Yao Fan thought that the business was on the right track and had nothing to do. He simply asked He Shicheng to take a few guys to the warehouse to bring up the bicycles. Yao Fan began to teach the guys to assemble in the spacious backyard of the business.

After the three bicycles were loaded under Yao Fan's hands and patient guidance, a fast-learned fellow has firmly remembered the process.

"You're good! What's your name?" Yao Fan asked the man with the sharpest hands and feet.

"If you go back to the owner's house, you will be called Zhou No. 4, and the family is also the fourth. There are three brothers in front of you. You can call me Xiao Si."

Yao Fan praised: "Xiao Si, you are smart and your hands and feet are sharp. Follow me in the future. Later, I will tell the shopkeeper He to recruit another person."

After getting along these days, Zhou Si knew that Yao Fan was the most easy-going, had no airs at all, and was extremely generous to the people around him. Now when he heard that Yao Fan was going to accept his writer's friends, he immediately bowed down: "Xiao Si is willing to listen to the orders of the owner, and he will do his best for the family in the future. "

Yao Fan ordered, "You continue to install 20 cars, and then I will teach you how to ride."

When the guys in the backyard heard that Yao Fan was going to teach them to ride a bicycle, they suddenly shouted excitedly and opened the carton packaging of bicycles one by one. You learn from me and I will learn from you to assemble. Each box contains its own simple assembly tools, which were carefully collected by Yao Fan. He thought that although these tools were inconspicuous in 2011, they were a good helper these days. In the future, every car should be sold with them, which can facilitate buyers to disassemble, repair and maintain bicycles.