1875 I come from the future

Chapter 36 Sheep Eaters, Robbers, Revolution and Utopia

[36] Sheep cannibalism, robbers, revolution and utopia

He Shicheng is now responsible for recruitment, which is also unique. The housekeeper Luo Guanqun went to Tai'an for Yao Fan's naturalization. Now he is like Yao Fan's number one confidant.

He Shicheng immediately giggled when he heard the words: "I don't believe it, my owner, how can sheep eat people and sheep eat grass?"

Luo Guanqun is not here. Wang Gui is now the cashier of the foreign accountant. He feels quite majestic. He immediately retorted when he heard the words: "You know a bear! The host said he ate it, and he must have eaten it! If the host wants to say that sheep eat tigers, I think there are also some. Don't care about anything, but if you are extremely hungry, how can you be fat and thin?"

Zhou No. 4 is now the head of warehouse materials, and he is in charge of all the non-sale goods shipped by Yao Fan. Seeing He Shicheng quarreling with Wang Gui, Zhou Shi decided not to help anyone. He saw clearly that one was the confidant of the employer, and the other was flattering the owner. It was pure chaos to go up by himself.

Zhou's fourth decision was made almost instantly: "Don't interrupt the owner. Listen carefully. The owner has people who ask questions from the university, and what he says is very wise."

Yao Fan didn't expect that his words would become a flattery war. He quickly told the story through Zhou's fourth words: "There is a Britain, also known as the British Empire, whose full name is the British Empire."

He Shicheng interrupted again and said, "I've heard the name of this foreign country. It turned out that the owner wanted to say that foreigners' sheep can eat people, so I believe it. Our Qing Dynasty's sheep really don't eat people."

This words attracted a burst of contempt. He Shicheng shrank his neck and looked at the dissatisfaction on Yao Fan's face. He was too scared to speak any more.

Yao Fan continued: "In 1840, 20 years of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty, this Britain sent more than a hundred gunboats and warships of various kinds. Thousands of troops fought a war with our Qing Dynasty and opened the gate of the Qing Dynasty with cannons. After the Qing Dynasty was defeated by Britain, we had to sign the alliance under the city, that is, the Treaty of Nanjing. Since then, we have opened five people in Guangzhou, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Ningbo and Shanghai, so that foreigners can come in and do business freely without having to go through the foreign bank designated by the Qing Dynasty. Foreigners can also build houses and live in these five people and bring * and other foreign goods* into our Qing Dynasty at will. Daqing also lost 21 million silver dollars in Britain. The Spanish silver dollar weigh 27 grams each, and 21 million silver dollars is about 18 million taels of silver. The treaty also stipulates that Hong Kong Island in the Qing Dynasty will be ceded to Britain, and it also stipulates that in the future, foreigners will be dealt with by foreigners themselves, and the Qing government has no right to interrogate.

Hearing this, Li Hainiu held his mouth and gasped thickened. Seeing that he was in a daze, He Shicheng touched him and asked him to open the lid of the teapot so that he could flush in.

Yao Fan said, "The story I want to talk about is that the sheep eats people in England..."

"I told you..." He Shicheng interrupted again.

Yao Fan scolded, "If you don't want to hear it, go out and don't stop me all the time."

He Shicheng shut up quickly.

"By the way, this British specialty is wool. The blankets and tweed cloth made of wool sell well in the world and make a lot of money. But we all know that we have to eat grass to raise sheep. If there are too many sheep, there is not enough grass. What should we do? So the British landlords circled all the farmland and drove away all the farmers. They only planted grass but not grain on the ground, and used it to raise sheep to make money. The landlords only left a small part of the land to grow grain. Anyway, it was enough for them to eat by themselves. The British emperor himself was a big landlord, and of course he also went to encircle the land like other landlords. .

After that, thousands of farmers in Britain were driven out of their homes, and the whole country was full of tramps. These people starved to death, beggars, and some simply went up the mountains to fall grass and became robbers.

Li Hainiu listened attentively and asked, "What about those beggars and robbers later?"

Yao Fan said, "Later, the beggar starved to death, and the robber was killed by officers and soldiers."

Li Hainiu held a teapot and said angrily, "The world is as black as crows, and they are all *."

Yao Fan was very happy to hear this and quickly encouraged him, "Well said, that's the truth. Rich and powerful people will never pay attention to the life and death of the poor. If one day they have a little kindness, they must be forced to do it. Don't think that they have been kind-hearted. "

Li Hainiu heard Yao Fan's words and stared at Yao Fan, as if he had seen this person for the first time.

Wang Gui said proudly, "Sure enough, sheep eat people. I knew that the owner would not talk nonsense." With that, he glanced at He Shicheng again.

Yao Fan saw that everyone's acceptance of Western stories was not bad. I don't know whether it was because of tea or the story. Anyway, he was not sleepy, so he was very happy and continued, "There is a robber in my story. Who do you say who is it?"

Wang Gui took it for granted and said, "It's those beggars who fell on the grass!"

Yao Fan loudly denied: "Wrong! It's the emperors and landlords of England! They first used the robber method to force the farmers to survive! Farmers have to fall into the grass! So these farmers are not robbers, but revolutionaries!

Legend means change! Revolution means to change fate! These farmers are not willing to starve to death, so they want to change their fate, this is revolution! To put it bluntly, you have to live!

Think about it, in this case, which one is more righteous, the revolutionary or the robber? Which one occupies the moral system?

Hearing what Yao Fan said, Wang Gui quickly made a sudden realization and said, "The owner is really knowledgeable. It turns out that the British emperor is a real robber!" No wonder hundreds of gunboats and thieves were sent to attack me in the Qing Dynasty! What a dog killer!"

Zhou Shi was in a trance, but he felt hot somewhere in his heart. He said, "Can life be changed? Isn't God's fate?

Wang Gui said, "You haven't heard from the owner that those revolutionary peasants have been killed by officers and soldiers, so life is life and can't be changed."

As soon as this statement was made, the following monitor leaders began to talk about it. In fact, they had just whispered, sighing that the lives of farmers farming in Britain were really bitter, and that the British landlords were unkind and unjust.

Yao Fan was really excited to see that the discussion could develop to this.

"I'll tell you later whether life can be changed, but I can clearly tell you that the methods of British farmers to change their lives, oh, that is, the revolutionary method is wrong."

Li Hainiu asked with his eyes open, "How can that be right?"

Yao Fan said, "They want to change their lives, so they fall into the grass and do some things to rob the rich and help the poor. They want to live like this and change their lives into lives, but they don't know that revolutions must first revolutionize the lives of the enemies. Their enemies are the British emperors and landlords. If they don't change the lives of the British emperors and landlords, their lives, I can't change it all my life!"

Li Hainiu was speechless when he heard Yao Fan's words.

Yao Fan said, "My story of cannibalism was heard from a book called Utopia. When I was overseas, I went to ask the British. They said it was a true thing, which is recorded in British history books.

This book called Utopia was written by an Englishman Moore, who said that private ownership is the root of all evil. He said in the book: He sailed on the sea and found an island called Utopia. There were no emperors and landlords, and everything there was owned by everyone. It belonged to anyone and anyone could use it. Anyone can pick up whatever they want to eat and eat as much as they want, but no one has ever wasted taking more.

However, according to the rules there, everyone has to participate in labor, only three hours a day, not less or more. Everyone can choose their own life, either to work in the field or learn to work.

All the children there have to go to school together to learn knowledge and morality.

There are no rich and poor people there, and everyone lives the same life.

The people there despised gold and silver. They made toilets and locked the shackles of criminals.

There are no coins there, because everyone can get the food and clothes they need,

There are no thieves and robbers there, because since you can get things, there is no need to steal.

The house there draws lots every ten years, and everyone changes their lives. The door is unlocked, and everyone can enter and exit freely.


Yao Fan talked about this utopian story while watching everyone's reaction.

Sure enough, many people are intoxicated with the world depicted by Yao Fan.

Li Jun, who is also the monitor of the whole carpentry class, said, "If I can be reincarnated on that utopian island in my next life, it will be worth the hardships in my life."

Li Hainiu still looks speechless.

Wang Gui said, "If I meet such an island, I will definitely live there."

He Shicheng's rare agreement reached a unified opinion with Wang Gui: "Me too. I will definitely live and have children, and I will be there in my life."

Zhou's fourth voice was raised higher: "If I pass, I will take my father and mother there in the future, and the whole family can enjoy happiness."

When Yao Fan saw that his goal had been achieved, he simply said, "That's all for tonight. It's not early. After the meeting, I have to work tomorrow!"

So the guys who were full of fragrant tea and addicted to foreign stories dispersed with satisfaction and went back to their respective teams to sleep. Seeing that the crowd dispersed, the third sister came in to clean up the room. He Shicheng saw the third sister come in and retreated out knowingly.

When the third sister saw that everyone had run away, she asked Yao Fan with big eyes open, "Brother, is there really the island you mentioned? Is it foreign language there? Did the Englishman who wrote the book say where the island is?

Yao Fan patted the third sister's head with a smile: "Little ghost, do you still hear the corner so clearly?"

The third sister blushed like a ripe persimmon: "Brother, your voice is clean and bright. There is only a curtain in the middle of this house. Of course, I can hear it clearly next door. Brother, you have read so many books! There are so many things to know! There are so many reasons!"

Yao Fan smiled and said, "Don't learn from Wang Gui's little flatterer. I can't stand people blowing snails at me all day long."

The third sister said anxiously, "If it's more, it's more! Why doesn't the eldest brother tell the truth? I'm not a little flatterer!" After saying that, he spread his three hands and feet on the newly bought Guangxi Banzhu mat on the bed, and went out in anger without looking back.

Yao Fan smiled and was about to go to bed, but he heard someone knocking on the window outside the window and said in a voice, "My family, I'm Li Hainiu, I want to ask my family something."