1875 I come from the future

Chapter 45 Fighting

[45] Fighting

Li Hainiu's strong body shook slightly with excitement:

"Just in the backyard, we also saw Guo's companion. There were eight, two single knives, and the other six were with sticks."

Yao Fan looked at Li Hainiu and said energetically, "Aren't we also tied sticks in the car? Can these 39 people be afraid of eight? What's the use of the two with knives? Can he still fight around him? We are sure to win!"

Li Hainiu nodded and agreed.

When He Shicheng heard that he was going to fight, his eyebrows stood up, jumped out in front of the group, wrapped the braids in front of him around his neck, gritted his teeth and showed loyalty:

"I will definitely follow my boss! He is so young today! Tell this Guo to have a hard beating!"

Of course, Wang Gui does not neglect, "I will also follow my employer."

Zhou Si shouted, "Can it be wrong to follow the owner!"

So a group of guys shouted one after another, shouting loudly to let Yao Fan listen to his loyalty.

As for what they thought in their hearts, Yao Fan thought that they probably thought that even if it was a big deal, he was the boss.

So it is hard to say how much loyalty can be tested in this operation.

However, Yao Fan believes that the so-called accomplices are to act together or commit crimes together, so that they can be truly tied together. If they have common goals, beliefs or interests, they will become the same party. If they are combined with common ideological theories and action programs as specific guidance, they will be far away from the party in the modern sense. It's not far.

Yao Fan obviously saw that his six friends, He Shicheng, Zhou Shi, Wang Gui, Wang Xin, Yang Ping and Huang Huisheng, were the most cheerful. They were young and energetic. They were unpaid little guys who should be apprentices, but they held their own "high salaries", so they were particularly easy to be encouraged and instructed by themselves. And their age is doomed to be ignorant and easy to be provoked by leaders.

A small number of the beggars, led by Li Hainiu, were a little hesitant. Although they also shouted to fight, it could be seen that they were a little afraid. Probably they would use their own roof after the accident.

Yao Fan doesn't blame them, he is not in a hurry.

In modern Chinese history, in the early days of the revolution, those with a decent family background and decent living conditions were often called fierce and advocated, and the people at the bottom were more numb.

However, once the people at the bottom are launched and awakened and supported the revolution, their attitude is unusually firm, and they are not just talking about it, but a determination that can kill themselves. It is a force known as proletarian revolutionary heroism, a force that dares to fight and sacrifice itself.

He dared to pull the emperor down. This is the awareness of the proletariat, because the proletariat has no way out, because the proletariat understands that the only thing they can lose in battle is the shackles.

But if you want the proletariat to participate in the revolution, it is impossible to rely on the bourgeoisie's red-mouthed and white-toothed advocacy of democracy. The working people are not fools, and they will understand once or twice. The so-called revolution or improvement advocated by those capital magnates is just to help them pursue the maximization of their interests. At that time, another group of rulers will come to power to replace the previous rulers. Except for a small group of core speculators who can participate in the share of cake profits, the rest of the participants and all working people are tools that are used and end up with nothing, and may lose their lives in the process.

Yao Fan shook his head and said that his mind was too open. Why did he think so far?

"Don't be afraid. I will stand up to everything if something happens!"

Yao Fan shouted.

Li Hainiu listened to Yao Fan's guarantee and seemed to have made up his mind and shouted:

"With the support of the owner, what are you afraid of? It's not over if you don't kill him today!"

After saying that, his face tightened, and the new muscles on his cheeks bulged tightly.

After the unified opinion, everyone jumped on the bicycle under the leadership of Yao Fan and chased in the direction of Guo Jiazhuang.

After riding for about half an hour, I turned a mountain. More than 100 meters away, everyone saw the Guo family's carriage walking slowly on the dirt road, followed by the Guo family's Zhuang Ding, dragging sticks behind the car one by one.

Yao Fan said excitedly while riding, "You don't have to talk in the past. If you fuck the stick, you will hit them all over the ground and let's go."

Li Hainiu's voice was slightly nervous and said, "Those two knives are handed over to me, and I'll deal with them!"

Li Jun, the monitor of the carpentry class, said, "Brother Hainiu, let me help you!"

So the motorcade was getting closer and closer. 50 meters away, the people of the Guo family found a group of shiny iron cars rushing behind, and they were a little panicked.

So the Guo family pulled the horse. Guo Jixiu hurriedly got out of the car to see that it was Yao Fan from afar.

"unlucky, what does this Yao follow? Do you want to visit my Guojiazhuang? Humph! Does he think I will meet him? Look at him, he actually rides with those servants. He is really uninform and ignorant of superiority and inferiority!"

Before Guo Jixiu figured out what was going on, he saw Yao Fan and a large group of people stopping in front of him and taking down the simple tied sticks from the car one by one.

Guo Jixiu saw Yao Fan untie the stick, and his heart almost stopped beating.

"Yao Fan, what are you going to do!"

Yao Fan didn't say a word. Looking around, the guys had already copied the guy, and rushed up. A deadly stick swung at Guo Jixiu's head and scolded resolutely, "I'll do your mother!"

When the companions of the Guo family saw that the Yao family were copying sticks, they already knew that it was not good, so they quickly stopped them in front with sticks.

But when the Yao family saw that Yao Fan rushed up, they suddenly became warm and jumped up one by one and crackled.

The guys were scolding one by one, and everywhere was one after another "Young mother..." "Dest your grandma..." "Fease your mother..." "Ky you to death..."

This kind of fighting is lively, but you have to take a closer look. The little guys and the other party are both hit by sticks and looking for opportunities. They are not fierce enough and professional.

But Li Hainiu and other beggars have recently been fed by Yao Fandun. No one is forced on the construction site, and they don't have to work too much. In nearly a month, they have raised meat.

These beggars don't tremble like the little guys. These people are used to white-eyed insults all their lives. When they survive in the wandering, they can also kill others to rob for a little leftovers. Therefore, how can they learn from the lively and uneconomical of the little guys? They can only see these fat beggars swinging sticks one by one!

Li Hainiu and Li Jun are obviously in a kung fu style, with moves, and the stick is fierce and accurate.

As for the two Zhuangding with knives of the Guo family, their subordinates do have some real chapters, but it is obvious that kung fu can't be compared with Li Hainiu, who once killed people with real knives. Li Hainiu's skills were trained by rolling in the knife bushes. Without any fancy moves, the wooden stick took the wind and swept across. Occasionally, as a gun, he also went to the life-threatening part.

Li Hainiu went down with two sticks and knocked over a Guo Jiading man who stopped in front of Yao Fan. Because of this, Yao Fan saw that no one stopped him, so he rushed to Guo Jixiu smoothly.

Yao Fan is tall and 1.85 meters tall. He was a tough player in the volleyball team when he was in college. He clenched the thick date stick in his hand and rushed forward, with his muscles bulging faintly under a single-layer gown.

Guo Jixiu saw Yao Fan's eyes with a murderous spirit and rushed over like a bandit. He knew that this was by no means to joke with him, but he usually had no physical exercise except to abuse women. His motor nerves were really underdeveloped, and he was shocked to death for a moment. Yao Fan swang down a stick, and he actually raised his arm to block it. At that time, he heard a crisp sound.

"Pa" is a strong arm with a stick, and "ka" is a fracture of the arm on the spot.


Guo Jixiu held his broken right arm in his left hand, with a white paper on his face and a sad howl all over his body.

There are only 8 of the Guo family's car drivers, and the number of people has suffered a great loss compared with Yao Fan's 39 people, almost five to one.

In addition, Yao Fan's group of people did not scold, and it was cloudy when they came up, so they didn't react. How did they think that a guy with the identity of an old man like Yao Fan actually went into battle in person and was so ferocious.

Hearing Guo Jixiu's howl like killing pigs, the Guo family were stunned one after another. If the protection is not good, they will be beaten half to death by the family law when they go back! If the master's family is disabled, the accompanying family members will be beaten to death alive.

Immediately, Guo Jiazhuang Ding came up to beat Yao Fan with a stick. Yao Fan did not see the stick on the left. It was not until he heard the sound of the wind in his ear that the stick shadow appeared in the corner of his eyes. At that time, he did not react to the right. The stick hung from Yao Fan's ear and knocked on Yao Fan's left shoulder, painfully. Yao Fan raised his hand and wiped his ears in pain, and suddenly his face was bloody. It turned out that his ears were also broken.

He Shicheng saw that half of Yao Fan's face was covered with blood. At that time, he went crazy. He abandoned his opponent in front of him, jumped on it with a stick, threw the Guo Zhuangding to the ground, stuck his hands on Zhuang Ding's neck, and pinched out his tongue. Yao Fan gritted his teeth, held the stick in his right hand, and looked forward. Zhuang Ding, who was pressed under He Shicheng's body, was pounded fiercely. Suddenly, Zhuang Ding's face was burnt and his blood was full of fainting.

Seeing that the limelight was not good, the three strong families of the Guo family quickly grabbed Guo Jixiu and stuffed them into the carriage cage and rushed forward desperately.

Yao Fan suffered a loss and was not willing to let him go. He rushed up and fought. After a fierce battle, he fought until all the family of the Guo family lay down.

Yao Fan wink, Li Jun came forward with fierce eyes and threw down a stick and smashed the horse's head. The horse cried and fell to the ground crookedly, seeing that it was not alive.

Li Hainiu came forward and pulled Guo Jixiu out of the carriage, fell to the ground, and asked Yao Fan, "Master, what should I do?"

Guo Jixiu's face was pale, sweating coldly, holding his hands, exerting all his strength, and screaming:

"Yao Fan is a dog thief! How dare you hit me! My father is the imperial historian of the dynasty! You are not afraid of the king's law!!!

Wait! Your family that I will definitely cure will be destroyed! There is no place to die!!!"

Yao Fan smiled contemptuously, suddenly raised a stick, waved it down with all his strength, and broke Guo Jixiu's curled left leg. Guo Jixiu suddenly screamed again, tilted his head and fainted, and said no more.