1875 I come from the future

Chapter 48 Go to Jinan

[48] Go to Jinan

Yao Fan nodded with his eyes flashing.

He Wannian almost fainted and shouted desperately, "My ancestors! You have nothing to eat. Why do you want to hit him? It's our great luck that he won't provoke you. What's wrong with you?"

Yao Fan said, "He is cheap and scolded me at the Zhou family. If I don't beat him, won't anyone cure this cheap disease for him?"

When He Wannian heard the words, he couldn't help laughing, and then immediately said sadly, "This is bad. Guo Jixiu has always been staring and will definitely report it. He will definitely fight with us to the death next."

Yao Fan said humorously, "My family often says that it's endless fun to fight with people. Besides, you said that the Guo family ran to Jimo's letter bureau to send an urgent letter after being robbed of the third sister by Wei Guofu, which was obviously to complain to him.

I guess he may not rise up by himself, but the old man has been in the officialdom for so long, and there must be many officials associated with him. After several months of contact and ambush, he must have to take action against us. I calculated that it was nothing more than finding some people to join us in smuggling.

He Wannian said with a bitter face, "The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. When his book comes down, we will find a countermeasure.

There are many smugglers all over the world. If he participates with us, he will hit the faces of those brilliant adults in the court. In addition, we have also paid tariffs at customs. Although there are not many, there are Liu Ziming, a customs inspector, and Sun Maowen and Wei Guofu, who hide it. As the saying goes, county officials are not as good as managing them now. What are we afraid of? Brother Yao, why do you have to do this first?

Yao Fan said, "The eight kings of the Metropolitan Inspection House are black-hearted. If they decide to deal with us, they will naturally be in one pot. How can they only touch you and me, regardless of Liu Ziming, Sun Maowen and Wei Guofu."

He Wannian had a cold war and said, "Brother Yao has made a plan?"

Yao Fan said, "Exactly, I'm going to Jinan to hold Ding Baozhen's thigh."

He Wannian asked, "Brother Yao has found a way?"

"There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and there is another village with willows and flowers. God can't starve to death."

He Wannian thought anxiously, "It's better to bump into you..."

"Brother Yao, you must spend more money here! Recently, our business has been connected with the big businesses in the north and south. The first batch of goods you shipped has been sold. There is enough money in the business. You can pay whatever you want.

Yao Fan hasn't asked the firm much these days, and he was surprised to hear it: "4,000 watches have all been taken?"

He Shicheng said proudly, "You Xianghe, the clerk I sent to set up a semicolon in Shanghai, wrote to say that after Yisheng Yangxing got the watch we sold to them, he sold most of them in Shanghai. I heard that many goods were bought back by foreigners!"

Not only watches, but also flower cloth and soap are sold well in the concession! And merchants from Nanyang came to place an order. It is said that it intends to sell to Malay, Indonesia, the Philippines and other southern islands.

Later, Yisheng Yangxing immediately came back and took a thousand watches and a lot of soaps! After that, a big family like Nayi and Yangxing also came and took 1,200 watches and many boxes of soap in one breath. Not to mention other piecemeal small merchants, more than 300 were taken before and after. Xinyi Yangxing came late and planned to wrap the rest of the watches, but I thought that our business would always have to prepare some gifts to make friends with, so I only gave him 400. After calculation, I have sent a lot to the customs and the state government in order to open up the relationship during this period, and there are still 47 tables in the account at present.

Yao Fan said, "You're right. Don't sell these 47 watches and keep them as gifts. This time I'm going to Jinan, give me 20 yuan."

He Wannian said, "You'd better take 40 yuan. Since you want to dredge the provincial government, you can't be vague. Besides, the relationship that should be given here has been given, and it is useless to leave too much.

Yao Fan nodded and agreed.

He Wannian said, "The 204 large box of soap with a total of more than 110,000 yuan has also gone out, and more than 5,000 taels of silver have been recovered, so the first batch of goods still owed Brother Yao 200,000 taels of silver can be brought up."

Yao Fan smiled and said, "Then I will spend the remaining 200,000 taels of silver for the first batch of goods. The second batch of matches and other goods will not be moved first.

He Wannian said, "Brother Yao only cares about many branches. Your second batch of 10,000 boxes of matches is such a big deal! Twenty million boxes! According to a box of 10 yuan, the payment of 200,000 taels is also paid. At present, there are more than 700,000 taels of silver in the account. Brother Yao has paid these 400,000 taels, and there are still more than 300,000 taels in the account, which is enough for the business to operate.

Yao Fan said, "Well, I'll pay 400,000 yuan. You just spread out those matches and sell them cheaply. You can't afford them. They will get damp and consumables. You shouldn't have to worry about sales."

He Wannian nodded and said, "Brother Yao is going to Jinan. Since he wants to pass through Tai'an, the journey is nearly thousands of miles. If you walk fast, you can arrive in ten days. If you go slowly, there will also be a month.

After Brother Yao arrives in Jinan, he will definitely contact my third brother. He will handle our sub-number in Jinan. If you go there, you can live in our sub-number.

Yao Fan agreed, and the two discussed the operation of the business for a while, and then He Wannian left.

That night, Yao's new house was full of the fragrance of pancakes. In order to prepare dry food on the road, more than a dozen staff were specially selected to help the third sister and the newcomer He Shifang spread pancakes.

Yao Fan took his core guys to a meeting in the room. Yao Fan decided to take only ten big guys who took He Shicheng, Zhou Shi, Li Jun, Liu Jinbao and other ten months of silver, and 20 ordinary guys who have learned to ride bicycles and received a month or two of money. The rest of the big guys continued to run the Yao family locally. Zhuang's project.

The big guys who didn't go to Jinan by Yao Fan's name were a little disappointed. Today, they followed Yao Fan for a fight and sang and worshiped each other in the warehouse, which has made them have a centripetuation for Yao Fan and want to follow Yao Fan all the time.

Fortunately, Yao Fan arranged for Li Hainiu to stay, because Li Hainiu had worked in the carriage shop in Tai'an, and Yao Fan was afraid that he would be recognized. Since Li Hainiu did not go, he no longer insisted on asking for protection.

Yao Fan took a teapot and ordered a brew of fragrant tea. Seeing that everyone took teacups and drank them one by one, he said, "During this period, the brothers have meetings with me every night. Are you happy?"

Li Hainiu said, "How can you be unhappy! What are you talking about, host? In this world, you are the only owner who can treat our friends as human beings!"

Today, Liu Jinbao, the squad leader of Yao Fan's crime, said, "The owner regards us as brothers, but if you want to talk about it, how can we deserve these cheap bodies? The owner is higher than that Bodhisattva in my heart! Being able to sit with my boss is my greatest blessing!"

Zhou Fourth giggles and said, "When I get up before dawn every day, I'm already thinking about this "tea party" at night, hahaha."

Li Jun, the monitor of the carpentry class, said, "The owner holds a meeting for us every day. I remember the stories I tell them. In the future, if I marry my daughter-in-law and give birth to a child, I will tell him, so that he can know that there are still many stories and truths in the world!"

Yao Fan nodded and smiled and entered the topic: "Before, we told many stories, why sheep can eat people, Utopia islands, what revolution is, and later how the foreign monk's church uses fire to mutilize people who understand the truth of heaven and earth.

After listening to these stories, you should understand that I want to tell you that the truth is the greatest in the world! The gods, Buddhas and emperors tremble when they see the truth. They not only tried their best to kill those who knew the truth, but also wanted to torture those who knew the truth to lie against their will and say that the truth they had said before was nonsense.

The stories I talked about before, whether it is the utopia written by the British Moore; the * written by the Italian Companella; the French Saint-Simon's proposal to build a society that is fairly distributed according to labor contributions and personal talents; or the utopian society of Owen and Fourier.

These stories tell us that the world is dark and unfair, and the suffering people in the world must build a better new world! Otherwise, generations will continue to reincarn in pain! Children and grandchildren are tortured by unfair bullying!

In today's world, whether in the Qing Dynasty or in the foreign country, people cannibalism. Everyone can build their happiness on the pain and misfortune of others for their own benefit! Those who are doctors are eager to see everyone get sick; those who are litigators hope that their families will file a lawsuit; those who hope that they build houses are all on fire; those who are tailors hope that their clothes will be torn out quickly. If not, how can you get rich?

The whole world uses a system of "everyone's war against the whole and the whole against everyone."

He Shicheng huddled on the wall with his knees and said confusedly, "It's like this all over the world, isn't it? The host said that the workers in foreign factories in Western Europe work 18 hours a day, that is, nine hours. Seven- or eight-year-old children also work from morning to night. The wages are pitifully low, and the old and young are half hungry. But isn't it the same for us in the Qing Dynasty? Which one doesn't get up early and work in the dark? He is busy all his life and doesn't even have enough to eat in the end.

Yao Fan said: "So to change the injustice in the world, we can't rely on people's morality, but rely on the system to restrain it.

But if the country is a country that will be mastered by princes, the rules and regulations are determined by those dignitaries and rich people. Do you hope to rely on their kind charity and let the poor people in the world live a better life?

Let me tell you a joke. There is a rich man who feels bored after eating full and feels that the delicacies are no longer interesting. If it goes on like this, his housekeeper gives him an idea to find a beggar to talk about his tragic experience. In this way, the rich can feel that his life is very happy now. .

The rich man felt that what the housekeeper said was reasonable, so he found a beggar to tell the story. The beggar's life was indeed tragic, which made the rich man sad and couldn't help crying.

After the beggar finished telling the story, the rich man said to the beggar, if it hadn't been for your fate and life, how could I feel the happiness of my present life through comparison!

So the rich man ordered the housekeeper to beat out the beggar. Since then, he has been happy every day and continue to live a good life.