1875 I come from the future

Chapter 56 Meat Ticket

[56] Meat ticket

These bandits were killed unprepared, and secondly because of hunger, courage and lack of strength. After being killed by the general of the Li family and the Ding Dao family, he was immediately defeated.

At that time, the official road was in chaos, and several bandits were cut to the ground on the spot, blood was full of blood, and life and death were unknown. The rest of the bandits gathered together and fought with their knives.

Seeing this bloody scene, Yao Fan couldn't help rolling his throat knot, his muscles were stiff, and he became nervous all over.

He stared at a cargo box in front of him, where the folding crossbow was placed, thinking that as long as he rushed up and took out a handful, it might be useful for self-protection.

But he hesitated. This *loading is troublesome, and he needs to step on the protruding foot with * front end before he can tighten the winding. In this process, if his hands and feet are not fast enough and are clicked by bandits, it will be troublesome.

Just as he was thinking, the woman beside the leader waved a single knife in his hand and shouted, "Brothers! It's time to say it today! Put down the goods! Bullshit!"

As soon as this statement came out, the bandits shouted "Pull!" and waved the blades in their hands to the depths of the sorghum field.

Yao Fan was inadvertently. He was pulled up by a person behind him to turn his wrist and twisted it to fix it at the spine. He was so painful that he was so weak that he could not move.

"Brother, let's take this guy as a meat ticket! Go back and ask these people to double the money to redeem!" The red-faced man who caught Yao Fan shouted.

The black-faced man immediately agreed, wrapped around Yao Fan with the bandits, and retreated to the sorghum field like a gust of wind.

With no knife-wit gangster's care, the Yao family quickly jumped up from the ground one by one. When Li Jun saw that the bandits were going to run away with Yao Fan, he was so anxious that he immediately rushed up and pulled out the stick in the car. The other guys also woke up and went up to fuck the stick one by one. Some simply pulled out*, stepped on the pedal in front of them, and stringed it.

He Shicheng saw that some of the guys were ready to release the crossbow, stopped it with a bitter face, and ordered worriedly, "Don't use the crossbow! Be careful to hurt the shopkeeper! Brothers, fuck on the stick! "Let's catch up!"

Yao Fan was wrapped in bandits and rushed into the sorghum field and ran about 100 meters awkwardly. After that, he was thrown face down on horseback and his hands were tied back and taken away.

The bumpy horse's back and the protruding bridge in front of the saddle made Yao Fan's stomach extremely uncomfortable. He was about to escape for his life when the rider did not pay attention to the blood sacrifice. Suddenly, the back of his neck was knocked heavily and he fainted in front of him...


When Yao Fan woke up, he found himself lying on the cold ground in a cave with his hands and feet tied.

A cold voice said, "Shopkeeper, you have a great plan to bring officers and soldiers to disguise themselves to tell me that my white horse will enter the game!"

Yao Fan saw that it was the black-faced man who was talking. At this moment, he squatted in front of him and his face was gloomy.

It's a matter of life and death. Yao Fan did not dare to neglect it. He immediately sighed and said, "If you want to add a crime, there is no need to worry!" Good man, do you think that I, a businessman, have no grievances with you, why do I risk my life to set up a situation to harm you?

Those who hold knives are all family officials of the Li family, and the Li family met me in an inn in Weifang County, and I also want to go to Jinan. So everyone agreed to go together and go to Jinan for a while, so that there was a care on the way. I didn't think that I was stopped by a good man in front of me. Now that I think about it, they must have followed up and found that you were robbing money, so they came up to help each other.

Think about it, if I designed to take you, I should have prepared a stick, knife and gun at that time and stalete with you in the official road for a while. When the Li family surrounds you, won't it be able to attack inside and outside? How could you be caught off guard and put the knife on each of our guys' necks? Isn't this a joke about your life?"

When the black-faced man thought about it, Yao Fan's logic was completely correct and nodded simply: "You shopkeeper, you are right. I'm blaming you. But I can't let you go."

Yao Fan saw that the leader of the bandit was still sober, so he asked, "Why is this? Do you want to be angry with me? Do you want to kill me?"

The black-faced man squatted in front of Yao Fan and shook his head and said, "Why did I kill you? But the money and food from my cottage for the winter this year will fall on you. Besides, I broke seven brothers in the previous fight. If I don't have the pillars of my family, these people's family will be difficult to make a living. This family payment should also be counted on you!"

Yao Fan sighed calmly, "Since I'm predestined to get to know everyone, I can still afford this little money. From the beginning, I can see that you are a good-looking man and will make great achievements in the future.

But you tied my hands and feet, but it's not the reason to treat guests! I've been tied up by you for a long time, and my hands and feet are numb. Just let me go. The man believes his words. I swear to God that I will not escape.

The black-faced man hesitated for a moment, but the heroic woman beside him said, "Ok!"

After saying that, he ordered the bandits on the side, "Jianxiang, untie him."

When the black-faced man saw the woman's consent, he also nodded and said, "Well, I'm not afraid of you running away. If you dare to betray your faith, I will catch you and whip you a hundred times."

After Yao Fan was untied, he looked around and saw that this was a cave. The lighting was all plugged into a pine resin torch on the wall. Under the smoke caused by insufficient burning of pine resin, the smell was very choking. The cave is not big, and there are only six bandits in it. Yao Fan guessed that about the other bandits were outside the cave.

Yao Fan sat on the ground and said to the black-faced man with numb hands and feet, "If you can't trust me, why untie me?"

The black-faced man was speechless for a moment.

Yao Fan smiled and said, "Give me something to eat quickly. I'm hungry. It's okay for you to kidnap the ticket. You can't be hungry."

The black-faced man also smiled and said, "You are a bachelor. We haven't eaten for a day. As soon as you wake up, you have to beg for food."

Yao Fan said, "Have you brought my guys' boxes? There are pancakes and sauced meat we bought in Weixian Inn.

Hearing Yao Fan talk about pancake sauce, all the bandits in the cave couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

The black-faced man said, "If I had known, I would have grabbed a container and brought it with me. We left in a hurry and only took your buddy's money to buy the road."

Yao Fan said, "What should I do? Aren't you hungry? Hurry up and buy some silver to eat.

The heroic woman smiled and said, "You are also strange. You have been kidnapped, but you just want to eat."

Yao Fan said, "Why should I be afraid? If you want to kill me, you should have killed me. Since it's kidnapping, it's the same truth as business. Everyone comes and goes, and silver is replaced.

The woman said, "Don't worry, the brothers outside are making rice. When they are cooked, they will have your bite. Let's talk about how much money you pay to redeem the ticket.

Yao Fan said, "The goods in my car are worth about 100 taels and 31 small cars, which is 3100 taels. How about it?"

Who knew that the woman was not in a hurry and squatted down and said, "Where are you from, this shopkeeper?"

Yao Fan was surprised and said to himself why she asked this?

"I'm the shopkeeper of Qingdaokou Zaofan Company. My surname is Yao Mingfan. What's wrong? Has the chivalrous woman seen me?

The woman said softly, "Are there any good doctors in Qingdao?"

In the dark cave, Yao Fan looked at the woman with the light of the torch and saw that there was gloom in her eyes. Yao Fan, who was so shrewd, suddenly moved his heart and said, "There are no good doctors in the local area, but there are some good medicine brought by Western cargo ships."

The woman's eyes lit up and asked urgently, "What foreign medicine? What kind of disease do you have?"

Yao Fan squeezed his lips inward, licked his tongue, and said, "There are people who eat the wound and pus. After eating it, the pus disappears and scars, and the wound begins to heal."

Seeing that the woman's face was a little disappointed, Yao Fan licked his tongue again and said, "There are also people who eat cold and high fever. After eating it, it can subside the fever and go away from the cold and heat."

The woman's big eyes flashed and asked eagerly, "There is a foreign medicine for scab disease."

Yao Fan looked at her and looked closely at the woman and found that there were thin wrinkles beside her eyes. Her hands holding her knees were thin and blue veins were exposed. Her heroic eyes just now seemed simple and melancholy.

Yao Fan thought to himself that this woman must have relatives and friends who have tuberculosis. If I say that I can cure it, I will have more chips in my hand.

But Yao Fan was afraid that he was not sure whether the patient had a drug allergy or how serious the patient's symptoms were.

So Yao Fan pushed: "Foreigners can't do anything about such a serious disease. But if I hear that there is a foreign medicine that can cure the disease in the future, I will try to tell you.

Yao Fan gave up the idea of extracurricular ideas. In his opinion, the most important thing is to get out quickly.

The woman's eyes dimmed and felt that Yao Fan deliberately left a suspense. She lowered her head and said coldly, "Even if the redemption silver is 3100 taels, the money in the previous bag is a settling down for my dead brothers."

Yao Fan said cheerfully, "Please bring a pen and paper. I wrote it for someone to send. My subordinates and the Li family know each other and will definitely borrow money."

The woman said, "If you can't borrow it, you can take down the valuable goods."

Yao Fan said, "Don't worry, the man said it to you, and it's never ambiguous."

The black-faced man said, "You are so cheerful. If I see you on the road in the future, I will not embarrass you."

Yao Fan smiled and arched his hand and said, "Take care of me."

So the woman went outside the hole to find pen and paper, and then there was a quarrel outside. The black-faced man quickly ordered his men to watch Yao Fan and run out of the hole by himself.

Yao Fan heard it really in the cave.

"... He can quickly take out 3,100 taels, and he must be a rich man! Simply ask him to pay 5,000 taels!

Brother! At present, the price of grain has risen sharply, and it costs seven or six yuan for 100 catties of rice! Three thousand taels of silver, no more than 40,000 catties of grain. More than 1,000 people, old and young in our stockade, can eat 40,000 catties this winter!"

After that, there was a dispute.

Yao Fan heard that the woman was called sister-in-law, and her voice said, "The most important thing to break into the world is the word Xinyi. According to the rules of the world, this money is already a lot! Why didn't I see you wait for Dingshan so much when my father was there!"

Then the voice of the black-faced man sounded and said some harsh words, so no one outside argued, and the noise subsided.

Then the woman called sister-in-law came in and put a pen and a thin bamboo tube in front of Yao Fan and said, "Write it."

Yao Fan frowned and said, "How to write without ink."

The woman explained, "There is dry ink in this bamboo tube, and you wrote it with saliva."

Yao Fan's sad face and endured the ink smell in the bamboo tube. He spit in the palm of his hand, soaked the tip of the pen, lit the dry ink in the bamboo tube, and wrote a note to give a letter from He Shicheng.

The woman received the note and went out.

Yao Fan planned to escape from the blood sacrifice at this time, but he didn't know whether the cave still existed in 2011. In case he passed himself into a collapsed cave and buried him to death, it would be troublesome. In addition, he was tired and hungry, so he fell asleep against the mountain wall of the cave.

In the next two days, Yao Fan and the bandits who watched him in the white horse club also became familiar with him. Yao Fan would talk nonsense and jokes, so he inquired that his sister-in-law's son was a sick person. Now that he is seven years old, the child is skinny and coughs all day long.

Yao Fan thought about it and did not dare to stand up. After all, he was still in danger, and he didn't dare to be a big-tailed wolf.

It is said that the white horse will take Yao Fan's note and find out that the Yao family caravan and the Li family team have returned to the ten-mile castle at present, so they still ordered the bandit named Jiaxiang to send a letter. He Shicheng saw the letter and paid the silver bill without saying a word.

When the sister-in-law saw that Jiaxiang brought back the silver ticket, she and the black-faced man took Yao Fan, and the three of them rode to the ten-mile castle.

Yao Fan got off the horse and arched his hand and said, "You two, the mountains don't turn around, and there may be a time to meet. I, Yao Fan, will definitely help you listen to the foreign medicine for disease, but I don't know how to inform you if you find that medicine.

The black-faced man hesitated and didn't know whether to say it or not.

The woman looked at Yao Fan with a pair of big black and white eyes like a meteor, and simply said, "On the side of the official road of Shilibao, there is an old locust tree that is lonely and thin. As long as you ask someone to cut off a piece of skin from the locust tree and write medicine, I will come to your business in Qingdao to find you! I owe you a lot of money today, and I must have returned a lot of money to you! In addition, put on the medicine money!"

Yao Fan nodded and said nothing. He got off his horse and walked in the direction of Shilibao Town.

The heroic woman and the black-faced man looked at Yao Fan from afar.

The woman suddenly said, "Big tiger, do you think there is really a foreign medicine for barren's disease in the world?"

The black-faced man swallowed his saliva and frowned, "Little flag, I'm afraid we don't have money to buy it."

Ladies and gentlemen, it turns out that this woman is called Bai Xiaoqi, the only daughter of Bai Jiu, the owner of the White Horse Association. This black-faced man is Xi Dahu, who is a man of Bai Xiaoqi. Bai Jiuye gave the stockade to his daughter before he died, but he didn't give it to his son-in-law.

Xiaoqi suddenly said, "If there is, even if I exchange my life for it!"

After saying that, he turned the horse's head, clamped his legs, and the horse rushed out.

This is a mother's oath.

Xi Dahu silently lowered his head, tied the empty horse reins Yao Fan had rode before to the saddle, and beat the horse away.