1875 I come from the future

Chapter 76 The Fetters of the Ambition

[76] The fetters of ambitious people

Mr. Yao, this 150-horsepower small tugboat is a single-deck single-bottom type with a length of 26 meters and a width of 1.6 meters, a design drat, 140 tons of drainage, a maximum of 40 tons of coal, 10 tons of water, and a working speed of 9 knots.

As long as the mainframe is in place, these three small tug can be built at the same time.

As for the 1000 horsepower long flight tug you want, it is a double chimney single-deck single-bottom horizontal skeleton type, 32 meters long and 8 meters wide, designed with 2.7 meters of water, 420 tons of displacement, a maximum coal load of 60 tons, 15 tons of water, and a working speed of 10.5 knots.

Like the three boats, the construction can start after the main engine is in place. It is also expected to be launched in two months, and all of them are guaranteed to be delivered in three months. The shipyard is very confident after receiving an evaluation from engineers.

So Yao Fan placed the order one by one. It was agreed to hand over the steam engine directly to the shipyard after assembly, so that I could go home and wait for the goods at ease.

In less than half a month, the early goods have arrived, and good news from Yuhua Diesel Engine Company. The first 150-horsepower steam engine has been completed and is ready to be delivered to the shipyard.

So Yao Fan set off again in mid-August when the autumn wind was rising.

"Blood Sacrifice Array! Start!" Yao Fan ordered the blood soul in his mind.

Since he had the ability of blood sacrifice, in the past two or three months, Yao Fan has spent time every day familiarizing himself with the knowledge of blood sacrifice under the guidance of blood soul.

Yao Fan is now becoming more and more proficient in operating the blood sacrifice array. By spreading his blood in a specific position, Yao Fan can not only transmit the goods on a large scale, but also accurately control that the goods will not be destroyed or buried due to drop after crossing.

Back on the flat stone beach in Yaojiazhuang, Yao Fan looked around and was relieved.

The northwest area of Yaojiazhuang was ordered by Yao Fan to surround it with a fence to prevent children herding sheep from entering by mistake. The goods brought back by Yao Fan have been transported into the civil structure warehouse built by dry batting.

"Blood soul, is there a way to change the coordinates of the blood sacrifice?" Yao Fan had a whim.

"The original ontology is okay, but in this birth of the blood soul, the original ontology is divided, and I am just one of them." The blood soul said gloomyly.

"So, you could have moved?" Yao Fan's heart lit up hope.

"If after the birth of the blood soul, before the native body splits, this is not a problem. However, the moment after birth, the original ontology was extremely unstable because of its powerful energy, and immediately split, and our split blood souls dispersed separately to find a living host.

"So you are just one of them?" Yao Fan asked.

"Yes, I'm just one of the blood souls separated from the original body.

Each of our divided blood souls has its own abilities.

We are good at establishing space-time signs, through blood sacrifices, setting space-time signs, and freely traveling through different time and space;

Some are good at space jumping and can transmit matter to anywhere in space from a long distance in this space;

Some are also good at space folding and manipulating the material core for the exchange of protons or neutrons, resulting in material transformation, which is the so-called point metallography;

Some are good at material fusion, producing unimaginable energy, and even capturing light and gravity!" Thinking of his compatriots, the blood can't help but feel a faint sadness and talk generously.

"How powerful!" Yao Fan praised.

Where are your brothers now? Can you find them? Yao Fan has a glimmer of longing.

"After the division of the original ontology, our energy is extremely weak, and we can only immediately choose the host to parasitize, otherwise it will decay and die in a short time. I guess they have found their respective hosts at this moment... Otherwise..." At this point, the blood soul was speechless.

"Blood Soul, you haven't said your ability yet! Can you set up a space-time beacon? To be honest, I don't like the Qing Dynasty. How nice it would have been if you had helped me travel to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period! In that case, I will definitely travel around the world and visit hundreds of families, which will make my heart happy.

Or, can you help me make some stone into gold? Can you help me return home with duty-free transportation from abroad? Yao Fan is eager to know the ability of his blood soul.

"I'm not as strong as them. I can just control the physical coordinates of time travel a little." Blood soul.

"Great! You are awesome! What I need most right now is your ability!" Yao Fan was overjoyed.

"But this requires energy. If it's only a few kilometers, it's okay. If you need to significantly change the coordinates of hundreds or thousands of kilometers, you need 1000CC of your blood! Such a large consumption may cause extreme discomfort in your body! Coma! It's even life-threatening!" The blood soul warned Yao Fan loudly.

"...Forget it, normal people's blood only weigh 8 PER. Although I am tall, I'm only 92 kilograms. Theoretically, I only have 7.3 liters of blood. If you accidentally pump more, I will become a mummy..." Yao Fan shook his head repeatedly!

"...................." The blood soul is speechless.

Yao Fan was no longer entangled and immediately pushed out a pre-prepared bicycle from the goods brought this time and pushed it to Yaojiazhuang not far away.

After pushing and riding far, he saw rows of neat board houses showing their heads from a small overgrown slope. Yao Fan quickly accelerated his pace back to the village.

The guys saw Yao Fan coming from afar and immediately surrounded him with joy.

Yao Fan smiled and ordered everyone to start carrying the goods, so the whole village mobilized and took Yao Fan's township bravery as the backbone. More than 300 people rushed to Yao Fan's transmission location and began to move nervously.

"Shicheng, what do you think the owner did? Unconsciously, no one was shocked and unloaded the goods on Zhuangzi's side! How many boats should the host family have? How many people should there be? Wang Xin, one of the first guys to learn bicycle with Yao Fan, sighed.

These days, under the practice of Li Hainiu, He Shicheng's dark little face is tanned and red. It is obvious that the whole person is much stronger and his temperament is much higher.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask! Is this what we should ask? Our owner's family is overseas, and there are hundreds of thousands of cargo ships! There must be thousands of cargo ships with hundreds of materials! Thousands of sailors! We can follow our parents, which is a blessing in our last life! In the future, I'm not sure, I can still go abroad to see the strangeness and see the Thai and Western countries mentioned by my own eyes!" He Shichengdao.

"Hey! Shicheng, you and I thought together! If you can go abroad with your family and see foreigners all over the street, it must be a rare event! Yellow hair full of water on the street! Add blue eyes! All speak foreign words! Hey, just think about it!"


"Jianxiang, why is it so noisy outside?" Bai Xiaoqi sat on the edge of a simple wooden bed with a reed straw fan in his hand. While cooling his sleeping son Bai Kang, he asked the little man who was carving with a knife on the ground.

The last time she came to Yaojiazhuang, her face was still pale in yellow, but now she was already full of vitality, and her silver plate-like face was heroic.

"Sister, I'll go and have a look!" Xie Jiaxiang put down the work he was carving and quickly walked out of the house. This is a small wooden knife made for children to play with. It is meticulously carved and scratched *cutely in all corners.

Xie Jiaxiang was brought back by Bai Xiaoqi's father, Bai Jiuye, from the roadside. He was the most loyal to Bai Xiaoqi. Before Bai Xiaoqi got married, he was called Sister Bai Xiaoqi. After getting married, he called her sister-in-law. Now that he has left the stockade, he is used to calling his eldest sister.

After a while, Xie Jiaxiang came back and reported, "Sister, it's Yao Dong's family who returned the goods from overseas. The staff in the village are all busy and transporting a car to the warehouse!"

"Oh, your father-in-law is so good. He sells private goods in the light of day, and he is not afraid of officials coming to arrest him."

"Sister, haven't you seen it yet? Then Yao Dong's family colluded with the government so much that even Xiang Yong handled it. As long as those dog officials get money, they don't care what you will transport! Nowadays, the Qing Dynasty is full of harmful * pastes and smoke halls. Isn't the government opening a blind eye?

Jiaxiang said angrily, and there was a voice outside the house: "I never sell drugs. Sister-in-law Bai, don't wrong me!"

With a burst of cheerful laughter, Yao Fan strode in, followed by Li Hainiu.

When Bai Xiaoqi saw Yao Fan coming, he hurriedly got up and hugged his fists. He bowed and said, "Bai Xiaoqi has seen your kindness!"

Xie Jiaxiang also bowed quickly.

Yao Fan said, "Please get up, please get up."

After supporting the two, Yao Fan came to the bedside and asked, "How is the child doing recently? Is the condition stable?"

As soon as Bai Xiaoqi heard Yao Fan ask about the child's condition, he suddenly became excited and said with tears in his eyes, "Thank you for your help! Kang'er is much better! I haven't even coughed much recently, let alone coughing blood! Now he is full of energy and eats a lot. If I hadn't coaxed him just now, he wouldn't have slept. How could he have such a spirit before! I can't eat all day, and I lie still when I'm sick.

Hearing the noise in the board house, the child Bai Kang also woke up, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, lay there, and looked at Yao Fan in front of him.

"Dear Lord, look at him!" Bai Xiaoqi said with relief.

"Quick! Get up and kowtow to your father-in!" Bai Xiaoqi helped the child and asked him to get up.

Yao Fan quickly stopped him: "Sister Bai, don't touch him, let him lie down and rest."

After persuading Bai Xiaoqi, Yao Fan smiled and said, "I'm also happy to see the child getting better."

"The benefactor repays his grievances with virtue. He treats our mother and son so well. The third sister also sends daily food from home every day, and there is a big brother Hainiu in the village to take care of us. I really don't know how to repay this kindness! Today, I met my father-in-law and remembered the robbery at the beginning. I was really ashamed. The more Bai Xiaoqi said, the lower his voice became. Obviously, he was very embarrassed.

Yao Fan laughed and said, "I have a wish that the children all over the world will grow up healthy and not want to eat, but they can eat and wear warm clothes. If you are sick, with good medicine, such a world is the ideal society."

"The reincarnation of the Bodhisattva! Great compassion! Xiaoqi admires the benefactor in his heart!"

Yao Fan turned around and said passionately, "It's just that the world is not good. The feudal dynasty squeezed the people like slaughtering pigs and dogs! Bullying dog thieves can be seen everywhere, forcing people to be slaves and maidservants! Be a prostitute and bandit!

People who sell fields and land, children and daughters are everywhere! How many good families, the murdered wives and children are separated! The family is ruined!"

Seeing that Bai Xiaoqi and Xie Jiaxiang listened carefully, Yao Fan continued to say impassionedly: "There is no black and white in this world, and officials govern corruption!" It is a crime for good people to have no money, and bad people can be free if they have money.

The poor are as cheap as paper, treated as livestock, deprived of their freedom, and forced to work all day to death. Even so, once you can't pay the rent, or owe money to the rich and the government, you will be beaten with sticks, whipped and skinned!

Each of the landlords in the world has their own domestic lynchings, dungeons and shackles. They use violence and torture to subdue disobedient slaves, and use cruel and hungry means to threaten and tame all tenant farmers! Domestic slaves from rich families can be resold like pigs and dogs. From then on, their descendants will never know their uncles and elders!

If the people in the world are not united, everyone's future descendants will continue to suffer in reincarnation in the dark, roll in the animal path for generations, and never stand out!"

Yao Fan said it without scruples later, and every word was like an open fire*!

Bai Xiaoqi was shocked when he heard this. He thought that Yao Engong was obviously a rich man and could enjoy glory, but when he heard his words, he was resentful and extremely dissatisfied with the court.

"The benefactor wants to rebel!" Bai Xiaoqi's eyebrows stood up, and her big meteor-like eyes were abnormally firm.

Yao Fan did not answer positively.

"Unity, unity is strength, and we should unite all forces that can be united. The stronger our strength, the weaker the power of the bad guys. When we accumulate enough strength, we will definitely be able to change the world!"

"Dear Lord! Bai Xiaoqi, a reckless woman, doesn't know much about the truth! My father-in-law has a living grace for my son! No matter what the benefactor does! I, Bai Xiaoqi, am willing to help with death!" After Bai Xiaoqi said, he lowered his head and held his fist neatly.

Yao Fansu held his fist and said, "It's enough for Yao Fan to have a white sister-in-law. In the future, if the white horse will be short of food and fodder, please come to me, Yao Fan. I just hope that your department can strengthen the army as soon as possible! One day, I will change the color of these mountains and rivers!"

"Dear Lord! Bai Xiaoqi understands your mind! From now on, the white horse will be the first to be grateful!"

Yao Fan is resolute: "Great righteousness is in the hearts of the people! In the future, if I have a place to apologize to the White Horse Club, you can do your best!"

"I dare not!" Bai Xiaoqi understood in his heart that the benefactor in front of him was a ** naked ambitious man. For the court, this benefactor was 10,000 times more dangerous than their bandits!

Yao Fan doesn't care what Bai Xiaoqi thinks of him. He understands that he still needs to be tough.

Yao Fan warned two more doctors, exchanged a few words, and asked Li Hainiu to put down the milk powder, chocolate, milk candy and other nutrients he brought from 2011 and leave.

Bai Xiaoqi sent him out and looked at Yao Fan's figure turning around from the board room in front of him. She couldn't help asking, "I don't know if my father-in-law's ability can be turned upside down... by money? Relying on his hometown? ...Those villagers...if you don't mention it...alas..."


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