1875 I come from the future

Chapter 78 Profit of Dye

[78] Profit of dye

"Mr. Yao, when I saw the printed cloth sold by your firm in Shanghai, I was deeply attracted by the color, the pattern, and the feel of which moved me. I have never seen such a beautiful cotton cloth anywhere in the world. At that time, I thought that I would meet the manufacturer of this cloth, and I would help him sell this beautiful and charming cotton cloth all over the world. Merith sat back in the chair and observed Yao Fan's face.

"Mr. Merrith, I think my business partner Mr. He hasn't had time to tell you that the printed cotton is temporarily out of stock." Yao Fandao.

"Ah...when will it be resupplyed? Or, you can tell me where this textile factory is, and I can contact you by myself! Of course, I will give you a generous compensation!" Meris only allowed himself to regret for a second and immediately asked.

Meilis really has no time to regret now,

He is in a hurry,

very anxious.

He came to Qingdao with a loan shark, and the collateral of his loan is a ship of primary-color cotton cloth newly arrived in Hong Kong by Yihe Yanghang, where he is the buyer. If he returns empty-handed, Yihe alone can be ripped alive by interest.

The reason why Merrith is willing to take such a big risk is very simple. He feels that no one knows where to buy this kind of printed cotton.

The reason why Merriz made such a misunderstanding is also because Yao Fan shipped too little printed cotton cloth before, and the first Yisheng Yangxing Wu Ping Wu shopkeeper who saw these strange goods was also unique and ate them all in one bite. Merrix saw these printed fabrics in a store in Yisheng, Shanghai.

At that time, he firmly believed that this cloth would be his chance to make a comeback, or even the only opportunity! So after spending a lot of money to buy a man from Yisheng Yangxing, Merrius learned from insiders that this kind of strange goods came from a foreign bank called Zaofan Trading Company in Qingdao. It is said that this business has just been established and is not famous, and few people know about it.

No wonder that the Shanghai sub-number of Zaofan has just opened. Most people think that it is a foreign store specializing in selling matches and soap. And what's more coincidentally, the firm has just taken off the sign and replaced it with the plaque of Yuchun firm. Imagine, how many people can remember the name of a foreign store that has only been open for less than a month?

As a result, it immediately changed its name again!

This makes people unable to remember its original name.

Yao Fan resolutely rejected Merridis: "Of course, I can't tell you the location of the factory. Even if I tell you, you can't get the goods, because this manufacturer's goods are exclusively sold by my Yuchun company. As for when the goods will arrive, I estimate that it will take two months. If you need it, you can pay the deposit in advance.

Meilis was dumbfounded, two months later! Even if it's a month, I can't afford to delay it! The usury of 10,000 taels borrowed by mortgage has to repay five cents of interest every month, which is 500 taels of silver, more than 80 pounds! I only earn 5 pounds a month at Yihe Yanghang!

Moreover, his private mortgage of foreign goods is likely to be detected in a month. At that time, I'm afraid that no foreign bank will be willing to recruit employees with bad deeds like themselves.

Seeing Merris sitting there like a wooden chicken, Yao Fan also wondered why this Hans didn't look so well. He was stunned, like a shock.

"Mr. Merrith, is there anything wrong with you?" Yao Fan asked.

Meilis, who was moved by Yao Fan's greeting, was moved and felt that Yao Fan was a compassionate gentleman and quickly said, "Mr. Yao, let me tell you my misfortune."

So in order to win sympathy, Merrith told Yao Fan about the ups and downs after he came to China to do business. With experience, Merrith knew that Chinese people often have an inexplicable courtesy to foreigners.

"In order to rebuild the American Foreign Bank, I took a great risk this time. In the words of you Chinese, it is to take risks. Mr. Yao, I don't know if I can hold on until your goods arrive at the port.

If possible, can you help me raise a part of that kind of printed cloth, just a small part of it? I think there must be some inventory for retail in your business, right?

Yao Fan was idle and just regarded it as practicing oral English. After listening to Merriz's words, he had invested in the painful experience of investing in Yilan's reclamation farm.

"Your experience is sympathetic. No civilized gentleman in the world can see another gentleman suffer such a misfortune! Unfortunately, I really don't have this kind of printed cloth in stock.

Seeing the last light in Merris's eyes disappear, Yao Fan's voice changed: "Mr. Merris, although I don't have a printed cloth, it doesn't mean that I don't have other products. I believe that each of these products can help you get out of trouble."

So Yao Fan began to sell the dye he brought this time. In Yao Fan's opinion, since this is a German, it must be most appropriate for him to represent the export of synthetic dyes.

"You mean you have synthetic dyes? A large number of cheap synthetic dyes? Is it the synthetic dye used in the production of printed cotton cloth you sold before? Merrix's eyes are wide open.

"Yes, as long as there are dyes, any printing and dyeing factory can produce that kind of beautiful cloth. As long as you sell these dyes to Europe, you can make a comeback. With that, Yao Fan asked He Wannian to take out the color plates of several dyes he brought from behind the shop and show them to Merrith

"It's beautiful! It's beautiful!" Merisse looked at the candle, put his eyes on the coloring board, and looked at it from multiple angles.

He swallowed his saliva and said, "Mr. Yao, how much are these dyes?"

Yao Fan said, "According to the general dosage of my high-performance dyes, two grams can print and dye a meter of cloth. According to 40 yards and 37 meters of foreign cloth, a kilogram of dye can dye more than 13 pieces, and the width of foreign cloth is narrow, only 70 centimeters. My cloth is generally calculated according to the width of one meter of cloth, that is to say, it can actually print and dye 18 to 19 pieces.

At present, the arrival price of Indian primary color cotton cloth is 2.6 taels per piece, plus tax, it is nearly 2.8 taels. At present, the price of domestic dyed cotton cloth on the market is 4 taels and 5, which is not only monotonous in color, but also resistant to washing.

Once my dye is used, the cloth will have colorful and beautiful colors from now on, and it can withstand hundreds of washes without fading!

What price do you think should be sold for such a color cloth, Mr. Meris?

"You can call me James, Mr. Yao. I'm sure that those cloths dyed with unprecedented colors can be doubled for more than 10 taels each! If the fabric itself can be as good as the one you sold to Yisheng, I mean, it is so smooth, soft, the cloth surface has no knots, and it can print special patterns on the cloth, at least 15 taels each!"

"Okay, I'll call you James, and you can call me Frank later.

James, the previous cloth was produced by my overseas factory. The process is confidential and the output is limited. Don't worry about it.

You know very well that the profit of a piece of cloth after printing and dyeing will increase by 8 taels. We all know that the labor of dyeing workers is worthless these days, which deducts the profits that need to be retained by retail, and the cost of dyes accounts for more than half, about 4 taels.

So, according to the calculation that a kilogram of dye can dye 18 pieces of cloth, the supply price should be 72 taels, but I only sell 50 taels per kilogram. Only 70%!"

Merriz suddenly stood up, stretched out his hand, and shouted to Yao Fan, "It's a deal! Frank! Thank God for letting me meet such a kind gentleman like you! As long as your dye is of good quality! I, James Meri, would like to underwrite it!"

Yao Fanxin said, "You little toad yawn, but your mouth is quite wide open, you poor man! There are only 10,000 taels of silver in hand, which is still illegal *, and it is also underwritten... It's your soul..."

So Yao Fan also stood up, but did not reach out to shake hands with Merriz. He just questioned blankly: "But how can I believe that you have the ability to sell my dyes?"

Yao Fan's height of 1.85 meters is 20 centimeters higher than the average height of German men in this era. Looking down, he is full of majesty.

Mellis spread out his hands and explained eagerly, "Frank! I will buy 10,000 taels of silver dye from you first, and I promise you, one month! Yes! Just one month! If your dyes are as good as you said, I can sell them all! Of course, I believe you will never lie to me. These dyes must be good!" Merisite pinned all his hopes on Yao Fan's dye, which is also his only life-saving straw at present.

"It's good, but you still haven't answered my question." Yao Fandao.

"Frank, don't underestimate the connections of our German businessmen." Merrix vowed to say.

Yao Fan smiled and said, "I planned to entrust the dye business to a large-scale foreign company, such as Yihe. You know, their network is very sound and powerful, and they have the ability to quickly spread the goods."

"God! Frank, fortunately you met me first, you didn't get fooled! If you really hand over the dye business to Yihe, it's a big mistake!"


James Merisse said hatefully, "I came out of Yihe. I can tell you that the Jardine family is a hungry wolf that cannibalism and does not spit bones. Together with all the ruffian villains who can unite, they opened the branches of ** all over the inland cities of the Qing Dynasty.

Believe me, Frank, there is no business in the world that is darker than * trade, and the souls of all the Jardine family are dirty. Once they find a chance to make money, their first reaction is monopoly, and anyone who stops in front of them will be in danger! If I'm right, Frank, your business has just started, and you can't beat them!

Besides, there is almost no business that is more profitable than *. Even if Jardine is involved in the dye business, I don't think they will really care about it. And once they take it to heart, Frank, you should worry about yourself again.

"James, you know, I like your honesty and wisdom. I have a hunch that we will become very good friends." Yao Fan smiled and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Merrith.

Although he does not fully believe the words of Merrius, a person is exhausted and related to personal interests. God knows that there is some truth.

"Oh! Frank! It's my pleasure!" Merrith was overjoyed and held Yao Fan's outstretched hand tightly.

"As a friend, I hope you can do me a small favor." Yao Fan made a request.

"Please feel free to say it! It would be my greatest honor if I could help you!"

"Have you heard of such a German whose name is Karl Marx?" Yao Fan let go of his hand.