1875 I come from the future

Chapter 82 Yuchun Agricultural Credit Union

[82] Yuchun Agricultural Credit Union

Yao Fan came out of the gate of Zhai's courtyard and said to Li Hainiu and other platoon leaders waiting at the door: "The conditions of this Niwanzi Village are very good. There is only one family that can reach the landlord, and the rest are divided into rich peasants, middle peasants and poor peasants. This Zhai family is the only landlord, but I think his family can't even afford a few dog legs.

Without waiting for the platoon leader to speak the meaning of Yao Fan's words, Li Hainiu immediately understood and blurted out: "The owner says that there is no tiger in the mountains, and the monkey is called the king?"

As soon as this word came out, Li Hainiu felt that it was inappropriate and was about to change his words. Yao Fan stroked his palm and smiled and said, "Hainiu said it well. Everyone can slowly think about it. Don't talk nonsense."

Turning their faces, Master Zhai and Tax official followed. Master Zhai ordered his family to go to the village to inform me door-to-door and come to the village to listen to the official's lecture.

So a group of people moved to the threshing field. After a while, they saw all kinds of people in the village come one after another. The farmers were black, yellow, dry and thin, dressed in rags and pressed black on the threshing field.

Zhang tax official holds a book in his hand and goes door to door by name. For each name, he reports the number of this year's autumn donation. For each name, there is a burst of ** below. For each donation amount, there is a terrible silence.

Yao Fan frowned. When Zhang's tax official finished calling, he couldn't wait to jump forward and shouted at the group of villagers, "Brother, I'm Yao Fan! You may not know me! But it doesn't matter. Once you are born twice, you will get to know me a few more times, and everyone will know me!

Brothers don't read many sage books and can't drag articles, so they can only talk to everyone directly. That's the thing. Brother, I went to Jinan this year and saw Lord Ding, the governor. Lord Ding sighed when he saw me. He said that the people are suffering and want businessmen like me to care more and don't think about how to spend money all day long.

Brother, I think what Lord Ding said is very reasonable. Lord Ding is our Shandong admiral and our governor of Shandong! Is there anything wrong with what he said? So I patted Lord Ding on the chest on the spot and planned to invest 100,000 taels of silver to open a pharmacy, buy all the medicinal materials and sell them at what price. If I don't make a penny, I will pay the monthly money to the clerk in the pharmacy.

As soon as this statement came out, the brave group in Yao's hometown immediately cheered.

"The benevolence of the owner!"

"The owner is very kind and sad!"

"The owner saved the hardship!"

With such a noise, the farmers in Niwanzi Village also felt that the tall man in front of them was a good man from the city.

Yao Fan laughed and said, "Hahaha! Since everyone thinks that Lord Ding is right and I am right, I will continue to do what Lord Ding said in the future and accumulate some merits, which will not only benefit the countryside, but also shade my descendants in the future.

Everyone has seen the drought this year, right? I guess there must be many people in the villages below who can't afford to pay rent, taxes and money and food. But if it's just because I can't afford to pay this year, I can't bear the miserable end of selling land and selling children.

I think it's just a year of drought. Let's bear with it. When the harvest is good next year, can't we pay together with this year's grain tax? It would be a pity if you can't stand to become a beggar and exile next year.

So, I understood the spirit of Lord Ding's speech in Jinan. The so-called 'we must be be benevolent first for wealth'! I decided to help all the fellow villagers!

How to help big guys? After thinking about it, I decided to set up a 'Uchun Agricultural Credit Union'. If you can't afford to pay food and taxes, you can borrow money from the society first. If you need to mortgage the money, you can mortgage your own land or house. After the mortgage, you still grow the land and live in the house, as long as you repay the money on time in the future.

Land and houses are the original price regardless of whether they are good or bad. Nowadays, the arable land on the market ranges from 20 taels to 60 taels per mu. According to the minimum, one mu of flat land can also mortgage you 20 taels of silver. As for the house, whether it is good or bad, it is one or two silver.

However, you can't get the money for this mortgage. If you get a loan, the money will be transferred directly from the account of Yuchun Agricultural Credit Union to the government office to help you deduct the money and taxes due.

The money left in your credit union account cannot be withdrawn, and can only be used to offset the next money and taxes. If you have money, just come to the agricultural credit union to make up for the deficit in the account, and the loan will be written off.

Zhang tax official on the side frowned and shook his head and complained in his heart: "Master Yao is really ridiculous. He actually put the seal money in the countryside, but anyone who can afford the seal money does not need to borrow it! And most of those who lend money are poor people who can't afford it!

Those farmers who want to borrow money most, not to mention the disaster year, that is, which family has surplus grain? Who doesn't live by eating bran and swallowing vegetables? If you put the seal money to this lingering poor man, God knows that it can only be recovered in the year of the donkey!"

As soon as Yao Fan's words came out, the farmers below suddenly shouted.

"Master Yao, you are so kind! I just don't know what the interest on your loan is? When a farmer below saw that Yao Fan's words were unwritten and sounded vulgar and kind, he boldly asked.

"Since I listen to Lord Ding's teachings to do good deeds, I naturally will not receive heavy profits. At present, the interest of the pawnshop is two cents and one percent a month. I only charge one-third of this interest, that is, 7 percent, 1,000 adults, and only charge 7 copper coins a month."

As soon as this statement came out, the farmers who sat or stood under the threshing ground nodded one after another, feeling that the interest was indeed very low. The brainy ones have already calculated that they borrowed 100 copper coins for a month, and the interest was only 8 copper coins a year! With such a low interest, you can make money even if you borrow it and then lend it out!

"Master Yao! You are really a Bodhisattva! We farmers have always been out of money. Who is willing to lend money to us poor people? Even if you borrow oil on weekdays, you have to double it! Didn't you listen to the singing? I borrowed oil in June and returned it in September, and returned two pots!" An old farmer with a wrinkled face squatted on the ground stood up at this moment, crouched his waist, and worshipped Yao Fan deeply. So everyone in the crowd who was short of money and wanted to borrow money also stood up from the ground and respectfully worshipped Yao Fan.

At this time, Master Zhai, who stood aside and listened to Yao Fan's speech, was almost angry in his eyes!

"This Yao is really a son of a bitch! What the hell did he have?

He did this, didn't he like the cultivated land in Niwanzi Village?

Isn't it right? The profit is so cheap, how can he quickly dig up the arable land?

What's in his mind?! Is it really because Lord Ding advised him to do good deeds?

Underneath, another dirty farmer in shabby clothes stood up. After bowing deeply to Yao Fan, he bent down and humbly said to Yao Fan, "Master Yao, I am a tenant. I don't have land to mortgage. I usually live in a few straw sheds at the entrance of the village, so I don't have a good house to mortgage. In this year's drought, I rented five mu of land in Master Zhai's house and had to pay back two stones and six buckets of grain as usual, but it really didn't rain on this day. The wheat did not grout. Now I have only received one stone and two buckets. I still owed Master Zhai one stone and four buckets. I want to ask Master Yao, can people like me borrow money to pay off the debt?

Yao Fan calculated that the grain owed by this person is about 13 taels of silver according to the current high grain price.

"Are you strong?" Yao Fan asked.

"I'm a farmer, I can do nothing but farm. As long as I give me a sting, I can work. I don't know how much effort Master Yao needs? I can move anything that ordinary labor can move.

"Then you can still come to Yuchun Agricultural Credit Union. I have a 'labor loan' here, and I can lend you money to return it to Master Zhai. The so-called 'loan' means that you come to Yaojiazhuang to help me work, carry goods, transport goods, escort goods, build the courtyard, level wasteland, remove weeds, and grow fruit trees. I will take care of your food and accommodation, but the salary is used to repay Master Zhai's debts. We will sign the labor contract every six months. If you sign a half-year work contract, I will pay half a year's work. Give the money to Master Zhai.

"Thank you, Mr. Yao! I'm willing to 'loan with work'! I'm willing to 'loan by work'!" The farmer was overjoyed to hear the words.

As soon as he heard that the money the tenant owed him had settled, Master Zhai on one side comforted him a little.

"It seems that this Yao really wants to do some good deeds. Maybe he wants to make a good reputation in Jiaozhou. I heard that the Yao family has built Zhuangzi, and it is always right to have a good reputation in the local area in the future.

If he does this, the tenants can pay off their debts, but he also teaches the local gentry to be more generous. Even if the debt is not paid in a year, it is better to ask these farmers to sign the labor contract for a few more years. In short, it must be more profitable than using this tenant as a long-term worker to pay off the debt and return the money.

Next, Yao Fan ordered the guys to find a shade under the big locust tree on the edge of the valley, set up a table and collect taxes while lending. Because the operation procedures of the credit union were all in Yao Fan's stomach and did not tell anyone, he hurriedly instructed the guys how to record the accounts and how to calculate loans.

Master Zhai, who was stunned, stood still and saw Yao Fan and Zhang tax officials busy collecting taxes and lending respectively, and seeing Li Lu, who had been plotting to land, run to Yao Fan. His heart suddenly thumped!

"Ouch! Broken! Although his surname is Yao putting the money here, it makes my land rent light this year. But it's hard to find an opportunity to teach Li Lu to sell the field. I'm afraid it's impossible! What a loss! Sai Weng lost his horse...!"

At this time, the two farmers came to Master Zhai, and suddenly his eyelids jumped.

Sure enough, the two came over and bowed and apologized. What they said was the same meaning. The land they planned to sell was not sold now. They were going to borrow money from Yuchun Agricultural Credit Union to spend the disaster year.

Master Zhai's face was gray and he said firmly, "If you don't sell it, you won't sell it. I didn't want to buy it, but at the beginning, you begged so I was willing to buy it at this price. Now you have regret it, hum! I just hope you won't regret it in the future!"

Yao Fan, a Yuchun Agricultural Credit Union, is destined to fail the plans of landlords who intend to rely on the year of disaster and harsh taxes to annex land.

As a modern person, it is not uncommon for Yao Fan to use this financial method. After all, he has seen a lot in 2011. He understands that the biggest winner in the world will always be the bank. As long as any industrialist deals with these money bugs, he must be prepared to be skinned alive. Anyone who challenges the bank will not see victory. Hope. The bank is not a place to collect and store. To put it bluntly, this is a legal usury institution.

But Yao Fan does not want to rely on a simple lending mechanism such as credit unions to devour these poor farmers. His creditor status is of legitimate use.