1875 I come from the future

Chapter 84 Anhui Hall

[84] Anhui Hall

Yao Fan calculated that this autumn donation, Jiaozhou received a total of 3,300 taels, of which more than half of about 2,100 taels were actually received, and the remaining half of 1,200 taels were cushioned by his own loans.

Of the 2100 liang received, 1100 taels were handed over at the Grange in Jiaozhou alone. The rest are collected from small landlords, rich peasants, middle peasants and poor peasants.

This is just an autumn donation. The Qing Dynasty has been rolling orders all year round. If there is any special situation, it will be necessary to make another donation. Only a small Jiaozhou will have to collect 10,000 taels a year, 70% of which will come from agriculture. These donors are not national taxes, that is to say, they are not included in the national treasury, but only used to maintain the operation of various local government institutions in Shandong.

As for other arbitrary charges, it is handled by various places. It depends on the ability of officials to collect more and less. Powerful officials can collect 30,000 to 50,000 silver from a county a year. Of course, it must also be a rich county. If there are small places and poor counties, it will be less.

There are 96 counties in Shandong, with an average of 2.7 million taels of Dingyin in a year, and 4 million taels of Dingyin have been paid at most.

Based on 2.7 million taels, the Ding Huang tax alone has been allocated to each county in 96 counties in Shandong, which is already more than 28,000 taels. In addition, there are various tank silver, royal estate rent, miscellaneous taxes, etc. These are national taxes. If you want to enter the treasury, Jiaozhou will naturally not be run away.

Yao Fan roughly estimated that even if it does not include the harsh and miscellaneous taxes of the local government in Jiaozhou, a county in Jiaozhou will have to pay about 40,000 to 50,000 taels of silver a year for the receipt of imperial grain and the rolling list issued by superior units. If you set a one-third of the loan, you will have to advance more than 10,000 taels a year. If you start to enter the peak of drought next year and the people have no income, then you will have to pay at least half of it.

In Qingdao, Yao Fan sat in the shade of a tree in the yard and closed his eyes and thought, "This is just a county in Jiaozhou. If I open a credit union in 96 counties in the province, I will put in one million to two million taels a year, which will drag me down. Besides, the whole northern disaster is meaningless to save only one province and one place.

"This time, in the name of helping Sun Maowen collect taxes, we will connect the poor farmers in Jiaozhou, quickly expand the scale of the township bravery, and lay the foundation for the future expansion of the army, which is the main role of the credit union at present."

Yao Fan made up his mind, opened his eyes and stood up from the bamboo chair. Running to the countryside for days made him a little tired.


Beijing, Housun Hutong Anhui Hall, with white walls and black tiles outside and carved beams and painted buildings inside, which is both beautiful and sultry, which is very in line with the Chinese people's incompetent character.

At the beginning, Li Hongzhang suggested that the generals of the Huai army invest in the construction of an office in Beijing for Anhui officials and gentry merchants, so there was an Anhui Hall.

Li Hongzhang is living here now.

The big locust trees in the yard block the sun, and the exhaust tile house under the shade looks quiet and cool.

The carved windows of Zhu lacquer are covered with snowflake paper, which not only introduces the cool breeze in the courtyard, but also brings the noise of cicadas on the trees outside.

"Dad, wet towel." A female voice said.

A pair of well-maintained and powerful hands stretched out and took a blue and white ordinary towel. The price of this towel will not exceed 10 yuan in 2011, and the common price in the supermarket is 99.9 yuan.

With the cool wet towel wiping on the face, the heat and greasyness swept away.

Li Hongzhang returned the warm towel that had been wiped to his daughter and said, "This towel is really good. Take it to wipe your face and relieve greasiness. There are cotton rings on it. I don't know what kind of weaver it is."

"Dad, the foreigner's machine is really powerful. It can weave such a cloth, called a towel, which is specially used to wipe your face.

Brother Yao said that foreigners are not smarter than us Chinese, but just because they are crazy about money, so they desperately study these clever things in order to find strange goods.

Brother Yao said that greed for money is also the driving force for social progress.

Brother Yao also said that there is no fixed amount of wealth in the world. The amount of social wealth depends on the size of productivity. The three elements of productivity are workers, production tools and labor objects. The better the quality of these three, the higher the productivity.

"You go. Your mother has just arrived in Beijing. Go and ask her. She is feeling better." Li Hongzhang gently brushed his beard.

Daughter Li Jingxuan nodded and retreated.

Li Hongzhang looked at the back of his daughter who walked into the courtyard and sighed: "The female university doesn't want to stay..."

After saying that, he lowered his head and continued to lie down. It turned out that it was a book with colorful illustrations, which was a "Yao's collection" given by Yao Fan to the three children of the Li family.

"Once it changes, it becomes chaotic, it becomes chaotic, it becomes repeated, and it changes again and again. This is how the British came to this day..." Li Hongzhang picked up a silver stainless steel pen on the side and wrote down his reading experience on a piece of paper.

The pen given to him by his daughter is very popular with Li Hongzhang. Although he felt that the tip of the pen was too hard and there was no change in thickness when he first used to use it, he felt that it was extremely convenient.

"Yao Fan... Yao Zaofan... The scriptures, the classics and the classics all say that he is talented... It seems that this person has some food in his stomach... If he can enter my shogunate experience, I will be able to use it for a few years... Shandong Machinery Bureau's equipment installation this time, I want to see in person... What is this? People..."


"Li Lu, this is the fine white rice given by the owner, a total of two catties. If you feel good about it, you can go to my business to buy it. If you don't feel good after eating it, just don't buy it. The host said that this is the Mid-Autumn Festival gift given by our credit union to customers. Hurry up and sign for it. I'm going to the next one. The fourth road of the week.

"Oh, how can this make it! I borrowed Mr. Yao's money, and now I ask Mr. Yao to give me a Mid-Autumn Festival gift. What do you say? Li Lu was surprised and confused.

His wife Xu came out and opened the white plastic horse bag. She was shocked and shouted strangely, "Li Lu, it's fine white rice! Not rice! Oh! There is no sand bark! What a conscience!"

Xu grabbed the white horse bag containing rice: "Li Lu! These days, brown rice has risen to 76 pounds a catty, and it is also mixed with bran skin and gravel! Such a fine white rice can't be sold for 100 yuan per catty! Oh, it's shiny..."

"Oh, stop talking and accept it quickly. All farmers with loans have a share in this Mid-Autumn Festival gift. The owner said that in the future, everyone will have a long-term relationship with my credit union and work together."

Li Lu's wife Xu held the plastic bag tightly and nodded repeatedly: "Yes! Yes! Yes! We must be in the same boat as each other! Master Yao is a good man! Next time Mr. Yao comes to our village, our family will kowtow to Mr. Yao!"

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was so happy, Li Lu was a little confused. He mortgaged a total of one mu of watering land, got 40 taels of silver, and deducted 7 two or five yuan of tax. In this way, the interest is about six yuan a year. Now the harvest of these two catties of fine white rice is equivalent to making two pieces of money. If Mr. Yao hadn't done good, he would have gone crazy.

"Mr. Yao is really benevolent! What a good man!" Li Lu held white rice with a grateful smile on her face.

Some people in the village don't have loans, but now they feel sad to see such a scene.

"Alas! What a regret! Why didn't I borrow a little at the beginning? I won't be embarrassed at hand. This time, I can also get the fine white rice given by Master Yao!" After a villager gathered around and asked the brave people in Mingxiang about their intentions, he regretted it.

The villagers all knew the news one by one and looked at the strange villagers asking questions. After understanding it, they all praised it one after another.

"Hey! It's really fine white rice. There is no skin left in every grain! Even the back fur has been worn out! It takes a lot of effort to make it like this! What's strange is that the rice hasn't been crushed yet! Good boy! Such good rice is difficult to buy for a hundred yuan per catty now!" A villager grabbed a handful of rice in his hand and praised it.

"This Mr. Yao is really a good man! This credit union is indeed a good society for doing good deeds! But I hope Master Yao can run this agricultural credit union in Jiaozhou for a long time!" An old man praised.

"I heard that this credit union only gives us local loans in Jiaozhou, that is, Mo, Jiaoxi and other counties, and they will not accept them at all, and they don't give them even if they want to!" A villager on the side held rice with joy and pride on his face.

"That's it! Mr. Yao is from Jiaozhou. Why is it cheaper in other counties? The silver of this loan did not fall from the sky. It was all real gold and silver. Master Yao put it on himself! The interest is so low that it is only eight points a year. If Master Yao takes this money out to release the seal, he will have at least 20% profit a year!" A black and thin farmer shrewdly settled accounts for everyone.

"Mr. Yao is really a good man! It's the blessing of Jiaozhou! We hope that the president of Agricultural Credit will continue to do it for a long time. After that, our people will have a lot of life in the year of disaster!" The villagers praised it.

"My folks, I'm thinking that I can't take Master Yao's gift for nothing. Anyway, I have to send something back? I have never eaten such good white rice in my life!" An old man trembled.

As soon as they heard about the return gift, everyone was dumbfounded. No one knew what gift to give to a rich man who was not short of money.

Seeing that everyone didn't say anything, Li Lu stood up and said, "I heard that Master Yao is building a house in Yaojiazhuang and there is a shortage of workers. I said that there are several people in our village to help with some chores. I don't need wages. I heard that Mr. Yao is benevolent and takes care of three meals a day!"

"Just take care of the rice. As long as you take care of the rice, I will work for Mr. Yao for a winter." A farmer's road

"Do you want something good and eat rice all winter? Then don't make Mr. Yao poor." Li Lu despised.

The farmer refuted Li Lu and said, "What do you know? I heard the leftovers of the dog who cleaned up the bedding that he and the people who went to our village for loans are unwilling to come back now!" Three meals a day on the construction site, enjoying the food. There are oil and salt in the dishes, and white steamed buns piled up into mountains. You can make them as much as you want! There are a lot of workers from other counties who don't want to leave and can't wait to work for a lifetime!"

When he thought of white-faced steamed buns and oil and salt dishes, he immediately wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth and said, "If you don't believe it, you will know if you ask Mr. Yao's hometown bravery. I won't talk nonsense."

So the villagers surrounded the fourth week when they were bringing people back from the river.

"Zhou platoon leader, I heard that Zhuangzi worked and had three meals? Did you eat white steamed buns until you were full? Li Lu took the lead in asking.

Zhou Shi said honestly, "Yes, I'm sure I'm full. However, the work is quite tiring. At present, it is all heavy work of civil engineering. Let's just level the boundary by the sea. It will be done from dawn and won't be finished until dark.

"If so, I'll help Mr. Yao build Zhuangzi tomorrow and be full!"

"I'll go too!" I'll go too!"

One by one, the farmers who have finished their farm work this year have the idea of going to the construction site to work and have a full meal.

"Cplatoon leader Zhou, tell the guys to put down the bucket. We are sorry for you doing this."

"This can't work. This is the rule set by the owner. Credit unions must carry water and sprinkle it on every customer when they go to the countryside. This is the rule and can't be messy."

"Put it down, don't do it. Tell Mr. Yao that we can't afford it."

"No, this is the rule. If the owner knows, our platoon will be punished." Zhou Fourth said with a bitter face.

"Oh, Master Yao is really benevolent! Benevolence!" Everyone admired it.

"It's really worthy of the timely rain in Jiaozhou!"
