1875 I come from the future

Chapter 86 Don't have a stomach

[86] There are more people

In this way, Yao Fan has been dealing with lending, training, business and warehousing every day for a whole month, so that Yao Fan can't stop. Every night, Yao Fan still holds meetings with his core colleagues to talk about what the world should be like, how life should be, and how much labor compensation farmers should get.

As more and more clerks recruit, Yao Fan's monitor and platoon leader have also reached more than 90. He had to change a warehouse in the warehouse area into a conference room. Only the most confidential small meeting is still held in his yard, and the rest of the meeting is held in the village.

The day when the machine was originally scheduled to be transported to Jinan is approaching day by day.

At the end of September, the autumn wind of 24 solar terms has just passed, and the long days and short nights have finally ended. Yaojiazhuang is already a lively scene.

The construction of 200 board houses in one district in one row and ten rows has entered the spectacular scene of the simultaneous construction of five, six and seven districts. The delivery price of the first four districts is according to the negotiation between Yao Fan and Wang Shouye, the shopkeeper. The cost of wood, the cost of cutting boards, and the installation cost of the house for nail construction. Wang Shouye has received Yao Fan 8,000 taels. Yao Fan estimated that he earned 800 taels less.

What makes Yao Fan happy is that Wang Shouye has trained more than 200 carpentry technicians for Yao Fan free during this period. Although these apprentices are still very stiff and have no carpentry experience other than board house construction, Yao Fan has relied on these guys to build without asking for help. But he did not dismiss Wang Shouye, and engineering outsourcing is much more worry-free for Yao Fan than self-construction.

On the basis of 1,000 slab houses in the original five residential areas in the south, Yao Fan designed next to the original plan in the east and asked Wang Shouye to build five more districts for him.

Wang Shouye is very happy to make another big money. After all, this money comes too easily.

This is also due to Yao Fan's board house assembly line, which has begun to take shape. The guys perform their respective duties. They move wood, remove wood, piles piles, nail walls, wooden doors, ladders and roofs. Everything is well organized.

"Lao Wang, just cover it. I won't treat you badly." Yao Fan said.

"Yao Dong's family, if I can help you build such a village in my life, I will laugh when I enter the coffin." Wang Shouye also admires Yao Fan's good reputation, who has recently been regarded as a savior by farmers in Jiaozhou.

The previously built board house has been moved into the Yao family. Because of the stable source of income given by Yao Fan, these original sufferers have bought simple beds and furniture, hoping to work for Yuchun business in Yaojiazhuang for a long time.

Every time Yao Fan passed by this residential area, he found that there were more twisted figures. Those women were fooled by the matchmakers entrusted by Yuchun Company. After marrying Yao's mates, they began to live in Yaojiazhuang.

Every day, these women will walk more than a few miles in pairs, chatting with their parents all the way to wash clothes by the river. Wooden slams are smashed on the blue work clothes of the men at home, taking away a lot of sweat stains and mud. The women kept beating with wooden stilt until their clothes were clean.

Due to the housing policy, anyone who is married and has parents and family can live in one family, and the rest of the bachelors can live in one room for four. As a result, although Yao Fan felt that the 20-square-meter board house was quite crowded, some clerks still asked someone to pick up the elderly from his hometown. They didn't know whether these old people were visiting relatives or living. In short, they gave their son the opportunity to own a single family.

So every day, I can see some elderly women sewing while basking in the sun near the board house, and some old men are volunteering to clean up the weeds near Yaojiazhuang. They said that after cleaning up, they will grow some vegetables and green onions next year.

Yao Fan thought that next year, in addition to more and more women, old women and husbands, there will be a lot of green onions and the crying of some newborns, right? The continuation of life is sometimes so simple. Men and women, eat and wear warmth...

Because Xu Jianyin sent a letter to Qingdao through the Information Bureau and asked how the procurement was going, Yao Fan replied that the goods had arrived, and Xu Jianyin immediately said that he would come to Qingdao to pick up the goods.

So Yao Fan finally made up his mind and decided to start training drivers.

First of all, Yao Fan does not want his fleet of transportation equipment to be a large group of ox carts, carriages, mule carts and donkey carts. They travel 40 to 50 miles a day, that is, 20 to 25 kilometers, which is too inefficient to travel to Jinan for more than half a month.

Second, Yao Fan felt that since it was purchased, it should be put into use as soon as possible, otherwise it would not be a matter to leave it there.

The precious Xiangyong was painstakingly trained by Yao Fan and is not suitable for people in such a non-combat position as a driver. After Yao Fan's test with his self-made vision checklist, 20 literate guys were selected as trainees of the driver class.

What Yao Fan taught was very simple. On the first day, he briefly explained the role of all the parts in the car, then got on the car to demonstrate, and practiced on the road on the same day.

Considering that Xu Jianyin was about to arrive, Yao Fan was a little anxious, so there was no S-bend practice, no reversing practice, no one-sided bridge, no big cake, and no uphill start.

Yao Fan's requirements are very simple. He can drive in a straight line, stop, turn left and right, reverse left and right, and find the wheel position to press the target.

Have you done it all?

OK, congratulations on your graduation!

It's just Yao Fan's rule that the speed is not allowed to exceed 20 kilometers, that is to say, only one gear is enough.

When the four-wheel tractor low-speed truck appeared outside Qingdao, the old and young in Qingdao rushed to watch this strange thing, and a large number of little children ran around and shouted, excited like a group of crazy lambs. As for the people, there is a lot of evidence that most people think this is a demon method, and only the demon method can make the four wheels rotate without human and animal power.

But because Yao Fan has a good reputation and is kind, and even gave you refined white rice as a Mid-Autumn Festival gift before, so everyone finally believes that this should be a good demon method, that is, similar to Taoism or magic power.

When Wei Guofu, Sun Maowen and other officials asked Yao Fan, Yao Fan could only patiently explain that this was something similar to a steam engine ship, driven by internal combustion firepower, but this thing was smarter than the steamboat. Fire and steam were all inside and could not be seen, only one exhaust pipe was vented. Yao Fan called the car a tractor card.

Because of the simple subject, Yao Fan's teaching results were very good. Soon, ten Dafeng brand low-speed cargo four-wheel tractor trucks produced by Henan Agricultural Tractor Factory learned to line up on the official road.

Every driving training, more than a dozen naughty children in Qingdao will listen to the sound and follow the slow-moving motorcade, shouting excitedly, singing and dancing, like watching firecrackers during the Spring Festival. As soon as the car stopped, the naughty boys scattered in shock, and then gathered up, touching the steel body and rubber wheels, and even the red turn signal plastic behind the car with their tongues. This made Yao Fan very embarrassed. "I hope they don't have a stomach..."