1875 I come from the future

Chapter 89 Military and Civilian

[89] dual-use

Ding Baozhen was a little surprised and seemed to be a little disappointed when he saw that Yao Fan did not refute. He ordered his men to lead a horse for Yao Fan, and the group rushed to the Yellow River in the north of the city.

Along the way to Lukou, under the blue sky and white clouds is a piece of farmland, surrounded by mulberry willows on both sides of the road. If a person walks this road, it will probably be very quiet.

"Yao Fan, do you know why I chose the Lukou Construction Machinery Bureau?" Ding Baozhen sat on the air-ventilating eight-cart on the roof of his bamboo mat and asked with a fan in his hand.

"There is a coal mine in Lukou, which is also high in terrain, which is probably not easy to be flooded. 80 miles to the east is Zhangqiu County, where there are many small coal mines that have been mined for a long time. 120 miles to the southwest, there is a Changshan coal mine in Pingyin County. These two areas have always been a large coal producer for supply to Jinan and Shandong. It's fate." Yao Fan replied.

"Is it Xu Jianyin who told you?" Ding Baozhen guessed.

Yao Fan acquiesced, and he thought to himself, "Lao Ding, you are not a fool, but why can't you predict the future of the Machine Bureau?" Once you leave Shandong, someone will immediately decide to shut down or the compressor bureau. How long do you think those officials will maintain this silver-burning industry?

"At present, Japanese people are rampantly committing crimes, stretching out their black hands to Ryukyu, Taiwan, *. The Qing Dynasty blindly tolerated compromise. The younger generation sighed and only hoped to seize the construction of this machine bureau to produce domestic rifles and bullets for the great man, so that the Qing Dynasty can straighten up." Yao Fan was loyal to Ding Baozhen.

"Okay, okay, if you have such blood and want to serve the court, that's good. Yao Fan, you should work hard and have a bright future." Ding Baozhen said twice, but he was not willing to mention the present plight of the Qing Dynasty.

When he arrived at Lukou, Ding Baozhen stepped down the sedan chair and took Yao Fan into the machine bureau.

Yao Fan explained the role of each machine to Ding Baozhen one by one in the factory, including the principle, structure, production and processing methods, and even answered Ding Baozhen some questions about how to make such machines.

Yao Fan operated a manual lever press and said, "Your Excellency, this is a manpower machine tool produced by our overseas factory. This kind of manpower machine tool is very convenient. As long as you put the size copper sheet in the lower mold and press it, the copper skin will be rolled up. You see, the two sides of this interface match, which is not bad at all. ."

Ding Baozhen held the rolled copper skin in his hand and smiled, "This machine tool is good! Without the power of water and fire, it is very convenient! Yao Fan, your factory is good at craftsmanship.

Yao Fan said, "My family never sells this kind of machine tools to foreigners. They are all made by our own branches for use. Please promise not to spill these machine tools into the hands of foreigners. If they dismantle them to start school, my family will suffer a great loss."

Ding Baozhen nodded and ordered Xue Fuchen, the meeting office on the side: "The machine bureau is an important place of the country, and must not let outsiders spy on it, let alone let people come in to see it! If you find unprovoked people waiting to inquire outside the machine, they will be arrested and tortured!"

"Yes!" Xue Fuchen said.

Ding Baozhen asked another technician from the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau: "Gan Mingdian, you are the old technician of the Jiangnan Bureau. Can you see it?"

This middle-aged technician named Gan Mingdian quickly said, "It's a little. This pressure machine is indeed convenient, and it doesn't need to be driven by a steam engine. It can be rolled with copper skin only by levers, which is really ingenious."

Ding Baozhen stroked his long beve and nodded proudly with a smile.

After following Yao Fan to see all the machines and listening to the introduction, Ding Baozhen has shown a happy face.

"Yao Fan, you help me install and debug the machine tool here, the faster the better. When the Ma'sni fast gun is made, I have such a sharp weapon in the Qing Dynasty. Are you still worried about the infection of Japanese slaves?"

Yao Fan said, "Yes, I will do my best to assist Mr. Xu."

After shopping all morning, Ding Baozhen finally left with satisfaction.

Yao Fan also began to implement his plan.

According to Yao Fan's plan, the most important thing is to install a small turbine generator. Once the power generation is started and all the machine tools are connected to the cable, the rest is the work of the technicians to learn the machine tool operation.

"Brother Xu, look at this drawing. You need to dig a pipe groove, wrap the pipe with refractory insulation material, and then fill it with cement... There is an iron frame above, surrounded by cement, and the internal support structure is like this... After building, lift the generator, and fix it with bolts in the front, middle and back. Even if this step is completed... The boiler is as simple. First, dig a pit, water the cement, then make a deep hole, erect the boiler, fix the feet with bolts, and then protect the feet with cement... The laying of water pipes and steam pipes is like this..."

"Brother Yao, give me your drawings. I guess there will be no general problem next. I have sent someone to make a large hanger. At that time, I will support it behind Brother Yao's two trailers. After lifting the machine, I will push the trailer flat. No matter how heavy the equipment is, it can be moved and hoisted."

"Brother Xu, you are really a genius. The thing you designed is a gantry crane!" Yao Fan was full of admiration.

"Where, Brother Yao praised it. I came up with the idea when I saw that the horsetail ship had such equipment, but the door crane of the horsetail was equipped with iron wheels under the iron shelf. The one I designed was all the trailer brought by Brother Yao." Xu Jianyin is very modest.

In the face of a smart person like Xu Jianyin, Yao Fan does not need to say too much. On the way to Jinan, during the conversation, he felt that Xu Jianyin had reached the average level of equipment engineers in European factories these days. Although he was still subject to this era and the environment of the Qing Dynasty, he was extremely good at a little bit. .

No wonder that in history, he helped Ding Baozhen build the Shandong Machinery Bureau, assembled all the imported equipment and parts, debugged them successfully, and successfully put them into production.

Yao Fan began to have his own tricks.

"Once this steam turbine starts to work, according to its output power of 50-600 kilowatts, the electricity of the machine bureau will be inexorable. Brother Xu, I plan to electrise Jinan City and install electric lights for the rich people in the city. What do you think?"

"Brother Yao is talking about the kind of arc light used on foreign ships?"

"It's almost, but it's much more advanced than arc luminescence, the cost is low, and the power consumption is also low.

Brother Xu, do you think that Lord Ding has been in power in Shandong for so long? According to the practice of the imperial court, a local official can't live in the same place for a long time and always needs to be transferred. In case Lord Ding is appointed to other provinces by the imperial court, what about our machine bureau? Will the later governor continue to supplement the warehouse silver? Yao Fan followed the good advice.

Xu Jianyin also looked worried when he heard this.

"Brother Xu, as long as the government offices and rich families in Jinan can be equipped with electric lights, the nature of the machine bureau will change and become a dual-military institution. At that time, no one can leave him. How can they shut him down?

At that time, Brother Xu will make a fold and ask Lord Ding to change the name of the Machine Bureau to the Machine Electric Light Bureau and tie the civilian military together. No one can separate it! Besides, the charging of electric lights can also subsidize the investment in machine manufacturing. If more people install electric lights, the machine bureau can still make a profit!"

After listening to Yao Fan's words, Xu Jianyin was moved.

"Brother Yao, what kind of electric light are you talking about? How much does it cost? Can this business really make money?

"You're right to listen to me. It's a matter of making money." Yao Fan patted his chest and took Xu Jianyin to see more than a dozen boxes of light bulbs on his truck.

"Can this light up?" Although Xu Jianyin asked, when he saw these uniform, smooth, transparent and dazzling glass bulbs, there was no doubt that this unprecedented industrial product would shock him.

"This is the electric lamp secretly invented by my family. I'm afraid of being stolen by foreigners, so I have been hiding it in the snow. This time, I used it in the Qing Dynasty in order to benefit our Chinese people first." Yao Fan stared into Xu Jianyin's eyes and felt that he was already moved.

Sure enough, Xu Jianyin followed Yao Fan and asked, "This is less than ten miles away from Jinan City. How can Brother Yao send electricity?"

Yao Fan said: "First, use the transmission transformer to raise the voltage to 3300 volts. This voltage is more suitable for short-distance power transmission within 10 kilometers, and then let's bury the cable all the way. The cable wire I brought this time is enough. After sending electricity to Jinan City, use a transformer to lower the voltage and pull the wire into the house for installation.

"Is it so simple?" Xu Jianyin is a little worried.

"It's that simple, but let's install the equipment as soon as possible." Yao Fan vowed to say.

The factory building of the machine factory has been built for a long time, and a large number of machines enter the factory building, as long as you find a place to place it. In less than five days, the boiler has been installed. On the eighth day, the installation location of the steam turbine generator in the power workshop has also been completed, and the pipeline laying has been in place, so Yao Fan and Xu Jianyin started the equipment lifting work. Three days later, the equipment hoisting and basic installation were also completed, and five days later. After the subsequent construction, Yao Fan calculated that it only took more than two weeks.

As for the Lukou coal mine next to the machine bureau, the installation of the elevator is simpler. As long as the well-catching steel components are put down, the bolts and nuts are fixed and installed, and then reinforced with cement is completed.

So the boiler began to pilot fire, and then everything went very smoothly. The steam burned by the coal-fired boiler began to drive the back-pressure steam turbine. After the electricity was sent out, it passed through the transformer to drive the electrical equipment in the production plant.

The first eye-catching thing is not the electric lift in the coal mine, but the incandescent lamps installed by Yao Fan in the workshop and office of the machine bureau. These transparent glass balls emit wireless light, making the machine station transparent and bright.

"My God! How bright! If you don't know this, look outside and think there is a fire in the house!" Xue Fuchen stood under the electric light and couldn't wait to put his face on the light bulb.

The workers of the Machinery Bureau became a group of excited animals and stared around the light bulbs in the factory and refused to leave. It was not until someone found that watching the light bulb for a long time would wrap his eyes around.

"Hey! This foreigner's thing is really strange. It doesn't burn oil or wax. With just one thread, it can pull out the coal fire in the stove and pour it into this glass ball!" A technician guessed.

"What do you know? This is called an electric light! It burns electricity! The steam engine of our machine bureau is the best foreign goods in the world. It swallows the hot steam from the boiler and can make electricity in the stomach. Then Yao Dong's family and Mr. Xu used magic power to connect the wire and draw it out to light this electric light!" Although the other technician is still almost absurd, he is obviously closer to the truth.