1875 I come from the future

Chapter 95 Respect and Disadness

[95] superiority and inferiority

Zhou Niansheng's experience was experienced by almost all the cadres here. He shed tears on the stage, and many of these bitter cadres under the stage also shed tears secretly.

Zhou Niansheng went down after reading the award-winning speech. Yao Fan stood up and said:

"So I asked everyone to learn to read, one reason is that it is useful to recognize words. Second, it is because you can understand the truth after understanding the words.

Everyone knows the use of word recognition, that is, our business needs a large number of comrades to know these simplified words.

Knowing words can understand the truth, but many comrades will misunderstand and think that they need to learn some Confucian knowledge and some etiquette of Kong Laoer.

This idea is very wrong.

Comrades, Kong Laoer, that is, Confucius, his etiquette requires you to learn to be humble.

What is academic superiority and inferiority? It is to ask the people to be cattle and horses, driven by landlords and old wealth like pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep. This kind of respect and lowliness completely stripped our personality and turned us from a free man into a slave. Comrades, slaves are not human beings! Slaves are dogs!

Kong Er doesn't want the people to be human, he wants the people to be dogs! He was eager for the people not to have their own brains, lose their consciousness in anesthesia, and live an insensitive life.

Comrades, remember! Once there is respect and inferiority in the world, there will be no more equal rights in law! Whoever expects to fight a lawsuit over the landlord's old wealth is a dream, and the people tell the officials don't even think about it, and the emperor violates the law and commits the same crime with the people, which is the nonsense of deceiving the people in the play!

Once there is respect and inferiority in the world, it will force the people who are said to be despicable to give up their autonomy and cling to those ruling classes that are said to be born noble. From then on, the productivity of the people will be destroyed and stolen by these rich and evil gentry! Since then, the productivity of the whole society and the whole country has also been destroyed and stolen.

In a word! The noble and humble thing is used to harm the people! All religious and old-fashioned Confucian education are tools for anesthesia and mutilation of the working people!"

Li Hainiu sat in the first row and felt unheard of when he heard Yao Fan's analysis of Monkey King Kong like this! Extremely surprised. But he thought about it carefully and found that Yao Fan was really in it!

Several cadres under the stage have been confused. Hearing Yao Fan scolding "the most holy master Kong Lao Er" like this, they were frightened and felt that if this spread to the ears of the government, they must have a lawsuit.

But they are also the lowest level of society that has suffered a lot. Now they chew it carefully and feel that what Yao Fan said is really reasonable, such as respect and inferiority! Isn't it just used to harm the poor?

Yao Fan took a sip of water and continued, "Speaking of which, everyone must want to ask me, since the owner criticized Kong Lao Er so bad, what should we learn after we are illiterate?

I just want to tell everyone tonight.

What should we people learn after literacy? Will you not be bullied in the future?

What should we people learn after literacy? Will it be respected later?

What should we people learn after literacy? Will it become powerful and invincible in the future?"

Sure enough, after asking these three sentences, the cadres under the stage suddenly became silent and hoped to get Yao Fan's true biography.

"I tell you that the knowledge that we ordinary people should learn is the idea of serving the people. The so-called people are the people themselves, serving the people, that is, serving the people, and we ordinary people should help each other. The poor need to be together to live and live better. And if we want to better serve the people, we must correctly understand the world around us and understand the world with scientific knowledge and vision.

The second is to know the meaning of the country. The reason why a country exists is not to live a good life for landlords and old wealth. The existence of a country is to make the people all over the world live a good life, and live a better and better life year by year! Everything in this country! One drink, one peck! One grain of rice and one piece of firewood! A house and a pole are all made by us ordinary people. Those landlords and old money can't move a finger. Why do they get it without hard? Why squeeze the money and lives of our people?

Third, we need to know which industry we do. Carpenters will use saws, farmers will serve crops, sellers will count, and soldiers will shoot and kill the enemy.

Fourth, we need to know what we are going to do in the future. We ordinary people can't live muddle-headed all day long, and we can't live day by day! Let's not wait for the enemy to come and kill ourselves. Instead, let's unite and take the initiative to kill the enemy and kill the tiger! Let's live the beastly nature of a beast! Make the enemy afraid of us! Let the tiger take a detour with its tail after smelling us! Let those bullying dog slaves be scared to pee in their pants when they see us!"


After Yao Fan finished speaking, Li Hainiu shouted loudly and applauded desperately.


Suddenly, there was another round of applause in the whole warehouse! The cadres cheered desperately and slapped desperately. Whether everyone really understands it or pretends to understand it, at least they can hear that the owner is one with the poor.

Yao Fan said generously, "In a word, all our learning is to transform today's society.

Through learning, we develop a sound personality, cut off unreasonable habits, and create a free personality, a free status and a free career.

"Tonight, we first need to learn what class is? What is the proletariat?

Once we understand our class composition, we will know what we should say! What should I do! In the future, no matter what we do and solve any problems, we must stand in the position of our own class!"

Yao Fan firmly believes what the great man said, "Education should serve the revolutionary war and class struggle" and "class struggle can be grasped."

After more than an hour of proletarian enlightenment education class, Yao Fan announced his dissolution, and the cadres also left the conference room and walked to their own board room. Tonight, they were hit so hard on their minds and needed to digest them.

Li Hainiu followed Yao Fan and whispered, "In fact, you don't need to work so hard. You have to make everyone understand the reason. I don't think it's useful for big guys to know so much. In my opinion, just ask them to remember who gives them food, who gives them clothes, and who pays them.

With that, Li Hainiu lowered his voice and said, "At present, the most important thing is to get some foreign guns."

Yao Fan knew that Li Hainiu had some truth. After all, in feudal society, the most important thing was the unconditional obedience of subordinates. After successive peasant uprisings, the vast majority of the members of the Rebel Army may not have really awakened. At first, these people joined because of anger, hatred and forced desperation. After joining, they were trapped in a hierarchical militarization system and became members of the peasant army that could no longer be separated.

But Li Hainiu doesn't understand that an awakened proletarian warrior is better than a hundred trapped peasants!

It's normal for Li Hainiu not to understand. After all, he would not have accumulated such experience without a long revolutionary struggle. Yao Fan carefully laid out a large number of advanced experiences and theories in the revolution summarized by later generations, which were summarized by the revolutionary martyrs of New China in bloody storms.

"Malo, do you understand my lecture?" Yao Fan asked.

"I understand. I know what the owner means. We are the proletariat, and our proletarians and the reactionary feudal landlords are not the same people." Li Hainiu said.

"Then my class is not in vain." Yao Fan smiled.

Next, we will carry out a complaint campaign among all cadres and let everyone talk about the suffering brought by this feudal society to the working people. Then there are three checks to carefully find out everyone's class background, work style and fighting spirit. The so-called fighting spirit is the degree of hatred for the feudal landlord class, which is very critical. If there is not enough hatred, there will be no high fighting spirit! Be sure to let everyone pour out all the hatred in their stomachs!"

"So, Mavee, we must go deep into finding the source of suffering and sarcasm, and start everyone from the depths of our souls! Let everyone know who to settle accounts with! Let everyone know that if you want to turn over and live a good life, you must follow us to revolution, overthrow the Manchu Qing government and establish a new democratic regime!"

Li Hainiu nodded and said, "My boss, I understand that you want everyone to rebel willingly. No, it's a revolution."

Yao Fan nodded and said, "Revolutionary consciousness is very important! Especially cadres, we should promote the most fanatical revolutionaries! Use their infectivity to influence more revolutionary fighters.

Li Hainiu nodded repeatedly and asked, "Dear owner, you said you saw Li Hongzhang this time. Didn't you ask him for an official work? If we can get the participation of a green camp, we will be more just and more righteous, and we can also boldly recruit a large number of people.

"How can it be so simple? Once you enter the system, all kinds of inspection, reception and delivery are very tedious. The green camp system of the Huai army is also very strict. Li Hongzhang's Anhui gang firmly grasps all the job inspection and daily management of the Huai army. Once I enter, Li Hongzhang must put Huai soldiers in to control me. They are all well-sighted people and can't tolerate sand. Yao Fandao.

"The owner is right. I'm reckless." Li Hainiu said quickly.


In the port of Nagasaki, Japan, a box of iron shell thermos bottles are being transported down from the steam sail cargo ship Bieberg in the United States. The local dockers wearing only a crotch cloth with bare feet and easily held large earthy yellow cartons in their arms, one by one behind them, stepping on two long strips on the edge of the boat. The boards go back and forth skillfully.

Each carton contains 12 8-pound 3.2-liter iron-shell thermos bottles, which are much lighter than the most goods that these docks usually carry. This is the third freighter to transport thermos bottles to Nagasaki in just one month.

"Captain, can we go ashore for the night next?" An American sailor asked with a hand-rolled cigarette in his mouth and sprayed smoke on the side of the boat.

"No, the arrangement of Jardine Yanghang is very urgent. They hope that the Biegerberg will immediately take the gold of Nagasaki semicolon back to Shanghai. Now the price of gold in Shanghai is very strong, and the exchange ratio of silver is nearly 1:17, which is actually higher than 1:15 in Europe. With China The arbitrage between silver and Japanese gold is really a good business. At present, the exchange ratio of gold and silver in Japan is only slightly lower than that in Europe. If this ratio is far away, the arbitrage will not be cost-effective, but according to the current market, the arbitrage with Qing Dynasty is stable.

"It's a pity that those girls on the shore will miss me... Shall we leave tonight? What else can we transport besides gold? The sailor spit out a smoke ring and asked disappointedly.

"Food, the price of grain in the north of Qing Dynasty has been rising, which is a good deal.

Just wait for the ship to be full, and we will leave immediately!" The American captain took a sip of the few rums in the wooden glass and said with the atmosphere of wine.
