1875 I come from the future

Chapter 103 Return of Target

[103] Return from the target

After listening to Yao Fan's remarks, some soldiers' bodies were shaking slightly. Although most of them were uneducated and just learned a few big words in the literacy class, everyone could hear the lawlessness in Yao Fan's words.

Li Hai looked at Yao Fan firmly.

Li Jun still bet his worshipful eyes on Yao Fan.

Seeing that the soldiers were a little shocked and thinking, Yao Fan smiled and said, "It's good that they can be stimulated and inspired from time to time. I'm afraid that they will become brainless wood."

Yao Fan ordered, "Next, we will learn kneeling shooting and standing shooting.

Remember, the key to shooting is 'intentionally aiming, unintentional firing'. You should understand these eight words carefully.

Hu Guangting listened carefully and thought to himself, "Intentionally aiming, unintentionally shooting...intentionally...unintentionally..."

Yao Sanyu spoke earnestly in front of him, hoping that the soldiers could remember his words. Although he himself lacks enough shooting experience, what he says is all the knowledge he has. Some of this knowledge came from the militia training of his former steel group company, when the instructors sent by the army taught him how to shoot in detail. Part of the knowledge comes from the military station in Qingdao after this military purchase, escorting the armed police to him when he tested weapons.

"When you shoot, the sound of gunfire and the vibration of recoil will make you react naturally. Many people will subconsciously push the gun slightly, or shake their bodies and hands, so comrades should be calm and calm when shooting, and put themselves in a kind of 'unintentional' Carry out the attack in the state..."

Yao Fan knew that it was better for comrades to actually do it than to say it a thousand times.

"Okay, now each platoon leader will send ten bullets to each person. Let's get on the bridge and start practicing."

"My boss, my gun seems to be a little biased..." A clerk reported mutely.

Yao Fan's most worried situation appeared. Sure enough, there were untuned guns in this batch of goods.

Yao Fan has no time to complain about the guns** of Northwest Industry.

"Then I will teach you how to adjust the rifle now, which is a compulsory subject. Now since some comrades' guns are not as good, we will learn in advance."

Yao Fan pointed to the rifle in his left hand and said, "This rifle is a combat tool. Since it is a tool, it needs to ** from time to time. This is like a farmer kowtowing his hoe on the stick before he goes to work; before a carpenter seesaws wood, he must tighten the bowstring of the saw. If you want to hit the rifle accurately, you must learn to look at the door.

The school gun was really a trouble. Yao Fan taught for an hour, and his voice was hoarse, which made the soldiers understand the basic principles.

"Everyone will think more about it and discuss their experience with each other when they go back tonight. In the future, they will have to school their guns before shooting every day." Yao Fan gave the order.

Everything related to firearms is a compulsory course for infantry, and Yao Fan hopes that these people can pull out the top training talents as soon as possible.


At noon, he ate two baskets of steamed bread brought by He Shicheng and a few jars of winter melon and shrimp skin soup, and Yao Fan continued to urge the soldiers to train. Today, they brought a box of 1,200 rifle bullets, which can be shot 100 rounds per person according to the head.

In response to the problems in the morning training, Yao Fan once again painstakingly emphasized:

"When pressing the bullet bridge clamp, you must press the bullet down more to create a gap between the bullet and the bolt. Otherwise, after the bolt rotates, the bullet will be immediately loaded. At this time, the gun is in a state of standby, which is very dangerous. After the correct pressure, you will pull a bolt to officially load the bullet. After loading, everyone should always pay attention to whether the empty gun hanger is upright. This is a sign of whether there are bullets in the gun chamber!"

"Everyone should always pay attention to the safety wrench of your gun. When you are not in the shooting state, whether there are bullets in the gun or not, the safety wrench must be pulled up!"

Yao Fan repeatedly said like Xianglin's sister-in-law that he didn't want a low-level accident on the training ground.

The training lasted all day until the sun set in the west and it was not early before Yao Fan ordered the team to close.

He intends to use the rest of his time to teach the soldiers to sing a military song.

"Since everyone has learned to hit the target, I will teach you to sing a target song, and we will sing back to the camp in the future." Yao Fan knew that military songs are very important for the construction of army culture. A great army must be supplemented by a great barracks culture.

"Sunset Xishan red clouds fly,

The warrior hits the target and returns the camp,

The red flowers on the chest reflect the glow,

Happy singing all over the sky,

Misweeping, sweeping,

Happy singing is flying all over the sky..."

The soldiers quickly learned this song.

The simple lyrics, simple, bright and catchy rhythm make the target song a classic, always sung in the barracks.

So the soldiers sang the newly learned songs and marched to Zhuangzi with guns on their backs one by one. Today, these generations of farmers touched guns for the first time, shot for the first time, sang orthodox military songs for the first time, and made them look particularly excited for the first time.

Yao Fan walked in the middle of the team and looked at the red sunset in the sky. He thought silently, "I don't have much time. In order to minimize the death toll of this great drought, I must start as soon as possible. For the rejuvenation of the whole Chinese nation, I can't delay for a minute!

The precious blood of the descendants of Yan and Huang has flowed for 5,000 years. It is much more cost-effective to die in the revolution than in famine!"

Yao Fan remembered that a public professor once said on Weibo, "The Han people are an inferior nation. In order to reduce the population of this inferior nation, he resolutely decided to learn from most Americans and will never have children in their lives."

Yao Fan doesn't understand in what environment such a person grew up in? How did it grow into such a distortion? How on earth did they apply for the titles of law, economics and other professors? Why do they receive more wages than most Chinese people? However, it is like a fur dog with a broken spine, swearing and insulting to the motherland and nation that raised them all day long!

They obviously love the United States more than the Americans and Japan more than the Japanese, but they die in China and refuse to leave. They viciously squeeze the blood of their motherland, break the backbone of a group of ignorant young people in the Chinese nation, drink the bone marrow of these compatriots, and transform these young people into the same as them. Boneless fur dog...

The sunset is as red as blood.

The earth is covered with red makeup.

Yao Fan's team walked alone in the blood of the remnant sun, winding like a dragon and snake, sharply inserting into the dusk skyline. The dim light in the distance weaves a net of turbid mist in the air, but it can'tze the sacred waves at all. The neat footsteps break through the tranquility and shake the mountains and seas.

Yao Fan strode, shouting in his heart:

Goddess of War!

Favour me!!!

I want to use blood

Sacrifice to you!

With the raging revolutionary fire!

Burn these fur dogs and the rotten and moldy soil that breeds them!"
