1875 I come from the future

Chapter 105 Newspaper

[105] Newspaper

James Merisse is here again, and this time he brings good news.

"My dear Frank, this time I can finally say that I have lived up to your sincere friendship." Merrix raped.

"Let me guess, is there any good news?"

"After receiving the 100 pounds of royalties handed over by my trust, Professor Marx wrote to you!" Merrix was a little complacent.

Yao Fan opened Marx's letter with a smile and saw the letter on it: "Hello, dear Mr. Yao, I didn't expect that there would be people who would pay attention to clumsy works and be willing to introduce and publish them far away in Asia and China. I feel very honored and surprised. Mr. Yao, I have received your 100-pound deposit and am willing to grant you the copyright of all my previous works at the price of 1,000 pounds you promised, including the Critique of the Gotha Program I wrote in May this year... Please send the remaining remuneration to my residence in London as soon as possible after receiving the letter... In case you don't find me there, please give the remaining 900 pounds to my friend Mr. Engels, who is his address in London..."

"James, this is really good news. That's great."

Yao Fan was very happy to read the letter. Although Marx's interest in the pound was far greater than him than Yao Fan himself, he was still honored to be able to help this great man, a great man who proved that laborers created all the value in the world with philosophical logic.

Marx's great works, especially Capital, are compulsory textbooks in the economics capital theory courses of almost any university in the world, and they need to be emphasized, otherwise this course cannot go up and down.

Since 1950, Western economists have successively proved his logical judgment on the degree of exploitation of workers and the truthful conclusion of workers' creation of all wealth in the world with multivariable calculus and complex statistics in mathematical tools, although this theory has been used in the book Rigorous philosophical logic and materialistic dialectical reasoning are unmistakable.

In almost all Western economics courses, there are special courses to discuss Marx and prove his philosophical and logical views in a mathematical way. It proves that all contradictions in the world are the inevitable product of capitalists' exploitation of the surplus value of workers, from drug abuse to terrorist activities and international wars. This proves Marx's inference that the development of capitalism will certainly create the birth of communism, its gravedigger.

Marx's lifelong pursuit is not so much socialism or communism as a harmonious society, and socialism and communism are the final result of his logical deduction. Today, any left-wing party in the world is fundamentally influenced by his great philosophy, although many of these parties are known as revisionism, such as the British Labor Party and Sweden's left-wing alliance and other long-term ruling parties, are deeply influenced by their theories and have socialist fur. It's just that these political parties are so fragmented, or the revision is very serious. They promote the so-called "democratic socialism" policy at home and oppose all socialist countries externally. The Gotha Program Critique attacked Lasarism, the Social Democratic Party of Germany, the representative of this revisionist left-wing party, which eventually succeeded incubating the Nazis and suffered its own results, pushing the German workers' movement into the arms of the far right, which was absorbed and merged and disbanded.

In 1966, Professor Samuelson, a former Nobel laureate in economics and an American professor, published an article in the American Journal, admitting that Marx was right about where capitalist profits come from and whether the value of a company is created by capital or by workers. Marx is all right! Under the double proof of mathematics and logic, there is no refutation!

"Frank, what are you thinking?" Merrith's question interrupted Yao Fan's thinking.

"Oh, I'm thinking that you can help me do more." Yao Fan laughed.

Engels said that capitalists will sell nooses to people who are about to hang them. Lenin said that these capitalists are so greedy that they will sell us everything we need, and even rush to sell their last noose that hangs themselves. When selling the nooses, they are even willing to accept credit in installments. Yao Fan felt that he could create many favorable factors with money.

"James, I hope to run a newspaper in Shanghai, but my identity is obviously not suitable for coming forward. You are a German citizen and a decent foreign owner. I hope you will help me complete it and at least be the owner of the newspaper on the surface."

"Frank, do you want to wake up these Qing people with newspapers?" Meri Shi laughed.

Yao Fan acquiesced.

"Frank, I have to admit that this is a very good idea. Regularly instilling ideas and information about the civilized world to the cultural people of Qing will definitely help your compatriots turn their minds and open the door and embrace the great Western civilization as soon as possible."

Yao Fan laughed and said, "The motto of the Rothschild family is 'Once money sounds, bad words will stop in summer'. I just want a voice to speak for me. James, you should understand that the real value of newspapers lies in this. When I say the sun is black, someone must help me lie.

"Frank, a smart person like you deserves everyone's respect. I promise you that you will soon have an excellent mouthpiece." Merrix bowed slightly and expressed his respect. These days, it is really amazing for a Chinese to know the motto of the Rothschild family.

"If you buy the best printing machine, the best paper and ink, I will compensate you for all your expenses. In each issue of the article, I will ask the clerk of Yuchun Company to secretly give it to you. You have to keep it a secret and don't let people know that I am involved in it. If Qing officials protest, you should try your best to pay for them, and I will make up the money for you.

"OK Frank, this is the new office address of the foreign bank. You can send someone to contact me at any time."

Merrith was excited, and he immediately saw the great value contained in Yao Fan's new entrustment: "This person will set off huge waves in the Qing Dynasty in the future!"

In addition to his satisfaction, Yao Fan lowered the price of dyes again and gave Merrith the latest price of 40 taels per kilogram. All kinds of colors add up to 5 tons, 80% of which are provided on credit.
