1875 I come from the future

Chapter 108 Proposal

[108] propose

"Brother Yao, has your family ever proposed marriage to you before?" Sun Maowen asked with a smile while squinting at the receipt in his sleeve with satisfaction.

"I've never mentioned it." Yao Fan wondered, Sun Maowen asked, does he want to be a matchmaker?

Sun Maowen patted his thigh, picked up the glass and said, "Congratulations, brother! I have a great marriage here, which is very suitable for Brother Yao.

Yao Fan looked at Sun Maowen and hesitantly picked up the wine glass. But he was a little confused. He was busy with the accounts of the business and the organization and training of the army all day, and he didn't think about getting a family at all.

"Why did Brother Sun say this?" Yao Fan asked.

"Do you know the Jimo Huang family?" Sun Maowen pointed to the northeast and said.

Yao Fan's eyes turned: "I know, I also saw two young masters of his family at the Zhou family meeting."

"The day before yesterday, the young master of the Huang family asked me that Yaojiazhuang asked the matchmaker everywhere to find his mother-in-law and aunt for the family, but I don't know whether Brother Yao has got married or not."

Sun Maowen paused and continued, "At that time, I thought that there was a sister in Jinshan who had not yet married. She wanted to listen to him, as if she wanted to marry Brother Yao, so I asked Jinshan how did you think of Brother Yao."

Yao Fan looked at Sun Maowen and listened to him.

"What did you do, Brother Yao? The Golden Mountain praised you very much, saying that you are handsome and talented, and that you are worthy of his sister. Sun Maowen smiled.

"I don't even know what his sister looks like. How can this be?" Yao Fan shook his head repeatedly.

Wei Guofu laughed and said, "Since it's a marriage, how can you see the appearance of his young lady in advance?"

Sun Maowen was very worried about Yao Fan's stupidity and said, "Brother Yao! The Huang family is a rich man with more than 5,000 mu of land. In Jimo, half of Laoshan is his family. His family also has a pavilion on Laoshan. The spring water is endless all year round, which is the best place to relieve the summer heat every year.

In terms of business, the Huang family also has a wide range of businesses in the big cities at the ports of the Qing Dynasty. Just by buying and selling raw silk, there are at least 50,000 taels a year.

His ancestor Huang Jiashan, went to the former minister of the Ming Military Department and the crown prince Taibao, his eldest grandson Huang Pei went to Jinyiwei to command the incident, Jiumen Admiral, General Jinwu, and Sun Huang Zongchang went to inspect the imperial history and inspect Huguang.

The upper and lower colleges at the foot of Shimen Mountain were built by his family, among which there are many victories in the Virgin Pool and Yishan Lake.

After the founding of the Qing Dynasty, Huang Pei, the grandson of Huang Jiashan, was blind and edited the Collection of Poems with broad hair. The hidden bandits rebelled, which shocked Emperor Kangxi to arrest 14 people in his family and all 217 proofread and engraved craftsmen. This case involved Gu Yanwu, Song Jicheng and other university students. Although the important members of the court later said from Zhongguan that Shandong officials tried their best to deal with it, and the court released most of his family and hanged Huang Pei without bleeding in Jinan City. Xu Qi's burial was the ink to clear the ditch, but he also killed several of his family. The natural nature of those engraved books The head of the man fell to the ground.

After this incident, his descendants were naturally hated by the court, causing great damage to their vitality and no hope of being an official. Huang Tan, the son of Huang Zongchang, was also dismissed from the court and returned to the field. Otherwise, if his family was in Jimo, it would not be the turn of the other four families to speak.

Brother Yao, let's not talk about Laizhou Prefecture, that is, looking at the whole Shandong Province. People who want to be his Huang family have to line up from Laoshan to Jinan Prefecture. Coincidentally, who knew that the Golden Mountain actually had green eyes on you, and Brother Yao didn't go to the matchmaker to mention it immediately? Whether this happens or not, we should try it. If we let go of such a rich and noble marriage, it will be destroyed in the future.

Yao Fan opened his mouth in surprise: "Huo! What a local tycoon! Unexpectedly, there have been a series of senior officials equivalent to the Minister of Defense, Director of the National Security Bureau, the Commander of the Beijing Military Region, and the Secretary of the General Commission for Discipline Inspection of the four provinces in South China...

Let me think about it... It seems that it's really like this! Then Huang Zongchang repaired the famous Laoshan Zhi, the so-called 'those who look up to the sea of Laoshan'.

His grandson Huang Zhaoqi repaired Laoshan Art and Literature, but Qiu Qinghuaming, whose language was obscure and cloud-covered fog, was too scared to print it again. It was not until the fifth year of the Republic of China that he dared to publish it.

In the early Qing Dynasty, the Huang family hosted a lot of posthumous ministers at the end of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, these people all lived in seclusion in Laoshan. There were seventy-two gentlemen, and they had a deep private connection with a group of great scholars such as Gu Yanwu. No wonder the Qing court did not like this family.

Yao Fan was indeed a little flattered and asked Sun Maowen, "How can he take a fancy to me as a rootless sea merchant?"

Liu Ziming rushed to say, "Brother Yao, don't underestimate yourself. With your huge business and your newly built Zhuangzi, you don't know the one in the land of Laizhou?

Besides, the Huang family does not study now. I think his uncle Golden Mountain never writes poetry. Probably because I have suffered from writing and taboo too much. My family's children and grandchildren do not seek fame, and reading is just for self-entertainment. Therefore, his son-in-law doesn't look at fame.

After saying that, he immediately explained, "Brother Yao, you are good at writing. You are neither famous nor eight strands. You are probably very related to the Golden Mountain."

Yao Fan remembered that the last time in Zhoujiazhuang, the poem of Golden Mountain was also written by his brother Huang Jinying.

Wei Guofu laughed and said, "I have never met such a good thing. Brother Yao must not miss the opportunity."

Sun Maowen nodded and reminded him, "Brother Yao went to Jinan and was appreciated by Ding Junmen and given the plaque commission. Now I have seen Li Zhongtang again and have been entrusted with important responsibilities. It is the time for young people to gain ambition.

It is naturally not surprising that Brother Yao got the plaque given by Ding Junmen and the Huang family came to flattering him. When Brother Yao went to propose marriage, he only talked about the fact that Zhongtang entrusted you to buy a warship machine... Hey hey, beautiful things can be done!"

Since Yao Fan made up his mind to rebel, he has attached great importance to the marriage of his cadres, soldiers and fellows. He asked Su Sanjie to give instructions to the matchmaker that she should choose a daughter-in-law with a big foot and a farmer. The first two fundamentally eliminate the possibility of marrying the landlord class. You should know that Yao Fan's guys are all ten taels of silver a month! With this income, it may be regarded by some small and medium-sized landlords.

Once you get married with the landlord, even if you marry a distant relative of the landlord, it will be regarded as a problem. In this era of attach great importance to blood and clan relations, it will undoubtedly bring hidden dangers to Yao Fan's early uprising.

Since Yao Fan did not hesitate to interfere with the marriage of his friend, of course he could not take the lead in finding a lady from a big landlord. Of course, historically, the early founders were almost from rich peasants, small landlords and petty bourgeois families, and most of the marriage partners were of the same origin. In the long run, Yao Fan did not oppose this kind of marriage that could improve the cultural quality of the team to a certain extent, and once a political party was formed in the future, It is also necessary to absorb a large number of readers into the team.

But it is absolutely inappropriate at present. After all, this is a group of people who have not been enlightened by the May 4th New Culture Movement. Yao Fan is worried about putting these people under his side and even absorbing them into the team.

Therefore, although Yao Fan felt a little complacent that he could be liked by a famous family like the Huang family, he refused: "There are many former senior officials in the Huang family. It's too taboo that I dare not touch it."

As soon as he said this, Sun Maowen and the others stopped persuading. In their view, it is normal for Yao Fan to be keen on Ding Baozhen and Li Hongzhang and refuse to get even a little taboo.

"Alas, it's all about the time of Master Kangxi..." Sun Maowen was a pity for Yao Fan.

Liu Ziming twisted his beard on his lips and nodded slightly and said, "That's right, Brother Yao is not short of money, but also a lot, and he is cautious to avoid suspicion."

Wei Guofu shook his head repeatedly and shouted that it was a pity.