1875 I come from the future

Chapter 111 Three Hundred Long Guns Xiao Sen 2

[111] 300 long gun gas Xiao Sen (2)

"The money can't be stopped, not only can't be stopped, but I have to standardize it today.

From this month, the two taels of silver township brave subsidies taken by all soldiers and company platoon commanders will be stopped, and the soldiers' salaries will be changed to ten taels, and the platoon leader and deputy platoon leader will each add two taels of first-level salary, and the company commander and deputy company commander will each add five taels of second-level salary.

Some of the soldiers and cadres still led the suspension of all the monthly pay of the former two men.

There are still several soldiers who have followed my old man. They have fought with me before. They used to receive ten or two months of silver, plus two taels of township brave allowance. In this way, they will lose two taels of silver a month. This loss can't be eaten by them. For these special soldiers, the internal account room continues to make up for the two taels of silver. , until they are promoted to platoon leader one day.

Yao Fan's purpose of this move is to completely separate the contact between soldiers and soldiers, because the clerk's monthly salary goes to the external account room, and the soldier's salary goes to the internal account room. After this separation, the army can be completely independent, which is conducive to the financial standardization of the army in the future.

"Thank you to my boss!" Li Jun calculated that he had three taels more silver every month and was happy.

"My boss, most of the soldiers will be very happy. In the past, they led one or two or two taels of monthly pay, plus two taels of township brave allowance, 3 or 4 taels a month, which will add ten taels of money. I'm afraid that they will spend money indiscriminately and ask for leave at night will become more and more diligent."

"In the future, except Sunday, that is, the reunion day, you are not allowed to ask for leave in the evening! On the reunion day, they feel itchy, and it's okay to ask for leave. It's never allowed at ordinary times! But the salary must not be stopped, and it must be paid on time every month. Yao Fan gave the order to die.

Yao Fan knows that no matter how well he does his ideological work, military pay is an important source of morale for the army.

Historically, in the beginning of the Soviet Union, the salary of the Red Army soldiers reached 20 yuan, and the Soviet Union stipulated that one yuan was exchanged for 7 double millimeters. According to 10 millimeters on the market, one Yuan Datou, 5 double milliliters and one Yuan Datou, that is, 28 Yuan Datou! That is 23 taels of silver. Moreover, the Red Army in the Soviet Union never defaults on deductions and always gives full monthly payments.

At that time, the salary of the soldiers under the warlords in Sichuan was only six yuan, and it was 20% off, and the officers were sometimes deducted.

The soldiers of the Nanjing National Government only have ten Yuan Datou in a month, and they are exchanged for Yuan Datou. There is generally a discount in the market, which is not exchanged for one according to 10, but 11 Haoyang or 12 Haoyang for a Yuan Datou. Moreover, the Nanjing National Government often does not make a member for several months.

Because of the strict management and good reputation of the Soviet area, the Soviet dollar has always maintained a one-to-one ratio to the silver dollar. That is to say, even if the soldiers go to the White District to exchange by themselves, there are 20 Yuan big heads to take. The strong combat effectiveness of the Red Army has nothing to do with high wages.

It can be seen from here that the salary of Red Army soldiers in the Soviet District is actually the highest salary of soldiers in the country. Compared with their opponents, they are completely overwhelming, several times better than their opponents!

Of course, it is another matter that there is no money to continue to pay after being encircled.

But it can be seen that a powerful army, especially in the early stage of the rebellion, wants soldiers to train and fight bravely under life threats and psychological pressure every day at the risk of rebellion and even alive, and is willing to risk the world to advance and retreat with * political and military leaders, and bathe in the rain of bullets. Blood, the salary must be high.

High ideals, firm beliefs, iron discipline, excellent style, tenacious combat effectiveness, to a certain extent, need the guarantee of material treatment.

Of course, the treatment of the Red Army has changed greatly in various periods, and there is a huge difference between the initial period and the later period.

But the bright-eyed person can absolutely see that the material treatment in the early stage of the rebellion is very important!

"Let's talk about it, ten taels of silver a month should make soldiers have a high enthusiasm for training, right?"

Li Jun said, "That's for sure! This salary... The high salary is no different from that of an official.

Liu Jinbao said, "The owner gave four taels before, but everyone thinks that the owner is too generous. Now they give 10 taels. How can it be too little? Don't worry, with this money, everyone will definitely train to the death!"

Li Hainiu sighed repeatedly: "Too much, too much." However, he sighed and suddenly said excitedly, "From then on, we regard the world's troops as local chickens and dogs."

Yao Fan nodded.

He knows, to put it simply, this is the power of money! No matter what doctrine, political party or country in the world, it is difficult to walk without money.

As long as you can't make money, no matter how righteous, kind, peace-loving, and hateful you are, you can't be independent. Inability to be independent means that all your ideas are empty talk.

The reason why we say that Taizu has found the way to victory in the Chinese revolution is not only that Taizu has created a unique theoretical system of * people politically and established * people's own armed forces militarily, but more importantly, he has found a road of independence economically.

The Soviet model of "playing local tyrants and divided fields" has not only become the basis for the political mobilization of the red regime, but also become the basis for the economic independence of * people, thus completely getting rid of the dependence on the Communist International.

The Soviet Union does not need any support from the Communist International! The Soviet District is an independent government, with agricultural taxes, commercial taxes, local tycoons and divided fields. At the beginning, Taizu was able to send boxes of heavy gold lumps, silver dollars and pearls jewelry to the Shanghai Party Central Committee one by one time, instead supporting the central government's funds, instead of the central government inverting local governments. Party organization!

This greatly supports the activities of the Central Committee and allows the Party Central Committee to have an independent economic foundation. You should know that political parties without an independent economic foundation cannot be politically independent. Taizu's Soviet model made * get rid of the financial dependence on the Communist International and no longer have to look at the face of the Communist International.

According to the general principle of Marxism, the Chinese revolution is impossible to achieve, so the Communist International has always been not optimistic about the Chinese revolution and does not allow the Chinese production party to take funds to compete with the Kuomintang, which is friendly with Soviet Russia. It was Taizu who turned the world around, changed his life for the party and the country, and let the wheel of time for national rejuvenation begin to turn!

"I have also created a unique economic model that can continuously provide funds and support my ideas. I have the army and my political party.

Manqing, I'm coming!"

Yao Fan thought proudly.

Yao Fan's 10 taels of silver monthly pay is also higher than the vest of Manchuria Eight Banners, the highest-income soldier in the Qing Dynasty. After all, Yao Fan managed to eat and live, and 10 taels of silver per month is a net income.

* After the war, silver exchange copper coins fell from one or two yuan to the current one or two yuan for 1,700 yuan. If it is later, it will be exchanged for as many as 2300 yuan in the Xianfeng period. If Yao Fan gave ten taels of silver to buy rice, if it is not a disaster year, you can buy more than 240 catties of rice according to 60 to 70 yuan per catty of rice! At the beginning of the drought, one catty of rice has risen to 130 yuan. Even so, it can be exchanged for more than 120 catties of rice, and it is no problem to feed a family of five or six.

The salary of the eight flag vest is equivalent to the salary of seven-grade officials, which is spread to only 3 taels of silver and 230 catties per month. However, the descendants of the flagmen are multiplying more and more, but the government's establishment is limited. Some flagmen have to feed a family of five or six with vests.

As for the Green Camp and even the Huai Army of Hunan Army, Ma Fang Nanshan has long been *. A soldier is full of 4 tubes of silver a month. In fact, in addition to eating, he only gets * 100 yuan. Officials in various places are empty-rated one by one, basically only half of the posts. Some battalions of the Huai Army and even have less than 30% of the soldiers, each Next time I came to the top to check, I will catch all the ruffians and idle men in the city. If it is not enough, I will catch some people to make it in and disband after dealing with the inspection. Besides, the inspection team itself is here to take the opportunity to make money. As long as the lower officers honor the money, it doesn't matter how many soldiers you have left.

When he met these opponents, Yao Fan firmly believed that he would win.