1875 I come from the future

Chapter 118 Three Hundred Long Guns Xiao Sen 9

[118] 300 long guns Xiao Sen (nine)

After Wei Guofu shouted, he saw that he had stopped kicking the door outside and was overjoyed. When he was about to continue shouting, he heard a "throat" behind him. Wei Guofu was shocked and looked back. It turned out to be a cylinder with a wooden handle behind him, which was actually thrown in through the courtyard wall. This thing rolled on the green brick floor in the courtyard, and there was a slight smoke behind the wooden handle.

Wei Guofu was vigilant when he saw something smoking. As a warrior who had experienced the war, although he had been in Nanshan for seven or eight years, he remembered the smell of the smoke of foreign guns on the battlefield. The slightly smoking cylinder in front of us is definitely a dangerous item.

"Horse hanging! Go and pick it up!" Wei Guofu, standing in the corner of the courtyard wall, ordered his soldiers and horses to hang up and retreated.

As soon as the horse shouted "chirp" in his mouth, the cylinder exploded!

With a loud noise, the green brick floor where the cylinder was located was blown and shattered. The ground burned an irregular radial black circle of three feet. A small basin-like deep pit in the center emitted scorched smoke. The green bricks at the heart of the small basin had turned into powder. The bricks around the edge were arched, and the soil under the green bricks in the center were also turned over. .

After the explosion, almost all the dozen soldiers in the yard were killed on the spot, and those who were not dead were blurred by the explosion, covering their wounds with blood and crying. Wei Guofu's face was covered with blood and fell to the ground without knowing anything.

The Type 67* thrown in by Luo Qiren weighs 600 grams, with an effective killing radius of 7 meters and 70 to 110 pieces of explosive fragments. The fragments still have lethal power 20 meters away. This one explodes, and the one who can survive in the yard is already very deadly.

Li Hainiu's row leader Luo Qiren leaned against the outer courtyard wall and obviously felt the wall vibrating. The shocking explosion on the other side of the wall knocked down the plaster on the wall, and the splashing gravel sand grains hit his helmet, and the debris rustled.

Luo Qiren was extremely excited, and this was the first time he used it in actual combat*.

It was probably too excited, and he also forgot to shout and open the door by himself.

I only heard him shout and ordered: "Strike the door hard! Kick hard! Two more people, turn over the wall for me!"

Two soldiers stepped on the shoulders of their comrades and climbed up the two-meter-high courtyard wall, carefully looked at it, turned around and shouted, "The platoon leader, there is a piece in the courtyard! They are all dead!"

Luo Qiren was overjoyed and ordered the two soldiers: "Jump in and open the door!" Then he looked up against the wall and shouted, "Listen! Don't move! Whoever dares to move will kill them all later!"

Seeing two soldiers jumping into the wall with bayonet-mounted rifles, the wounded soldiers living in the yard thought they were coming in to kill people, and immediately began to cry and beg, "Exter, forgive me! ......Ouch... It hurts me so much! ......It hurts! ...Gre for your life! ......”

Two soldiers rushed to the door and pulled out the slunch and let the whole platoon of soldiers in.

Lu Qiren rushed into the inner courtyard and ordered, "Comrades, drag out all the work! Give it to the owner!"

The soldiers began to search for the dead lying on the ground in the yard. When they found that there were still alive, they went up and pulled out their knives. They grabbed the braids and dragged them out roughly. If they met those who resisted and begged for mercy, the soldiers smashed them with the butt of their guns, beat them so much that they cried and cried and continued to drag the braids out.

Yao Fan often educates soldiers to be as ruthless to their enemies as in winter. Today, it seems that they all remember Yao Fan's words.

Luo Qiren clenched the bayonet and roared at the empty wooden door in the back hall: "Listen in the room! Get out of here! Who dares to use a knife! I killed him with one shot!"

These two wooden doors are very old, and several new pits were knocked out by * fragments, and fresh wood chips in the pits turned out.

Luo Qiren's voice fell for a long time, and no one came out. He wink at the soldiers around him and whispered, "One, two, three!"

After counting three, Luo Qiren went up and kicked open the door and rushed in with the soldiers.

When he went in and saw the situation inside, Luo Qiren was also dumbfounded. After a moment, he scolded, "Fuck it! Untie the knife and go out one by one!

It turned out that after Luo Qiren rushed in, he saw a man kneeling on the ground under the back hall. In the middle, a man in an official uniform knelt in the middle, trembled all over, and there were a pile of soldiers kneeling on the side.

Because the power of * was really amazing, Lu Shan and his own soldiers were scared by the loud noise of the explosion. When they saw that all the living people in the yard were actually dead and injured, they were immediately scared to death, and they didn't even have the courage to draw a knife to resist. In a hurry, Lu Shan directly knelt down in the back hall. As soon as the soldiers saw this, they all knelt down in the same way.

When Luo Qiren rushed in, Lu Shan was kneeling there with his eyes closed, saying "Bodhisattva bless, Bodhisattva bless..."


At this point, everyone in the Xiangyong government was kicked out and squatted, kneeling or lying against the wall of Quanye Street.

After learning that all the living people in it were here, Yao Fan came forward to check and saw an acquaintance of Goubao, squatting there with blood on his face and trembling all over.

"Where is Wei Guofu?" Yao Fan came forward and asked.

Dog Bao knelt on the ground and trembling all over: "Master Yao, don't kill me. Master Yao is willing to make cattle and horses for Master Yao, and the younger one is old..."

An ear photon of Li Hainiu's crack on the side was pulled up: "Don't talk nonsense. Just say whatever the owner asks you!"

"Lord Wei is dead." The dog said quickly.

Yao Fan turned around and walked into the township Yong Yamen with a blank face. Sure enough, he saw Wei Guofu's body lying in it, with blood and flesh on his face, which was blown up on the spot.

After carefully identifying the body, Yao Fan also found several familiar people such as Li Stone, Bai Dagui and Ma Hang.

Yao Fan was silent and then ordered softly, "Hainiu, remember to call the coffin store to collect the bodies and bury them in good coffins. If the rest of the people are not claimed by their families, they will strip off their armor and dig deep underground outside the city."

Li Hainiu saw that Yao Fan's mood seemed to be a little affected and said, "My boss, this is the war. The sword has no eyes. Don't be kind to women."

Yao Fan waved his hand and walked straight out.

At this time, all the shops were closed on the street, and even a ghost could not be seen on the street. The people were so scared that they could not go out. Sporadic gunshots kept coming from all sides of the city, and the sound was louder.

Yao Fan walked to the street and asked the military officer who knelt and trembled like a sieve, "Are you Lu Shan?"

Luo Qiren went up and kicked Lu Shan, "The owner asked you!"

Lushan threw himself to the ground, and the chicken kowtowed like rice:

"The small one is Lushan, and the small one is Lushan.

The little one who doesn't know Mount Tai, begs Master Yao to let me go.

As long as Master Yao releases the small one, the small guarantee will never be investigated and will never be investigated. If the small one violates this oath, heaven and earth will be destroyed, and my whole family will have a big abscess on their faces, and they will not die!"

Yao Fan despised the boneless slave and said to Luo Qiren beside him, "Bind them all. After taking down the county government, take them to the prison."


"One row in a row, and the manatees took Hu Guangting's second row and Tu Wenfu's third row to support the fourth and fifth company. Let's quickly take down the garrison camp and the county government."


When Yao Fan arrived at the county government, the good news kept coming. Each company easily won the four gates of Qingdao, and the north port and dock were also taken down by Liu Jinbao's three companies.

The garrison camp did not have Wei Guofu. He persisted until four people were shot and killed by He Shicheng and immediately surrendered.

Yao Fan saw that the county government was also taken down by Zhou Shi and He Shicheng and was dragging people out to death, so he asked Zhou Shi 4: "Is Sun Maowen still alive?"

Week's fourth report: "I'm in the back yard and locked up with his family."

"Here are me and Li Hainiu. Take your company to the garrison camp and watch the surrendered Qing soldiers there."
