1875 I come from the future

Chapter 120 Shandong Commune 1

[120] Shandong Commune (1)

"Fighting local tycoons? Divide the fields?" Zhou Shi was a little confused.

"The slogan of the owner is not loud enough." Li Hainiu said self-righteously, and then said, "Since we have pulled up the Rebel Army, oh, it is the revolutionary army, there must be a resounding slogan. In the past, the Nian army said most about robbing the rich and helping the poor, and the people like this slogan."

Yao Fan immediately corrected his point of view: "The purpose of our revolution is to build a new society where everyone is equal and a prosperous and civilized China!"

Compared with slogans, we pay more attention to doing practical things. Ordinary people are not fools. They have a scale in their hearts. They can see who is good to them at a glance.

What's more, the slogan of the Nian army is the anarchist fantasy of a group of green forest heroes. The so-called robbing the rich and helping the poor is to put it plainly *. After robbing pawnshops and salt shops, breaking the city to kill officials, and taking official warehouses to divide grain cannot fundamentally shake the foundation of the Qing regime.

Monii, what do you think after Nian Jun*? Shouldn't the people pay grain to the landlord? Don't they still need to pay grain honestly? What has changed in life? The Nian army knocked on the big households and asked the landlords to hand over their money and grain as military salaries. Isn't this still forcing the landlords to continue to exploit farmers? The people joined the Nian army in order to eat food and share money. What is the combat effectiveness of such a team? If it hadn't been for the fact that the people in Shandong had always been martial arts, there were many people practicing martial arts and defense, there were many extremely poor people, and the Qing government was extremely corrupt, how could the Nian army make such a big name.

Li Hainiu was depressed by Yao Fan.

Yao Fan continued: "Besides, in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, their slogan is to even the fields and kill the demons, but they regard themselves as a new ruling class and put them on the people instead of Manqing. The ordinary people have just changed the object of food. From the middle period, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom has even saved even fields and collusion with the landlords. Together, the children of the landlord family entered the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to become officials, and the life of the high-level officials of the kingdom was luxurious**# chaotic. Look, everyone! Isn't this still the same thing as the feudal dynasty?

Li Jun slapped his head and said, "The owner is right. We are a revolutionary army and have to do practical things for the people, so that we can win the hearts of the people!"

Yao Fan immediately praised: "Li Jun's words hit the point! Not bad! We just want to do practical things for the people!"

When Li Jun heard the praise, he immediately blushed and put his hand on his knee. He was a little embarrassed: "I also listened to it in politics class. They are all good teachers."

Yao Fan said, "It's amazing that you remember my words! Remember my words and you can become a great person! You can keep these truthful views in mind! This is worth learning for everyone. Comrades, the purpose of our study is to learn the truth. Now that we have learned it, we must remember it!"

Zhou nodded fourth and asked, "Dear owner, how do you fight this local tycoon? How to divide it?

Yao Fan said: "I said in the political class that the private ownership of feudal land is the abyss of evil. The decadent regime established on this economic basis has crushed three mountains on the heads of the people, feudalism, bureaucracy and *.

Our revolution is to overthrow these three mountains, let the people be the masters of the country, let the people eat and wear warm, let the children go to school, let the elderly live their old age peacefully, and let sick people get treatment and good medicine.

In order to do this, we need to build a socialist country, which is completely different from the feudal state system. It is also very different from the capitalist countries of foreigners, but they all belong to the modern state system.

Zhou's fourth question: "The people must like what you said, but how can they do it? You still didn't say how to fight the local tyrants and divide the fields.

Yao Fan nodded and said, "Okay, let me tell you how to play and divide.

During the previous period when our team went to the countryside to collect money and grain, it can be said that they have traveled all over the villages in Jiaozhou and have also found out the situation of each village. He Shicheng, you took out the list for everyone to read.

He Shicheng took out a study notebook issued by Yao Fan and opened it and read: "According to the method of dividing landlords by owning land area of more than 100 mu, from the land materials obtained by tax officials when collecting money and grain, there are 47 large landlords in 45 villages under Jiaozhou, namely Zhai De Township, Niwanzi Village. Home, Li Baishujia in Nanhe Village, Guowang Dingjia in Tuoji Town..."

Yao Fan waved his hand and asked He Shicheng not to read any more.

"At present, our revolution has just started, and we can't attack on all sides. We need to unite all the forces that can be united. Therefore, we should choose the big landlords of the local tyrants and evil gentry in the past, instead of touching the rest of the small and medium-sized landlords and relatively well-known big landlords.

According to the situation I have mastered during this period, I have selected seven bad landlords. Let's revolutionize these landlords first.

"Good! Rob his mother!" Li Hainiu suddenly said something.

This sounded particularly abrupt and scary in the quiet county government lobby at night.

Yao Fan coughed, looked around the expressions of the surrounding cadres, waved his fists and mobilized, "Comrades! The revolution is not an invitation to dinner, not an article, not a painting and embroidery. It can't be so elegant, so calm, polite, so gentle and frugal. The revolution is a violent action of one class to overthrow another class.

Yao Fan raised his voice again: "The local tyrants and evil gentry take silver more seriously than their lives! We want money and food to kill them, and they will definitely want to kill us. Therefore, since the revolution must be thorough, without leaving any future trouble, we must resolutely adopt the violent revolutionary method of armed struggle, and there is no negotiation and compromise to talk about!"

After hearing Yao Fan say this, Li Hainiu was even more excited and shouted, "The owner is right! Those dogs, say one thing and do another, and turn their faces in a blink of an eye. Don't believe it. When the Qing army was suppressing, the landlord squire immediately turned his face, changed his previous obedience, and slaughtered the twisted army without mercy. Li Hainiu suffered.

A company deputy commander Kuang Ruyi shouted, "I firmly support the decision of my employer!"

Huang Huisheng, deputy company commander of the second company, also shouted: "Yes! Let's follow the owner! Do whatever the host says!"

All cadres agreed.

Yao Fan tried a little so-called democracy for the first time under the condition of unifying his mind. "Let's raise your right hand by raising your hand when you agree to fight the local tyrants and divide the fields."

The county government hall suddenly stood with arms, and everyone agreed.

Yao Fan thought that this was a good start. Once they formed a habit, they would also ask their subordinates to show their hands to vote at work. Although it seems to be only a scene at present, this is a formal progress for farmers who have been submissive and only know how to do obedient work for thousands of years.

"Also, don't call me the owner in the future, call me chairman, chairman of Shandong Commune! The name of our revolutionary regime is Shandong Commune, and Yuchun's business name is Shandong Trading Company, which directly belongs to Shandong Commune. Yuchun Agricultural Credit Union changed its name to Shandong Agricultural Credit Union and also directly belongs to Shandong Commune.

The Yaojiazhuang Revolutionary Committee officially became the Revolutionary Committee, the former member of the Yaojiazhuang Revolutionary Committee, and now became a member of the Shandong Commune Revolutionary Committee. In addition, Kuang Ruyi, the deputy company commander of the first company, Huang Huisheng, the vice commander of the second company, Zhou Niansheng, the deputy commander of the third company, Yang Weiyi, the deputy company commander of the fourth company, and the deputy vice president of the fifth company. Company commander Yang Ping joined the Revolutionary Committee as a member.

Of course, no one objected Yao Fan's proposal, so Yao Fan passed the working regulations of the commune in turn.

And this is only the first step of the revolution. No one knows what their future will be. Although Yao Fan promised everyone a better future and painted a big cake of a better world, they only have the initial revolutionary ** and temporary joy of victory.

Yao Fan knows in his heart that any independent regime can only be fought by a gun, and it must be consolidated by victories again and again.

"This country has been sleeping for too long. To wake him up and become a world power, we must rely on the glorious record from victory to victory from now on. Comrades, work hard with me!"