1875 I come from the future

Chapter 133 The sound of drums and horns 5

[133] The sound of drums and horns starts to fight (V)

Huang Chengli stared at a brochure in his hand and was fascinated.

"Clean up thousands of years of autocratic regimes, remove thousands of years of slave nature, kill 5 million hairy horned Manchurian species, wash away the great shame of 230 years of cruelty, and make mainland China clean soil, and the descendants of the Yellow Emperor are Marx...

There is a comeback from the dead, the dead soul returns to the soul, out of 18 layers of hell, and ascending to 33 heavens. It is melancholy, reckless, supreme and extremely high, one of the unique great purposes, towering! Revolution! The emperor! Revolution! ......

Wow, China can't be revolutionized today!"

Huang Chengli looked at it and couldn't help whispering it. From his undulating chest, it could be seen that he was deeply shocked.

This book is the revolutionary army of Zou Rong, which has made countless Chinese youths' blood boil and sleepless all night.

Among the thousands of Chinese young people who read this book, there are the chairman and Chang Kaishen. They once read it as soon as they saw this book and couldn't sleep all night.

Since the book was completed in 1903, Yao Peng slightly revised the content, but retained the kind of pride and grief and indignation, and the bloody and tearful accusations of the oppressed nation.

This book is now distributed to villages under his own name by Yao Fan. After all, in addition to landlord literacy, some rich farmers and middle peasants in rural areas have also studied. Some people have even tried the imperial examination. If as many scholars as possible can be awakened to enter the political organization of the commune, the effect will be achieved. .

"Jinshan, Yao Fan, an anti-thief, is unusual. He calls himself a revolution and his regime a Shandong People's Revolutionary Commune, not casually."

"Dad, of course, the rebels are unusual. If the rebellion becomes ordinary, is it okay? Isn't the world not peaceful day by day, and there are thieves everywhere every year? Golden Mountain retorted.

Huang Chengli shook his head at his son: "I didn't ask you to study before, but you should know why. To be honest, I'm afraid that you will read like Yao Fan."

"Dad, are you saying that Yao Fan reads too much?"

Huang Chengren took a sad look at the Golden Mountain: "It's more than reading. This person has great ambition, hiding the universe, and is more than enough to be a scholar." After saying that, he sighed, "How similar this person is to the ancestors of my Huang family."

Huang Chenglian simply read: "...The kingdom of England and France can destroy our country, but in fact, its degree of civilization is higher than mine... Wuhu, Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty died, "Let the thief smash my corpse and not hurt my people..."

Seeing this, Huang Chengli suddenly burst into tears, fell from the rattan chair, crawled to the ground and cried bitterly.

"Dad! What's wrong with you?" The Golden Mountain was so scared that he fell forward and helped Huang Chengli up.

Huang Chengli sat on the ground, felt sad from her heart, and immediately howled, "Your Majesty! Emperor! Whoo-hoo! The descendants of the Huang family are not good! Live in the world! Live in the world! Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo!"

Golden Mountain smells wrong. The emperor in the old man's mouth is by no means the fucking emperor today.

"Dad! Don't mention this again! Does our Huang family suffer less from the loss of Te Niang?

Huang Chenglian burst into tears, turned to the rattan chair, stroked and read: "There are people who have established meritorious deeds, taking princes like picking up mustard, while the great slaves of the Han people, such as Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang and Li Hongzhang, killed millions of compatriots, and worshipped the southeast half of Manchuria, but could not be awarded the title of marquis. Stop...

...The son of China is also a lifeless man...

...There is no seat in the palace, treat people like cattle and horses...

... The prison of words is indiscriminately in Qianlong... From then on, the extinct of those who protested against the indignation, and the voice of generosity and grief were ignored. In fact, they were not as good as the dead...

...Therefore, a tax, a fire consumption, a price, a treasury level, a taels of tax, not five or six taels can't be finished...

...Measure the material resources of China and make friends..."

Huang Chengli's beard was all open. She sat on the rattan chair and read a sentence and scolded: "Jiannu!"

Golden Mountain was frightened and restless.

"Dad! Why are you excited? Then Yao Fan is full and making a fuss. Why do you have to be like him?

Huang Chenglian didn't even look at his son, just read it. The more he read, the more happy he became. The more he read, the more angry he became. The expression on his face was extremely strange, sometimes contemptuous, sometimes angry, and sometimes crying.

Seeing the end, Huang Chengli simply read out: "Forty thousand compatriots of our Han nation, old age, old age, middle age, middle age... Taking revolution as an indispensable diet every day...

Wofu! The sky is green and the earth is white, with a crash, and the sleeping lions who have been shocked for thousands of years are dancing. It is revolution and independence!

Long live the independence of the imperial Han race revolution!

Long live the Republic of China!

Long live the freedom of 40,000 compatriots in the Republic of China!"

Golden Mountain looked at his father stupidly. From the time he remembered, he had never seen Huang Chengli like this. He was so stupid, but horrible.

"Dad, are you all right?" Golden Mountain asked his father who sat beside him with his eyes closed.

Huang Chengli responded halfway and said, "It's very good. It can't be better."

After a moment of silence, Huang Chengli said, "Since Yao Fan forced the gentry to pay for money and food, my Huang family naturally can't take the risk of resisting. Jinshan, ask tomorrow what the proportion is, and we just hand it over."

Golden Mountain was extremely surprised: "Dad! Yao Fan just asked everyone to follow his decree of rent reduction and interest rate reduction, and did not ask us to pay.

Huang Chengli has calmed down at this moment, closed his eyes and leaned against the back of the chair and said, "Really? He rose up to capture Jimo, but did not collect money and food. Do he want to sit in the city of sorrow and wait for the Manchu army to kill him?

Golden Mountain suppressed his voice and said, "Dad! I heard that Yao Fan's hand is equipped with a Western Lianzhu fast gun, which is as fast as lightning and powerful. At this moment, he is building a big building outside Jimo City. I'm afraid he will dig out a deep ditch and fight to the death with the court.

Huang Chengli said, "Then let's see if he has this ability first."

The father and son of the Huang family continued to discuss secretly in the Xiangzhu Accord, but a strong figure outside the Accord shook. After eavesdropping, they directly pushed open the closed firewood door and entered the door and said, "You two are so bold that you dare to plot against each other!"

When Golden Mountain saw that the door was pushed open, the three souls were shocked. When they saw the little man's dress clearly, they immediately scolded: "Golden warbler!!! Are you going to scare me and my father to death?

Huang Chengli also said, "You are crazy all day long, and you don't have a decent shape! Who dares to want you in the future!"

The golden warbler curled her mouth, went forward and squatted down beside her father. She pulled out the Revolutionary Army from Huang Chengli's hand. While watching it, she said, "No one wants the best. No one wants me to go to the revolution and be my sister-in-law!"

"You are presumptuous, you are also a big man. Why do you speak out of tune all day!" Huang Chengli cursed helplessly.

The golden warbler was born to his dead wife, the beloved treasure of the Huang family. His deceased wife was the blood descendant of the former Ming royal family, and she was most respected by Huang Chengli. She died because she gave birth to this little daughter in childbirth. Therefore, the golden warbler is usually loved by his father Huang Chenglian as a treasure. He is afraid of falling in his hand and melted in his mouth. Everything is up to her son, and even the eldest son Golden Mountain dares not provoke her. Although the golden warbler is nonsense, she has always been lenient and generous. Everyone in the courtyard of the Huang family loves her and has a headache, so they give her the nickname 'Demon of the World'.


As the propaganda materials of Shandong Commune were distributed to Jimo villages, the Guo family naturally got the letter.

Guo Jixiu heard the news of Yao Fan's rebellion against his feud, and shouted three times, "God help me too!" God help me too! God help me, too!" I'm almost going to faint.

When the news of Yao Fan taking down Jimo came, Guo Jixiu knew that he was not good, so he took the commune publicity materials and went north to Laizhou Prefecture overnight.

He knows very well that the festival between Yao Fan and him is endless. Yao Fan is rude and shameless, and must be rewarded. He can eat a deadly beating by robbing his women. Now he rebelled, and there is no royal law. Instead of waiting for him to kill himself, it is better to go to the court quickly.

Guo Jixiu took all the possessions he could bring, about 100,000 taels of cash and 200,000 taels of silver, plus more than 200 salt-selling clerks and domestic thie thie, rushed to Laizhou Prefecture, intending to come back to revenge after arming the villagers's bravery there.

When Yao Fan rushed to Guojiazhuang with his troops and saw that the Zhuangmen was closed and the high wall was full of Guo Jiading and the recruited villagers, he couldn't help laughing.

"Wang Guangxing, you shout and tell them to open the door for interrogation." Yao Fan said to Wang Guangxing, the commander of the second company of the third battalion.

"Chairman, what's the right thing to shout?" Wang Guangxing asked.

"You can shout as much as you want."

Wang Guangxing nodded and shouted to the people on the wall and roof of Guojiazhuang: "Guojiazhuang, listen, quickly open the door and accept the management and interrogation of Shandong People's Commune, or you will be your mother!"

"Chairman, can I shout like this?" Wang Guangxing scratched his head and always felt that the last shout seemed to be a little awkward.

Yao Fan gave a thumbs up: "Well shouted! Especially the last sentence."

Wang Guang was happy and shouted again, "Do you hear me? Open the gate to welcome! If it is delayed again, we will shoot!"

At this time, Wang Hanshui, the housekeeper of the Guo family, said on the high wall: "I am Wang Hanshui, the housekeeper of the Guo family. Dear kings, my Guo family is willing to offer 300 taels of silver and 500 catties of wheat as a tray, and ask the kings to collect the army."

Yao Fan said to Wang Guangxing indifferently, "Are you ashamed? This bastard actually farted when you said something.

Wang Guangxing grinned and scolded, "Mother!" Immediately raised his gun and aimed. Wang Handan seemed to know that the foreign gun was a long-range weapon and lay down in a hurry.

Wang Guangxing simply overturned a man with a knife on the wall and scolded again, "I'll count three times. If I don't open the door, I'll be rude."

After the gunshot, there was chaos on the wall, and the Guo family squatted down in fear of being shot again.

Wang Hanshui crawled and ran to the knife-holder who was hit. Seeing blood on his chest and a hole in his back, he couldn't live.

Wang Hanshui was immediately scared to death. He squatted there and shouted, "The good men in the commune are angry, and my family is willing to pay 500 taels of silver!" A thousand pounds of wheat! Please let go of my village! Otherwise, I have 300 people in the whole village. Even if I am not talented, I will fight with the heroes.

Yao Fan smiled and said, "Wang Guangxing, they think we are fools."

Although Wang Guangxing doesn't know what a fool is, there is no doubt that these two words are good words.

"You are so young! We are really begging for food! Chairman, let's blow up his door!"

Yao Fan raised his watch and said, "I'll give you 20 minutes."

Wang Guangxing quickly jumped up from behind this mill and shouted, "Comrades! Attack!"

Yao Fan still stood behind the grinding wheel, looked at the watch and said, "The timing begins."