1875 I come from the future

Chapter 142 The sound of drums and horns 14

[142] The sound of drums and horns (14)

Yao Fan said: "From the current situation, our revolutionary army, compared with the Qing army, has a strong and overwhelming firepower. If we can't use the powerful firepower in our hands flexibly, it is equivalent to a blind man lighting a lamp - waste of wax. The previous battle is called the Jiaoxi Campaign. In this Jiaoxi Campaign, we saw the Mongolian cavalry who sprinted 1,000 meters continuously for an average of 10 seconds. How fast they were when charging! 100 meters away, give them 8 seconds to rush into our queue! And our firepower configuration was quite rigid in the last battle. Some soldiers are in a position where they can't exert their firepower on the battlefield, which is equivalent to a waste of troops.

"Our revolution has just begun, and we are at a disadvantage compared with the Qing army in terms of the current total strength. If we can no longer reasonably allocate our troops, some of the advantages we have brought by relying on the advanced weapons and equipment will also be gone. In response to this situation, it is urgent for our army to adopt loose tactics.

Now let me talk about the idea of loose tactics:

First of all, the principle of four groups and one team, that is to say, in the future, we will be a company-based combat unit. Each company commander should divide the three platoons into four groups according to the actual situation, namely, the assault group, the fire group, the support group, and the blasting group.

The company commander must not stick to the establishment of the platoon. When the enemy attacks us quickly, the three platories are all firepower groups at this time. They should form as dense firepower as possible, rely on favorable terrain, and rely on the civil works dug on the battlefield to resolutely and tenaciously block the enemy.

When an order is connected to the gate in a certain direction of attacking a city, there is no need to arrange a support group, only three people to form a blasting group, and another platoon is arranged. As an assault group, the rest of the personnel are firepower groups to suppress the firepower on the enemy's head. Once the gate is blown, the assault group will immediately Launching an attack on the city, the blasting group immediately becomes the assault group. In addition, some soldiers of the firearm group will also be assigned to enter the assault group. Once the assault group occupies the gate, the remaining members of the firearm group will immediately become the assault group, which is flexible use of troops!"

Yao Fan's mouth was dry and he looked at everyone and said, "What I'm talking about now is theory. The real practical application depends on everyone's flexible grasp in future wars."

"Next, I will talk about the three fierce tactics, which are simply 'fight, rush, chase'. When we launch a campaign, we should choose the main attack point in advance, focus our firepower on the main attack point, and try to make the enemy temporarily daze and panic through fierce fighting. At this time, we will launch a fierce attack. Charge, leap forward bravely, shoot while rushing, rush to close range, and solve the enemy with * and bayonet! For the active retreat and defeated enemy, we must pursue fiercely and keep it down until the enemy completely collapses and annihilates and captures the enemy!"

"Finally, I will talk about the three-three principles of loose tactics. At present, all the free soldiers in the world have a blind problem. They like a bunch of people coming and going. They have good courage, but they lack intelligent movements.

Under the firepower conditions of modern warfare, the group's charging goal is too large. Only feudal countries and * countries, these countries that do not take people's lives seriously, will adopt such a sea of man-sea tactics. In the Battle of Jiaoxi, the Mongolian Eight Banners Cavalry used this kind of backward human sea battle. As a result, it turned out that under the strong firepower, the sea of tactics were vulnerable and completely sent up for others to be slaughtered!

In order to destroy the enemy more effectively and protect ourselves, we should educate our fighters to fight in groups and one or two. Although we emphasize the concentration of troops in the battle, we must disperse and sparse troops in specific tactical actions.

When attacking and charging, the so-called concentration of troops is not to let everyone send the soldiers out, but to reasonably allocate offensive echelons, one echelon and one echelon to launch a continuous attack. Cadres should fully arrange enough soldiers for fire protection to reduce casualties to the greatest extent possible.

The triangular attack mode of a group of three to four can divide well in the battle. The two people behind the triangle are covered by firepower. One person rushes up to find a closer shooting position. After suppressing the enemy with * or rifle firepower, the two people behind continue to move forward in turn. Such offensive formation evacuation can effectively reduce casualties, so that our attack will be more effective and can give full play to the subjective initiative of each soldier.

In terms of staffing, try to arrange an old soldier, a young soldier and one or two new recruits among three or four soldiers,"

Yao Fan quickly took a sip of the waterway: "At present, everyone must first master the four groups and one team, the three-three system principles and the three fierce tactics. I will talk about the rest of the tactical ideas later. Everyone should carefully study and study the manual I sent to you, quickly master the correct and advanced infantry tactics, and strive to become a qualified excellent officer as soon as possible!"

How far-reaching the significance of this lesson is, Yao Fan does not know for the time being, but he has every reason to believe that since Comrade * can use these tactics to sweep thousands of troops, defeat them, and bring out a division of tigers and wolves, these tactics are enough to fight any army in the world in this era. Yu's. What Yao Fan has to do now is to constantly test it and constantly improve it in practice.

"Chairman, you are amazing! Every time I listen to your lecture, I can learn a lot of truth!" Li Hainiu worshipped Yao Fan very much. Although he was much older than Yao Fan, he admired Yao Fan with all his heart.

Li Jun's eyes almost came out: "Chairman! I think what you said is really reasonable. I think, I will immediately arrange the team to be organized according to this method.

Yao Fan said, "At present, we have 20 people in one platoon. Once we master the tactics of scattered soldiers in the future, only 12 people in one platoon are enough, which happens to be four three-person groups."

Zhou asked eagerly, "Chairman, when shall we beat Jiang Shan?"

"Depart tonight, walk 30 kilometers at night, and catch him off guard early tomorrow morning!" Yao Fandao.

Liu Jinbao clapped his hands and shouted, "Okay! Just like playing Jimo! As soon as it was dawn, Chen Huilong, the general of Dengzhou, must not have thought that we would come to the surprise attack at night!"

He Shicheng seemed to be used to the status of the garrison camp. Knowing that he still did not have his own five battalions to participate in the battle this time, he asked Yao Fan, "Chairman, what about the prisoners this time? I took a look. These 52 people are all Mongolian tartars. What else should I do? According to me, it's all happy to kill.

Yao Fan scolded him, "He Shicheng, don't bring feudal ideas to the revolutionary army. Mongolian compatriots are iron Chinese. Our revolutionary army was established to liberate the Chinese people, so as long as it is Chinese, it is the mass base of our revolutionary army."

Yao Fan said, "Comrades! Let me reiterate!

I said in the military ideological and political class that there are three principles of our political work:

The first article is that officers and soldiers are consistent, that is, to eliminate feudalism in the army, abolish the system of beating, scolding and corporal punishment of soldiers, and officers and soldiers should restrain each other with discipline! We share joys and sorrows! Unite!

As the saying goes: 'Generals, wisdom, faith, benevolence, courage and strictness'. The benevolence and strict discipline between officers and soldiers are the source of brave and tenacious strength of the army!

The second is the unity between the military and the people, which is the discipline of the military and civilian family that Qiu has not committed! We should publicize, organize and arm the people, reduce the economic burden of the people, and fight against feudal landlords and local tyrants and evil gentry, so as to achieve military-civilian unity! Together! In this way, you can be welcomed by the people wherever you go!

Byeyun: 'Taoist, make the people agree with the superiors', in fact, that's what it means.

The third rule is to adhere to the principle of disintegration of the enemy and leniency of prisoners! Our victory depends not only on the battle of our army, but also on the collapse of the enemy.

He Shicheng hurriedly said, "Yes! Chairman, I was wrong! I will treat these prisoners well."

Yao Fan took the title and said: "Comrade He Shicheng, revolution is not spoken verbally. We should make a revolution from the depths of our souls and put ideological education and frequent self-criticism in important ideological work positions. We should not only receive ideological education, but also carry out ideological education for the masses, which includes Captive!

Mastering ideological education is the central link of uniting the whole army and the national revolutionary people to carry out greatness. If this task is not solved, all the political tasks of the revolution cannot be completed.

Of the eight military principles I mentioned before, Article 7 requires that prisoners be armed. Without ideological education, there will be no transformation of prisoners!"

He Shicheng said, "Yes! I will carry out a profound ideological education for these prisoners according to the prisoner ideological education manual issued by the chairman! Strive for them to join our revolutionary team!"

Yao Fan nodded with satisfaction and said, "We must correct our attitude in ideological work. Respecting these enemy prisoners is the fundamental attitude we should take. We must pay close attention to the class struggle at the ideological level and put the class struggle in the first place of ideological transformation and education!

We must realize that the work of ideological transformation requires long-term, patient and meticulous work. We can't try to take a few classes and hold a few meetings to change the ideology formed in decades of life. If we want others to be convinced, we can only persuade, not suppress them. The result of subseverance is always unconvinced.

For these prisoners, after ideological education, we should respect their own wishes and let them go. Even if they come again in the future, we can still capture them again. If you can't be captured once, you will be captured twice. If you can't be captured twice, you will be captured seven or eight times. You have to convince them to join voluntarily. Never force them.

Wang Gui served as the record of the meeting. The pen in his hand kept recording Yao Fan's speech, thinking to himself, "The chairman's mind is really amazing! Isn't that how Zhuge Liang captured Meng Huo?